Excellent, Most Excellent! Fearless President Trump Plans To Deploy 150+ Federal Agents To Chicago To Battle Violence

And what the beauty part of this move is the black Beetlejuice looking mayor won't be able to do anything about it. She has failed her city on epic proportions. The violence must be neutralized. President Trump is doing his constitutional duty to protect the citizens and federal property from domestic enemies of the state.


trump and his thugs are violating their oaths of office. This is NOT part of his "constitutional duty." It is in direct opposition to it. State and local authorities MUST at least be given the names of trump's thugs, and they MUST be required to be in uniform, their ID prominently displayed, and a list of their names be given to the major and the governor. If you think that these shenanigans are okay, explain why these people are hiding.

This will be in court forever, and it will be very interesting to hear the people who arrested or kidnapped each person off the street testify, especially the one who attacked the Navy vet, and see the arrest reports for each one taken into custody. Each arrest report has to be signed by the arresting officer. The guy who attacked the Navy vet should be quite interesting. All of this has to happen. Incidentally, where are all the people who were detained in unmarked rental vans? They have to be produced. Where were they taken? How many are there? Were they Marandized? They each have the right to confront their accuser.
And what the beauty part of this move is the black Beetlejuice looking mayor won't be able to do anything about it. She has failed her city on epic proportions. The violence must be neutralized. President Trump is doing his constitutional duty to protect the citizens and federal property from domestic enemies of the state.


trump and his thugs are violating their oaths of office. This is NOT part of his "constitutional duty." It is in direct opposition to it. State and local authorities MUST at least be given the names of trump's thugs, and they MUST be required to be in uniform, their ID prominently displayed, and a list of their names be given to the major and the governor. If you think that these shenanigans are okay, explain why these people are hiding.

This will be in court forever, and it will be very interesting to hear the people who arrested or kidnapped each person off the street testify, especially the one who attacked the Navy vet, and see the arrest reports for each one taken into custody. Each arrest report has to be signed by the arresting officer. The guy who attacked the Navy vet should be quite interesting. All of this has to happen. Incidentally, where are all the people who were detained in unmarked rental vans? They have to be produced. Where were they taken? How many are there? Were they Marandized? They each have the right to confront their accuser.
Trump's oath is this:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and ...

These enemies or DOMESTIC anarchists can be detained, questioned, and released without being arrested. Trump's executive order is FINAL. Read it!
And what the beauty part of this move is the black Beetlejuice looking mayor won't be able to do anything about it. She has failed her city on epic proportions. The violence must be neutralized. President Trump is doing his constitutional duty to protect the citizens and federal property from domestic enemies of the state.

Great. Here comes the secret police with no name tags, in camouflaged riot gear , no uniform organization ID on uniform in unmarked SUVs. Welcome to the trump version of Nazi Germany. Guess DHS is America's Secret police.

As opposed to the masked anonymous thugs burning buildings down in the name of “black lives matter”.

Domestic terrorists should be dealt with by Federal agents and even military troops if needed. Especially when local Democrats abandon their oaths and refuse to enforce the law.
No, exactly like the masked anonymous thugs burning down buildings. As a weapons carrier, I recommend stay away from protests or even in the area where protesters are and have a plan for keeping your eyes on a swivel aware of people and surroundings. I will not be grabbed or assaulted by any dumb ass thug protestors. At the same time, I will not be assaulted by unidentified assholes, just because they have camo and equipment. I can walk out of the house full camo and equipped any time I want, but it would not make me a valid law enforcement officer and I would never do it. At the same time, I am not going to be approach by unidentified camo cowboys without my hand on my weapon and ordering that they state their intent. The secret police is the secret police, no matter what century or country. You have the right to self protect from unidentified thugs, else anybody that can shop on the internet or at a surplus store can do anything they choose with you or to you at will. I have been on juries, three times. If a citizen is facing charges of resisting or shooting an unidentified assailant, makes it to trial and I am on the jury, he walks. Of course the secret police might just plan better the next time and gun him down as when you operate in secret you are unaccountable, but heck nobody lives forever.

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