Excerpt from Rage says McConnell worked behind the scenes to keep Biden from calling trump, after the trump loss


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Of course! McConnell may be a lot of things, many of which I do not like, but he is not stupid. He knew that trump, while still in the WH, was capable of anything if he became agitated. A call from Biden may have sent him over the edge. The former guy has not changed. He is still unhinged and a bald face liar, But he is not in the White House anymore. He can only cause so much chaos from a golf course.

Of course! McConnell may be a lot of things, many of which I do not like, but he is not stupid. He knew that trump, while still in the WH, was capable of anything if he became agitated. A call from Biden may have sent him over the edge. The former guy has not changed. He is still unhinged and a bald face liar, But he is not in the White House anymore. He can only cause so much chaos from a golf course.

Experts believe TDS leaves a permanent mark.

Of course! McConnell may be a lot of things, many of which I do not like, but he is not stupid. He knew that trump, while still in the WH, was capable of anything if he became agitated. A call from Biden may have sent him over the edge. The former guy has not changed. He is still unhinged and a bald face liar, But he is not in the White House anymore. He can only cause so much chaos from a golf course.
Yeah, while Biden has respect for the office, he was well aware that the former guy had soiled the entire election process. There was/is no reason to communicate with a person like this, in any way.

The other former Presidents respect the office and love our country, so he can just talk with them.
Experts believe TDS leaves a permanent mark.

Yes, it does

Why don't you read the article? Trump is mentally ill. There was a real danger he might attack Iran on his way out.

Ah, believe me, he was going to do something, I swear he was going to.

ILMAO @ attack Iran. He was the only POTUS since Hoover not to get involved in war, but he sure cleaned-up after the O'bummer/Xiden admin., am I right?
Ah, believe me, he was going to do something, I swear he was going to.

ILMAO @ attack Iran. He was the only POTUS since Hoover not to get involved in war, but he sure cleaned-up after the O'bummer/Xiden admin., am I right?

Trump hi jacked 4 Iranian oil tankers and stole their oil in 2020.
Read the article..

Trump has also been diagnosed with Malignant Narcissism.
Is Malignant Narcissism even a thing? :laughing0301: What Doctor diagnosed him?
If you had as much money as he you would be narcisstic also.
Just like Beto, Zuckerberg, and Gates, they all are.
But you're concerned with the one that isn't a leftard.
Trump reduced troops size from 13,000 to 2500 and left the equipment.
Keep posting your delusional LIES ....

There is a reason why you never post any links to back up your LIES.

No normal thinking person believes anything you psycho Leftist post.
Please, by all means, source your fact that Trump was Mentally ill. There hasn't been one Psychiatrist
to state what you just did. By the way, TDS does not stand as proof.


And countless experts have already done so: They have commented on Trump’s alleged paranoid, sadistic, and psychopathic tendencies; diagnosed him with narcissistic personality disorder; and suggested he might suffer from neurological conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Naturally, many have questioned his fitness to serve as the President of the United States.

Over 70,000 health professionals even signed a petition, saying “Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States.”

And a book written by over two dozen mental health experts also argued that Trump, whether due to his personality or mental health issues, is not fit to be the president.

Of course! McConnell may be a lot of things, many of which I do not like, but he is not stupid. He knew that trump, while still in the WH, was capable of anything if he became agitated. A call from Biden may have sent him over the edge. The former guy has not changed. He is still unhinged and a bald face liar, But he is not in the White House anymore. He can only cause so much chaos from a golf course.
There is no credible reason to believe any of that is true.

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