Excerpt from Rage says McConnell worked behind the scenes to keep Biden from calling trump, after the trump loss


And countless experts have already done so: They have commented on Trump’s alleged paranoid, sadistic, and psychopathic tendencies; diagnosed him with narcissistic personality disorder; and suggested he might suffer from neurological conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Naturally, many have questioned his fitness to serve as the President of the United States.

Over 70,000 health professionals even signed a petition, saying “Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States.”

And a book written by over two dozen mental health experts also argued that Trump, whether due to his personality or mental health issues, is not fit to be the president.
Countless experts?

For the love of God, just stop with your nonsense.
Insane has to meet certain requirements, not just opinions. Three people at a table voting on who's insane and who's not.
That's very scientific isn't it? Now just quit embarrassing yourself.

Read the article.
The mentally ill are those claiming everyone must take a vaccine that does not work.
Where do you get the stupid idea that the vaccine does not work? I am living proof that it does!

If your definition of work is for the vaccine to prevent COVID -19 from ever impacting your health, you might be right. However, vaccinated people have much less me symptoms, and hospitalizations than those who are not vaccinated.

My doctors told me that if I got COVID, I would almost certainly die because of my other health issues. . About 15 months later, I took the J&J shot on their advice. In September, I came down with COVID. My symptoms were mild and the Regeneron made it no worse than the common cold.

My wife got it from me. She missed 2 days work from home because her symptoms were so slight and we had to go 40 miles to get the Regeneron for her. The vaccines work. They don't prevent it, but it sure helps.
“Trump refused to accept the results of the election, despite no evidence of mass fraud or major irregularities. He has repeatedly and baselessly claimed that Biden stole the election from him. His false claims helped spark the deadly January 6 insurrection.” ibid

And conservatives continue to propagate the same idiotic lies.
“Trump refused to accept the results of the election, despite no evidence of mass fraud or major irregularities. He has repeatedly and baselessly claimed that Biden stole the election from him. His false claims helped spark the deadly January 6 insurrection.” ibid

And conservatives continue to propagate the same idiotic lies.

Maybe in their world gaslighting is normal.
Maybe in their world gaslighting is normal.

Why don't you read the article? Trump is mentally ill. There was a real danger he might attack Iran on his way out.

The article is a lie. Just like all of the other bullshit stories you idiots have trotted out.
An excerpt from "Rage" (the book) is based on hearsay from the usual anonymous unverified sources. Are we going to listen to this crap for the next four years while doddering old Joe turns the U.S. into a 3rd world country?

Of course! McConnell may be a lot of things, many of which I do not like, but he is not stupid. He knew that trump, while still in the WH, was capable of anything if he became agitated. A call from 6Biden may have sent him over the edge. The former guy has not changed. He is still unhinged and a bald face liar, But he is not in the White House anymore. He can only cause so much chaos from a golf course.
Are you snowflakes still pushing the 'Trump was / is crazy' lie?

Unlike Joe, he took a mental acuity test and was declared sharp, clear, intelligent - also unlike Joe.

BTW, when is Joe going to take his mental acuity test? :p

It is funny how snowflakes who literally screamed at the sky when Hillary lost are calling Trump mentally unbalanced....



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Yeah a 2 x divorced 3x married guy cheating on all hanging with prostitutes acting like a bully in the WH ,kiss his ass or you're fired, is mentally stable? Bankrupt 6 times or was it 7 ? Cheating everyone he did business with Yeah he's just what you scum like
“Trump refused to accept the results of the election, despite no evidence of mass fraud or major irregularities. He has repeatedly and baselessly claimed that Biden stole the election from him. His false claims helped spark the deadly January 6 insurrection.” ibid

And conservatives continue to propagate the same idiotic lies.
Are you snowflakes still pushing the 'Trump was / is crazy' lie?

Unlike Joe, he took a mental acuity test and was declared sharp, clear, intelligent - also unlike Joe.

BTW, when is Joe going to take his mental acuity test? :p

It is funny how snowflakes who literally screamed at the sky when Hillary lost are calling Trump mentally unbalanced....

That test that made everyone fall to the floor laughing?
That test that made everyone fall to the floor laughing?
No, the facts that left snowflakes speechless and which makes them shake in fear when it (mental acuity test) is mentioned in the same breath with Joe Biden.

After having your conspiracy theory debunked with fact, yiurs was a pathetic response...
No, the facts that left snowflakes speechless and which makes them shake in fear when it is mentioned in the same breath with Joe Biden.

After having your conspiracy theory debunked with fact, yiurs was a pathetic response...
For at least the third time this month, President Donald Trump has bragged about the results of a cognitive test he took as part of a physical exam in 2018 but now says he took "less than a year ago."

“Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV,” Trump said in recalling one of the memory-related questions on the test in an interview with Dr. Marc Siegel, a physician and Fox News contributor, that aired Wednesday.

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