EXCLUSIVE: High-Ranking Chinese Defector Has 'Direct Knowledge' of Several Chinese Special Weapons Programs

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
RedState ^

A person believed to be among the highest-ranking defectors ever to the United States from the People’s Republic of China has been working with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for months, sources inside the intelligence community have told RedState on condition of anonymity. The defector has direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs, those sources say.

The information provided to RedState corroborates and clarifies Thursday evening’s reporting by journalist Adam Housley.

RedState’s sources say that’s partially true. FBI Director Christopher Wray was “ambushed” with the information, they say, and Langley was also unaware. Sources say DIA leadership kept the defector within their Clandestine Services network to prevent Langley and the State Department from accessing the person, whose existence was kept from other agencies because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.

Sources tell RedState the defector has been with the DIA for three months and that he has provided an extensive, technically detailed debrief to US officials. In DIA’s assessment, the information provided by the defector is legitimate. Sources say the level of confidence in the defector’s information is what has led to a sudden crisis of confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci, adding that U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) personnel detailed to DIA have corroborated very technical details of information provided by the defector.


The LEFT and the media simple adored lt. Col. Vindman....shall this guy get the same treatment....ROTFLMFAO
If you wanted to move from China to the US (a perfectly legal thing to do) and you wanted a free penthouse in NY and a lifelong government paycheck ... you had better claim to know a lot of secrets.
RedState ^

A person believed to be among the highest-ranking defectors ever to the United States from the People’s Republic of China has been working with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for months, sources inside the intelligence community have told RedState on condition of anonymity. The defector has direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs, those sources say.

The information provided to RedState corroborates and clarifies Thursday evening’s reporting by journalist Adam Housley.

RedState’s sources say that’s partially true. FBI Director Christopher Wray was “ambushed” with the information, they say, and Langley was also unaware. Sources say DIA leadership kept the defector within their Clandestine Services network to prevent Langley and the State Department from accessing the person, whose existence was kept from other agencies because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.

Sources tell RedState the defector has been with the DIA for three months and that he has provided an extensive, technically detailed debrief to US officials. In DIA’s assessment, the information provided by the defector is legitimate. Sources say the level of confidence in the defector’s information is what has led to a sudden crisis of confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci, adding that U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) personnel detailed to DIA have corroborated very technical details of information provided by the defector.


The LEFT and the media simple adored lt. Col. Vindman....shall this guy get the same treatment....ROTFLMFAO
Is RedState a blog? The China traitor could be a spy distributing misinformation.
Massive story, picked up by lots of news outlets, ignored by American MSM. I don't think you'll see this person in front of a congressional hearing anytime soon. Must be a lot of folks shitting themselves about now.
RedState ^

A person believed to be among the highest-ranking defectors ever to the United States from the People’s Republic of China has been working with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for months, sources inside the intelligence community have told RedState on condition of anonymity. The defector has direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs, those sources say.

The information provided to RedState corroborates and clarifies Thursday evening’s reporting by journalist Adam Housley.

RedState’s sources say that’s partially true. FBI Director Christopher Wray was “ambushed” with the information, they say, and Langley was also unaware. Sources say DIA leadership kept the defector within their Clandestine Services network to prevent Langley and the State Department from accessing the person, whose existence was kept from other agencies because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.

Sources tell RedState the defector has been with the DIA for three months and that he has provided an extensive, technically detailed debrief to US officials. In DIA’s assessment, the information provided by the defector is legitimate. Sources say the level of confidence in the defector’s information is what has led to a sudden crisis of confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci, adding that U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) personnel detailed to DIA have corroborated very technical details of information provided by the defector.


The LEFT and the media simple adored lt. Col. Vindman....shall this guy get the same treatment....ROTFLMFAO
Dr. Li-Meng Yan defected with this information over a year ago....Anyone paying attention already knew that this was a gain of function experiment that escaped the lab.
Massive story, picked up by lots of news outlets, ignored by American MSM. I don't think you'll see this person in front of a congressional hearing anytime soon. Must be a lot of folks shitting themselves about now.
I hope they do everything they can to protect him. If this guy is legit, you can bet the CCP will have a hit squad out for him. Hell they were tossing nurses off of buildings who blew the whistle on the early Covid cases.
The Chinese are smart. They've bribed half of our nation's leadership along with countless government officials. You know it's bad when the DIA doesn't trust the director of the FBI.

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