EXCLUSIVE: Humper Biden is ordered to show up at Arkansas court next week and show why he shouldn't

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
...... be held in contempt for not turning over his financial records in child support case!!!

Hunter Biden has been ordered to show up at court in Arkansas where he'll have to show why he shouldn't be held in contempt for not turning over his financial records, according to newly filed court papers obtained by DailyMail.com.

Judge Holly Meyer ordered the businessman on Tuesday to show his face in the Independence County court room next Wednesday at 9.30am, or face being held in contempt of court.

Biden, 49, has been fighting against traveling to Arkansas from LA for the past few weeks, claiming he has had too short of notice to make the trip. He is being sued by his baby mama Lunden Roberts for child support for their 17-month-old child.

Roberts, 28, who met Biden while working as a stripper in Washington D.C., has repeatedly demanded that her former lover turn over the past five years of his financial records to establish how much he should cough up for their child.

But Biden has allegedly only turned over some of the information and Judge Meyer wants him to appear in court and explain himself.

(Excerpt) Read more at -dailymail-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org ...

No wonder the IRS is investigating the Humpster For up to a billion dollars he may have been hiding ...OR passing on to others as we have found out this is what a DEMONRAT BAG MAN does!
I can certainly understand why he won't turn over his financials...under penalty for perjury.

Talk about a dilemma.
There's an endless supply of shit-eating lowlifes in the marxist Dim cult, but I'd love to see this particular one go down, so to speak. Crying for daddy to rub his leg hair while being sodomized by hardened inmates (pun intended) seems like the perfect ending for this crackhead degenerate.

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