EXCLUSIVE Hunter Biden’s ‘baby mama’ Lunden Roberts was stripper at club he frequented

In a liberal world according to the Trump syndrome. He is guilty till he proves his innocence.
He can't. He was invited to testify in his own impeachment trial. He's a liar so he won't show up. The evidence is in. We have Trump telling others to talk to Rudy about Ukraine and Trump said he didn't send Rudy to talk to people in Ukraine. He got caught lying.

No impeachment trial has even been scheduled yet. Trump was invited to speak in front of a leftard committee.
They're the majority. Take it or leave it.
We will take it, what you loons are doing is assuring Trump to win next year. Also no Democrat in the Senate can campaign while this debacle is going on.
If you take it, then Trump shows up with counter evidence. He won't because none exist. You are like the chicken with the head cut off saying absolutely nothing as always.

I’ll type slowly so maybe even a brain dead moron like you can understand. But I doubt it. Trump needs no counter evidence dipshit. You don’t have any evidence to counter anyway. Just “I feel” and “I presumed”. Neither of which are admissible. Trump rolls to re- election, you cry, and no woman will touch you.
He can't. He was invited to testify in his own impeachment trial. He's a liar so he won't show up. The evidence is in. We have Trump telling others to talk to Rudy about Ukraine and Trump said he didn't send Rudy to talk to people in Ukraine. He got caught lying.

No impeachment trial has even been scheduled yet. Trump was invited to speak in front of a leftard committee.
They're the majority. Take it or leave it.
We will take it, what you loons are doing is assuring Trump to win next year. Also no Democrat in the Senate can campaign while this debacle is going on.
If you take it, then Trump shows up with counter evidence. He won't because none exist. You are like the chicken with the head cut off saying absolutely nothing as always.

I’ll type slowly so maybe even a brain dead moron like you can understand. But I doubt it. Trump needs no counter evidence dipshit. You don’t have any evidence to counter anyway. Just “I feel” and “I presumed”. Neither of which are admissible. Trump rolls to re- election, you cry, and no woman will touch you.
If you honestly believe Trump withheld military funding to Ukraine in order to "get dirt on Joe Biden", then you belong in a straight-jacket next to Adam Schiff.
Why do you think he wouldn’t?
Because Biden's not the strongest candidate and Trump would love for him to be the nominee.

Biden IS the strongest candidate and continues to lead in the polls. Of the top Dem candidates he is the only centrist, the others are much further to the left and less likely to appeal to independents or disenchanted Trump voters. Trump would love an opponent like Warren or Bernie.

CNN 2020 election poll: Biden leads nationally as Buttigieg rises - CNNPolitics

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

Why did he mention the Bidens?
Giuliani is the one who discovered the Biden's corruption inadvertantly while investigating Crowdstrike and the 2016 election meddling ( which is not a 'conspiracy theory' as Schiiff and others claim)

First of all no Biden corruption has been uncovered (yet), second, the claime that Ukraine not Russia, meddled in our election is a blatant contradiction of the conclusions drawn by all our intelligence agencies, our military intelligence, and that of other nations also targeted by Russia. It isn’t Schiff claiming it is a conspiracy theory, it is Schiff repeating what those in the know have concluded.

Meanwhile why did Trump single out Biden...and apparently, he didn’t even want an investigation, just a public announcement of an investigation, of the Biden’s specifically (they wrote up the announcement verbiage). Why?

Why does he continue to attack a private citizen?
Trump has been treated worse than a terrorist by 90% of the MSM and he doesn't have a right to defend himself ?

Hunter Trump is a private citizen. So is Joe Biden. He isn’t the MSM.

What has Hunter done to Trump that needs defense?

That completely begs the question of why the most powerful man in the world is so thin skinned he needs to beat up the little guys. Or why Bush and Obama, both bashed by horrible media attacks (yes, Fox is MSM) behaved far more presidentially.

Is this normal and acceptable presidential behavior?
Nothing Trump does is considered 'acceptable' behavior to you haters.

No. Untrue. There are standards of conduct we expect of our elected officials and most especially our presidents. Those standards apply even in the face of ideological differences.

Is Trumps behavior acceptable to you? You dodge answering this and other questions.

What I keep seeing is a cult of victimhood...Trump is a victim of all those who hate him. This excuses every altercation, punch down, lie, and attack. He is not responsible for his behavior. His “haters” are. It is all their fault.
And she ended up paying Trump! Trump is the man!
And Trump is implicated in campaign finance crimes because of her and Mcdougal. He will be indicted after he loses.
Already debunked and that fake impeachment crap, just got Trump reelected.
You aren't producing any counter arguments. You're a loser.
I'm glad you loons are doing this impeachment fiasco. You do realize the republicans are in charge of the time a handful of your presidential candidates can campaign? Never said liberals were smart.
A loser who never says, debates, proves, or tells the truth is destined to always be a loser. It's just the way it is.

Yet you continue doing that.
Wrong! There is no evidence of that. Trump said he wanted nothing after he got caught. Your post is so stupid and baseless.

Actually, President Trump testified that he wanted to run against Sleepy Joe in 2020 because Vice President Biden is so mentally deficient and he likes to compete against the mentally deficient. If Ukraine investigates Bite Me, it decreases the chance the Democrats would nominate him at all- going against Trump's best interests.
Trump's a liar. Everyone knows that. All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Trump is very honest, compared to Obama or dodging sniper fire Hillary.
Not according to the facts presented. And your failure to provide counter arguments just proves what a loser you are.

Counter arguments-
You keep using that term.
I dont think that it means what you think that it means.
Lol! You really are as stupid as you what you type.
Lol! You really are as stupid as you what you type.
I guess you're a felon, got it.
You need to attend classes on critical thinking. Your posts border on retarded. Seriously!
You see I defend Trump and will vote for him next November.
Of course you will.

Most voters not living in NYC or LA County will.
The same as last time.
Everything about Hunter, Joe, Burisma is likely false..... I say this because of who Giuliani got all of this DIRT from...

They are all crooks...

The two goons arrested here...

Oligarch Firtash who the USA is trying to extradite here for all his money laundering crimes....including stealing our aid money and others to the Ukraine. Who Rudy represented, and now Joe DiGenova and Victoria represent him.... And Firtash has ties with the Russian Mafia.

And Shokin, the corrupt prosecutor who would not prosecute the corruption, of whom 2 of his underling prosecutors were caught with piles of diamonds in their homes on a raid, and were fired before Shokin was fired.

And NOTE, the mob connected, money laundering, oligarch Firtash, is the one who arranged for Giuliani to meet Shokin, the corrupt prosecutor, in Geneva I believe, where the goons and Rudy got him to make this affidavit swearing he was fired because he threatened to investigate Hunter/Burisma....


If you search all the Ukrainian news at the time of Shokin's firing, he fought his firing and caused a ruckus refusing at first his resignation and gave his reasons...

NOT ONCE did he mention he was being fired because of Biden's or Burisma.

THIS IS ALL a new excuse, created in Geneva, with Oligarch Firtash, Giuliani, and the two goons.

WOULD YOU ALL really believe the story now fabricated about the Biden's under those circumstances if it were about the TRUMPs?

So uninformed
The woman suing Hunter Biden for paternity was a stripper at a Washington, DC, club he frequented around the time he was dating his brother’s widow, sources told The Post.

Biden was repeatedly seen at the Mpire Club in the capital’s historic Dupont Circle neighborhood — where Lunden Alexis Roberts, the mother of his alleged love child, worked under the stage name “Dallas,” the sources said.

(Excerpt) Read more at pagesix.com ...



Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!!!!!

You get caught and now your father can brag on his grandchild that the unmarried mother was a stripper....You just can't make this shit up!!!


My America if you make me your President
Hunter dated his brother's widow ??
That's even more f'ed up than the headline.

Where have you been?
That's not even news
We do have Sleepy Joe on video bragging about how he got the Ukraine government to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son.
What exactly is wrong with that?

He's bragging in public because HE KNEW HE DID NO WRONG silly.

No where does he say this was done nefariously to help his son.... And if it were, he would not have gone public bragging about it, for self preservation.

The Burisma/Biden story has all been created, MANUFACTURED recently.

So wrong
So uninformed.
We do have Sleepy Joe on video bragging about how he got the Ukraine government to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son.
What exactly is wrong with that?

He's bragging in public because HE KNEW HE DID NO WRONG silly.

No where does he say this was done nefariously to help his son.... And if it were, he would not have gone public bragging about it, for self preservation.

The Burisma/Biden story has all been created, MANUFACTURED recently.
You guys are off the hook hypocrites.
No we are not, your story is manufactured by crooks, and I missed a couple of others involved...

And TRUMPs purpose was to CHEAT and use a foreign gvt, to help him create a controversy on his opponent and political opponents son.

Under testimony Sondland said the Ukraine President just had to make a public announcement on CNN that they reopened an investigation in to Burisma, in order to get his DC meeting and the aid released. AND he testified president Velensky did not actually have to investigate and rid themselves of any of the corruption, but simply make the announcement on CNN in to the Biden's being investigated.

He needed it to be announced on CNN in order for Trump to have and then use at his rallies, against his opponent, just like he used the stolen emails of the DNC and used the Hillary email investigation against her to rile the fans with LOCK HER UP.... it worked.... only 2020's election would be LOCK HIM UP.

THAT is cheating.

1) the Pentagon, was required to investigate the Ukraine for corruption, before sending them our aid.
The Pentagon finish their investigation and gave the All Clear to release the money in June2019.

2) If the President was solely concerned with REAL AND ACTUAL corruption with Crowdstrike and the Biden's, he would have FOLLOWED THE LAW that dictates the procedures to follow between our DOJ and the Ukraine's Prosecutor, AG Barr.... And the investigative arms that the DOJ has to investigate foreign corruption overseas. And done with all protections of a US citizen's rights, and done in secret, like Durham' s investigation in to the origins...And investigators... No leaks from him.

3) The president chose to go the illegal route, with Giuliani, 2 corrupt Ukraine prosecutors, (there is another corrupt prosecutor involved in their scheme not just Shokin), and an Oligarch who is facing felony money laundering charges, and 2 goons facing felonies here that were just charged...

4) His scam worked, even without the announcement cuz he got caught, all the media coverage on it, including his required CNN and kept repeating to the press every time he opened his mouth Biden, Biden's, Biden , Biden's, and FOX did it too....plus Briebart, plus TownHall, plus every right wing rag that exists....

You and others may be too blinded to see all of this and what the Cheater in Chief was doing but most normal people that follows politics, knows CLEAR AS DAY, what went down.

So uninformed.
"Suspected?" :auiqs.jpg:Do you know what that means? It means your post is worth about two shits in a bucket is what it means.
You mean like Russian Collusion and Ukrainian quid pro quo?
Both were proven.

Actually both were disproven.

Mueller investigated Trump for 3 years, found zip, nada, nothing.

Total exoneration.

The President of Ukraine itself has said that there was zero pressure on him or his beloved nation. None whatsoever.

And President Zelensky will be testifying in a Senate trial.
"Suspected?" :auiqs.jpg:Do you know what that means? It means your post is worth about two shits in a bucket is what it means.
You mean like Russian Collusion and Ukrainian quid pro quo?
Both were proven.

Actually both were disproven.

Mueller investigated Trump for 3 years, found zip, nada, nothing.

Total exoneration.

The President of Ukraine itself has said that there was zero pressure on him or his beloved nation. None whatsoever.

And President Zelensky will be testifying in a Senate trial.
According to the report there was not total exhoneration.
"Suspected?" :auiqs.jpg:Do you know what that means? It means your post is worth about two shits in a bucket is what it means.
You mean like Russian Collusion and Ukrainian quid pro quo?
Both were proven.

Actually both were disproven.

Mueller investigated Trump for 3 years, found zip, nada, nothing.

Total exoneration.

The President of Ukraine itself has said that there was zero pressure on him or his beloved nation. None whatsoever.

And President Zelensky will be testifying in a Senate trial.
According to the report there was not total exhoneration.

That's not true.
"Suspected?" :auiqs.jpg:Do you know what that means? It means your post is worth about two shits in a bucket is what it means.
You mean like Russian Collusion and Ukrainian quid pro quo?
Both were proven.

Actually both were disproven.

Mueller investigated Trump for 3 years, found zip, nada, nothing.

Total exoneration.

The President of Ukraine itself has said that there was zero pressure on him or his beloved nation. None whatsoever.

And President Zelensky will be testifying in a Senate trial.
According to the report there was not total exhoneration.

That's not true.

Sure is.
You mean like Russian Collusion and Ukrainian quid pro quo?
Both were proven.

Actually both were disproven.

Mueller investigated Trump for 3 years, found zip, nada, nothing.

Total exoneration.

The President of Ukraine itself has said that there was zero pressure on him or his beloved nation. None whatsoever.

And President Zelensky will be testifying in a Senate trial.
According to the report there was not total exhoneration.

That's not true.

Sure is.

You should have someone read it to you.
Both were proven.

Actually both were disproven.

Mueller investigated Trump for 3 years, found zip, nada, nothing.

Total exoneration.

The President of Ukraine itself has said that there was zero pressure on him or his beloved nation. None whatsoever.

And President Zelensky will be testifying in a Senate trial.
According to the report there was not total exhoneration.

That's not true.

Sure is.

You should have someone read it to you.
You should read it.
Actually both were disproven.

Mueller investigated Trump for 3 years, found zip, nada, nothing.

Total exoneration.

The President of Ukraine itself has said that there was zero pressure on him or his beloved nation. None whatsoever.

And President Zelensky will be testifying in a Senate trial.
According to the report there was not total exhoneration.

That's not true.

Sure is.

You should have someone read it to you.
You should read it.

What you don't know anyone that can read?
Not shocked.

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