EXCLUSIVE: President Ronald Reagan's Biggest Secret: He Packed Heat In His Briefcase

His biggest secret probably went to the grave with him and would ruin his legacy so badly you couldn't polish it back. What that could be I couldn't say but that man had secrets hidden under more secrets.
In other words, you're just talking out your ass again?
Yes, I am but I hear much more implausible theories about Obama here everyday. I am old enough to remember Reagan well, he bore little resemblance to the Godlike figure you people worship. I think it's kind of funny how you people accuse democrats of treating Obama like a messianic figure when the hero worship conservatives have for Reagan outstrips anything else.
Thank you for admitting you're full of shit.
His biggest secret probably went to the grave with him and would ruin his legacy so badly you couldn't polish it back. What that could be I couldn't say but that man had secrets hidden under more secrets.
In other words, you're just talking out your ass again?
Yes, I am but I hear much more implausible theories about Obama here everyday. I am old enough to remember Reagan well, he bore little resemblance to the Godlike figure you people worship. I think it's kind of funny how you people accuse democrats of treating Obama like a messianic figure when the hero worship conservatives have for Reagan outstrips anything else.
Thank you for admitting you're full of shit.
Typical you gloss over the shit we do know to see Reagan as much more than he ever was. Damn that patented conservative legacy polish works wonders! Even turns the most reckless spender in our lifetimes into a fiscal conservative.
Just when you couldn't think any better of President Ronald Reagan, a true Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen. (Especially in comparison to the current constitutionally ineligible occupant...)

President Ronald Reagan packed heat in his briefcase - NY Daily News

Anyone born in the US is a natural born citizen.
Wrong. You spit on the founders original intent and support Article 2 being subverted.

Says you. Yet we've already discussed this and you've already ran. Like.....maybe a dozen times now.

The only plausible source (and by far most likely) source of the meaning of 'natural born' for the founders....was British Common law. Most of the framers were lawyers, with all of them having been trained in the British legal tradition. So of course British common law would be their basis. Vattel's law of nation's didn't even mention 'natural born' until about a decade after the constitution was already written. Eliminating it as even a possibility.

And British Common law recognized place of birth as determining natural born status. As the USSC noted in Wong Kim Ark.

Your 'US parents' definition was contradicted by the founders themselves in the Naturalization Act of 1790.....where they recognized that those born to US citizens abroad "shall be considered as natural born citizens". If parentage were the ONLY way natural born status could be conferred, why in the fuck would the founders have found it necessary to extend recognition to those born to US parents? And why would they use the words ''shall be considered as"?

Simple: place of birth was the baseline for natural born status. Which is why those not born in the US had to have natural born status extended to them by force of law. And were merely 'considered as' natural born per the founders.

An explicit contradiction of your assumptions.

Sorry, StormFront.....but you have no idea what you're talking about. Which is why you abandon every thread you're challenged in on your bullshit. As your bullshit doesn't hold up. And we both know it.
His biggest secret probably went to the grave with him and would ruin his legacy so badly you couldn't polish it back. What that could be I couldn't say but that man had secrets hidden under more secrets.
In other words, you're just talking out your ass again?
Yes, I am but I hear much more implausible theories about Obama here everyday. I am old enough to remember Reagan well, he bore little resemblance to the Godlike figure you people worship. I think it's kind of funny how you people accuse democrats of treating Obama like a messianic figure when the hero worship conservatives have for Reagan outstrips anything else.
Thank you for admitting you're full of shit.
Typical you gloss over the shit we do know to see Reagan as much more than he ever was. Damn that patented conservative legacy polish works wonders! Even turns the most reckless spender in our lifetimes into a fiscal conservative.
The president can't spend a dime, Congress has to approve it first. Reagan had a Democratic Congress through most of his presidency. If you were so aware back then, you also know that Congress refused to cut spending after publicly committing to doing so.

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