Exclusive -Truth Social kept afloat by dodgy Russian money provided thru an off shore bank that usually finances the porn industry

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

Postolnikov, the nephew of Aleksandr Smirnov, an ally of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has not been charged with a crime. In response to an email to Postolnikov seeking comment, a lawyer in Dominica representing Paxum Bank warned of legal action for reporting the contents of the leaked documents.

Obviously there is nothing to see here. This "loan" creates no obligation on Trump at all.
America has dodged a bullet here. A less honest man would be a target for Putins blackmail.

I do wonder if "Truth" users might find themselves compromised by the Russian troll farms. The people who finance the company.

I wonder if he met Stormy through his relationship with Porno Bank ? Maybe she was a part of the deal ? Who can say .

Maybe Mr Trump might want to open up his books to see who he is beholden to before the election ?

Postolnikov, the nephew of Aleksandr Smirnov, an ally of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has not been charged with a crime. In response to an email to Postolnikov seeking comment, a lawyer in Dominica representing Paxum Bank warned of legal action for reporting the contents of the leaked documents.

Obviously there is nothing to see here. This "loan" creates no obligation on Trump at all.
America has dodged a bullet here. A less honest man would be a target for Putins blackmail.

I do wonder if "Truth" users might find themselves compromised by the Russian troll farms. The people who finance the company.

I wonder if he met Stormy through his relationship with Porno Bank ? Maybe she was a part of the deal ? Who can say .

Maybe Mr Trump might want to open up his books to see who he is beholden to before the election ?
trump will open his perfect books for public display in about 2 weels.
trump will open his perfect books for public display in about 2 weels.
On one level this is hilarious. But FFS.Who knows what mob connections he has?
The bigger picture is that some souls look up to him. What sort of unbringing did they have ?
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If true Tommy then it's logical that Russia or an individual Russia would want to help Trump. I think that a lot of Americans would privately condone such help.

Much of the antiwar sentiments are masked in America and in Britain too, due to it being fashionable to hate Russians and Putin.
Not much in the the left wing "Guardian" about illegal aliens who rape and murder American citizens but a "Russian American" is suspect in a convoluted connection to a media source that supports Trump. What about Soros tax exempt Media Matters that monitors (only) conservative speech?
Not much in the the left wing "Guardian" about illegal aliens who rape and murder American citizens but a "Russian American" is suspect in a convoluted connection to a media source that supports Trump. What about Soros tax exempt Media Matters that monitors (only) conservative speech?
Conservatism is where the threat to public order is. National security is at risk.

Postolnikov, the nephew of Aleksandr Smirnov, an ally of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has not been charged with a crime. In response to an email to Postolnikov seeking comment, a lawyer in Dominica representing Paxum Bank warned of legal action for reporting the contents of the leaked documents.

Obviously there is nothing to see here. This "loan" creates no obligation on Trump at all.
America has dodged a bullet here. A less honest man would be a target for Putins blackmail.

I do wonder if "Truth" users might find themselves compromised by the Russian troll farms. The people who finance the company.

I wonder if he met Stormy through his relationship with Porno Bank ? Maybe she was a part of the deal ? Who can say .

Maybe Mr Trump might want to open up his books to see who he is beholden to before the election ?

The anti-sex left is at it again.

Now Tommy Tainant, it's once again time for you to clutch your pearls and catch the vapors over Melania Trump's decades-old nude photos.

Maybe I sneered too much about the Paxum Bank ?

It is actually registered in Dominica so it must be legit and not dodgy in any way.

So the great man banks with the people who gave us classics like+

Big Tit MILF Fucks Sepson while Husband is in the Shower

He has a keen interest in the porn oeuvre as we will find out in the coming weeks. Perhaps his new friends can help him produce a film to promote his candidacy ?
Tommy you might have missed this detail ?

a lawyer in Dominica representing Paxum Bank warned of legal action for reporting the contents of the leaked documents.

These porn merchants exist entirely on the protection of the first amendment Yet they ssek to obstruct fair reporting of their dirty deals involving russian "friends of Putin". That is obtuse.

Of course Russian "friends of putin" are not familiar with free expression or of freedom of the press.

They have robust strategiess to deal with these problems.
So maybe a threat of litigation is on the lower scale of what real journos can expect when investigaing trumps arrangements with a russian porn bank.

Its not a problem the enterrtainer Tucker faced when he flew to Moscow to suck Putins cock.

But he is a circus act not a journalist.
An offshore account from by crypto scammer Bankman Fried helped finance Biden's campaign and mostly democrats to the tune of several million dollars but it's doubtful that Biden will return the money to mom and pop investors who were defrauded.
Not much in the the left wing "Guardian" about illegal aliens who rape and murder American citizens but a "Russian American" is suspect in a convoluted connection to a media source that supports Trump. What about Soros tax exempt Media Matters that monitors (only) conservative speech?

the guardian does not seem to share your hysteria about
illegal aliens who rape and murder American citizens
must every bews story on unrelated subje4cts include references to your current "outrage du jour?"

Postolnikov, the nephew of Aleksandr Smirnov, an ally of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has not been charged with a crime. In response to an email to Postolnikov seeking comment, a lawyer in Dominica representing Paxum Bank warned of legal action for reporting the contents of the leaked documents.

Obviously there is nothing to see here. This "loan" creates no obligation on Trump at all.
America has dodged a bullet here. A less honest man would be a target for Putins blackmail.

I do wonder if "Truth" users might find themselves compromised by the Russian troll farms. The people who finance the company.

I wonder if he met Stormy through his relationship with Porno Bank ? Maybe she was a part of the deal ? Who can say .

Maybe Mr Trump might want to open up his books to see who he is beholden to before the election ?
Are you worried the porn industry is going to lose money?

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