EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Attorney Weiss Colluded With DOJ To Thwart Congressional Questioning, Emails Show

Or misspoke, or was misunderstood.

You know, normal things that happen.
And "misspoke" is another term for not telling the truth. Used by liars to excuse what they did! So you're saying it was Weiss that was the liar?
That's not the question at hand, Marener. We're trying to figure out which person lied, Merrick Garland (under oath!) or David Weiss when he told those six witnesses that he had requested Special Counsel status and was denied.
Merrick Garland and Weiss are consistent with each other in their public statements. Merrick Garland's statement doesn't say exactly what Republicans are claiming it says, which is expected since Republicans are super anxious to make this into a scandal.

Anyway, your claim that their testimony is that he requested special counsel status AFTER he was denied in California and DC has been shown to be inaccurate.

I can see a situation where Weiss told them he couldn't get special counsel status until after he had been denied by other US attorneys in other districts, and they may have misinterpreted that as being denied special counsel status. Or he just misspoke.
And "misspoke" is another term for not telling the truth. Used by liars to excuse what they did! So you're saying it was Weiss that was the liar?
I guess you can say it's not "telling the truth" but we all accept that misspeaking is something that happens every so often. It's not a lie. Nobody is perfect.
Merrick Garland and Weiss are consistent with each other in their public statements. Merrick Garland's statement doesn't say exactly what Republicans are claiming it says, which is expected since Republicans are super anxious to make this into a scandal.

Anyway, your claim that their testimony is that he requested special counsel status AFTER he was denied in California and DC has been shown to be inaccurate.

I can see a situation where Weiss told them he couldn't get special counsel status until after he had been denied by other US attorneys in other districts, and they may have misinterpreted that as being denied special counsel status. Or he just misspoke.
Why would he need to get denied in "other districts" in order to get Special Counsel status? The tax evasion charges against Hunter would be in California and in DC. It wouldn't be in North Dakota or Iowa!
Simple way to solve this if you're claiming that it's "inaccurate" that he requested Special Counsel status! Get the involved parties together in front of Congress...put them under oath and have them say what they said. Someone is lying.
I guess you can say it's not "telling the truth" but we all accept that misspeaking is something that happens every so often. It's not a lie. Nobody is perfect.
Attorney's are trained NOT to "misspeak" Marener! When you're the Attorney General or someone investigating tax evasion charges against a sitting President one would think that one would choose their words judiciously! Weiss telling a roomful of IRS and FBI agents that he asked for and was refused Special Council status is one heck of a "misspeak"!
Why would he need to get denied in "other districts" in order to get Special Counsel status?
Apparently that's DoJ procedure.
Simple way to solve this if you're claiming that it's "inaccurate" that he requested Special Counsel status! Get the involved parties together in front of Congress...put them under oath and have them say what they said. Someone is lying.
Weiss has already written two letters explaining what happened.

Attorney's are trained NOT to "misspeak" Marener! When you're the Attorney General or someone investigating tax evasion charges against a sitting President one would think that one would choose their words judiciously! Weiss telling a roomful of IRS and FBI agents that he asked for and was refused Special Council status is one heck of a "misspeak"!
Nah. these are complex issues and these agents aren't exactly experts on the subject matter, in fact their testimony shows that they don't really know what they're talking about.

It's pretty easy to think they could have misunderstood what Weiss had said. Besides, it's not like this is testimony before Congress or making arguments before a judge. People aren't on edge trying to be hyperaccurate at all times.
And was he under oath when he wrote those two letters? Or is this another time when he may have "misspoken" if it turns out to be total bullshit?

What DOJ "proceedure" is it that requires being turned down in multiple juristictions before you can be appointed Special Counsel? Love to hear that, Marener! Or did you just "misspeak"?
Nah. these are complex issues and these agents aren't exactly experts on the subject matter, in fact their testimony shows that they don't really know what they're talking about.

It's pretty easy to think they could have misunderstood what Weiss had said. Besides, it's not like this is testimony before Congress or making arguments before a judge. People aren't on edge trying to be hyperaccurate at all times.
Wait...did you just claim that IRS agents with decades of experience aren't experts on bringing charges against people who haven't paid their taxes?
Nah. these are complex issues and these agents aren't exactly experts on the subject matter, in fact their testimony shows that they don't really know what they're talking about.

It's pretty easy to think they could have misunderstood what Weiss had said. Besides, it's not like this is testimony before Congress or making arguments before a judge. People aren't on edge trying to be hyperaccurate at all times.
Yeah, it's not like testimony before Congress or a judge! When you "misspeak" there they find you guilty of perjury and you go to prison! Duh?
What is really going on with the most corrupt administration, the most corrupt President in history?

Meanwhile, phony charges and four indictments of Trump to keep you entertained and eyes off Biden et al.

In ancient Rome, Juvenal referred to this as panem et circenses, bread and circuses.

Emails show the DOJ repeatedly intervened on behalf of the Delaware U.S. attorney to respond to Hunter Biden-related congressional inquiries.

Emails obtained by the Heritage Foundation following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit and shared exclusively with The Federalist establish that on multiple occasions, the Department of Justice intervened on behalf of Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss to respond to congressional inquiries related to the Hunter Biden investigation.
This revelation raises more questions about the June 7, 2023, letter dispatched to House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan under Weiss’s signature line, in which the Delaware U.S. attorney claimed he had “ultimate authority” over charging decisions related to Hunter Biden. It also suggests Weiss and the DOJ may have conspired to mislead Congress.
Did the DOJ’s Office of Legislative Affairs respond to Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson’s May 9, 2022, letter seeking information concerning the Hunter Biden investigation? Weiss posed that question to one of his lead assistant U.S. attorneys, Shannon Hanson.
“Not to my knowledge,” Hanson replied, followed soon after with a second email noting that Joe Gaeta, the then-deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legislative Affairs, was working on a response. And although Grassley and Johnson had addressed their May 9, 2022, inquiry solely to Weiss, DOJ’s Office of Legislative Affairs would intercede on his behalf, responding in a letter dated June 9, 2022, that the DOJ would not respond to the questions posed.
The following month, Grassley and Johnson dispatched another letter requesting information related to the Hunter Biden investigation, addressing this letter to Weiss, as well as Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray. Again, the Office of Legal Counsel intervened, telling Weiss’s office in an email reviewed by The Federalist that it would “take the lead on drafting a response” to Grassley and Johnson’s letter.
These never-before-seen emails establish the Department of Justice and U.S. attorney collaborated in responding to congressional inquiries and were among the first batch of documents provided to the Heritage Foundation following a court order last week in Heritage’s FOIA case against the DOJ. That court order required the DOJ to produce, by Aug. 25, 2023, all records collected from Weiss and Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf that were responsive to the Heritage FOIA lawsuit.
Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, initiated the FOIA request and then filed suit against the DOJ after the Biden administration attempted to slow-walk the production. Howell told The Federalist the emails show that while Garland was claiming Weiss had the independence to bring whatever charges he wanted, Garland was “simultaneously running communications from Weiss to Grassley through the political controls of Main Justice.” “It is a slap in the face,” Howell said.
Significantly, the emails also call into question the veracity of a series of exchanges between Weiss and Jordan, beginning with Weiss’s June 7 response to the May 25, 2023, letter Jordan sent to Garland. In that May 25 letter, Jordan questioned Garland on the removal of the IRS whistleblowers from the Hunter Biden investigation.

This is precisely why our corrupt, insidious Attorney General, Meritless Garland, appointed Weiss to be the “special counsel” in the first damn place.
This was a meeting between Weiss and career law enforcement people who had just spent YEARS building a case against Hunter Biden only to be told that the case wasn't going to be pursued! You think they wouldn't have a good memory of the meeting? It pissed them off enough to become whistleblowers. I think it's something that they remember EXTREMELY well!
And was he under oath when he wrote those two letters? Or is this another time when he may have "misspoken" if it turns out to be total bullshit?

What DOJ "proceedure" is it that requires being turned down in multiple juristictions before you can be appointed Special Counsel? Love to hear that, Marener! Or did you just "misspeak"?
Weiss said it's DoJ procedure in his letter. Maybe you read that or maybe you didn't.

Garland already testified. Weiss has offered to testify once Congress comes back from recess.
Well if Weiss explained it....hahah well the problem the demafascsit have is that the American people don't trust them anymore....the Xiden regime has cost the public trust in the DOJ

Thirty-seven percent of registered voters surveyed said they have a positive view of the FBI, while 35% said they have a negative view.

Views of the agency have soured since October 2018, when 52% of Americans had a positive opinion of the FBI and just 18% had a negative view.

This was a meeting between Weiss and career law enforcement people who had just spent YEARS building a case against Hunter Biden only to be told that the case wasn't going to be pursued! You think they wouldn't have a good memory of the meeting? It pissed them off enough to become whistleblowers. It think it's something that they remember EXTREMELY well!
Think to yourself why there's a whole team spending years to assemble a small case of failure to pay taxes which is almost never prosecuted on anyone.

There's something weird about this case that we aren't hearing about yet and it probably has to do with investigatory missteps that would have made bringing the case to court impossible.

Remember, you're getting half of the story.
Weiss said it's DoJ procedure in his letter. Maybe you read that or maybe you didn't.

Garland already testified. Weiss has offered to testify once Congress comes back from recess.
Want to take a bet on what Weiss testifies to when he does testify in front of Congress? I'll bet the farm that what you're going to hear coming out of David's mouth over and over and over again is that it's an ongoing investigation and he can't comment!
Well if Weiss explained it....hahah well the problem the demafascsit have is that the American people don't trust them anymore....the Xiden regime has cost the public trust in the DOJ

Thirty-seven percent of registered voters surveyed said they have a positive view of the FBI, while 35% said they have a negative view.

Views of the agency have soured since October 2018, when 52% of Americans had a positive opinion of the FBI and just 18% had a negative view.

Weiss isn't a member of the FBI but some of the supposed whistleblowers are!
Want to take a bet on what Weiss testifies to when he does testify in front of Congress? I'll bet the farm that what you're going to hear coming out of David's mouth over and over and over again is that it's an ongoing investigation and he can't comment!
I have no idea. He's already made public statements about requesting special counsel status, so I don't see why he wouldn't answer any other questions about it.
Think to yourself why there's a whole team spending years to assemble a small case of failure to pay taxes which is almost never prosecuted on anyone.

There's something weird about this case that we aren't hearing about yet and it probably has to do with investigatory missteps that would have made bringing the case to court impossible.

Remember, you're getting half of the story.
Small case? Biden owed millions in back taxes! That's not a small case. If it were you or I that were targeted by the IRS for that we'd be screwed. We sure as hell wouldn't be let off the hook by letting the statute of limitations expire!
I have no idea. He's already made public statements about requesting special counsel status, so I don't see why he wouldn't answer any other questions about it.
You mean the important one? Whether it was him that was lying about it or Merrick Garland?

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