Executive Orders


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Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
I keep hearing fauxrage from the right, that Obama went overboard on executive orders...but what are the facts?

They're interesting :eusa_angel:

Of course they'll give you the line about the content of the orders rather than the quantity. They will offer no comparison to others presidents.
I keep hearing fauxrage from the right, that Obama went overboard on executive orders...but what are the facts?

The facts are that the number of EO's issued by any President is completely irrelevant, what's material is the actual CONTENTS of the EO and the circumstances under which EO's were issued.
Not interesting at all, executive orders are intended to implement existing law in the executive branch, not legislate by fiat. That's where your dear leader f'ed up and is now regretting it, he's going to see how easy it will be for his efforts to be undone.
I keep hearing fauxrage from the right, that Obama went overboard on executive orders...but what are the facts?

They're interesting :eusa_angel:


And you would be correct in how we are thinking. Only 5 Presidents in modern eras have tried to govern by EO because congress refused their ideas. Most of the rest of the Presidents used the EO for minor things. So who were the culprits?


2. Wilson

3. Hoover

4. Coolidge

5. Obama

2 Republicans, and 3 Democrats. Only 1 of the 5 had it work out well for America, and that was Coolidge. That is because our system is set up that congress has the most power, unless you are these 5 Presidents. Obama was NOT the 1st dictator in America, he was just the most recent!
Don't think its the number that is so bad..
EOs should be for naming parks and shit.
Yep, FDR by far. And greatly extending the depression with his massive growth in government. However, not all EOs are created equally. Some are big and have a wide ranging impact and others small so a numbers study doesn't really give you a full picture.
I keep hearing fauxrage from the right, that Obama went overboard on executive orders...but what are the facts?

The facts are that the number of EO's issued by any President is completely irrelevant, what's material is the actual CONTENTS of the EO and the circumstances under which EO's were issued.
Careful! Mr Coyote DOES NOT WANT anyone posting the underlying relevance behind today's talking point.
How many of Obama's EO's were thrown out in court?
The meat puppet faggot's EO's are a result of his agenda being rejected by the voters.

They need to be reviewed by adults and rescinded as needed.

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I keep hearing fauxrage from the right, that Obama went overboard on executive orders...but what are the facts?

They're interesting :eusa_angel:


And you would be correct in how we are thinking. Only 5 Presidents in modern eras have tried to govern by EO because congress refused their ideas. Most of the rest of the Presidents used the EO for minor things. So who were the culprits?


2. Wilson

3. Hoover

4. Coolidge

5. Obama

2 Republicans, and 3 Democrats. Only 1 of the 5 had it work out well for America, and that was Coolidge. That is because our system is set up that congress has the most power, unless you are these 5 Presidents. Obama was NOT the 1st dictator in America, he was just the most recent!

That's very debatable - your claim is subjective. Our system was set up to have power between the 3 branches.

Bush issued more executive orders than Obama - that is a FACT. Obama is ranked 15, and issued far fewer than the top 5.

Hardly a dictator. Here's a list of his executive orders: Barack Obama Executive Orders Subjects
I keep hearing fauxrage from the right, that Obama went overboard on executive orders...but what are the facts?

They're interesting :eusa_angel:


And you would be correct in how we are thinking. Only 5 Presidents in modern eras have tried to govern by EO because congress refused their ideas. Most of the rest of the Presidents used the EO for minor things. So who were the culprits?


2. Wilson

3. Hoover

4. Coolidge

5. Obama

2 Republicans, and 3 Democrats. Only 1 of the 5 had it work out well for America, and that was Coolidge. That is because our system is set up that congress has the most power, unless you are these 5 Presidents. Obama was NOT the 1st dictator in America, he was just the most recent!

That's very debatable - your claim is subjective. Our system was set up to have power between the 3 branches.

Bush issued more executive orders than Obama - that is a FACT. Obama is ranked 15, and issued far fewer than the top 5.

Hardly a dictator. Here's a list of his executive orders: Barack Obama Executive Orders Subjects
And I bet Obama personally read every EO he signed............from the back of his golf cart.
I keep hearing fauxrage from the right, that Obama went overboard on executive orders...but what are the facts?

They're interesting :eusa_angel:


And you would be correct in how we are thinking. Only 5 Presidents in modern eras have tried to govern by EO because congress refused their ideas. Most of the rest of the Presidents used the EO for minor things. So who were the culprits?


2. Wilson

3. Hoover

4. Coolidge

5. Obama

2 Republicans, and 3 Democrats. Only 1 of the 5 had it work out well for America, and that was Coolidge. That is because our system is set up that congress has the most power, unless you are these 5 Presidents. Obama was NOT the 1st dictator in America, he was just the most recent!

That's very debatable - your claim is subjective. Our system was set up to have power between the 3 branches.

Bush issued more executive orders than Obama - that is a FACT. Obama is ranked 15, and issued far fewer than the top 5.

Hardly a dictator. Here's a list of his executive orders: Barack Obama Executive Orders Subjects

Report: Obama Sets Record for Presidential Memoranda

Obama has so far issued 195 executive orders. Published alongside them in the Federal Register are 198 presidential memoranda — all of which carry the same legal force as executive orders, USA Today reports.

You missed 198 of them by 12/17/14.

What "saveliberty" said, and then some. Your guy has done massive over reach, as proven by the Supreme Court almost constantly ruling against him. By the way, they did that to Roosevelt also, and his solution was to expand the Supreme Court and pack it! I believe his Vice President at the time refused, which kept Roosevelt somewhat in the box.

Anyway, Obama has been the worst in ultra modern times, Period! I mean seriously........THINK for a minute yourself------------>

WHY are the leftists crying that Trump is going to vacate Obama's EOs if he didn't do anything with them, lol. Are you suggesting that it is just a leftist talking point to cause controversy! Maybe you should see what goes away if Trump does that, and then you will know how much the messiah DID rule by executive fiat-)

This is a per year average, so if you are in office more than four years, it is a bigger total.
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From the Brookings Institution: Obama’s Executive Orders; A Reality Check | Brookings Institution

A few important takeaways from this chart:

  • Executive orders are fairly common.
  • Their use has dropped over the 20th century.
  • So far Obama has used executive orders less than other contemporary presidents.

If a president’s executive orders overstep their authority or improperly interpret or seek to enforce the law, there are means of relief. Congress can re-legislate the issue or as my colleague Elaine Kamarck noted in a post a few days ago, courts can throw them out. Criticism of president-as-dictator are always overblown, as the other branches of government serve as checks on presidential power, and those checks extend to executive orders.

However, while the above chart is useful and informative, it is important to note a few items that it does not tell us—items that can inform the discussion.

First, not all executive orders are created equal. Some are quite forceful, making dramatic changes to policy. Others are more routine, housekeeping issues. To say that one president issued more executive orders than another, tells us little about the scope of those orders or the impact they have on policy.

Second, executive orders are just one type of executive power and do not necessarily reflect the true might of the president. Presidents can issue signing statements, presidential memoranda, presidential proclamations, engage in rulemaking (regulatory) authority, reassign appointees, influence budgeting decisions, and use a host of other means of influencing outcomes.

There is much misinformation about President Obama’s use of executive orders. The above chart offers hard data that provide key insight into the realities of President Obama’s behaviors. Like many criticisms of many presidents, policy disagreements stemming from presidential actions do not automatically make those actions illegal. Executive orders are no different. They are not an abuse of power, but a necessary presidential power critical to the function of government.
Obama has about 30 days left for his EOs. I hope he enjoys them. They are one of the reasons that Trump is POTUS 45.

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