Executive Orders

Well child 40 usc 101 was what your dear leader cited as his authority, not me.
So fucking what! That has nothing at all to do with what you FIRST claimed that the EO ran afoul of the law as legislation by fiat by Obama!
Show me the law that gives the dear leader to establish a minimum wage for federal contractors that exceeds the congressionally mandated minimum wage?
That was shown in 29 USC § 206(e) and you could not and did not contest that because it was TRUE and you were fucking wrong! You ignore the truth then attempt to take refuge employing dodges and deflections to swap the narrative and muddy the waters. You're all fucking bark and no bite you piss poor excuse for a man!
Now back him up on his assumption that paying contractors more will improve the economy and improve the efficiency of federal purchases or just STFU.
Fuck you! It's not my responsibility to try to rationalize your irrational meme, shit for brains!
BTW did you even bother to read the EO?
I read enough of it and understood what I read and that was obviously much more than yourself given you have no idea at all what portion of Title 40 you noted above pertained to! That's because you didn't understand the notation in the text of the EO you bloody fool...GAWD I LOVED THAT seeing you display your ignorance so clearly; et seq. means something important you dummy!
Here's what a few legal eagles say on the subject on both sides. I think you could use the help.
You post an article re: differing opinions from 21/2 years ago. Big fucking deal. The EO still stands and no Court decision has struck the EO from the Disposition Tables that I am aware of and given they are still embodied therein, dipstick!

I note with great humor that you quote NOTHING definitive that resolves you initial assertion that the EO was legislation by fiat by being violative of the minimum wage. As a matter of fact, if anything, your own source debunks your own assertion given there is no final proof that confirms your claim of legislating by fiat!

Ya shot yourself in your tiny foot, Tex! Git on your Shetland and ride, boy!

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