Executive Orders

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The other thing is this: what is a president supposed to do if Congress sets out to block everything and anything he attempts? That's partisan gridlock at it's worst and the President is just as much elected by the people as Congress. He can't legislate, but he can create EO's and Memos and those are legally within his purvue if they don't get struck down by the courts. If you start interfering too much then aren't you interfering with Executive branch? The three branches are supposed to be co-equal.

He (or she), is suppose to use the office's considerable power to get public support and use that to move Congress. Basically everyone who had his job before him had to do it that way. Obama did not understand compromise nor diplomacy, he reverted to lawyering his way through.

Not Bush. For example, he used EO's to limit stem cell funding and allow warrentless surveillance. What other president was uniformally and deliberately blocked on every piece of legislation - even when there was popular support?

For example, with DACA. The President attempted to get Immigration reform passed and even though aspects were previously supported by the Republicans, they refused to bring it up for strictly partisan reasons. And it had popular support (isn't Congress supposed to follow the will of the people...?)
When the program was announced in 2012, there was general support among the U.S. general public. Nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults (63%) approved of the new immigration program, according to a 2012 Pew Research Center survey. An even greater share of Hispanics (89%) said the same, according to the Pew Research Center’s 2012 National Survey of Latinos.
Of course they'll give you the line about the content of the orders rather than the quantity. They will offer no comparison to others presidents.
you say that to avoid addressing the truth.

An executive order that alters a law does not equal an executive order that changes the name of a street.

It is ALL about content and not quantity.
The other thing is this: what is a president supposed to do if Congress sets out to block everything and anything he attempts? That's partisan gridlock at it's worst and the President is just as much elected by the people as Congress. He can't legislate, but he can create EO's and Memos and those are legally within his purvue if they don't get struck down by the courts. If you start interfering too much then aren't you interfering with Executive branch? The three branches are supposed to be co-equal.

He (or she), is suppose to use the office's considerable power to get public support and use that to move Congress. Basically everyone who had his job before him had to do it that way. Obama did not understand compromise nor diplomacy, he reverted to lawyering his way through.

Not Bush. For example, he used EO's to limit stem cell funding and allow warrentless surveillance. What other president was uniformally and deliberately blocked on every piece of legislation - even when there was popular support?

For example, with DACA. The President attempted to get Immigration reform passed and even though aspects were previously supported by the Republicans, they refused to bring it up for strictly partisan reasons. And it had popular support (isn't Congress supposed to follow the will of the people...?)
When the program was announced in 2012, there was general support among the U.S. general public. Nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults (63%) approved of the new immigration program, according to a 2012 Pew Research Center survey. An even greater share of Hispanics (89%) said the same, according to the Pew Research Center’s 2012 National Survey of Latinos.
So you are another fool who fell for the old "they supported it then and now they don't because a black president wants to pass it"

The crux of a bill may be the same from one president to the next.....but it is the pork and earmarks that changes it.

Pay attention.
For example, which religion has had the most modern day terrorists?
I see what you did there.

If you take out the word "modern day", then we have to take a hard look at Christianity.

And then if we used the argument that terrorism proves one brand of religion is evil, then we would have to use the same "logic" to reach the same conclusion for the other religion.

So you tried to put up a bogus frame job.

Didn't work.

Nothing bogus about it but your attempt at dismissal is. The subject is modern day EOs and count data being used as a defense of executive overreach. Do try and keep up.
It's funny that TRUMP also has a phone and a pen.

Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, Trump won. Dems can come along for the ride, but they have to sit in the back.
I keep hearing fauxrage from the right, that Obama went overboard on executive orders...but what are the facts?

They're interesting :eusa_angel:


It's not the number of executive orders that are problematic, it is the type! The president simply does not have constitutional authority to change laws passed by a previous Congress and signed into law by a previous president by executive order! Since Obama chose to rule, rather than govern, 80% of his legacy can be erased by a stroke of a pen!
It's not the number of executive orders that are problematic, it is the type! The president simply does not have constitutional authority to change laws passed by a previous Congress and signed into law by a previous president by executive order! Since Obama chose to rule, rather than govern, 80% of his legacy can be erased by a stroke of a pen!

Yep, Which is essentially what Obama just warned Trump about, in other words "don't do as I did since the next POTUS can do to you what you're about to do to me".
The stack of EOs to overturn by pen is now 200. The first day
One wonders if it's possible for the POTUS to issue a blanket EO undoing all of the EO's of the previous administration.

... probably not, that would be the efficient way to do things and as everybody knows the Federal Government isn't into efficiency. ;)
The stack of EOs to overturn by pen is now 200. The first day

Next, those bills passed by the senate and buried in Harry Reid 's desk.

Works for me.

The stack of EOs to overturn by pen is now 200. The first day

Next, those bills passed by the senate and buried in Harry Reid 's desk.

Works for me.


Unfortunately it's going to take several decades and a few hundred million dollars to get rid of that malodor that Harry's presence left lingering in the Senate Chamber. :oops:
The stack of EOs to overturn by pen is now 200. The first day

Next, those bills passed by the senate and buried in Harry Reid 's desk.

Which one's and why?

Barack Obama Executive Orders Subjects

I'll start with ALL EOs related to Obamacare, but specifically Obama’s executive actions that created special exemptions to Obamacare for his favored constituencies.

Executive Amnesty....BUH BYE

EPA overreaches...CYA!

“Gender Identity.” Trump should repeal the Obama administration’s Title IX guidance equating “gender identity” with “biological sex.”
I keep hearing fauxrage from the right, that Obama went overboard on executive orders...but what are the facts?

They're interesting :eusa_angel:


False analogy but nice try. :) It is not quantitative...it's qualitative. Understand the difference? Ex: Person A might use more words than Person B but Person B's words cause people to die. :D

It is not the number of Obama Orders...it is the fact so many of them have been ruled unconstitutional by the courts (the illegal immigration amnesty as one example), or in Obama's own words, blatantly attempt to bypass our Legislators in Congress.

That is very dangerous for our Country and not how our Government was set up to function.
Obama has about 30 days left for his EOs. I hope he enjoys them. They are one of the reasons that Trump is POTUS 45.

Really? Which of his EO's did the electorate oppose? I can't find anything in polls saying that the election was against Obama - he has a high favorability rating. It was Clinton that was the problem.

Is it bad when SCOTUS overturns your EO in a 9-0 vote because it violates the Constitution?

Ask Obama, because it happened to him.
Obama has about 30 days left for his EOs. I hope he enjoys them. They are one of the reasons that Trump is POTUS 45.

Really? Which of his EO's did the electorate oppose? I can't find anything in polls saying that the election was against Obama - he has a high favorability rating. It was Clinton that was the problem.

Then, HE SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN HIS BUTT OFF THE GOLFCOURSE, and passed a law instead of an EO! Remember-------->if something is popular, then public pressure will be brought to bear to get it through, and if the opposing party stands in the way, they get hammered in the next federal election.

I see NOTHING that tells anyone since 2010 that the American people want more liberalism. Everything he put in, he LIED to America to get it through. Need I go through----->if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor!

In every Federal election but the Presidency of 12 since 10, the left has gotten hosed. What do they control now? Virtually, NOTHING! If that doesn't explain to you what people really think about America has been governed the last 8 years, then you sir/ma'am, are the reincarnation of Helen Keller!

The golf thing, that's another one of those dishonest memes...

Barack Obama can't match America's most frequent Presidential golfers
It's Presidents Day, which means we're going to talk about Barack Obama and his golf game (sort of). A lover of the game, Obama had completed 269 rounds in almost seven full years since taking office.

That's a lot, right? It sounds like a lot, but when you do the math, it's more like one round every 10 days or so, which actually sounds pretty reasonable if that's a President's main outlet for stress relief. And it's not even close to the most ever for a President in office.

My man, you didn't even address the question. I am done with trying to get you to answer. You are a Mod, fine. Just because you are a Mod doesn't make your La-La land wonderful, lol. Harrass the rest of the posters, being a Mod, I am sure you are good at that. Cya, wouldn't want to beya!
Obama has a phone and a pen, and does Trump.

Obama was not counting on a Pub win in 2106.

Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, Trump won. Dems are welcome to come along for the ride, but they have to sit in the back.

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