Exit polls show that abortion was top issue in MI and PA

“In Michigan, abortion rights pushed the party to victories in both chambers of the Legislature and re-elected Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, giving Democrats a trifecta of power in the state for the first time in 40 years. In Pennsylvania, the party won a Senate race and the governor’s mansion.

Exit polls conducted by the television networks and Edison Research showed that in Pennsylvania abortion overtook the economy as the top issue on voters’ minds, and in Michigan, nearly half of all voters said abortion was their top issue.”

Let’s hope defending the right to privacy remains a motivating factor for future elections.
So the same polls predicted a red wave, eh?

So Floridians all hate abortion just because?

“In Michigan, abortion rights pushed the party to victories in both chambers of the Legislature and re-elected Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, giving Democrats a trifecta of power in the state for the first time in 40 years. In Pennsylvania, the party won a Senate race and the governor’s mansion.

Exit polls conducted by the television networks and Edison Research showed that in Pennsylvania abortion overtook the economy as the top issue on voters’ minds, and in Michigan, nearly half of all voters said abortion was their top issue.”

Let’s hope defending the right to privacy remains a motivating factor for future elections.

Turns out when you take people's rights away they do not like it. Go figure.
This is true but Democrats don't want to talk about that fact.
Of course not, Democrats are all about over-emotionalizing issues to distract the public away from the core problem. They do this consistently, that is why they are the enemy of America and MUST be defeated.
Turns out when you take people's rights away they do not like it. Go figure.
How dare they take away a woman's right to f*k anyone she wants without birth control or protection! "Abortion Rights" are the bail out plan for irresponsible, unprotected sex.
How dare they take away a woman's right to f*k anyone she wants without birth control or protection! "Abortion Rights" are the bail out plan for irresponsible, unprotected sex.
How do you feel about the man having NO responsibility when doing the same?
When the time comes let Prog shrews meet their karma. Stop being suckers or we will have massive killings of our population at some point.
Electing this retarded inbred clown Fetterman to the Senate because the Feminazi were pissed they didn't have Federal protection to kill their children for a birth control method was one of the dumbest thing imaginable.

The Moon Bats idiots in Michigan and Pennsylvania continuing to elect the very party that has fucked up the economy with massive inflation, decreased family, millions of Illegals, tremendous cost of energy, crashing stock market, tremendous debt, and woke polices because they are pissed that they don't have Federal protection to kill their children as a method of birth control just shows what fucking morons they are.

The shitheads are too damn stupid to know that they can have their murder of children for birth control on a state level by electing the Democrat filth as state representatives or even state judges. The Democrats they sent to the Federal offices can't do anything to change the Supreme Court ruling but they sure sure as hell can cause inflation and other destructive economic polices as we have seen.

75% of all American (including Moon Bats) say that the country is screwed up after the Democrat assholes took over the House, Senate and White House but like the morons we know they are the idiots voted for the same. That is the classical definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome.

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