Exlpaine To Me... In Judicial Terms... How "Jury Instructions.... Isnt Jury "tampering"...?

On that point the jury are usually told not to draw any significance that the accused refused to take the stand. But I suspect it would be impossible to do so.

And thats another example of why jury instructions are important. A jury of 12 ordinary people would make decisions based upon their own opinions, and not the facts or the law otherwise.
You believe in American justice or not.

If not, leave.
They really should do a Seagal.

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Putin will give them awards.

Vladimir Putin signs a decree honoring US actor​

https://www.cnn.com › 2023/02/27 › europe › vladimir...

Feb 27, 2023 — Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree to honor the American actor Steven Seagal with the state Order of Friendship.
Seriously... Make it make sense. A court is supposed to be one of Justice, not convention. So Why should I honor this Judgment?
The grocery store is 2 blocks south on Main at the intersection of South and Main.

I told you how to arrive at the store
I didn't tell you what to buy.

If this analogy is to complex for you perhaps redo your Romper Room training?
Seriously... Make it make sense. A court is supposed to be one of Justice, not convention. So Why should I honor this Judgment?
Not only jury tampering but election interference.

Listening to the election commentary yesterday afternoon and evening, there is something else. All the legal eagles commented that given that the judge gave the jury a 'choice of crimes' and as long as all the jurors picked one, he would be guilty of whatever got picked, we don't know whether all 12 jurors agreed on any of the 34 counts. We may never know.

That the sentence will be delivered just before the GOP Convention so that the sentence will dominate the news instead of the Convention is also election interference.

But then the entire trial, the bogus charges, everything about Bragg and Merchan's actions have been election interference.
Rep. Eli Crane

They shamelessly weaponized our “justice” system against their political opponent with a rigged trial.Unjust and un-American.I stand with President Donald J. Trump.
Then you'll need this...


The thing to remember with your jail/prison uni is that the pants will be either way too small or way too large.

This is done to hamper your ability to move about in case of trouble.

It is also the origin of the "saggy bottoms" popular among the young people you'll be emulating.
It is idiotic without any evidence to say jury tampering and election interference.
But Trump and his cult swear this isn't?

Trump blasts his trial judges. Then his fans call for violence.​

https://www.reuters.com › usa-election-threats-courts

May 14, 2024 — When Donald Trump attacks the integrity of judges hearing cases against him, his followers often respond with posts urging that the jurists ...

MAGA truly has an emotional defect that degrades mental ability.
The side effects of the kool-aid.

So... Here we are dug down, and spread out. All you have to do... Is come get us! I'm sure you'll lead the charge...Fertilizer is commanding a Premium...
Nah. You retards come to us to get arrested.

Remember J6 and how you idiots dressed up in funny clothes and charged the Capitol? And what happened? Did the elections get changed?

Nah, you idiots got arrested. So, no need to come looking for you. You retards cook your own goose. Let me know if you are still confused.
Seriously... Make it make sense. A court is supposed to be one of Justice, not convention. So Why should I honor this Judgment?
You have no obligation to honor the judgment, and you have no obligation to obey illegitimate laws.

There are a few individual exceptions, but for the most part the US judiciary is corrupt to the core. Look no further than Brunson v. Adams.

Juries have become rubberstamps for government malfeasance, as this case with Trump shows.
You have no obligation to honor the judgment, and you have no obligation to obey illegitimate laws.

There are a few individual exceptions, but for the most part the US judiciary is corrupt to the core. Look no further than Brunson v. Adams.

Juries have become rubberstamps for government malfeasance, as this case with Trump shows.
You sound like a future resident of a jail cell.

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