expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

REPORT: $1 billion relocation fee for NFL teams hoping to move to Los Angeles


Maybe. Kroenke has deep pockets though. He's the only one of the three who could afford it, and he really seems like he wants out of St. Louis.

Actually the stadium is being built in Inglewood. He has the deepest pockets in the league

      • We'll see. New stadiums in SD and Oakland would be good for the NFL, which in turn would end up being good for the other owners.
      The Rams are as good as gone.
    What did the NFL charge for a new team in Houston to replace the Oilers? It was high, I understand. The Charge to LA will be high. The best solution is to let the Rams return to LA. Keep San Diego where it is, let the Raiders go to St, Louis or stay in Oakland (though there is no there there) then garnt a new franchise to LA that Angelenos can call their own rather than adopt a transplant. It could play in the new Inglewood stadium for rent and save the money of building a new stadium somewhere. To balance off the new team, forget Toronto, go to Mexico City which has a 110,000 seat stadium, 20 million people int he metro area and TV rights for a country with 120 million people -- that equals instant profit and instant sell-outs.
Kroenke will move the Rams and tell the NFL to bugger off just like Al Davis did. Spanos can't afford the REAL reported $ 250 to $500 million relocation fee, nor pay it if he did have it.

The Chargers are out of the L.A. plan. 1st: The L.A. fans really don't want the Chargers. 2nd: The Chargers are not a sock them in the teeth team. They are to soft for the L.A. market.

They actually want two teams in LA , but I still go with what most are saying it is going to be done that is a managed outcome done by the owners and Goodell.
That has 2 playing in Inglewood (Rams and Chargers) with Raiders getting some sort of financial help with their stadium.
Just no chance on earth The Chargers go back to San Diego too much ill will has been caused by their process of getting a new venue.
If they don't end up in Inglewood or if Carson is voted down look for the
LA Coliseum as I told you the other day to come in because now they want to host a 2nd team long term.
Only one holding the process from being done is Dean Spanos who is still playing hardball.

I'm going to remind you maineblackbears12 (which judging from what you say seems as if you want the Rama to come back to Los Angeles) the NFL has already shifted from having 2 teams in Los Angeles to just 1 team in Los Angeles (from Profootballtalk) so it isn't likely the Rams and Chargers share a stadium in Inglewood (because the Chargers don't want to) and I think the Rams are going to be the only team in Los Angeles.
Also it isn't the Los Angeles Memorial wants to host a 2nd team because in the lease agreement it says 1 team is allowed to play here.
It will probably be the Rams in Los Angeles, Chargers in San Diego (because they don't have enough votes to move and their proposal Carson doesn't have the support), and Raiders in Oakland (because they want to stay and don't have the support).

When the dust settles, it'll likely be just the Rams in LA for the foreseeable future or "indefinitely". The NFL wants the team with the best position in the market and the Rams with its long legacy and deep pocketed owner is the clear cut. In addition, the Inglewood project is more of what the NFL is looking for as it intends to relocate NFL operations to LA. By having just one team as it returns to the LA market, this will ensure the best risk/reward scenario for the league. The Chargers and Raiders will be forced to kick the can down the road in trying to work out a stadium in SD and Oakland with the threat of a potential move to LA (as a second team) or St. Louis proposed new stadium. The Levis stadium is also a wild card option for some teams as it's intended to accommodate two home teams.
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It’s unclear whether a return to Los Angeles is worth another legal entanglement if Davis doesn’t have the 24 votes he needs, Matheson said. Suing the league again could cost the Raiders tens of millions of dollars and years of delay, which would ultimately make the move far less enticing, Matheson said.

“The harder it is for them to move, the less advantageous Los Angeles becomes,” he said. A Raiders spokeswoman did not answer requests for comment.

Yet if the Raiders’ Los Angeles bid doesn’t pan out, that doesn’t mean the team will stay in Oakland, said Stanford University sports economist Roger Noll, who believes Kroenke will get approval to move the Rams to Los Angeles, leaving a hole in St. Louis — along with $390 million for a new stadium.

“That’s not enough to keep the Rams,” Noll pointed out. “But it is enough to get the Raiders.”
Oakland wants to keep Raiders – but not at any price
As we've said from the beginning, we support ANY and ALL efforts to keep the Bolts here in San Diego. It's important to understand ALL ANGLES of the recent developments with the stadium. Stay informed

Below is from Tony Manalatos- he agreed we could share:

"With Mayor Kevin Faulconer in New York speaking to NFL owners about the City & County's stadium plan in Mission Valley, and building momentum that has been growing in San Diego for months, the Chargers and Raiders have thrown a Hail Mary to try and shift support to their Carson stadium project.

"With the ownership vote on L.A. looming, this could be the Hail Mary play by the folks in Carson that gets their attention," Pro Football Talk's Mike Florio says in this story today about Walt Disney's CEO joining the Carson project.

BUT HE'S NOT ONBOARD. He's participating "ONLY if the NFL approves the Carson site," the story says. So nothing has changed.

It is important to point out that the NFL has been negotiating with the City and County for a while, and those talks have focused on the Mission Valley plan because of the common-sense financing and achievable timetable, and because the plan has been legally vetted."

Stay informed! SAVE OUR BOLTS!
"Before Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf could even get in the room with NFL owners Wednesday, the team she is trying to hold onto made perhaps its biggest play to return to Los Angeles, naming the CEO of The Walt Disney Co. to lead its joint stadium project there.

With strong connections in Los Angeles and the NFL -- Disney is ESPN's parent company -- Bob Iger adds credibility to the Raiders' and San Diego Chargers' $1.7 billion Carson stadium plan, which had been reportedly lagging behind a larger and more expensive stadium proposal in Inglewood backed by St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke."

Disney CEO adds heft to Oakland Raiders push for Los Angeles

Getting even more interesting.
"Before Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf could even get in the room with NFL owners Wednesday, the team she is trying to hold onto made perhaps its biggest play to return to Los Angeles, naming the CEO of The Walt Disney Co. to lead its joint stadium project there.

With strong connections in Los Angeles and the NFL -- Disney is ESPN's parent company -- Bob Iger adds credibility to the Raiders' and San Diego Chargers' $1.7 billion Carson stadium plan, which had been reportedly lagging behind a larger and more expensive stadium proposal in Inglewood backed by St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke."

Disney CEO adds heft to Oakland Raiders push for Los Angeles

Getting even more interesting.

yeah I heard about that just a few minutes ago myself. the thing you got to remember though is that doesnt matter though because the raiders going to LA all depends on the owners voting for the move.

the owners are sore at the davis family for suing the NFL to move them there the first time so they dont want a davis owned team in LA but the more important thing more than anything to keep in mind is that the inglewood site is light years ahead of the carson project ready to go start construction in december where carson would not be ready to start the construction process for another year at least and the NFL wants to get this over soon as possible.

notice how the mainstream media always conviently leaves out that little fact? here are a couple others they leave out everytime as well.

1.not only are the owners sore at the davis family for them for suing the league to move,but the politicians in LA dont want them there.the oakland fans behave themselves fine,they get an unfair bad rap because of how the LA gang behaved when they were there.businesses in LA dont want the raiders there because the LA raider fans incite fights.

2.the corporations that would put up the money to sponsor them,they dont want the raiders there.

3.the NFL wants an owner with deep pockets in LA,davis does not have those deep pockets.stan kroneke does,he is the second richest owner in the NFL.

4.a big factor in the NFL choosing a team to relocate is are they drawing good crowds,the Raiders have sold out every home game this year same as they did last year where the Rams are dead last in attendance with a half empty stadium for all their home games as you know.lol

this charger fan here below nailed it when a fellow charger fan freaked out over this.

I agree, today was the beginning of the end. This Disney thing seals it!! The city is already reaching out to other teams.

Not true. Still need the owners to vote.. and he is ONLY involved IF the owners approve the move over Rams.

well said.:thup:

so remember,keep that in mind.Everybody knows the Rams are the front runner in all this.;)
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Rams are and they should get in.
here is what i was talking about on how a team has to be doing poorly in attendance. Unlike st louis,as you can see,oakland is doing every well in attendance,they are supported very well there.:thup:

It might be difficult though for Davis to convince the NFL the Raider fan base is dwindling in Oakland, a key component in the league's relocation process.

The team now has more than 40,000 season ticket holders and the next three games are sold out. "What it comes down to is the color of the blood that run through the veins of professional sports and that's green," former San Francisco 49ers COO Andy Dolich said by phone.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf tries to convince National Foorball League to keep Raiders in East Bay
40000 season ticket holders that is something to take to the bank.


The good thing is that it will probably be the Rams only. Because, A. Kroenke will move regardless B. Spanos and Kroenke don't get along, and C. The NFL doesn't want the Raiders in LA despite them having a large fan base there. I could still see my Chargers moving there sadly, but only if the NFL pursuades Kroenke to let them in as a tenant. But honestly I think it will be Rams only for 2 season which will give Oakland and San Diego time to get stadium issues resolved.

Stupid article Kronke is going to build and go if he wants. He has the cash to do it. 99.9 percent sure it won't be Raiders and Chargers sharing in Carson. It is going to be the Rams alone or the Rams and ????.

If a team is playing in LA in 2016. Itwill be the Rams only team prepared to up and go that soon. Time will tell if come 2018 or 19 if its still Rams only or Rams and ????. The NFL is not going to tell a owner no that is willing to build on his own dime, and not seeking assistance in the form of a lone from the other owners. Any relocation of an existing NFL team will include the Rams. The debate is over rather or not the Raiders or the Chargers, but not both will be following them.

Kronke holds the keys to the LA market. The only question is can the NFL convince him to take in a border.

Well honestly I don't think the raiders even have a shot in LA because the Rams owner already has a plan and land for a new stadium so it's almost a given the Rams are going back to LA because they have the money to move and build a stadium. Where unfortunately the raiders don't have that kind of capital. We had our time down south I just don't see the NFL saying "ok Oakland you don't have the money in your town to stay OR to move down to LA but we are gonna approve your relocation request to go to LA" to me I think this is all leverage by Davis to stay in Oakland and apply pressure to Oakland to fight to keep them. Even with the Disney investor included. I mean really our team doesn't exactly embody Disney views. That investor probably wants to promote. Disney in the stadium If we somehow move to LA I think we stay in Oakland wait a few years save some money and try the stadium process again because when we were in LA the stadium wasn't even close to full. What's gonna change now? Our primary fan base is in Oakland and the second home in SDbut primary in Oakland. Mark Davis will almost Lose more money going to LA then being in Oakland. So I think we are staying in Oakland that's it. No where else

I also forgot to add. Why would you move a team after building a multi millions dollar workout facility in Napa if you are supposedly thinking of moving to another town??? You don't invest in something if you don't plan on staying or using it for a long period of time. Again we stay in Oakland.#RAIDERNATION#StayinginOakland

*In Honor of 11/11, Breaking News out of the NFL Owners meeting in NY today : Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf "Scored a Touchdown" in front of Roger Goodell, Eric Grubman,, Mark Davis and all of the NFL owners with a 45 min "Oakland Power Point presentation", that ended with all the NFL owners clapping and Thanking Libby. She WOWED the NFL owners as Oakland, accompanied by City Councilman Larry Reid, Came in with a PUNCH. Libby stated "this is personal to her being she is from Oakland". Also encouraging was SF 49ers Owner Jed York spoke on "Why the Raiders need to Stay in Oakland" expressing how great of a "easy access location" the Oakland Coliseum is along with the benefits of having the Oakland Raiders in the Northern Ca Market,.The Oakland World Wide Raider Nation is very proud of our Mayor. Now, Oakland being the front runner in keeping its team in the eyes of the NFL, with the table fuly set its time for Mark Davis to step up to the plate, choose an investor/Megadeveloper to work with an grant the gift of a new Stadium in Oakland to the Greatest Culture of Sports Fans that are

I listened to his show yesterday and he never mentioned once groundbreaking at Inglewood in Dec! Thats why Im confident Raiders will get disapproved to LA and Nfl will approve Kroenke because Inglewood will be done faster!

Oakland, San Diego and St. Louis speak to NFL owners

Oakland makes pitch to keep Raiders; Schaaf issues statement
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1-on-1 with Libby Schaaf: New approach to keeping Raiders

Sorry Mr. Richardson, the NFL "forcing" the Rams to stay in StL is a per se violation of US Antitrust Law. Just go ask your attorney how much you will personally have to pay Stan Kroenke after he defeats you and all NFL owners in Federal Court. See you at the first LA Rams game next year!#LARams2016

Benjamin Allbright on Twitter

I wouldn't sweat it. The FAA issue will be solved just as quickly and the union issues were solved. The Disney CEO is just another puppet for the Chargers and Raiders. He will vanish just like sachs and policy did.

C'mon people...Bob Iger is worth 85 million. Now, that's nothing to sneeze at, but this is a billionaires' game. What's he gonna own in the end? Will he control a handful of paperclips in the Raiders' office?? This is P.R. This is circus. This is razzle-dazzle. This is an attempt to cause a "perception is reality" shift. I wouldn't bet on it. It's funny how Carson keeps adding names, while Inglewood just keeps calmly moving dirt.‪#‎larams‬

You know what I also find funny? How Spanos and Davis got Fabiani, Goldman Sachs, Carmen Policy, and Robert Iger all against Kroenke. Why else has Stan not hired any big names like that? Because he doesnt NEED it. His money alone blows ALL of them away. It's Stan vs the world.
Dean "Discount" Spanos and Mark Davis are basically running a political campaign to "sway" the owners to vote for them. While Kroenke is running an actual business and using histo show the owners that he's the right MAN for LA.

The Carson project wreaks, smells, stinks literally and figuratively of toxic waste, political dirt, poor planing, media manipulating and Fabiani's mouth. Yet with all of this, The L.A. Times has deliberately avoided any thorough investigation of any of this. Instead from the beginning, they have reported negative columns on Inglewood. WHY??? They have on numerous occasions STRATEGICALLY released negative reporting on Inglewood's project throughout this year. Why the fellatiowith Fabiani? I'm confused by this continued fellatio relationship between them. This deserves an investigation in itself. It has become simply predicable that with every NFL scheduled meeting it will be accompanied by L.A. Times supportive Carson releases and strategically timed, negative releases and reporting on Kroenke's site. So my question is... WHO is doing Who here?

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For those of you who wonder how St. Louis fans can be so deeply entrenched in denial (a quality that Fred Roggin is quite familiar with), perhaps I can help explain. The article I have attached to this post came in this morning's newspaper under the headline "Triple Dose of Bad News for Kroenke's LA Stadium"... When the media out here (yes, I live and work in St. Louis for the time being) is shoveling out information in full denial mode, what else would you expect from the people that, as Mr. Roggin puts it, think with their heart rather than their head?

NFL may wait until March to decide which team moves to L.A.

Jets owner Woody Johnson said today that a decision on which team will move to Los Angeles may not come until March.

I agree that this is so fraen out. But, really, this potentially bad.for St. Louis, since SD and Oakland could, theoretically, " catch up" and have time to negotiate with their respective teams.
1·Yesterday at 7:54am

Darren PettyIn 1995 the second vote was on April 12th and the Rams still started the next season in St Louis. I'm just trying to stay positive but maybe this is not a bad thing. It might give San Diego and Oakland more time to get something going and put more pressure on St Louis to have some kind of vote. God I'm so sick of this shit!

La Canfora is reporting that Spanos has more owners on his side. Nothing new there. He also is saying that Stan has absolutely NO interest in St. Louis' stadium proposal. In other words the whole idea that St. Louis has a "viable" stadium proposal and is ahead of San Diego or even Oakland for that matter is a fallacy.

Maybe you should read-up on Antitrust litigation in the US, and also look at lawsuits involving collusion. If you think, in the end, that Kroenke actually needs a "vote," then you're definitely not as informed as you believe yourself to be.#larams

One takeaway from the Fred Roggin interview with My Carson Vinny is that between Oakland, San Diego, and St. Louis, which market is the NFL least willing to lose. I think we all know the answer to that question
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Fred: talked to my source this morning....its going to be the Rams....as it always was going to be....Vinny: im hearing the same thing.

I forget the name of the guy who spoke to the NFL exe's about leaving the Chargers in SD but want to add something to his letter that he read.

Everyone in this league knows the Rams are the better fit for LA then the Raiders/Chargers combined. There was a reason why the league voted down the move the 1st time back in 1994. The previous owner threatened to sue the league if she wasn't given approval the 2nd time. Today the Rams are at the bottom of the list for attendance in the league and Mr. Kroenke continues to lose money every week. Think of how much money the league will be making if the move is approved and think of how many fans will be attending each home game. LA Rams fans have waited long enough for our Rams to come back home, home to Los Angeles where they belong. The Chargers and Raiders belong in their respective markets and I believe they will come to an agreement for a stadium. No disrespect to STL but they do not financially support our Rams and have not in recent years. They have lost hope while us LA Rams fans have not. I implore and ask that you carefully consider the much needed approval of the move for our Rams to move back to Los Angeles.

Looks like the numbers dont add up.lol

Crunching the numbers on riverfront stadium proposal
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Mayor James Butts told Fox 11:

“This isn’t even a bump in the road, this is a quiet negotiation

Those negotiations could center on lowering the roof of the stadium by 100 feet. Or potentially coating the roof with a radar absorbing material so ghost planes other anomalies won’t take place.

Is the Inglewood Football Stadium Plan in Trouble? | KABC-AM

Finally we are getting some owner names that support Kroenke! Both sides (Carson and Ingelwood) have a solid core of support to block. It doesn't matter what the current markets do. League office will step in to broker a solution. And we all know what the NFL brass want....Ingelwood

With L.A. decision looming, lines are being drawn between owners
According to Jason La Canfora of CBS Sports, Kroenke’s supporters include Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and Robert Kraft of the Patriots, along with Washington’s Dan Snyder, Jeffrey Lurie (Eagles), Woody Johnson (Jets), Ziggy Wilf (Vikings) and Steve Biscotti (Ravens). With Bengals owner Mike Brown a frequent abstainer, that puts them on the magic number of nine with Kroenke’s vote factored in — if all those owners stay lined up with Kroenke’s attempt to take his team to Inglewood.

The Bills, Falcons and 49ers are among franchises identified as being swing votes, creating sufficient uncertainty.

On the other side, you have Panthers owner Jerry Richardson, Steelers owner Dan Rooney and Giants owner John Mara, who were thrilled with last week’s addition of Disney CEO Bob Iger to the Carson project, a move which many feel gave it the legitimacy it may have lacked.
NFL Meetings in New York on relocation to LA held last week. Cities who still have stadium plans up in the air were represented by:

St. Louis: Governor Nixon
San Diego: Mayor Faulconer
Oakland: Mayor Libby Schaaf
Carson: ?

Anyone else wondering why there hasn't been any political representation for Carson in past several months? Inglewood has remained consistent, that it is a stadium within a residential/retail/commercial site. Carson is a 'fluid' project that prides itself on people (i.e. Policy and Iger) yet somehow excludes the Mayor of Carson from the festivities? Hmmm.....almost as shady as Peacock no longer speaking to national or LA media.


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