expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Guess what? He's right. What is it to you if he bumps the thread? Get a life!
Jesus wants the Rams in St Louis

see what i am talking about jeri,EVERYTIME USMB'S resident troll rightwinger is backed up against the wall with pesky facts he cant refute,he changes the subject.Like clockwork he is so easy to predict.:lmao::haha:

USMB'S resident troll cant debunk these facts below that came out today that it will be rams and chargers so as always,he changes the subject to avoid admitting deafeat.:haha::lmao:



Just now on NFL Network: Reporting that LA Committee just met privately with Spanos and Davis to try to dissolve their partnership so one of them (i.e. Chargers) can join the Inglewood ticket with the Rams, and that the owners want to get this done tonight.

NFL Networks IAN RAPOPORT reporting Inglewood site will be approved. Rams to LA and Chargers conditional to move after SD public vote.

You believe that hoax?

sucker indeed you are paid troll.,:rofl::lmao::haha:

YOU actually never thought carson was a hoax.comedy gold.:rofl:

as always,you prove my point for me as you have since day one resident troll that you are INCAPABLE of EVER SAYING-WOW YOU WERE RIGHT 9/11. I WAS WRONG.:up:

thats why you are USMB'S resident troll.:up:

Knowing you disinfo agent,I would not put it past you that you STILL honestly think carson is real and the raiders and chargers will be playing in LA this year.:lmao:

I guess ESPN and all the media just lied to everybody in the entire country last night as well as this morning as well right?:lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::muahaha:
Are you that fucking gullible that you actually believe that nonsense?

hey paid shill,i see right through your act,

you just hope i get angry and yell at you hoping for a reaction but i never take the bait,i just laugh at you with the fact you want me to think YOU are right and everyone else in the country and world is wrong and ESPN is just lying.you are too funny beyond words and any other troll to ever post at USMB.

cant wait till this upcoming football season when the words LOS ANGELES RAMS are on monday night football and they show the shots of LA and you ask me if i am that fucking gullible..

you sure provide me comedy relief,you really need to get a job as a comedian dude,your one of a kind.


run along now little troll,sorry not taking your bait.:lmao:

same as in our JFK and 9/11 debates,you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are.you cant deal with the fact that you won the battle 6 months ago but "I" won the war.


you bore me,im done with doing this-:trolls:

advise i plan to follow.:up_yours:
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I'm pleased. As I Niner fan (who held season tickets at Kezar and Candlestick) whose sworn never to attend Levi Stadium or spend a dime to enrich the York Family, I can now look forward to going to LA once a year and watch the game. Of course the best place to watch a Niner / lamb game is in West LA, at the San Francisco Saloon.

Breakfast at Venice Beach and a burger and fries at the SF Saloon, watching the Niners kick LA's ass, is almost as fun as going to AT&T and watching the Giants out hit, out pitch and out score the Dodgers.

San Francisco Saloon

Open the link, bet you crave a burger if you do!
I'm pleased. As I Niner fan (who held season tickets at Kezar and Candlestick) whose sworn never to attend Levi Stadium or spend a dime to enrich the York Family, I can now look forward to going to LA once a year and watch the game. Of course the best place to watch a Niner / lamb game is in West LA, at the San Francisco Saloon.

Breakfast at Venice Beach and a burger and fries at the SF Saloon, watching the Niners kick LA's ass, is almost as fun as going to AT&T and watching the Giants out hit, out pitch and out score the Dodgers.

San Francisco Saloon

Open the link, bet you crave a burger if you do!

yeah thats the smart way to do it.

fuck Jed York for taking the niners out of the bay area and dont give him a dime,just go to inglewood and watch that classic california rivalry get renewed.I like your thinking.thats how i would do it as well.:clap::thup:
You ever ask yourself why a market like LA doesn't have a football team when it's like one of the biggest market in the world? I'll tell you why. They use LA to get other cities to fund their new stadiums. If we as tax payers don't pay up, they'll leave.

So now not only do corporations not pay their fair share of taxes, some of them make us subsidize them financially or they'll leave. What a scam.

Why can't the Rams stay in St. Louis and LA start their own god damn team?

Keeping the Rams was not without its critics. A new stadium would've required hundreds of millions of dollars of public money.
[FONT=Georgia, serif]Rams Fans Criticize Team's Move From St. Louis To Los Angeles
If LA and New York and all these "big markets" we're SO important and valuable then the fvckin NFL would have already moved most of their "franchises" (not teams) there already with their own fvckin money.
You ever ask yourself why a market like LA doesn't have a football team when it's like one of the biggest market in the world? I'll tell you why. They use LA to get other cities to fund their new stadiums. If we as tax payers don't pay up, they'll leave.

So now not only do corporations not pay their fair share of taxes, some of them make us subsidize them financially or they'll leave. What a scam.

Why can't the Rams stay in St. Louis and LA start their own god damn team?

Keeping the Rams was not without its critics. A new stadium would've required hundreds of millions of dollars of public money.
[FONT=Georgia, serif]Rams Fans Criticize Team's Move From St. Louis To Los Angeles
true.another reason why LA was without a team for so long is while they badly wanted a tea,they have stood fast the past decade or so and said they did not want a team that required tax payers to foot the bill which is why they waited till now to have a privately funded team.

that is why the greedy NFL owners tried really hard to stop the inglewood site and have carson built because since kroneke footed the bill with his OWN money and built it with his own dime,other cities will start wanting the same thing and tell the NFL-build your own damn stadium,you got the money. kroneke did it in LA,so can you:thup:

thats the way it SHOULD be.thats what these greedy owners are worried about now.lol

we can only hope they get wise and start catching on anyways.

the reason this time around was different than in years past that LA was being used as leverage for new stadiums in their cities is because just about every team around the country has gotten a new stadium or refurbished it so having the rams back in LA was the right time to stop using LA as leverage for other cities.

It was simple as pie to understand that this time was different and the rams would be back.st louis is bankrupt in millions of debt trying to pay off the CURRENT stadium,so it was laughable as hell to think they could get fund a new stadium.comedy gold.logic and common sense never registered with people around here like mad nutcase when i tried to explain that back then though just to watch it go through one ear and other the other with the,:rolleyes::lmao:

that is WHY in the end they gave kroeneke the green light for the new stadium is because he agreed to house a 2nd team.so actually they STILL have the LA threat card they can use.:biggrin:
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