expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

You ever ask yourself why a market like LA doesn't have a football team when it's like one of the biggest market in the world? I'll tell you why. They use LA to get other cities to fund their new stadiums. If we as tax payers don't pay up, they'll leave.

So now not only do corporations not pay their fair share of taxes, some of them make us subsidize them financially or they'll leave. What a scam.

Why can't the Rams stay in St. Louis and LA start their own god damn team?

Keeping the Rams was not without its critics. A new stadium would've required hundreds of millions of dollars of public money.
[FONT=Georgia, serif]Rams Fans Criticize Team's Move From St. Louis To Los Angeles
true.another reason why LA was without a team for so long is while they badly wanted a tea,they have stood fast the past decade or so and said they did not want a team that required tax payers to foot the bill which is why they waited till now to have a privately funded team.

that is why the greedy NFL owners tried really hard to stop the inglewood site and have carson built because since kroneke footed the bill with his OWN money and built it with his own dime,other cities will start wanting the same thing and tell the NFL-build your own damn stadium,you got the money. kroneke did it in LA,so can you:thup:

thats the way it SHOULD be.thats what these greedy owners are worried about now.lol

we can only hope they get wise and start catching on anyways.

the reason this time around was different than in years past that LA was being used as leverage for new stadiums in their cities is because just about every team around the country has gotten a new stadium or refurbished it so having the rams back in LA was the right time to stop using LA as leverage for other cities.

It was simple as pie to understand that this time was different and the rams would be back.st louis is bankrupt in millions of debt trying to pay off the CURRENT stadium,so it was laughable as hell to think they could get fund a new stadium.comedy gold.logic and common sense never registered with people around here like mad nutcase when i tried to explain that back then though just to watch it go through one ear and other the other with the,:rolleyes::lmao:

that is WHY in the end they gave kroeneke the green light for the new stadium is because he agreed to house a 2nd team.so actually they STILL have the LA threat card they can use.:biggrin:
From what I heard St. Louis sold out every home game. Is that not true? Even losing seasons and the fans still support the team? Sounds to me like the fans got hosed. The Rams should have stayed in St. Louis, the new owner should, instead of having to pay a billion dollars for a new team, he should be given a team and then its his responsibility to build a new stadium. Sounds like there is a market in St. Louis for a football team. Why are they being denied?
The in the OP the 9/11 idiot posted "I will be constanty updating this thread with new information, this has been known since 2012 it was going to happen so for now, I'll just post a few videos form the past to get everyone started"

The idiot said he has known this since 2012. :lol: Yet he still missed the year of the move! :lol:
You ever ask yourself why a market like LA doesn't have a football team when it's like one of the biggest market in the world? I'll tell you why. They use LA to get other cities to fund their new stadiums. If we as tax payers don't pay up, they'll leave.

So now not only do corporations not pay their fair share of taxes, some of them make us subsidize them financially or they'll leave. What a scam.

Why can't the Rams stay in St. Louis and LA start their own god damn team?

Keeping the Rams was not without its critics. A new stadium would've required hundreds of millions of dollars of public money.
[FONT=Georgia, serif]Rams Fans Criticize Team's Move From St. Louis To Los Angeles
true.another reason why LA was without a team for so long is while they badly wanted a tea,they have stood fast the past decade or so and said they did not want a team that required tax payers to foot the bill which is why they waited till now to have a privately funded team.

that is why the greedy NFL owners tried really hard to stop the inglewood site and have carson built because since kroneke footed the bill with his OWN money and built it with his own dime,other cities will start wanting the same thing and tell the NFL-build your own damn stadium,you got the money. kroneke did it in LA,so can you:thup:

thats the way it SHOULD be.thats what these greedy owners are worried about now.lol

we can only hope they get wise and start catching on anyways.

the reason this time around was different than in years past that LA was being used as leverage for new stadiums in their cities is because just about every team around the country has gotten a new stadium or refurbished it so having the rams back in LA was the right time to stop using LA as leverage for other cities.

It was simple as pie to understand that this time was different and the rams would be back.st louis is bankrupt in millions of debt trying to pay off the CURRENT stadium,so it was laughable as hell to think they could get fund a new stadium.comedy gold.logic and common sense never registered with people around here like mad nutcase when i tried to explain that back then though just to watch it go through one ear and other the other with the,:rolleyes::lmao:

that is WHY in the end they gave kroeneke the green light for the new stadium is because he agreed to house a 2nd team.so actually they STILL have the LA threat card they can use.:biggrin:
From what I heard St. Louis sold out every home game. Is that not true? Even losing seasons and the fans still support the team? Sounds to me like the fans got hosed. The Rams should have stayed in St. Louis, the new owner should, instead of having to pay a billion dollars for a new team, he should be given a team and then its his responsibility to build a new stadium. Sounds like there is a market in St. Louis for a football team. Why are they being denied?

Dude havent you learned by now you can NEVER believe what the LAMESTREAM media tells you?:lmao:

Dude you obviously have been hearing that narrative from the LAMESTREAM media who obviously has been getting their narrative from the spin of likes such as st louis sportswriters hacks bernie mikeletz and shane grey,those two are the most delusional sports hacks you'll ever come across.they were in denial to the last second that the rams were not leaving,those two guys ALWAYS plant stories in the media in favor of the Rams that the national media spins.:lmao:

that could not be any further from the truth.Had you paid any attention to looking at the seats in the stadium when you watched the rams and lions play when your Lions played them back in december,you would have noticed back then that the place was a ghostown.:muahaha:

st louis sports hacks shane grey and bernie whats his name,if you call them out for their lies at their sports columns they write they ban you,they hate hearing the truth.:lmao:

the Rams should have stayed in st louis? I KNOW you are not being serious and are joking?:lmao::haha::rofl::rolleyes-41:

the truth is st louis is a HORRIBLE market for NFL football.Its a great baseball town and hockey town but horrible for NFL football.

Here read this article from this st louis sportswriter,I actually have respect for him unlike those two idiots bernie and shane grey because HE tells the truth.

Rams vs. Seattle: Plenty of good seats available : Sports
How far down are ticket sales? Demoff said team policy is not to reveal such numbers. But the “tickets distributed” numbers for home preseason games against Indianapolis and Kansas City tell you all you need to know.
The numbers for those games were 37,460 for Indy and 37,616 for KC. Some of those 37,000 were giveaways, but preseason games normally generate next to nothing in terms of single-game sales.
The moral to the story? The Rams’ season-ticket base is at minimum below 37,000. And unless the Rams have a monumental week in terms of single-ticket stales, we’re talking about an opening-day “crowd” of maybe about 40,000 in the 66,000-seat dome. Which easily would be a low for the Rams in St. Louis for a home opener, and probably a low for pro football in St. Louis going back to the days of the football Cardinals.

If you go by the number of tickets DISTRIBUTED,then yeah you would think the place was packed.But the ACTUAL BUTTS IN THE SEATS,are an entire different ballgame altogether.

the fan support there has been so horrific the last several years that Kroneke obviously was buying up those tickets because had he not,it would have been embarrassing for everyone to look in the sports section and see that no more than 30,000 or so were showing up for the games.:rofl::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao:

I went to the home opener against seattle this year and my guess was that there was not more than 25,000 people there.30,000 at the MOST.:lmao:and the majority were seahawk fans.thats the way it always was there with the opposing fans greatly outnumbering the home team fans the last 10 years or so,

Dude they are bandwagon fans,when they are winning sure they go out and cheer them on and fill the stadium,but the last 13 years or so when they were crappy,the stadium got less and less popular every year.

they are not like the raider fans in oakland.raiders fans in oakland have had just as much of a crappy product on the field that long a period of time as well but unlike in st louis,THEY sold out all their games this year because unlike in stank louis,they are loyal and dedicated fans.
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with them back in LA again,THESE are the kinds of crowds you will see.as you can see from looking at these two vids here,not an empty seat in the house.:thup:

Los Angeles Rams through the years

Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams

I have been a member of this page for over 2 1/2 years. During that time this page has been my own personal addiction. I enjoyed all the conversations and bickerings between friend and foe of this page. It was a way to talk about the team as well as talk about the betrayals of the past. I remember, 21 years ago, Paul Tagliabue telling us, "Los Angeles, you will have a chance to get your team back in 15 years." I really didn't understand or know what he meant. He was referring to an out clause had been written into the contract. As the years went by my hope faded. But when Stan sued and won, base on that clause, we started to see all this unfold in front of our eyes. At first it was just a few news articles that were in our favor. Over the years more and more started reporting that a move was eminent. As that was happening the press against the move was dwindling down to just a few local StL writers selling snake oil to the local fans. I really do feel sorry for them. It was their Gov't, both past and present, that did this to them. But if they are true fans, like us, they will follow their team no matter what. It might take a year or two, like me, but I did come back.
Now to discuss what to do with this page. It needs to go on. Like one member said it should be renamed to "Brought Back The Los Angeles Rams". I wouldn't do it until opening day though.
As a child I remember holding my fathers hand as we walked into the Coliseum to see the Rams. My father is no longer with us, but when I walk into the Coliseum, for my first game, I will look out onto that green grass with that Rams logo and know my dad will be standing next to
me. I know my eyes will well up with tears.
Tonight I toast this celebration with all of you. The Rams are back where they belong!!
WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!
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It's time to cease and desist 9InJob........you were right......I and many others knew you were right........those who thought you wrong is no big deal!
Why the F'in obsession over this?
It's time to cease and desist 9InJob........you were right......I and many others knew you were right........those who thought you wrong is no big deal!
Why the F'in obsession over this?

hey if your eagles left 20 years ago you would understand my obsession over it,the fact it is a passion of mine.,I have to keep this thread alive till the season starts for the fond memories to look back on.lol.

those who thought i was wrong,were smoking crack,they are poor debaters who only see their own point of view and have proven they dont look at both sides of the coin.

had they bothered to watch the videos on page one,they would not have shown off what retards they are.one of those videos in particular from watching,any child could have figured it out they were coming back.:biggrin:

cant desist till the season starts.:biggrin:

you were one of the very few back then who knew i was right all along and actually bothered to watch those videos.:thup:
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Los Angeles Is A Lakers Town

Wow, huffington post made a retarded narcissistic article, what else is new

Ernie Ulloa - Photos/Videos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

First this page needs to change it's name, Bring back LA Rams sounds stupid since this Tuesday. Anyway, the Chargers will move to LA, doing so will block the move of the Raiders to LA which the NFL approved only if the Chargers pass on LA (they are not) Raiders can join the Rams. If the Chargers stay in San Diego the Raiders are approved to go to LA already. If the Chargers go to LA the Raiders have to re-file for relocation and start a new relocation process with separate consideration and relocation fee. The NFL will not let Davis leave the Bay Area, they want two teams there and will squeeze and stonewall him to stay or sell portions of the Raiders. Raider will stay in Oakland because the NFL said so! Ironically, history will show the Chargers ultimately screwed their "partners" the Raiders out of LA after the Carson smoke screen cleared!
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Amazing video and interview. Tom Batemen on Going Roggin in November 2014 and everything mentioned in this interview by both Roggin and Batemen happened just that way.

A behind-the-scenes look at a Rams' proposal the NFL couldn't refuse

I believe that even though it is 2 weeks into the New Year, I need to make a New Years Resolution, something I never do. So from now on, I will not pay attention to postings and arguments from heart-broken St. Louis Ram fans, nor get drawn into discussions that quickly turn from talk to filth. So since I know I've pissed off quite a few, who then love to waste my time with useless replies, here are some facts.
1st, I think we can all agree that both of the owners have burned bridges in their respective cities, whether STL fans want to believe that about GF, that's up to them. BUT UNLESS they were LA Ram fans before she moved them to the Loo, they have no idea about how she treated the fans in LA by refusing to pay her athletes, market the team, or to discuss selling the team to either interested people in LA (Including Leigh Steinberg) or others (Dodi Fayed). And while STL fans can say the same thing about Stan, and probably have a vaild argument, it all goes back to 1995-so ANY ARGUMENT IS CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK, which automatically ENDS the argument...
2nd, STL can hate Stan for marrying to get into money, I know we all like to hate the rich-unless we could be in their shoes, but I can stand up and say, IT'S BETTER THAN KILLING YOUR HUSBAND TO GET INTO MONEY...That ends THAT argument.
4th, crying and whining and all the other stuff that comes with that won'tsolve anything. Go back to 1995 and see how many LA Ram fans were complaining on the internet, oh wait, there wasn't an internet back then, so we had to sit there and get kicked in the face and commiserate with ourselves. IN SPITE OF THAT, the majority of us stayed RAM FANS, and even though it killed us to see them finally win the BIG ONE in another city, it was still THE RAMS that WON SUPER BOWL 34. So unless you quickly build a TIME MACHINE, go back to 2008 and show SHAD KHAN what's going to happen, BEG HIM to buy the Rams, and change history, nothing is going to change what has happened this week. AND I WILL SAY IT AGAIN TO ALL STL RAM FANS, all of us LA RAM FANS CELEBRATING the Return of our TEAM hopes that you will be able to get past what has happened and support THE RAMS, as we did the past 21 years
AND FINALLY, I know most people who watched someone walk away and break their heart, and yet still pined for them for 21 years, would be doing backflips if she rang the doorbell and said, "I'M BACK, AND BY THE WAY I'M RICHER THAN GOD." So don't get too mad at us for CELEBRATING LIKE WE WON THE 1.5 BILLION DOLLAR POWERBALL, WE WON SOMETHING EVEN BETTER TUESDAY EVENING AT 5 PM PACIFIC TIME, WE WON OUR HEART BACK.

plus LA fans did not get the chance to vote against the team leaving their city like st louis did.

Holy crap. I wanted to listen to Bernie Miklaus whine and just heard him complete justify the Rams moving to Los Angeles without even knowing it. Check this out. Somebody accused St. Louis of stealing the Rams back in '95. He argued that St. Louis did not steal the Rams using this desciption:
"In 1960 the American Football League formed and the American Football League was looking for markets to put teams in. Untapped Markets. Ok. There were two teams in Chicago, Bears and Cardinals. Cardinal were really bad. They weren't drawing anybody. The Bears were the dominant team. The NFL knew that the AFL was going to put an expansion franchise in St. Louis so rather than let that happen, they went to the Bidwell family and said, look, you gotta move the Cardinals to St. Louis. You have to. We have to play defense against the AFL. We gotta protect that market. That's how the Cardinals got to St. Louis. No one stole them. The NFL directed them. I'm sure there were some Chicago Cardinal die-hard fans in Chicago but not that many by that point. The point is this is something that the NFL and the Cardinals decided to do. They just said, Hey, St. Louis. You want a team? We got a team for you. St. Louis had nothing to do with it other than to say yes."

So let me get this straight. Here are the facts:
* The NFL and the Cardinals worked without any help from St. Louis.
* There may have been die hard fans still in Chicago, but not many.
* The NFL wanted to get/keep the revenue in St. Louis.
* The NFL directed the Cardinal to move to St. Louis.
* The NFL and Cardinals made the decision to move.
Sound familiar? Let's change the names to match the recent Rams relocation:
* NFL and the Rams worked without any help from Los Angeles.
* There may have been die hard fans still in St. Louis, but not many.
* The NFL wanted to get/keep the revenue in Los Angeles.
* The NFL directed the Rams to move to Los Angeles.
* The NFL and Rams made the decision to move.
Bernie is a hypocrite. He claims the actions are ok when it is the Cardinals moving to St. Louis, but it's wrong if the same actions are bringing the Rams home.
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Coming in way late to this thread, and no way could I read it all, but it appears there is plenty of interest in bringing the Rams back to LA. To me when I think of the Rams I think of LA, not St Louis.

dont you agree from watching those videos on page one that any thinking person even a child,could have seen the obvious back then,that the Rams coming back to LA was obvious?

Yeah I could not think of a more stupid name to call a football team worse than st louis rams,it sounded so childish.Its like calling the yankees the new mexico yankees.same thing,their history and tradition is all in LA.

At one time I was in favor of st louis getting the cardinals football team back bit no more for two reason.1.they never even wanted the rams in the first place,the first four years there when they were horrible,that stadium was half empty all the time,wasnt till the year they went to the superbowl that they started showing up. then when warner lsft the team and they went downhill after that and got bad again,they stopped showing up.they are such bandwagon fans.they dont deserve another team.

2.more importantly,they whined about losing the cardinals so what do they do,they go and steal something that does not belong to them after arizona stole their team.

plus they laughed at LA when they lost the rams saying-too bad LA.well last laugh is on them.too bad st louis.:biggrin:
Dear St. Louis, you had a great run in the NFL world but, it's 100% your fault that the Rams are back in L.A. Kroenke gave you a plan to renovate the dome . You countered back with a low ball offer that the Rams rejected because it wasn't even close to a viable plan. The Rams plan was gonna cost 700 Mil that would have completely upgraded the dome with a glass retractable roof. Your plan was for roughly 100 Mil that includes a large video monitor. A arbitration judge ruled in the Rams favor. And so you find yourself in the pickle that you created. So go ahead and be as bitter as you wanna be but deep in your heart you know you F-Ed up. Have fun being a Chiefs fan now

The song playing in my head since the announcement? The Los Angeles Rams Marching Song. It needs to be played before every Rams broadcast just like it was from 1946-1994. ‪#‎LARams2016‬

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