expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Did you ever think that Stan Kroenke opened his wallet to a $2.2 billion project without legal cover? You think a billionaire developer just start investing heavily into land, political contributions, union contracts, and permits without a legal review? I love how some in StL think the NFL ultimately will just pick a stadium and if Carson, tell Stan "go back to your market and be quiet" really? Not so fast! If Stan Kroenke was Al Davis he would have gone rogue and said "makeme" with a Stone Cold Steve Austin two hand gesture!! But Kroenke is no Davis, he believes he has a reasonable case out of StL and wants to be neighborly with his fellow owners, notice him following league procedures. If, however, Goodell wants to play hard ball in LA don't expect Kroenke to nod his head and go quietly, Stan is no stranger to a court room, you can read if you want some of his prior legal escapades. Just like a mega development needs top notch architects, logistics, connections, and financing, it also needs legal cover from top notch lawyers experts in their field at the federal, State, county, and city level (county not needed anymore) At the federal level, Stan will not watch millions be wasted in investment and personal reputation if top notch antitrust lawyers didn't say "you're good Stan" Do you think the recent StL city and the more serious Missouri state lawsuits are a surprise to Stan & legal team? No they are not! All of the city, county, and state legal analysts/review is under "looking good Stan" already in Kroenke's left pocket. So from all the colorful names Stan Kroenke is being called no now a days, from StL, please don't call him an idiot. You look like idiots calling him an idiot with every passing day. Nice legal team there Stan!
The Raiders pushed the NFL out of Los Angeles and returned to Oakland! There is no way that they should be allowed to even think about relocating to Los Angeles.

amen to that.
From my understanding, from what the league and Grubman has said publicly there is a time frame fast approaching where all proposed stadium offers have to have their ducks in a row and the financing has to be solid. We have heard that it is considered St Louis plan is solid because of the financing but is it? When they are being sued over the legality of the extending the bonds for an additiona 250 million is it really solid. Doesn't sound like it to me. We hear very little about the Inglewood stadium because its all buttoned up and they are just in the process of obtaining proper permits locally for the construction. Financing is in place and the land and the project is otherwise approved. As for Carson, they still face 50 million dollars worth of clean up from what we have been told before they can even consider beginning construction. And for that reason they would not be open for business in 2018 like Inglewood can be. This is important in regards to the Super Bowl for 2020.
I like.Make perfect sense to me.:beer:

My take:

Rams are good as gone from St. Louis. Kroenke has not once this entire time done or said anything that shows he's interested in staying. The stadium plan is unraveling in front of them and ultimately the owner of the team will do what they want to do. St. Louis had their opportunity to keep the team locked in the city and they lost that chance. If Kroenke is investing in a new stadium, follow the money.

Chargers figure out a solution to keep team in San Diego. It's too important of a market and a semi-regular Super Bowl destination to lose. The Spanos family wants to stay there if possible.

The relocation fees for the Rams will be used, along with help from the NFL and Mark Davis selling some of his stake in the team, to build a new stadium that likely will be part of the coliseum city project.

Until this all happens though, they have to make the Carson project seem viable. ESPN builds up drama for the league since it's the offseason and there's not much to talk about.
Owner Mark Davis Talks Stadium with ESPN

one thing is, this article says the league could block the rams from moving IF, IF st louis comes up with a finance plan that looks like it will work. so, now it looks like they can't, so whole basis of the article is now wrong. stan can say he has no stadium plan in st louis and I want to move

Interesting discussion by Fred Roggin today. He handicaps the chances of the various outcomes this way:
Better than 50% San Diego hangs on to the Chargers
35% Oakland keeps the Raiders
5% St. Louis keeps the Rams
95% Inglewood Stadium
5% Carson Stadium
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seriously Peacock is living in fantasy world where the NFL can force an owner to stay in city that wants out.

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