expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

get em boltman.

Is a Chargers Move To Los Angeles Legal NBC 7 San Diego

he nailed it.

I am expecting June and July to be quite on major announcements for NFL in the LA market. Everyone is waiting on the NFL darling, Dean Spanos to consider the San Diego's CSAG proposal (starting June 1st) so June and maybe July will be a lot of Fabiani negotiations with the city of San Diego. As soon as Spanos decides either to stay or move, the rest of the dominos will start dropping for NFL in LA. With the amount of time left to October's New York owner's where relocation will be front and center, (4 months) it's inconceivable how San Diego, StL, and Oakland will have airtight financial funding done like the NFL demands! Oakland is a complete mess with the Raiders and the city $400 apart, and that figure has stayed consistent. San Diego (and Oakland for that matter) being in California, will experience much more red tape than other cities like Minneapolis (just got a partially publicly funded stadium) In StL the land is only 63% purchased the remaining land, the city has to eminent domain to get it, also the Dome Authority lawsuit is pending adjudication at the city level and 1/3 of the StL city board of alderman signed a letter to opposin funding without a public vote! On the state level, the legislators have not signed off on Nixon's bypassing a state public vote, with the Kansas part of the state threatening a filibuster to block funding without a public vote (more red tape) You are telling all this will clear in 4 months? Really? The only airtight financials are Stan Kroenke's. The only way to viably fast tract a stadium this quickly is 100% private funding to eliminate any public money red tape. Yes, Carson will be 100% private financing through Goldman Sachs according to Fabiani but the last $50 million remediation will delay stadium building at least 12 months! Inglewood would be 1/3 complete when Carson finally starts building. Again, with so little time left now that the NFL wants to move up dates and wants airtight stadium financing and clarity, the only financial shoe that fits in NFL to LA is Inglewood. As a result, LA Rams.
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Good Luck on that.hee hee.

"A person who deals in this stuff points out nobody is going to build a stadium for $1 billion — the current going rate although it will cost much more — without a team. Therefore, in this race among three would-be franchises which would locate in two would-be vicinities, the probable winner is the guy who wants to come to Inglewood, Stan Kroenke of the Rams.
Kroenke has a franchise. He has plans for a stadium. He has Inglewood, near Los Angeles International, nearer the Beautiful People of SoCal (Beverly Hills, Westwood Village, and Santa Monica), and he has $6 billion. The entire community of Carson may not be worth that much, but Carson is willing to fight Kroenke."


ONLY Rams belong in Los Angeles!

An Economist Found 80M More for the Chargers Stadium

http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/…/nfl-unsure-how-much…/Stan says $500 million relocation fee to relocate to LA? Not a problem.

A judge has scheduled the first hearing on a lawsuit about use of city tax dollars for a new $985 million football stadium downtown. The ultimate outcome will either fast-track financing or cool its progress.


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Bob, know one thing every city or stadium is behind Stan's Inglewood in building, financing, governmental red tape and legalities:
1-Oakland and the Raiders: a complete mess. Raiders and the city are $400 million light years apart. Raiders can't moveon their own financially. They have to yield for the Chargers.
2- San Diego and the Chargers: the CSAG just handed it's proposal to the Chargers last week, with the history of San Diego dropping the ball on stadium construction, this could be too little too late, especially this late in the game and the time consuming need for public funding red tape. Chargers need the Raiders to makes Carson work (why do you think the collaboration with the Raiders in the first place)
3- StL: at the city level the lawsuit of dome authority vs the is scheduled to start this Thursday. The land is 63% purchased/controlled the rest needs eminent domain to control. 1/3 of City alderman opposed public financing without a public vote in an open letter. At the state level, the legislators have not signed off on the state's part without legislative or public vote. Kansas part of the state is threatening a filibuster.
4- Carson: remediated is not complete. Still there is $50 million in clean up that will set Carson at least a year behind Inglewood. Both Chargers and a Raiders must commit for it to work so there are more moving parts than a single team the more moving parts the higher chance of something going wrong in two party collaboration especially last minute. Remember, You are talking Raiders, if you think they are a mess on the field, they are even more a mess in their business operations and financials. Charges sure picked the best of the worst to do business with!
5- trademark value: Chargers have almost no trademark value in LA. Raiders have a gangster/bar fight/thug trademark value image. Rams have almost 50 years of clean, corporate friendly goodwill trademark value image in LA.
6- Rams: no land problems, no funding problems, no union issues, no remediation problems, no financing issues, no local public vote needed, and a set date to start construction (December 15) all systems good to go!
Bob, just because all the dogs (Raiders, Chargers, StL, and Carson) are barking in the "NFL to LA media neighborhood except one (Inglewood) that doesn't mean there is something wrong with that one dog! maybe that dog is comfortably and quietly sleeping because he has nothing to worry about.
Stan Kroenke has invested millions in Inglewood and more in reputation, don't think for a minute he is this knee deep in Inglewood without legal cover. THE NFL DOESN'T HAVE FINAL SAY! It's not going to simply pick Carson and tell Stan go back to StL and drink from that poisoned well the rest of your life. That's not Stan Kroenke's MO. Push comes to shove, a federal court will decide this landmark antitrust case.. and we know how much Goodell/NFL love that word. No worries Ramily, Stan got this, let the rest stress bark all they want, LA Rams are on easy street..... so put your feet up grab a cold one and relax.
Bob, know one thing every city or stadium is behind Stan's Inglewood in building, financing, governmental red tape and legalities:
1-Oakland and the Raiders: a complete mess. Raiders and the city are $400 million light years apart. Raiders can't moveon their own financially. They have to yield for the Chargers.
2- San Diego and the Chargers: the CSAG just handed it's proposal to the Chargers last week, with the history of San Diego dropping the ball on stadium construction, this could be too little too late, especially this late in the game and the time consuming need for public funding red tape. Chargers need the Raiders to makes Carson work (why do you think the collaboration with the Raiders in the first place)
3- StL: at the city level the lawsuit of dome authority vs the is scheduled to start this Thursday. The land is 63% purchased/controlled the rest needs eminent domain to control. 1/3 of City alderman opposed public financing without a public vote in an open letter. At the state level, the legislators have not signed off on the state's part without legislative or public vote. Kansas part of the state is threatening a filibuster.
4- Carson: remediated is not complete. Still there is $50 million in clean up that will set Carson at least a year behind Inglewood. Both Chargers and a Raiders must commit for it to work so there are more moving parts than a single team the more moving parts the higher chance of something going wrong in two party collaboration especially last minute. Remember, You are talking Raiders, if you think they are a mess on the field, they are even more a mess in their business operations and financials. Charges sure picked the best of the worst to do business with!
5- trademark value: Chargers have almost no trademark value in LA. Raiders have a gangster/bar fight/thug trademark value image. Rams have almost 50 years of clean, corporate friendly goodwill trademark value image in LA.
6- Rams: no land problems, no funding problems, no union issues, no remediation problems, no financing issues, no local public vote needed, and a set date to start construction (December 15) all systems good to go!
Bob, just because all the dogs (Raiders, Chargers, StL, and Carson) are barking in the "NFL to LA media neighborhood except one (Inglewood) that doesn't mean there is something wrong with that one dog! maybe that dog is comfortably and quietly sleeping because he has nothing to worry about.
Stan Kroenke has invested millions in Inglewood and more in reputation, don't think for a minute he is this knee deep in Inglewood without legal cover. THE NFL DOESN'T HAVE FINAL SAY! It's not going to simply pick Carson and tell Stan go back to StL and drink from that poisoned well the rest of your life. That's not Stan Kroenke's MO. Push comes to shove, a federal court will decide this landmark antitrust case.. and we know how much Goodell/NFL love that word. No worries Ramily, Stan got this, let the rest stress bark all they want, LA Rams are on easy street..... so put your feet up grab a cold one and relax.

Bob, about 20 years ago I went to buy a new car. There was a new company, Acura, that was receiving fantastic reviews. At the time, it was a highly sought after car, they were having a hard time keeping them in stock. I went to the dealership and there was only one salesman. I went to talk to him and he just said, "I'll be here when you're done looking." I asked, "Aren't you supposed to try to sell me a car?" And he replied, and this is an exact quote, "I'm not really needed. These cars sell themselves."

Now, why did I tell you that story? Because if a product is so good it sells itself, you don't need a salesman. You don't need to prove or justify your product. You only need a salesman if you know your product won't sell otherwise. After hearing that, I just have two words: Carmen Policy. The very fact that the Carson project had to hire a salesman tells you that their product needs help. Has the Inglewood project hired a salesman? No...Stan has just stoically moved forward since day 1. No salesman needed.

Yes, Carmen Policy is a snakeoil salesman. He was part of a ownership under Eddie DeBartolo that circumvented the Salary Cap to keep the Niners on top and eventually it caught up to them and he moved on to Cleveland. And Cleveland has done exactly what? Then Carmen disappeared because nobody wanted him in their front office. He was growing wine in Northern California until now.
amen to that.

Noticed a few negative comments from a former regular on here at BBTLAR and not sure why. Nobody has put out bullshit here at BBTLAR. In fact everything BBTLAR has said for the last few years has reinforced the fact that Stan Kroenke intends to bring the Rams back to LA. The only people saying Carson is anything are those who stand to benefit from it. Namely Fabiani and his mouth piece Carmen Policy. The consensus has been and will be that the Inglewood stadium is the lead horse in this relocation scenario. Most of the media including Bob Costas of NBC and KMOX in St Louis have stated as much. Even the NFL Networks which is the league's network has stated as much. Not sure where all the sudden some individuals here think Carson is legit. Its not.

No self made billionaire undertakes a $2.2 billion project and takes it to this point without legal cover. If you look at Stan history of business dealings, he is not shy of court rooms. Stan can get up right now and go, independent of anything the NFLdoes or which stadium they pick. NFL can't stop him building his stadium development or stop him physically from moving. They can control his share of revenue sharing or try to strip him of his team (both will also end up in court) Either way the NFL is not bigger than federal antitrust laws no matter what NFL believes is right or wrong. So if neither side backs down a judge will decide in NFL vs Kroenke if antitrust laws allow Stan to relocate. I love how many people in StL forget we have a great legal system and think the NFL is responsible for drafting the U.S. Constitution and can do whatever it wants without legal review or challenge!

Antitrust is a dirty word in the NFL (read also Al David vs NFL 1982)
Oakland Raiders Not on the Way Out YetOakland Raiders Not on the Way Out of Town Just Yet

    • San Antonio is too late and I think the media affiliated with the NFL is only focusing more on Carson due to the fact that the owner of the Rams is trying to make an Al Davis type of move. They don't like outlaws or mavericks that do things their way. Carson is not happening and I still say it with confidence.
  • The Oakland Raiders is to deny them a move to L.A., and force them to choose to stay in Oakland or go to San Antonio. Having said that, the San Antonio scenario will never happen IMHO, so with luck, and a lot of leftover animosity, the Raiders will be forced to stay in Oakland, or ask for a handout at Levi.
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Did you ever think that Stan Kroenke opened his wallet to a $2.2 billion project without legal cover? You think a billionaire developer just start investing heavily into land, political contributions, union contracts, and permits without a legal review? I love how some in StL think the NFL ultimately will just pick a stadium and if Carson, tell Stan "go back to your market and be quiet" really? Not so fast! If Stan Kroenke was Al Davis he would have gone rogue and said "makeme" with a Stone Cold Steve Austin two hand gesture!! But Kroenke is no Davis, he believes he has a reasonable case out of StL and wants to be neighborly with his fellow owners, notice him following league procedures. If, however, Goodell wants to play hard ball in LA don't expect Kroenke to nod his head and go quietly, Stan is no stranger to a court room, you can read if you want some of his prior legal escapades. Just like a mega development needs top notch architects, logistics, connections, and financing, it also needs legal cover from top notch lawyers experts in their field at the federal, State, county, and city level (county not needed anymore) At the federal level, Stan will not watch millions be wasted in investment and personal reputation if top notch antitrust lawyers didn't say "you're good Stan" Do you think the recent StL city and the more serious Missouri state lawsuits are a surprise to Stan & legal team? No they are not! All of the city, county, and state legal analysts/review is under "looking good Stan" already in Kroenke's left pocket. So from all the colorful names Stan Kroenke is being called no now a days, from StL, please don't call him an idiot. You look like idiots calling him an idiot with every passing day. Nice legal team there Stan!

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