Expensive Obama Vacations Bring About Lawsuit, ‘Abuse of Taxpayers’ Money

Presidents pay for their own and their families’ lodging, food and incidentals while on vacation, which may be why they generally prefer to stay at properties they own, as guests of wealthy friends or at the official presidential retreat at Camp David.

But since presidential vacations are always working vacations, taxpayers cover what it takes to keep the commander in chief working. Lodging and meals are an extra cost, but taxpayers pay the salaries of White House staffers and Secret Service agents whether the president stays in Washington or not, so a presidential vacation does not significantly increase personnel costs.

The biggest additional expense is the use of Air Force One and the support aircraft needed to haul all the equipment and ground transportation the president needs.

Five myths about presidential vacations
FINALLY! Look What's Happening to Obama for Wasting Taxpayer Dollars on Vacations...

Put a beggar on horseback and he rides straight to hell. He is THE WORST POTUS, NOT a Christian and against Christianity, coddles terrorists' mentality and wants to destroy America. He is a disgrace to his race and the American people.

You dopey bigots never cared when it was a white Potus golfing.

Fuck off with your sick bigotry.

You're not American or Christian.

That is because the white potus did it with his own money.
Since the President has to pay his own personal expenses, and the expenses of the government staff is about the same if he stays at the White House or travels, all that matters to the taxpayers is how much it cost to fly the President to and from his vacations on Air Force One.

Since Bush took way more vacations than Obama, even though he stayed at Crawford for most of them, his vacations cost the taxpayers far more than Obama's.
How come this stupid phony outrage crap comes up every 6 months or so?

The president needs an entourage, an expensive one, including the secret service....

This stuff gets more and more expensive every year, and the GOP always tries to exploit those figures to promote the idea that Obama spends more on vacations than anyone before.

The Democrats will be doing the same thing to the next President...like they hammered on "W" for his Crawford trips
The way things are going this year...it's the Republicans who will be doing the same thing to the next President.
Since the President has to pay his own personal expenses, and the expenses of the government staff is about the same if he stays at the White House or travels, all that matters to the taxpayers is how much it cost to fly the President to and from his vacations on Air Force One.

Since Bush took way more vacations than Obama, even though he stayed at Crawford for most of them, his vacations cost the taxpayers far more than Obama's.
That will be ignored by the Righties here. And when I was stationed at Pt Mugu, Reagan flew on government expense back to CA and his Santa Barbara ranch every 3 day weekend.
Since the President has to pay his own personal expenses, and the expenses of the government staff is about the same if he stays at the White House or travels, all that matters to the taxpayers is how much it cost to fly the President to and from his vacations on Air Force One.

Since Bush took way more vacations than Obama, even though he stayed at Crawford for most of them, his vacations cost the taxpayers far more than Obama's.
Since the President has to pay his own personal expenses, and the expenses of the government staff is about the same if he stays at the White House or travels, all that matters to the taxpayers is how much it cost to fly the President to and from his vacations on Air Force One.

Since Bush took way more vacations than Obama, even though he stayed at Crawford for most of them, his vacations cost the taxpayers far more than Obama's.

toss facts at RW's until you're green, they'll never believe you. Explaining nano physics to a frog has better results.
They are suing for an FOIA REQUEST, for information on what the costs were, because they don't know what the costs were....

He's not being sued for his vacations. STUPID CHILDREN, the young republicans....but they've learned well from their parents on how to make up bull crud and promote it in their echo chamber

wow, that was nasty
Sometimes the truth has to be told Stephanie....these kids, and the opinion poster, have found their true callings in life, lie, deceive, then repeat, repeat, repeat the lies....

I'm not certain the Young Democrats are any smarter either. Call me old and cranky.... I deserve it....
I could care less what or where a president goes and does ... I mean vacations/golf/etc should go with the job regardless of party.

another RW non issue, pay no attention.

Fine. Set a budget that must be approved by Congress. Anything over that comes out of his or her pocket.
How come this stupid phony outrage crap comes up every 6 months or so?

The president needs an entourage, an expensive one, including the secret service....

This stuff gets more and more expensive every year, and the GOP always tries to exploit those figures to promote the idea that Obama spends more on vacations than anyone before.

The Democrats will be doing the same thing to the next President...like they hammered on "W" for his Crawford trips

The point is that milk runs to Crawford were a bargain to egregious quantities and extravagance associated with vacations. The Democrats made the stink about cheaper trips to Crawford yet tell US to accept the Marie Antoinette lifestyle of their guys.

milk runs?

During Bush’s two terms, the cost of operating Air Force One ranged from $56,800 to $68,000 an hour. Bush used Air Force One 77 times to go to his ranch in Crawford, TX. Using the low end cost of $56,800, Media Matters calculated that each trip to Crawford cost taxpayers $259,687 each time, and $20 million total for Bush’s ranch flights.

$20M Compared to what the lawsuit is saying Obama's Entourage-infused boondagles total $74M.

The report, though, doesn’t measure the cost of a vote. It showed overall appropriations for the House in the current fiscal year totaling $1.226 billion.

Divide the $1.226 billion by 52 (weeks) and you get to roughly $24 million a week.

the House voted to repeal Obamacare 55 times over a two year period ...... infuse that up your boondoggle.

I am certain the Ametican People would prefer the House voting to Marie Antoinette wannabes flicking the middle finger at America with in your face opulence while Americans don't take vacations I they can keep their job.
How come this stupid phony outrage crap comes up every 6 months or so?

The president needs an entourage, an expensive one, including the secret service....

This stuff gets more and more expensive every year, and the GOP always tries to exploit those figures to promote the idea that Obama spends more on vacations than anyone before.

The Democrats will be doing the same thing to the next President...like they hammered on "W" for his Crawford trips

The point is that milk runs to Crawford were a bargain to egregious quantities and extravagance associated with vacations. The Democrats made the stink about cheaper trips to Crawford yet tell US to accept the Marie Antoinette lifestyle of their guys.

milk runs?

During Bush’s two terms, the cost of operating Air Force One ranged from $56,800 to $68,000 an hour. Bush used Air Force One 77 times to go to his ranch in Crawford, TX. Using the low end cost of $56,800, Media Matters calculated that each trip to Crawford cost taxpayers $259,687 each time, and $20 million total for Bush’s ranch flights.

$20M Compared to what the lawsuit is saying Obama's Entourage-infused boondagles total $74M.

The report, though, doesn’t measure the cost of a vote. It showed overall appropriations for the House in the current fiscal year totaling $1.226 billion.

Divide the $1.226 billion by 52 (weeks) and you get to roughly $24 million a week.

the House voted to repeal Obamacare 55 times over a two year period ...... infuse that up your boondoggle.

I am certain the Ametican People would prefer the House voting to Marie Antoinette wannabes flicking the middle finger at America with in your face opulence while Americans don't take vacations I they can keep their job.
Translation: ....those uppity.......
Don't forget the $200 million a day on the trip to India.
You know what's funny...the whole "shock" vibe from the anti PC crowd has made great end roads into justifying practices that people figured out were bad in the 60's.

It really is the revenge of Archie Bunker.
FINALLY! Look What's Happening to Obama for Wasting Taxpayer Dollars on Vacations...

Put a beggar on horseback and he rides straight to hell. He is THE WORST POTUS, NOT a Christian and against Christianity, coddles terrorists' mentality and wants to destroy America. He is a disgrace to his race and the American people.

Barrack Hussein Obama as candidate in 2008 promised no vacations and even swore off leisure time.

Did he? Because by that same 'logic', Obama promised never to sleep while President.

Now how much sense does that make?
More wasted court time...

I totally agree. The monarchy can do whatever it wants with government money. It might be wrong and all but the courts will side with Obama and let him do whatever he wants with government money. They last time I checked whenever a CEO of a corporation uses corporate money for personal use that was call embezzlment but this is OBAMA and obama can do whatever he wants because he is king of America.

We don't have a monarchy. Every president gets security for himself and his family. And last time you checked, you didn't have the slighest clue what you were talking about.
The point is that milk runs to Crawford were a bargain to egregious quantities and extravagance associated with vacations. The Democrats made the stink about cheaper trips to Crawford yet tell US to accept the Marie Antoinette lifestyle of their guys.

milk runs?

During Bush’s two terms, the cost of operating Air Force One ranged from $56,800 to $68,000 an hour. Bush used Air Force One 77 times to go to his ranch in Crawford, TX. Using the low end cost of $56,800, Media Matters calculated that each trip to Crawford cost taxpayers $259,687 each time, and $20 million total for Bush’s ranch flights.

$20M Compared to what the lawsuit is saying Obama's Entourage-infused boondagles total $74M.

The report, though, doesn’t measure the cost of a vote. It showed overall appropriations for the House in the current fiscal year totaling $1.226 billion.

Divide the $1.226 billion by 52 (weeks) and you get to roughly $24 million a week.

the House voted to repeal Obamacare 55 times over a two year period ...... infuse that up your boondoggle.

I am certain the Ametican People would prefer the House voting to Marie Antoinette wannabes flicking the middle finger at America with in your face opulence while Americans don't take vacations I they can keep their job.
Translation: ....those uppity.......

Comparing people to Marie Antoinette is uppity?? Most people align Marie Antoinette with "elite". How did you come up with "uppity"?
FINALLY! Look What's Happening to Obama for Wasting Taxpayer Dollars on Vacations...

Put a beggar on horseback and he rides straight to hell. He is THE WORST POTUS, NOT a Christian and against Christianity, coddles terrorists' mentality and wants to destroy America. He is a disgrace to his race and the American people.

Barrack Hussein Obama as candidate in 2008 promised no vacations and even swore off leisure time.

Did he? Because by that same 'logic', Obama promised never to sleep while President.

Now how much sense does that make?

How much sense did it make then to support Obama for all of his broken promises?
FINALLY! Look What's Happening to Obama for Wasting Taxpayer Dollars on Vacations...

Put a beggar on horseback and he rides straight to hell. He is THE WORST POTUS, NOT a Christian and against Christianity, coddles terrorists' mentality and wants to destroy America. He is a disgrace to his race and the American people.

Barrack Hussein Obama as candidate in 2008 promised no vacations and even swore off leisure time.

Did he? Because by that same 'logic', Obama promised never to sleep while President.

Now how much sense does that make?

How much sense did it make then to support Obama for all of his broken promises?

So per your logic, he 'promised' not to sleep while president? I just want you on record.

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