Experimental Pfizer vaccine for a virus with a 99.9% recovery rate ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Can anyone explain why I should be their guinea pig ? If 74 year old Donald Trump can beat covid-19 in under a week, never having had a vaccine before or since, then why should any of us need it ?
trump_hazmat (1).jpg

This woman was fired from her job for not getting the vaccine.... Is that right ?
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Can anyone explain why I should be their guinea pig ? If 74 year old Donald Trump can beat covid-19 in under a week, never having had a vaccine before or since, then why should any of us need it ?
View attachment 458939

This woman was fired from her job for not getting the vaccine.... Is that right ?

No. This media source is lying to you, and this woman needs to find a lawyer.

Actually, according to the Nuremberg international criminal code, since these vaccines have not completely gone through clinical phase four trials? Nor have they been through experiments on animals, they are completely experimental, FOR EVERYONE.

Go to minute 15:00 and listen.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE Foils California Schools’ Plan To Prematurely Mandate COVID-19 Tests And Vaccines For Students And Teachers

". . Federal and State law on this matter rest on the first principle of the Nuremberg Code requiring that the human subject be “so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice without undue inducement or any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress or other forms of constraint or coercion.” This is a bright line that cannot be blurred. . . "
It’s sad so many Americans are wards of State propaganda. The idiots clamoring for the vaccine are perfect examples. I don’t doubt forcing Americans to get the shot before they can travel, work, etc is in our future, in the Land of the Free. Crazy!
Can anyone explain why I should be their guinea pig ? If 74 year old Donald Trump can beat covid-19 in under a week, never having had a vaccine before or since, then why should any of us need it ?
View attachment 458939

This woman was fired from her job for not getting the vaccine.... Is that right ?

It's all about the Benjamins, baby! A LOT of Democrat and Republican politicians have very close ties with the pharmaceutical industry.
It's all about the Benjamins, baby! A LOT of Democrat and Republican politicians have very close ties with the pharmaceutical industry.
Makes me wonder if the health professionals and other big shots are
taking 'show' vaccines ...(fake) . Seriously. Biden got one supposedly.
Can anyone explain why I should be their guinea pig ? If 74 year old Donald Trump can beat covid-19 in under a week, never having had a vaccine before or since, then why should any of us need it ?
View attachment 458939

This woman was fired from her job for not getting the vaccine.... Is that right ?

It's all about the Benjamins, baby! A LOT of Democrat and Republican politicians have very close ties with the pharmaceutical industry.

That’s an understatement. Big Pharma owns and controls both criminal gangs. They also own the MSM and much of the science and research community.
The more I read and hear about the vaccine the more I don't want it...everyone had better do some research before getting one....
The more I read and hear about the vaccine the more I don't want it...everyone had better do some research before getting one....

"A Kite was bothering pigeons so the pigeons asked the hawk to guard them. Bad move as the hawk did more damage than the kite would have.
Avoid a remedy that is worse than the disease.

Townsend Version

Townsend version

The pigeons, terrified by the appearance of a Kite, called upon the Hawk to defend them. He at once consented. When they had admitted him into the cote, they found that he made more havoc and slew a larger number of them in one day than the Kite could pounce upon in a whole year."

Y’all don’t know what the virus does in its natural host. That is your problem when refusing the vaccine. On other threads, we have already shown that China implicates Ft. Detrick for origins of C-19, and the Trump administration (correctly) pointed to Chinese military installations connected to coronavirus research. Whatever Obama’s connections, we now have a dem puppet president pretending to be doing intelligent things about the virus. The lab theory, however, will not likely stand the test of time.

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