Expert: President Trump can issue executive order stopping family separations at the border

How do you know that the 'parents' are really the parents of these children? There is little to no paperwork. ((after all, ya'll refer to them as 'undocumented') For all you know that 'parent' might be trafficking children for child porn, etc. If Trump lifted the separation regulation, he could be sentencing innocent children to a life of slavery. In short, there are REASONS for the separation and those separations don't last long. You leftist assholes don't really give a shit about these kids.
Great point. So why is Trump now calling for legislation to keep families together? Why would he be joining the leftists in their effort to sentence children to a life slavery?
"Slavery?" Are they being forced to pick cotton?

You do realize that you're a hysterical lying douchebag, don't you?
Learn how to follow a conversation, I was using Leo’s words. Read the thread before you comment on it and sound like an idiot
Yes, that's exactly what we're saying. All this whining is just a sleazy political stunt. You just admitted it.
Except both of you are wrong -- this is a new policy -- if you don't believe me..Ask Pastor Jeff Sessions

Obama didn't split up families as policy -- when people keep saying that, they are lying....

Ask Jeff Sessions, he admits its his policy and he admits he uses it as a deterrent -- it just backfired and now they are relying on folks like you to blame on the black guy, per usual....

Sessions admits policy is a deterrent

Enforcing the law is a new policy?

Sad that you would admit that.
Enforcing it with zero tolerance and extreme punishment is the issue and the new directive from Trump. Stop playing the games, we all know what’s going on
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
In other words, you're admitting that Obama refused to enforce the law.

Thanks for playing.
Except both of you are wrong -- this is a new policy -- if you don't believe me..Ask Pastor Jeff Sessions

Obama didn't split up families as policy -- when people keep saying that, they are lying....

Ask Jeff Sessions, he admits its his policy and he admits he uses it as a deterrent -- it just backfired and now they are relying on folks like you to blame on the black guy, per usual....

Sessions admits policy is a deterrent

Enforcing the law is a new policy?

Sad that you would admit that.
Enforcing it with zero tolerance and extreme punishment is the issue and the new directive from Trump. Stop playing the games, we all know what’s going on
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
In other words, you're admitting that Obama refused to enforce the law.

Thanks for playing.
How in the world did you draw that conclusion? You’re a whole new level of stupid if that’s what you think I was saying
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?

Nope. Camp and his bunch of lefty loons don't seem to remember 2014 when those pictures were taken. They sure didn't care in 2014 and you never saw a thread on it.

They are hypocrites one and all.
Chalk this up as rightards never learn. What happened in 2014 was not where the U.S. government split up families. There was a massive influx suddenly of about 70,000 unaccompanied kids crossed the border that the government had to deal with. The Obama administration did not tear families apart. That is a new policy started under Heartless Trump.

Exactly! Adolf Trump could end his inhumane Zero-Tolerance policy with a phone call.
Enforcing the law is a new policy?

Sad that you would admit that.
Enforcing it with zero tolerance and extreme punishment is the issue and the new directive from Trump. Stop playing the games, we all know what’s going on
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
In other words, you're admitting that Obama refused to enforce the law.

Thanks for playing.
How in the world did you draw that conclusion? You’re a whole new level of stupid if that’s what you think I was saying
You didn't think you were saying that, but it's actually what you admitted.
Enforcing it with zero tolerance and extreme punishment is the issue and the new directive from Trump. Stop playing the games, we all know what’s going on
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
In other words, you're admitting that Obama refused to enforce the law.

Thanks for playing.
How in the world did you draw that conclusion? You’re a whole new level of stupid if that’s what you think I was saying
You didn't think you were saying that, but it's actually what you admitted.
Great, you got me. Woo who. Go treat yourself to a cookie
Except both of you are wrong -- this is a new policy -- if you don't believe me..Ask Pastor Jeff Sessions

Obama didn't split up families as policy -- when people keep saying that, they are lying....

Ask Jeff Sessions, he admits its his policy and he admits he uses it as a deterrent -- it just backfired and now they are relying on folks like you to blame on the black guy, per usual....

Sessions admits policy is a deterrent

Enforcing the law is a new policy?

Sad that you would admit that.
Enforcing it with zero tolerance and extreme punishment is the issue and the new directive from Trump. Stop playing the games, we all know what’s going on
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
In other words, you're admitting that Obama refused to enforce the law.

Thanks for playing.

No. He refused to take babies from their parents.
Political scientist Larry Sabato notes:
"Good for you, Melania. Now ask your husband to issue an executive order to stop this cruel policy. POTUS can end it TODAY. No need for Congress to act."
Larry Sabato on Twitter
The separating of children from their illegal migrant parents is part of an actual law; congress would have to actually change the law.

No it is not.
2008: The Alien Transfer Exit Program.
Political scientist Larry Sabato notes:
"Good for you, Melania. Now ask your husband to issue an executive order to stop this cruel policy. POTUS can end it TODAY. No need for Congress to act."
Larry Sabato on Twitter
The separating of children from their illegal migrant parents is part of an actual law; congress would have to actually change the law.

No it is not.
Yes it is.
Enforcing the law is a new policy?

Sad that you would admit that.
Enforcing it with zero tolerance and extreme punishment is the issue and the new directive from Trump. Stop playing the games, we all know what’s going on
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
In other words, you're admitting that Obama refused to enforce the law.

Thanks for playing.

No. He refused to take babies from their parents.
You mean he refused to enforce the law.
Political scientist Larry Sabato notes:
"Good for you, Melania. Now ask your husband to issue an executive order to stop this cruel policy. POTUS can end it TODAY. No need for Congress to act."
Larry Sabato on Twitter
The separating of children from their illegal migrant parents is part of an actual law; congress would have to actually change the law.

No it is not.
2008: The Alien Transfer Exit Program.

That is not the same as the policy now.
Political scientist Larry Sabato notes:
"Good for you, Melania. Now ask your husband to issue an executive order to stop this cruel policy. POTUS can end it TODAY. No need for Congress to act."
Larry Sabato on Twitter
The separating of children from their illegal migrant parents is part of an actual law; congress would have to actually change the law.

No it is not.
Yes it is.

Political scientist Larry Sabato notes:
"Good for you, Melania. Now ask your husband to issue an executive order to stop this cruel policy. POTUS can end it TODAY. No need for Congress to act."
Larry Sabato on Twitter

Um, no he can’t. This is what token negro did, tried to use his pen and phone, but only made a bigger mess. I find it odd that you libtards are so keen to surround these “children” with molesters and murderers by putting them in jail with their parents.
2008: The Alien Transfer Exit Program.

To be clear: the Obama administration’s use of ATEP was not intended to break-up families–that was an occasionally expected side effect–while Trump’s recently-confirmed policy is expressly directed toward that end in the name of “deterrence.”

Good. Not like you even give a shit about the “children”.
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
Obama didn't separate children from their parents. Be smart.
Obama didn't enforce the law. Should've impeached him then.
What law are you talking about? Be specific
What fucking law are we talking about? That's a stupid question.
Law one that says immigrating at points not of legal entry are illegal.
Law two that says it's a crime to illegally enter.
Law three that says it's illegal to incarcerate children with adults. This was created by a Judge.
The goal is to not allow anyone to enter the US illegally.
Catch and release means they get to live in America. Then they don't show up when it's time to deport their asses. That is not how it's supposed to work. So because they fail to show up to be deported we have to incarcerate them until we deport them to guarantee they actually show up for it.
Law four that says if their not a Mexican or Canadian citizen we can't do same day deportations without first giving them a hearing in a court of law.

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