Expert: President Trump can issue executive order stopping family separations at the border

Except both of you are wrong -- this is a new policy -- if you don't believe me..Ask Pastor Jeff Sessions

Obama didn't split up families as policy -- when people keep saying that, they are lying....

Ask Jeff Sessions, he admits its his policy and he admits he uses it as a deterrent -- it just backfired and now they are relying on folks like you to blame on the black guy, per usual....

Sessions admits policy is a deterrent

Enforcing the law is a new policy?

Sad that you would admit that.
Enforcing it with zero tolerance and extreme punishment is the issue and the new directive from Trump. Stop playing the games, we all know what’s going on
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
So solve the problem by changing the law he's enforcing.
That’s a scapegoat. I agree that the law should be fixed by congress, but facts are that Trump is in charge of how the laws are enforced. Trump decided to go zero tolerance which resulted in this mess and now he is complaining about the mess that he created and trying to blame congress.
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?
So what? What does that have to do with anything that’s going on now? Do you really think that distracting from the situation by trying to point out political hypocrisy is of any help?

Are you trying to make a point that since Dems didn’t complain about it under Obama then they have no right to complain about what’s happening now? Fine, fair point so all the partisan hacks can beat it... so now that it is us moderates and independents left, what do you think about the issue at hand?
The point is that the kids in cages issue shows that Dems have a credibility gap and that it's a faux issue.
Once again the Dirty Dems are fanning the flames of hate for votes.
Calling it a faux issue may make you feel better but it’s far from the truth. It’s a real issue and that pretty plain to see.
Enforcing the law is a new policy?

Sad that you would admit that.
Enforcing it with zero tolerance and extreme punishment is the issue and the new directive from Trump. Stop playing the games, we all know what’s going on
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
So solve the problem by changing the law he's enforcing.
That’s a scapegoat. I agree that the law should be fixed by congress, but facts are that Trump is in charge of how the laws are enforced. Trump decided to go zero tolerance which resulted in this mess and now he is complaining about the mess that he created and trying to blame congress.

Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Except both of you are wrong -- this is a new policy -- if you don't believe me..Ask Pastor Jeff Sessions

Obama didn't split up families as policy -- when people keep saying that, they are lying....

Ask Jeff Sessions, he admits its his policy and he admits he uses it as a deterrent -- it just backfired and now they are relying on folks like you to blame on the black guy, per usual....

Sessions admits policy is a deterrent

Enforcing the law is a new policy?

Sad that you would admit that.
Enforcing it with zero tolerance and extreme punishment is the issue and the new directive from Trump. Stop playing the games, we all know what’s going on
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?

And by "Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past" you mean he began to truly enforce the law.
Would throwing jaywalkers in jail also be truely enforcing the law? Do you think that’s also necessary Mr Law and Order?
Enforcing it with zero tolerance and extreme punishment is the issue and the new directive from Trump. Stop playing the games, we all know what’s going on
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
So solve the problem by changing the law he's enforcing.
That’s a scapegoat. I agree that the law should be fixed by congress, but facts are that Trump is in charge of how the laws are enforced. Trump decided to go zero tolerance which resulted in this mess and now he is complaining about the mess that he created and trying to blame congress.

Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Tearing families apart like this has not been going on since 2014. Stop lying.
Enforcing it with zero tolerance and extreme punishment is the issue and the new directive from Trump. Stop playing the games, we all know what’s going on
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
So solve the problem by changing the law he's enforcing.
That’s a scapegoat. I agree that the law should be fixed by congress, but facts are that Trump is in charge of how the laws are enforced. Trump decided to go zero tolerance which resulted in this mess and now he is complaining about the mess that he created and trying to blame congress.

Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Sure, Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.
Won't matter. The Communists/Democrats will just manufacture another Immigration 'Crisis.' They want their Open Borders. They're gonna continue pushing the Agenda.
Won't matter. The Communists/Democrats will just manufacture another Immigration 'Crisis.' They want their Open Borders. They're gonna continue pushing the Agenda.
I don’t know one person who wants open borders. I don’t think you understand your opposition at all. They simply want compassion for the poor and oppressed. Your side is so hell bent on being “tough guys” that you just come off as insensitive douchebags. A change in tone around this issue would go a long way but I don’t see that happening.
Won't matter. The Communists/Democrats will just manufacture another Immigration 'Crisis.' They want their Open Borders. They're gonna continue pushing the Agenda.
I don’t know one person who wants open borders. I don’t think you understand your opposition at all. They simply want compassion for the poor and oppressed. Your side is so hell bent on being “tough guys” that you just come off as insensitive douchebags. A change in tone around this issue would go a long way but I don’t see that happening.

Trust me, the day Trump signs this EO, the Communists/Democrats will immediately manufacture another Immigration 'Crisis.' It's all about their Open Borders Agenda. This EO won't stop them from continuing to push it.
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
So solve the problem by changing the law he's enforcing.
That’s a scapegoat. I agree that the law should be fixed by congress, but facts are that Trump is in charge of how the laws are enforced. Trump decided to go zero tolerance which resulted in this mess and now he is complaining about the mess that he created and trying to blame congress.

Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Sure, Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

Guess you missed the pictures.
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
So solve the problem by changing the law he's enforcing.
That’s a scapegoat. I agree that the law should be fixed by congress, but facts are that Trump is in charge of how the laws are enforced. Trump decided to go zero tolerance which resulted in this mess and now he is complaining about the mess that he created and trying to blame congress.

Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Tearing families apart like this has not been going on since 2014. Stop lying.

Guess you missed the pictures.

Oh and who gives a shit about those families. I sure don't. They should all be kicked the hell out of our country. They do nothing but cost we taxpayers money.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Maybe you want to spend your hard earned money on these assholes but I sure don't.

You bleeding hearts make be gag.
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I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
So solve the problem by changing the law he's enforcing.
That’s a scapegoat. I agree that the law should be fixed by congress, but facts are that Trump is in charge of how the laws are enforced. Trump decided to go zero tolerance which resulted in this mess and now he is complaining about the mess that he created and trying to blame congress.

Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Sure, Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

Guess you missed the pictures.
You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

There are no pictures of Obama breaking up families.
Won't matter. The Communists/Democrats will just manufacture another Immigration 'Crisis.' They want their Open Borders. They're gonna continue pushing the Agenda.
I don’t know one person who wants open borders. I don’t think you understand your opposition at all. They simply want compassion for the poor and oppressed. Your side is so hell bent on being “tough guys” that you just come off as insensitive douchebags. A change in tone around this issue would go a long way but I don’t see that happening.

Trust me, the day Trump signs this EO, the Communists/Democrats will immediately manufacture another Immigration 'Crisis.' It's all about their Open Borders Agenda. This EO won't stop them from continuing to push it.
First off it’s not an EO it’s an enforcement directive, like DACA. Second, who gives a shit what the commies and Dems are pushing. Just do what’s right and worry about yourself. Stop being so god damn reactionary, you give your opponents way too much power.

Saw the same thing on Tucker last night as he bitched the media leading with the exact same story that he and the other Fox shows were leading with. If you don’t like it then ignore it and focus on the narratives that you feel are important.

Open borders is not even close to being on the table so stop trying to act like it is a serious threat
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
So solve the problem by changing the law he's enforcing.
That’s a scapegoat. I agree that the law should be fixed by congress, but facts are that Trump is in charge of how the laws are enforced. Trump decided to go zero tolerance which resulted in this mess and now he is complaining about the mess that he created and trying to blame congress.

Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Sure, Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

Guess you missed the pictures.
What about my statement makes you think I missed the pictures? Sounds like you missed the point. Read slower
So solve the problem by changing the law he's enforcing.
That’s a scapegoat. I agree that the law should be fixed by congress, but facts are that Trump is in charge of how the laws are enforced. Trump decided to go zero tolerance which resulted in this mess and now he is complaining about the mess that he created and trying to blame congress.

Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Sure, Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

Guess you missed the pictures.
You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

There are no pictures of Obama breaking up families.

There are no pictures of Trump breaking up families either.

Well those pictures do show kids in cells back in 2014. You know. The pictures you assholes tried to pin on Trump??

Barry was POTUS so according to your philosophy he's guilty of ripping kids away from their parents.

Google is your friend. Use it.
So solve the problem by changing the law he's enforcing.
That’s a scapegoat. I agree that the law should be fixed by congress, but facts are that Trump is in charge of how the laws are enforced. Trump decided to go zero tolerance which resulted in this mess and now he is complaining about the mess that he created and trying to blame congress.

Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Sure, Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

Guess you missed the pictures.
What about my statement makes you think I missed the pictures? Sounds like you missed the point. Read slower

Oh I didn't miss the point. Sounds like you missed the entire thing.

Those pictures were taken in 2014. Who was POTUS in 2014??
That’s a scapegoat. I agree that the law should be fixed by congress, but facts are that Trump is in charge of how the laws are enforced. Trump decided to go zero tolerance which resulted in this mess and now he is complaining about the mess that he created and trying to blame congress.

Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Sure, Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

Guess you missed the pictures.
You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

There are no pictures of Obama breaking up families.

There are no pictures of Trump breaking up families either.

Well those pictures do show kids in cells back in 2014. You know. The pictures you assholes tried to pin on Trump??

Barry was POTUS so according to your philosophy he's guilty of ripping kids away from their parent.

Google is your friend. Use it.
Here’s what I find with Google...

Now see if you can show me photos of Obama tearing apart families in 2014...
That’s a scapegoat. I agree that the law should be fixed by congress, but facts are that Trump is in charge of how the laws are enforced. Trump decided to go zero tolerance which resulted in this mess and now he is complaining about the mess that he created and trying to blame congress.

Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Sure, Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

Guess you missed the pictures.
What about my statement makes you think I missed the pictures? Sounds like you missed the point. Read slower

Oh I didn't miss the point. Sounds like you missed the entire thing.

Those pictures were taken in 2014. Who was POTUS in 2014??
Those were not photos of our government separating families. You don’t have even one fucking clue of what you’re talking about.
Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Sure, Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

Guess you missed the pictures.
What about my statement makes you think I missed the pictures? Sounds like you missed the point. Read slower

Oh I didn't miss the point. Sounds like you missed the entire thing.

Those pictures were taken in 2014. Who was POTUS in 2014??
Those were not photos of our government separating families. You don’t have even one fucking clue of what you’re talking about.

No. You are the one who doesn't have fucking clue.

Illegal immigrants in cages photo from 2014 enrages liberals

They like your dumb ass didn't know the picture were taken when Barry was POTUS. If they had known, just like your sorry ass, they wouldn't have said a word.
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?
Consider yourself Fact checked and embarrassed

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