Expert: President Trump can issue executive order stopping family separations at the border

Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
Obama didn't separate children from their parents. Be smart.
Obama didn't enforce the law. Should've impeached him then.
What law are you talking about? Be specific
What fucking law are we talking about? That's a stupid question.
Law one that says immigrating at points not of legal entry are illegal.
Law two that says it's a crime to illegally enter.
Law three that says it's illegal to incarcerate children with adults. This was created by a Judge.
The goal is to not allow anyone to enter the US illegally.
Catch and release means they get to live in America. Then they don't show up when it's time to deport their asses. That is not how it's supposed to work. So because they fail to show up to be deported we have to incarcerate them until we deport them to guarantee they actually show up for it.
Law four that says if their not a Mexican or Canadian citizen we can't do same day deportations without first giving them a hearing in a court of law.
Show me the law that says the punishment for crossing the border is automatic deportation. You won’t be able to find that because the law does not define a mandated punishment, it leaves discretion for enforcement to the courts, attorney general and executive.
Then we need to change the law.
Not only should it mean automatic deportation but it should mean that those individuals illegally crossing the border aren't allowed to legally immigrate either.
As I've said. Shoot a few trying to cross. The others along with the faux refugee's will get the idea.
That’s a scapegoat. I agree that the law should be fixed by congress, but facts are that Trump is in charge of how the laws are enforced. Trump decided to go zero tolerance which resulted in this mess and now he is complaining about the mess that he created and trying to blame congress.

Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Sure, Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

Guess you missed the pictures.
You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

There are no pictures of Obama breaking up families.

There are no pictures of Trump breaking up families either.

Well those pictures do show kids in cells back in 2014. You know. The pictures you assholes tried to pin on Trump??

Barry was POTUS so according to your philosophy he's guilty of ripping kids away from their parent.

Google is your friend. Use it.
No, dumbfuck, you really have no fucking clue. Sadly, the kids in those pictures crossed the border into the U.S. unaccompanied. Have someone with a higher intelligence than you, which is anyone, explain the meaning of the word, “unaccompanied,” to you. Then come back and apologize for being such an uninformed moron.

Only 23 children remain at Nogales Placement Center

The opening of a new facility in Texas has spelled the demise – at least for now – of the Nogales Placement Center, a converted warehouse at the Border Patrol’s Nogales Station where authorities have processed thousands of unaccompanied minors from Central America who were caught crossing the border illegally in South Texas.


The Nogales Placement Center opened last month in response to the influx of unaccompanied children, mostly from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, at the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas, where more than 57,000 of them have been detained since October. The plan was to keep each child at the center for no more than 72 hours for basic processing and health screening, before transferring them to the care of the Department of Health and Human Services.​

Emphasis mine.

They came here without their families; so no, Obama was not ripping apart families like Heartless Trump is doing now.
Since its been going on since at least 2014 I'd say it was a mess created then though no one was complaining.

You do know who the POTUS was in 2014 do you not??
Sure, Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

Guess you missed the pictures.
You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

There are no pictures of Obama breaking up families.

There are no pictures of Trump breaking up families either.

Well those pictures do show kids in cells back in 2014. You know. The pictures you assholes tried to pin on Trump??

Barry was POTUS so according to your philosophy he's guilty of ripping kids away from their parent.

Google is your friend. Use it.
No, dumbfuck, you really have no fucking clue. Sadly, the kids in those pictures crossed the border into the U.S. unaccompanied. Have someone with a higher intelligence than you, which is anyone, explain the meaning of the word, “unaccompanied,” to you. Then come back and apologize for being such an uninformed moron.

Only 23 children remain at Nogales Placement Center

The opening of a new facility in Texas has spelled the demise – at least for now – of the Nogales Placement Center, a converted warehouse at the Border Patrol’s Nogales Station where authorities have processed thousands of unaccompanied minors from Central America who were caught crossing the border illegally in South Texas.


The Nogales Placement Center opened last month in response to the influx of unaccompanied children, mostly from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, at the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas, where more than 57,000 of them have been detained since October. The plan was to keep each child at the center for no more than 72 hours for basic processing and health screening, before transferring them to the care of the Department of Health and Human Services.​

Emphasis mine.

They came here without their families; so no, Obama was not ripping apart families like Heartless Trump is doing now.
Does this mean Trump can ship these 10,000 crumb-munchers back to their parents in Guatemala???
Sure, Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

Guess you missed the pictures.
You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

There are no pictures of Obama breaking up families.

There are no pictures of Trump breaking up families either.

Well those pictures do show kids in cells back in 2014. You know. The pictures you assholes tried to pin on Trump??

Barry was POTUS so according to your philosophy he's guilty of ripping kids away from their parent.

Google is your friend. Use it.
No, dumbfuck, you really have no fucking clue. Sadly, the kids in those pictures crossed the border into the U.S. unaccompanied. Have someone with a higher intelligence than you, which is anyone, explain the meaning of the word, “unaccompanied,” to you. Then come back and apologize for being such an uninformed moron.

Only 23 children remain at Nogales Placement Center

The opening of a new facility in Texas has spelled the demise – at least for now – of the Nogales Placement Center, a converted warehouse at the Border Patrol’s Nogales Station where authorities have processed thousands of unaccompanied minors from Central America who were caught crossing the border illegally in South Texas.


The Nogales Placement Center opened last month in response to the influx of unaccompanied children, mostly from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, at the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas, where more than 57,000 of them have been detained since October. The plan was to keep each child at the center for no more than 72 hours for basic processing and health screening, before transferring them to the care of the Department of Health and Human Services.​

Emphasis mine.

They came here without their families; so no, Obama was not ripping apart families like Heartless Trump is doing now.
Does this mean Trump can ship these 10,000 crumb-munchers back to their parents in Guatemala???

God I hope he ships them all back. We taxpayers sure don't need anymore freeloaders to support.
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
Is that so ? Why not ?
Why not? Because they are not serious offenses. Do you think we should throw jaywalkers in jail as well? How about people who run stop signs or speed? Kind of a silly question don’t you think?

It is an option to put an offender in jail on a misdemeanor...especially if the offender doesn't have a fixed address.

Depends on the misdemeanor. Leftists seem to think "misdemeanor" automatically means something like littering. In fact, there are a lot of misdemeanors for which a person is arrested, illegal border crossing (the first time) among them. Driving without a valid license is a misdemeanor, but they'll still arrest you for it.
Yeah but we all know the Communists/Democrats will just manufacture another Immigration faux outrage scam. It's all about their Open Borders Agenda. This action by Trump won't matter to them. They'll just continue pushing their Open Borders Agenda. Bet on that.
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?
So what? What does that have to do with anything that’s going on now? Do you really think that distracting from the situation by trying to point out political hypocrisy is of any help?

Are you trying to make a point that since Dems didn’t complain about it under Obama then they have no right to complain about what’s happening now? Fine, fair point so all the partisan hacks can beat it... so now that it is us moderates and independents left, what do you think about the issue at hand?

So, what is YOUR idea for a solution? Do you want the children to go to jail with their parents?
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses

But, it's not illegal or even unusual to go to jail for a misdemeanor. It is unusual to go to prison for committing a misdemeanor and in most states (I'm not sure about all 50), it will not happen.

Again, it depends on the misdemeanor. I refer you again to driving without a valid license, for which you can be sentenced to up to 90 days in jail for your first offense.
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?
So what? What does that have to do with anything that’s going on now? Do you really think that distracting from the situation by trying to point out political hypocrisy is of any help?

Are you trying to make a point that since Dems didn’t complain about it under Obama then they have no right to complain about what’s happening now? Fine, fair point so all the partisan hacks can beat it... so now that it is us moderates and independents left, what do you think about the issue at hand?

So, what is YOUR idea for a solution? Do you want the children to go to jail with their parents?
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
It depends on the offense. Drunk driving is a misdemeanor, but people often go to jail for it.

Leftists tend not to realize that misdemeanors come in several different types; they aren't all on the level of spitting on the sidewalk.

There are a number of vehicular offenses which are technically misdemeanors, but are deemed serious enough to warrant jail time. Theft can also be a misdemeanor if the value of the stolen object(s) is below a certain amount, but they will still send your happy ass to jail.
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
Obama didn't separate children from their parents. Be smart.

Obama just released illegals into the middle of the country in job lots. I'm pretty sure you don't want to use that as your example of a spiffy policy decision.
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?

Nope. Camp and his bunch of lefty loons don't seem to remember 2014 when those pictures were taken. They sure didn't care in 2014 and you never saw a thread on it.

They are hypocrites one and all.
Chalk this up as rightards never learn. What happened in 2014 was not where the U.S. government split up families. There was a massive influx suddenly of about 70,000 unaccompanied kids crossed the border that the government had to deal with. The Obama administration did not tear families apart. That is a new policy started under Heartless Trump.

Exactly! Adolf Trump could end his inhumane Zero-Tolerance policy with a phone call.

No, that doesn't work unless you have a bunch of brain-dead followers who will applaud any monarchical violation of the law as long as they worship you, the way it was with you ass kittens and Obama. Trump's base elected him precisely because they DON'T want any more of that lawless bullshit.
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
If you actually understood immigration policy, you would know these types of cases would be mostly settled in civil court and not criminal court. Thus, kids could stay with their parents. The rare cases it was tried in a criminal case is because the parents were guilty of criminal crimes. Under Obama, it was rare to try those types of cases.
tried in civil law means they are released into America where we don't want them to be. Then they don't show up for trial and they don't show up for deportation. So that way doesn't work. Therefore we need to come up with a new way to guarantee they show up for deportation. Or better a better way to insure they never get into our country in the first place.


That makes no sense. How was immigration "illegal" because indians were here?

It makes plenty of sense if you have a fully functioning brain.
Aaaand let me guess, none of the leftists on this board are satisfied with the executive order Trump just signed.

Get a clue. They never will be. They don't want them incarcerated with their parents, they don't want them separated. What other option is there? Let them go?

We already tried that.
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
If you actually understood immigration policy, you would know these types of cases would be mostly settled in civil court and not criminal court. Thus, kids could stay with their parents. The rare cases it was tried in a criminal case is because the parents were guilty of criminal crimes. Under Obama, it was rare to try those types of cases.
tried in civil law means they are released into America where we don't want them to be. Then they don't show up for trial and they don't show up for deportation. So that way doesn't work. Therefore we need to come up with a new way to guarantee they show up for deportation. Or better a better way to insure they never get into our country in the first place.


That makes no sense. How was immigration "illegal" because indians were here?

It makes plenty of sense if you have a fully functioning brain.
Political scientist Larry Sabato notes:
"Good for you, Melania. Now ask your husband to issue an executive order to stop this cruel policy. POTUS can end it TODAY. No need for Congress to act."
Larry Sabato on Twitter

"political scientist" is a euphemism meaning "commie propagandist." Any such order would violate the Constitution.
Your comment didn’t age well.
Trump signs executive order to stop family separations at border
Why didn't you guys whine about this when it was happening under Obama? And, has it occurred to you that in many cases the kids might be better off separated from their parents? (Go talk to some foster parents for insight.)

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