Expert: President Trump can issue executive order stopping family separations at the border

Yes, that's exactly what we're saying. All this whining is just a sleazy political stunt. You just admitted it.
Except both of you are wrong -- this is a new policy -- if you don't believe me..Ask Pastor Jeff Sessions

Obama didn't split up families as policy -- when people keep saying that, they are lying....

Ask Jeff Sessions, he admits its his policy and he admits he uses it as a deterrent -- it just backfired and now they are relying on folks like you to blame on the black guy, per usual....

Sessions admits policy is a deterrent

Enforcing the law is a new policy?

Sad that you would admit that.
Enforcing it with zero tolerance and extreme punishment is the issue and the new directive from Trump. Stop playing the games, we all know what’s going on
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?
So solve the problem by changing the law he's enforcing.
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
If you actually understood immigration policy, you would know these types of cases would be mostly settled in civil court and not criminal court. Thus, kids could stay with their parents. The rare cases it was tried in a criminal case is because the parents were guilty of criminal crimes. Under Obama, it was rare to try those types of cases.
tried in civil law means they are released into America where we don't want them to be. Then they don't show up for trial and they don't show up for deportation. So that way doesn't work. Therefore we need to come up with a new way to guarantee they show up for deportation. Or better a better way to insure they never get into our country in the first place.
Political scientist Larry Sabato notes:
"Good for you, Melania. Now ask your husband to issue an executive order to stop this cruel policy. POTUS can end it TODAY. No need for Congress to act."
Larry Sabato on Twitter
The separating of children from their illegal migrant parents is part of an actual law; congress would have to actually change the law.
No it wasn't. We used to incarcerate children and adults in family units until the Liberals sued in court and got that changed. It's a judges order that prevents us from doing that.
2008: The Alien Transfer Exit Program.

To be clear: the Obama administration’s use of ATEP was not intended to break-up families–that was an occasionally expected side effect–while Trump’s recently-confirmed policy is expressly directed toward that end in the name of “deterrence.”

Good. Not like you even give a shit about the “children”.

I don't think you can say what I care about. Every time Trump fucks up you punks blaming Obama. Trump has bragged about ending every other Obama policy and you maggots have to. So why now is Trump supposedly fine with adopting a Obama policy?

Because it's not one.
Political scientist Larry Sabato notes:
"Good for you, Melania. Now ask your husband to issue an executive order to stop this cruel policy. POTUS can end it TODAY. No need for Congress to act."
Larry Sabato on Twitter

Um, no he can’t. This is what token negro did, tried to use his pen and phone, but only made a bigger mess. I find it odd that you libtards are so keen to surround these “children” with molesters and murderers by putting them in jail with their parents.

There was no token negro. And this is a Trump policy.
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
If you actually understood immigration policy, you would know these types of cases would be mostly settled in civil court and not criminal court. Thus, kids could stay with their parents. The rare cases it was tried in a criminal case is because the parents were guilty of criminal crimes. Under Obama, it was rare to try those types of cases.
tried in civil law means they are released into America where we don't want them to be. Then they don't show up for trial and they don't show up for deportation. So that way doesn't work. Therefore we need to come up with a new way to guarantee they show up for deportation. Or better a better way to insure they never get into our country in the first place.

Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
If you actually understood immigration policy, you would know these types of cases would be mostly settled in civil court and not criminal court. Thus, kids could stay with their parents. The rare cases it was tried in a criminal case is because the parents were guilty of criminal crimes. Under Obama, it was rare to try those types of cases.
tried in civil law means they are released into America where we don't want them to be. Then they don't show up for trial and they don't show up for deportation. So that way doesn't work. Therefore we need to come up with a new way to guarantee they show up for deportation. Or better a better way to insure they never get into our country in the first place.

You don't believe in Evolution. The old die so the young can thrive.
Political scientist Larry Sabato notes:
"Good for you, Melania. Now ask your husband to issue an executive order to stop this cruel policy. POTUS can end it TODAY. No need for Congress to act."
Larry Sabato on Twitter

You want your way on the things you want and you won't want to compromise on the things you don't. Trump has completely exposed you for what you are
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
If you actually understood immigration policy, you would know these types of cases would be mostly settled in civil court and not criminal court. Thus, kids could stay with their parents. The rare cases it was tried in a criminal case is because the parents were guilty of criminal crimes. Under Obama, it was rare to try those types of cases.
tried in civil law means they are released into America where we don't want them to be. Then they don't show up for trial and they don't show up for deportation. So that way doesn't work. Therefore we need to come up with a new way to guarantee they show up for deportation. Or better a better way to insure they never get into our country in the first place.


That makes no sense. How was immigration "illegal" because indians were here?
Political scientist Larry Sabato notes:
"Good for you, Melania. Now ask your husband to issue an executive order to stop this cruel policy. POTUS can end it TODAY. No need for Congress to act."
Larry Sabato on Twitter
Why do the Democrats want to put children in jail with adult criminals?
It's against the law to put children in jail with adults.
Why do Liberals hate children so much?
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?
So what? What does that have to do with anything that’s going on now? Do you really think that distracting from the situation by trying to point out political hypocrisy is of any help?

Are you trying to make a point that since Dems didn’t complain about it under Obama then they have no right to complain about what’s happening now? Fine, fair point so all the partisan hacks can beat it... so now that it is us moderates and independents left, what do you think about the issue at hand?
The point is that the kids in cages issue shows that Dems have a credibility gap and that it's a faux issue.
Once again the Dirty Dems are fanning the flames of hate for votes.
It is an option to put an offender in jail on a misdemeanor...especially if the offender doesn't have a fixed address.
Yes, it’s also an option to put jaywalkers in jail but we aren’t questioning the legality, it’s a question about the right way to enforce.

The offender has no fixed address. His/her appearance in court cannot be guaranteed and if he/she is released, it is likely they will not be found and arrested for not appearing because they will not be found. It is the right way to enforce in such a circumstance.
That’s fine if you feel that way. Sounding like the majority of people disagree with you. Including Trump and Ted Cruz

LOL! No, you're tone deaf. The outrage is about separating kids, but that is beginning to mute as people learn the truth. You've run your course.
Do I need to post a video of Trumps speech today when he literally said that we need to pass a law that keeps kids together with their families at the border? Did you read Ted Cruzes bill about the topic? So how am I the tone deaf one? You are simply ignoring facts

So, Trump wants the law changed. Cruz is proposing such a change. That is ok with me. But, it doesn't change the fact that right now, the law is what it is and Trump can't change it with an executive order.
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???

"Barry"? Nicely played, the base of bigots probably adores you.

But, I digress. President Obama is not President of the United States at the moment, and if every living FLOTUS had told him his policy was cruel and immoral I suspect President Obama would have considered their counsel and issue and EO to reunite the children with their parent(s).

Of course the current Commander-in-Chief's (donnie) moral turpitude will mean he will continue to blame Obama and the Democrats as will the Trumpanzees, and never take any responsibility for things which go awry.

So, you want the children in jail with the parents?

Did I write that? Nope, I didn't, but the children should not be detained. They are being detained now, and that is cruel and immoral, as well as a violation of Bill of Rights.

There are group homes run by social workers in CA. for dependent children (see: 300 W&I ,Code, et seq.) which would be an acceptable alternative for children age 0 to 17. The cost begins about $4,000 dollars a month and go up depending on the needs of the child.

Many group homes are co-ed and would allow siblings to live together, group homes have professional staff to bring residents to family meetings, and the children can attend the local public school, or be home schooled by credential teachers, staff will make sure the children see a dentist and have a full physical within the first couple of weeks in the facility and Social Workers will provide counseling, along with a Psychologist which are on staff or contract with the G.H.
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???

"Barry"? Nicely played, the base of bigots probably adores you.

But, I digress. President Obama is not President of the United States at the moment, and if every living FLOTUS had told him his policy was cruel and immoral I suspect President Obama would have considered their counsel and issue and EO to reunite the children with their parent(s).

Of course the current Commander-in-Chief's (donnie) moral turpitude will mean he will continue to blame Obama and the Democrats as will the Trumpanzees, and never take any responsibility for things which go awry.

So, you want the children in jail with the parents?

Did I write that? Nope, I didn't, but the children should not be detained. They are being detained now, and that is cruel and immoral, as well as a violation of Bill of Rights.

There are group homes run by social workers in CA. for dependent children (see: 300 W&I ,Code, et seq.) which would be an acceptable alternative for children age 0 to 17. The cost begins about $4,000 dollars a month and go up depending on the needs of the child.

Many group homes are co-ed and would allow siblings to live together, group homes have professional staff to bring residents to family meetings, and the children can attend the local public school, or be home schooled by credential teachers, staff will make sure the children see a dentist and have a full physical within the first couple of weeks in the facility and Social Workers will provide counseling, along with a Psychologist which are on staff or contract with the G.H.

That'd be nice. And, I love the idea of California being responsible for caring for them until the parent has been processed and a decision has been reached. I'll support your idea. :)
Yes, that's exactly what we're saying. All this whining is just a sleazy political stunt. You just admitted it.
Except both of you are wrong -- this is a new policy -- if you don't believe me..Ask Pastor Jeff Sessions

Obama didn't split up families as policy -- when people keep saying that, they are lying....

Ask Jeff Sessions, he admits its his policy and he admits he uses it as a deterrent -- it just backfired and now they are relying on folks like you to blame on the black guy, per usual....

Sessions admits policy is a deterrent

Enforcing the law is a new policy?

Sad that you would admit that.
Enforcing it with zero tolerance and extreme punishment is the issue and the new directive from Trump. Stop playing the games, we all know what’s going on
Why should we have a "tolerance" for people breaking the law? What the fuck is "extreme punishment?" The kids are housed, fed, schooled, entertained and treated better than they were treated in Mexico.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I don’t think I’m foolong anybody just stating my opinion and laying out the facts. Facts are that Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past. That has cause the controversy that we are now discussing. So how am I trying to fool anybody with that statement?

And by "Trump instituted a stricter policy of enforcement than was in the past" you mean he began to truly enforce the law.
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
If you actually understood immigration policy, you would know these types of cases would be mostly settled in civil court and not criminal court. Thus, kids could stay with their parents. The rare cases it was tried in a criminal case is because the parents were guilty of criminal crimes. Under Obama, it was rare to try those types of cases.
tried in civil law means they are released into America where we don't want them to be. Then they don't show up for trial and they don't show up for deportation. So that way doesn't work. Therefore we need to come up with a new way to guarantee they show up for deportation. Or better a better way to insure they never get into our country in the first place.


Those guys were immigrants too.
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
Obama didn't separate children and parents.
We already know he did, dumbass.
No, fucking moron, he didn’t. Which means you’re just spewing bullshit as you always do.
Yes he did, you fucking dumbass.
Prove it, fucking moron....
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
Obama didn't separate children from their parents. Be smart.
Obama didn't enforce the law. Should've impeached him then.
What law are you talking about? Be specific
What fucking law are we talking about? That's a stupid question.
Law one that says immigrating at points not of legal entry are illegal.
Law two that says it's a crime to illegally enter.
Law three that says it's illegal to incarcerate children with adults. This was created by a Judge.
The goal is to not allow anyone to enter the US illegally.
Catch and release means they get to live in America. Then they don't show up when it's time to deport their asses. That is not how it's supposed to work. So because they fail to show up to be deported we have to incarcerate them until we deport them to guarantee they actually show up for it.
Law four that says if their not a Mexican or Canadian citizen we can't do same day deportations without first giving them a hearing in a court of law.
Show me the law that says the punishment for crossing the border is automatic deportation. You won’t be able to find that because the law does not define a mandated punishment, it leaves discretion for enforcement to the courts, attorney general and executive.

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