Expert reveals tampering in JFK assassination photos

Dr. Jerome Corsi and researcher Ralph C. Cinque examine evidence of photographic manipulation related to the CIA and FBI’s investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Expert Reveals Tampering in JFK Assassination Photos

Most people who have a grain of logic left should be asking why has his record been kept secret for so long, Long after everyone is dead anyway.
Do they not want the people to see how far back a deep state, crooked Government really goes. Or do they not even care knowing most leftist sheep wouldn't believe it anyway.

Here is what the paid shills the NAZI troll and his wife at Langley always do all the time when facts are shown in videos like this one from the OP that they cant counter folks.this-:scared1:

The video in the OP showed no facts sonny boy it has been completely debunked and proven wrong.

I have consistently countered fools like you and the OP author with facts.

That much you know to be true

the nazi shill^ just came back and shitted all over the floor again as he has in this entire thread.

soooooooooooo if one isn't delusional and mentally ill, they must be a shill, eh?


Yeah that describes you PERFECTLY to a tee shill.DELUSIONAL and MENTALLY ILL.thanks for helping me prove you are a shill.:up::rofl::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

you stupid fucks cant stand toe to tow in a debate,you just come back with childish one liners in defeat when your ass is getting owned NEVER addressing evidence or facts and then claim you were not owned.:cuckoo:

as i said before,you and your husband the nazi shill who obviously called you for help since he was getting frustrated with all the ass beatings he has suffered here from all of us,anytime a video is shown with evidence Oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters,as we BOTH know,you cover your ears and close your eyes shill and then cowardly do this-:scared1:in defeat.

try not to be so depressed over the ass beatings you have suffered here shill.Here,this is ANOTHER crying towel for you.:itsok: I found a picture of you,we all now know what you look like in real life below.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


there she is folks,this is what Jillian and soupnazi look like in REAL life.

Faun and nazi-boy are an insult to the term "debate". Evidence is presented and all they can claim is "That has been debunked,LIAR!!!!!!". Of course they can never provide a source for proper vetting and I would make the case that their "source" would be their beloved corporate "gubermint" whose dick they suck daily(and Shillian actually swallows with great

You see, stupid fucks like these sheeple buy the single/ magic bullet theory provided by shady characters like Allen Dulles who should have been imprisoned just for his role in toppling the government of Guatemala so the United Fruit Company that Dulles's law firm represented could regain a foothold in the country it lost when "the new management" by the way of an election kicked them out for exploiting their resources and labor and then fired by JFK because of his shady dealings and acting outside his authority. Then you have a banker affiliated with the Fed through his ties with the World bank sitting on it. You had over half of the members of the Warren Commission that belonged to the CFR and let's just say mildly that Kennedy's vision of a better America vastly differed from those of the Council On Foreign Relations and Chatham House.

So, they murdered him, took control of the murder scene, took the body under gunpoint and then tried to hide the fact that JFK had been shot in the right side of the head instead of the back with a terribly botched cosmetic job. "Single bullet theory" my ass. One bullet showing basically nothing but scarring caused by going through the barrel caused ALL of those non-fatal wounds and these retards are incredulous that anyone would dare question it based on just that fact alone never mind all the other glaring and obvious weaknesses in the State's case that Oswald did it and acted alone. In 1967 with the public becoming more and more suspicious that they were lied to, the CIA weaponized the term "Conspiracy Theorist" so as to use it as a tool of marginalizing and demonizing anyone that DARED to question the Warren Report.

Frankly, I don't give a flying fuck on whether people believe that Oswald did it or not. What does piss me off are disgusting little nay saying weasels that use it as an opportunity to attempt to silence those that believe otherwise. How does it negatively effect their life? Do they think those that know JFK was murdered by rogue elements of their corporate "gubermint" somehow could shatter their fragile believe system? I believe that is definitely the case.
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Dr. Jerome Corsi and researcher Ralph C. Cinque examine evidence of photographic manipulation related to the CIA and FBI’s investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Expert Reveals Tampering in JFK Assassination Photos

Most people who have a grain of logic left should be asking why has his record been kept secret for so long, Long after everyone is dead anyway.
Do they not want the people to see how far back a deep state, crooked Government really goes. Or do they not even care knowing most leftist sheep wouldn't believe it anyway.

Here is what the paid shills the NAZI troll and his wife at Langley always do all the time when facts are shown in videos like this one from the OP that they cant counter folks.this-:scared1:

What facts?

You're actually citing a video with Jerome Corsi (zero credibility) -- appearing on InfoWars (zero credibility) -- posted on this forum by MindWars (zero credibility) -- and now echoed by a lunatic like you (zero credibility).

Based on that alone, there is virtually no chance of anything factual appearing in that video. Not even by coincidence.

Even funnier is if you actually watch the video. Those morons actually contend that Oswald is captured in a photo at ground level, who they identify by blowing up the photo to the point that faces are distorted. But wait, that's not even the funny part. Then they hysterically claim the government blacked out the face of the person standing next to the guy they laughably identified as Oswald because he was associated with Oswald and the government didn't want his face to be seen because that would have given away their plan to implicate Oswald.

Morons... if that was actually Oswald and if the government had actually blacked the face of the man next to him, they would have blacked out Oswald's face too!


The reason you nutjob lunatics never get any of your looney conspiracies right is because you're too mentally handicapped to generate even the minimal critical thinking required to figure this shit out.

Zero credibility decided by whom? You? Who is credible according to you? Why, it's your beloved corporate "gubermint"!!! Never question it EVER....just obey it. That is what pussies like Faun believes.
Are ya new here?? These loons don't need evidence. They're perfectly blissful with their delusions.

Faun? You are easily one of the most disgusting excuses for a human being here....whom else would use that as an avatar knowing what it stands for? Were you spawned before Roe V Wade?

He is quite correct you ignore evidence and offer none whatsoever for your claims which are false and derived from a fictional film.

to quote the ass clown LARAM you got an ass beating of epic proportions and everyone knows it even LARAM who will merely come on to lie and post emojis because he lacks the intellect to do anything else.
With the mountain of evidence proving conspiracy, anyone who thinks Oswald responsible and acted alone has to be FUCKING CRAZY or a CIA plant.

you should know by NOW that Faun and Soupnazi are are shills that have penetrated this site -the nazi especially.He is such a stupid fuck he advertises it with his USER name and doesnt even realise it that he gives it away how evil he is with his user name:lmao::rofl: yet you STILL argue back and forth with thise disgusting monsters who particpate in this coverup? WHY?:rolleyes:

For the same reason you still argue indirectly with those who are better than you.

you hate that you have been defeated and merely act like a spoiled brat to deny fact because you believe it will save face.
You do know however that I used your face to mop the floor

You couldn't kick your own ass, dipshit. You debunked nothing and proved nothing. Claiming something has been debunked sans proof like providing a link for proper vetting is nothing but the ol "Uh-uh" defense. Both LA RAM and myself have made you look like an idiot and a shill. Faun is just a cheerleading puppy wanting a pat on his sloped skull and added nothing to the discussion.......what a joke you are.
You never did, I owned your uneducated ass and you know it
Hey...I was looking for a copy of the Warren Commission Report at the public library the other day, and found it in the fiction section. Can you believe that?

You never looked for it or read it as we have conclusively proven
Well I never did care much for fiction, unlike you.
Yes you do in fact which is why you fall hook line and sinker for conspiracy theories which have no supporting evidence.

You cannot cite any part of the Warren Commission report which is fictional and now you openly admit to lying about reading it.
Have you heard the old adage, truth is stranger than fiction? It is certainly true with the Warren Commission...because it is entirely FICTIONAL. Sadly still too many dumb Americans can't or won't accept the truth.
No it is not or you could provide evidence that it is fictional and you cannot do so.

You cannot quote one specific passage from it and show evidence that the passage is false,

You do not even have the first clue what it says and have outright lied about having read the damn thing,'

By any logical, and intelligent standard it is more proven to be true and has more credibility than any of the idiotically stupid and uneducated statements which you post on here.
Faun? You are easily one of the most disgusting excuses for a human being here....whom else would use that as an avatar knowing what it stands for? Were you spawned before Roe V Wade?

He is quite correct you ignore evidence and offer none whatsoever for your claims which are false and derived from a fictional film.

to quote the ass clown LARAM you got an ass beating of epic proportions and everyone knows it even LARAM who will merely come on to lie and post emojis because he lacks the intellect to do anything else.
With the mountain of evidence proving conspiracy, anyone who thinks Oswald responsible and acted alone has to be FUCKING CRAZY or a CIA plant.

you should know by NOW that Faun and Soupnazi are are shills that have penetrated this site -the nazi especially.He is such a stupid fuck he advertises it with his USER name and doesnt even realise it that he gives it away how evil he is with his user name:lmao::rofl: yet you STILL argue back and forth with thise disgusting monsters who particpate in this coverup? WHY?:rolleyes:

For the same reason you still argue indirectly with those who are better than you.

you hate that you have been defeated and merely act like a spoiled brat to deny fact because you believe it will save face.
You do know however that I used your face to mop the floor

You couldn't kick your own ass, dipshit. You debunked nothing and proved nothing. Claiming something has been debunked sans proof like providing a link for proper vetting is nothing but the ol "Uh-uh" defense. Both LA RAM and myself have made you look like an idiot and a shill. Faun is just a cheerleading puppy wanting a pat on his sloped skull and added nothing to the discussion.......what a joke you are.

Dr. Jerome Corsi and researcher Ralph C. Cinque examine evidence of photographic manipulation related to the CIA and FBI’s investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Expert Reveals Tampering in JFK Assassination Photos

Most people who have a grain of logic left should be asking why has his record been kept secret for so long, Long after everyone is dead anyway.
Do they not want the people to see how far back a deep state, crooked Government really goes. Or do they not even care knowing most leftist sheep wouldn't believe it anyway.

Here is what the paid shills the NAZI troll and his wife at Langley always do all the time when facts are shown in videos like this one from the OP that they cant counter folks.this-:scared1:

What facts?

You're actually citing a video with Jerome Corsi (zero credibility) -- appearing on InfoWars (zero credibility) -- posted on this forum by MindWars (zero credibility) -- and now echoed by a lunatic like you (zero credibility).

Based on that alone, there is virtually no chance of anything factual appearing in that video. Not even by coincidence.

Even funnier is if you actually watch the video. Those morons actually contend that Oswald is captured in a photo at ground level, who they identify by blowing up the photo to the point that faces are distorted. But wait, that's not even the funny part. Then they hysterically claim the government blacked out the face of the person standing next to the guy they laughably identified as Oswald because he was associated with Oswald and the government didn't want his face to be seen because that would have given away their plan to implicate Oswald.

Morons... if that was actually Oswald and if the government had actually blacked the face of the man next to him, they would have blacked out Oswald's face too!


The reason you nutjob lunatics never get any of your looney conspiracies right is because you're too mentally handicapped to generate even the minimal critical thinking required to figure this shit out.

Zero credibility decided by whom? You? Who is credible according to you? Why, it's your beloved corporate "gubermint"!!! Never question it EVER....just obey it. That is what pussies like Faun believes.

Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.
Faun? You are easily one of the most disgusting excuses for a human being here....whom else would use that as an avatar knowing what it stands for? Were you spawned before Roe V Wade?

He is quite correct you ignore evidence and offer none whatsoever for your claims which are false and derived from a fictional film.

to quote the ass clown LARAM you got an ass beating of epic proportions and everyone knows it even LARAM who will merely come on to lie and post emojis because he lacks the intellect to do anything else.
With the mountain of evidence proving conspiracy, anyone who thinks Oswald responsible and acted alone has to be FUCKING CRAZY or a CIA plant.

you should know by NOW that Faun and Soupnazi are are shills that have penetrated this site -the nazi especially.He is such a stupid fuck he advertises it with his USER name and doesnt even realise it that he gives it away how evil he is with his user name:lmao::rofl: yet you STILL argue back and forth with thise disgusting monsters who particpate in this coverup? WHY?:rolleyes:

For the same reason you still argue indirectly with those who are better than you.

you hate that you have been defeated and merely act like a spoiled brat to deny fact because you believe it will save face.
You do know however that I used your face to mop the floor

You couldn't kick your own ass, dipshit. You debunked nothing and proved nothing. Claiming something has been debunked sans proof like providing a link for proper vetting is nothing but the ol "Uh-uh" defense. Both LA RAM and myself have made you look like an idiot and a shill. Faun is just a cheerleading puppy wanting a pat on his sloped skull and added nothing to the discussion.......what a joke you are.

Do you think it is to difficult for the dumbed down to realize why we have history, why we have books, why we have reference points from these books, are the cults unable to realize when you do research one must look at books, encyclopedias to find information.

Has the public school bread a generation of idiots.

When a Doctor looks at a few dozen books on how best to treat a symptom are these asses gonna say oh I have no idea what that books says and don't understand it all so it's fake. ...............

Uuuugh stupidity is severe in these jackasses.
Dr. Jerome Corsi and researcher Ralph C. Cinque examine evidence of photographic manipulation related to the CIA and FBI’s investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Expert Reveals Tampering in JFK Assassination Photos

Most people who have a grain of logic left should be asking why has his record been kept secret for so long, Long after everyone is dead anyway.
Do they not want the people to see how far back a deep state, crooked Government really goes. Or do they not even care knowing most leftist sheep wouldn't believe it anyway.

Here is what the paid shills the NAZI troll and his wife at Langley always do all the time when facts are shown in videos like this one from the OP that they cant counter folks.this-:scared1:

What facts?

You're actually citing a video with Jerome Corsi (zero credibility) -- appearing on InfoWars (zero credibility) -- posted on this forum by MindWars (zero credibility) -- and now echoed by a lunatic like you (zero credibility).

Based on that alone, there is virtually no chance of anything factual appearing in that video. Not even by coincidence.

Even funnier is if you actually watch the video. Those morons actually contend that Oswald is captured in a photo at ground level, who they identify by blowing up the photo to the point that faces are distorted. But wait, that's not even the funny part. Then they hysterically claim the government blacked out the face of the person standing next to the guy they laughably identified as Oswald because he was associated with Oswald and the government didn't want his face to be seen because that would have given away their plan to implicate Oswald.

Morons... if that was actually Oswald and if the government had actually blacked the face of the man next to him, they would have blacked out Oswald's face too!


The reason you nutjob lunatics never get any of your looney conspiracies right is because you're too mentally handicapped to generate even the minimal critical thinking required to figure this shit out.

Zero credibility decided by whom? You? Who is credible according to you? Why, it's your beloved corporate "gubermint"!!! Never question it EVER....just obey it. That is what pussies like Faun believes.

Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge
Faun? You are easily one of the most disgusting excuses for a human being here....whom else would use that as an avatar knowing what it stands for? Were you spawned before Roe V Wade?

He is quite correct you ignore evidence and offer none whatsoever for your claims which are false and derived from a fictional film.

to quote the ass clown LARAM you got an ass beating of epic proportions and everyone knows it even LARAM who will merely come on to lie and post emojis because he lacks the intellect to do anything else.
With the mountain of evidence proving conspiracy, anyone who thinks Oswald responsible and acted alone has to be FUCKING CRAZY or a CIA plant.

you should know by NOW that Faun and Soupnazi are are shills that have penetrated this site -the nazi especially.He is such a stupid fuck he advertises it with his USER name and doesnt even realise it that he gives it away how evil he is with his user name:lmao::rofl: yet you STILL argue back and forth with thise disgusting monsters who particpate in this coverup? WHY?:rolleyes:

For the same reason you still argue indirectly with those who are better than you.

you hate that you have been defeated and merely act like a spoiled brat to deny fact because you believe it will save face.
You do know however that I used your face to mop the floor

You couldn't kick your own ass, dipshit. You debunked nothing and proved nothing. Claiming something has been debunked sans proof like providing a link for proper vetting is nothing but the ol "Uh-uh" defense. Both LA RAM and myself have made you look like an idiot and a shill. Faun is just a cheerleading puppy wanting a pat on his sloped skull and added nothing to the discussion.......what a joke you are.

I proved you wrong time and again with evidence and facts and you know it.

Your resorting to profanity in the absence of an intelligent vocabulary IS PROOF OF THAT. it shows you lack any intelligent argument and are a snowflake who gets butthurt when you are proven wrong and you know you have been so proven repeatedly,.

I presented links proving you wrong you have presented none whatsoever so you are simply a liar as everyone knows and can see especially YOU.

Yes I did kick your ass badly and you know I did and are simply pitching a baby fit about it.

You made only yourselves look like fools and that is fact LARAM has been doing so for years you are merely following a fool which is even more foolish.

Your biggest problem is you call me a joke after I publicaly used you as a doormat and made you look like a complete uneducated idiot I mopped the floor with your argument and shredded everything you asserted with facts and evidence
Dr. Jerome Corsi and researcher Ralph C. Cinque examine evidence of photographic manipulation related to the CIA and FBI’s investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Expert Reveals Tampering in JFK Assassination Photos

Most people who have a grain of logic left should be asking why has his record been kept secret for so long, Long after everyone is dead anyway.
Do they not want the people to see how far back a deep state, crooked Government really goes. Or do they not even care knowing most leftist sheep wouldn't believe it anyway.

Here is what the paid shills the NAZI troll and his wife at Langley always do all the time when facts are shown in videos like this one from the OP that they cant counter folks.this-:scared1:

What facts?

You're actually citing a video with Jerome Corsi (zero credibility) -- appearing on InfoWars (zero credibility) -- posted on this forum by MindWars (zero credibility) -- and now echoed by a lunatic like you (zero credibility).

Based on that alone, there is virtually no chance of anything factual appearing in that video. Not even by coincidence.

Even funnier is if you actually watch the video. Those morons actually contend that Oswald is captured in a photo at ground level, who they identify by blowing up the photo to the point that faces are distorted. But wait, that's not even the funny part. Then they hysterically claim the government blacked out the face of the person standing next to the guy they laughably identified as Oswald because he was associated with Oswald and the government didn't want his face to be seen because that would have given away their plan to implicate Oswald.

Morons... if that was actually Oswald and if the government had actually blacked the face of the man next to him, they would have blacked out Oswald's face too!


The reason you nutjob lunatics never get any of your looney conspiracies right is because you're too mentally handicapped to generate even the minimal critical thinking required to figure this shit out.

Zero credibility decided by whom? You? Who is credible according to you? Why, it's your beloved corporate "gubermint"!!! Never question it EVER....just obey it. That is what pussies like Faun believes.

Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Sorry that is not reality it is revisionist spin.

The term conspiracy theory was commonly used long before 1967 by many people such as those claiming pearl harbor was a false flag attack or that the bilderburgs started WWII
He is quite correct you ignore evidence and offer none whatsoever for your claims which are false and derived from a fictional film.

to quote the ass clown LARAM you got an ass beating of epic proportions and everyone knows it even LARAM who will merely come on to lie and post emojis because he lacks the intellect to do anything else.
With the mountain of evidence proving conspiracy, anyone who thinks Oswald responsible and acted alone has to be FUCKING CRAZY or a CIA plant.

you should know by NOW that Faun and Soupnazi are are shills that have penetrated this site -the nazi especially.He is such a stupid fuck he advertises it with his USER name and doesnt even realise it that he gives it away how evil he is with his user name:lmao::rofl: yet you STILL argue back and forth with thise disgusting monsters who particpate in this coverup? WHY?:rolleyes:

For the same reason you still argue indirectly with those who are better than you.

you hate that you have been defeated and merely act like a spoiled brat to deny fact because you believe it will save face.
You do know however that I used your face to mop the floor

You couldn't kick your own ass, dipshit. You debunked nothing and proved nothing. Claiming something has been debunked sans proof like providing a link for proper vetting is nothing but the ol "Uh-uh" defense. Both LA RAM and myself have made you look like an idiot and a shill. Faun is just a cheerleading puppy wanting a pat on his sloped skull and added nothing to the discussion.......what a joke you are.

Do you think it is to difficult for the dumbed down to realize why we have history, why we have books, why we have reference points from these books, are the cults unable to realize when you do research one must look at books, encyclopedias to find information.

Has the public school bread a generation of idiots.

When a Doctor looks at a few dozen books on how best to treat a symptom are these asses gonna say oh I have no idea what that books says and don't understand it all so it's fake. ...............

Uuuugh stupidity is severe in these jackasses.

Cognitive dissonance along with no critical thinking skills.........
Dr. Jerome Corsi and researcher Ralph C. Cinque examine evidence of photographic manipulation related to the CIA and FBI’s investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Expert Reveals Tampering in JFK Assassination Photos

Most people who have a grain of logic left should be asking why has his record been kept secret for so long, Long after everyone is dead anyway.
Do they not want the people to see how far back a deep state, crooked Government really goes. Or do they not even care knowing most leftist sheep wouldn't believe it anyway.

Here is what the paid shills the NAZI troll and his wife at Langley always do all the time when facts are shown in videos like this one from the OP that they cant counter folks.this-:scared1:

What facts?

You're actually citing a video with Jerome Corsi (zero credibility) -- appearing on InfoWars (zero credibility) -- posted on this forum by MindWars (zero credibility) -- and now echoed by a lunatic like you (zero credibility).

Based on that alone, there is virtually no chance of anything factual appearing in that video. Not even by coincidence.

Even funnier is if you actually watch the video. Those morons actually contend that Oswald is captured in a photo at ground level, who they identify by blowing up the photo to the point that faces are distorted. But wait, that's not even the funny part. Then they hysterically claim the government blacked out the face of the person standing next to the guy they laughably identified as Oswald because he was associated with Oswald and the government didn't want his face to be seen because that would have given away their plan to implicate Oswald.

Morons... if that was actually Oswald and if the government had actually blacked the face of the man next to him, they would have blacked out Oswald's face too!


The reason you nutjob lunatics never get any of your looney conspiracies right is because you're too mentally handicapped to generate even the minimal critical thinking required to figure this shit out.

Zero credibility decided by whom? You? Who is credible according to you? Why, it's your beloved corporate "gubermint"!!! Never question it EVER....just obey it. That is what pussies like Faun believes.

Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.
With the mountain of evidence proving conspiracy, anyone who thinks Oswald responsible and acted alone has to be FUCKING CRAZY or a CIA plant.

you should know by NOW that Faun and Soupnazi are are shills that have penetrated this site -the nazi especially.He is such a stupid fuck he advertises it with his USER name and doesnt even realise it that he gives it away how evil he is with his user name:lmao::rofl: yet you STILL argue back and forth with thise disgusting monsters who particpate in this coverup? WHY?:rolleyes:

For the same reason you still argue indirectly with those who are better than you.

you hate that you have been defeated and merely act like a spoiled brat to deny fact because you believe it will save face.
You do know however that I used your face to mop the floor

You couldn't kick your own ass, dipshit. You debunked nothing and proved nothing. Claiming something has been debunked sans proof like providing a link for proper vetting is nothing but the ol "Uh-uh" defense. Both LA RAM and myself have made you look like an idiot and a shill. Faun is just a cheerleading puppy wanting a pat on his sloped skull and added nothing to the discussion.......what a joke you are.

Do you think it is to difficult for the dumbed down to realize why we have history, why we have books, why we have reference points from these books, are the cults unable to realize when you do research one must look at books, encyclopedias to find information.

Has the public school bread a generation of idiots.

When a Doctor looks at a few dozen books on how best to treat a symptom are these asses gonna say oh I have no idea what that books says and don't understand it all so it's fake. ...............

Uuuugh stupidity is severe in these jackasses.

Cognitive dissonance along with no critical thinking skills.........

Precisely that IS YOUR issue.

You have no critical thinking skills and do not try to develop them. If you did you would examine both sides of the issue objectively but you have never done so. For you have never read the Warren Commission report or the 911 report and have no idea what they claim yet you blindly and naively fall for whatever someone tells you about them.

Your cognitive dissonance is clearly proven with the video you showed of transportation secretary Mineta which clearly and plainly debunked your own assertion and yet you offered it as proof.
Here is what the paid shills the NAZI troll and his wife at Langley always do all the time when facts are shown in videos like this one from the OP that they cant counter folks.this-:scared1:
What facts?

You're actually citing a video with Jerome Corsi (zero credibility) -- appearing on InfoWars (zero credibility) -- posted on this forum by MindWars (zero credibility) -- and now echoed by a lunatic like you (zero credibility).

Based on that alone, there is virtually no chance of anything factual appearing in that video. Not even by coincidence.

Even funnier is if you actually watch the video. Those morons actually contend that Oswald is captured in a photo at ground level, who they identify by blowing up the photo to the point that faces are distorted. But wait, that's not even the funny part. Then they hysterically claim the government blacked out the face of the person standing next to the guy they laughably identified as Oswald because he was associated with Oswald and the government didn't want his face to be seen because that would have given away their plan to implicate Oswald.

Morons... if that was actually Oswald and if the government had actually blacked the face of the man next to him, they would have blacked out Oswald's face too!


The reason you nutjob lunatics never get any of your looney conspiracies right is because you're too mentally handicapped to generate even the minimal critical thinking required to figure this shit out.

Zero credibility decided by whom? You? Who is credible according to you? Why, it's your beloved corporate "gubermint"!!! Never question it EVER....just obey it. That is what pussies like Faun believes.

Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
What facts?

You're actually citing a video with Jerome Corsi (zero credibility) -- appearing on InfoWars (zero credibility) -- posted on this forum by MindWars (zero credibility) -- and now echoed by a lunatic like you (zero credibility).

Based on that alone, there is virtually no chance of anything factual appearing in that video. Not even by coincidence.

Even funnier is if you actually watch the video. Those morons actually contend that Oswald is captured in a photo at ground level, who they identify by blowing up the photo to the point that faces are distorted. But wait, that's not even the funny part. Then they hysterically claim the government blacked out the face of the person standing next to the guy they laughably identified as Oswald because he was associated with Oswald and the government didn't want his face to be seen because that would have given away their plan to implicate Oswald.

Morons... if that was actually Oswald and if the government had actually blacked the face of the man next to him, they would have blacked out Oswald's face too!


The reason you nutjob lunatics never get any of your looney conspiracies right is because you're too mentally handicapped to generate even the minimal critical thinking required to figure this shit out.

Zero credibility decided by whom? You? Who is credible according to you? Why, it's your beloved corporate "gubermint"!!! Never question it EVER....just obey it. That is what pussies like Faun believes.

Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim

Great job of "stepping in it" yet again, dumb ass......

you should know by NOW that Faun and Soupnazi are are shills that have penetrated this site -the nazi especially.He is such a stupid fuck he advertises it with his USER name and doesnt even realise it that he gives it away how evil he is with his user name:lmao::rofl: yet you STILL argue back and forth with thise disgusting monsters who particpate in this coverup? WHY?:rolleyes:

For the same reason you still argue indirectly with those who are better than you.

you hate that you have been defeated and merely act like a spoiled brat to deny fact because you believe it will save face.
You do know however that I used your face to mop the floor

You couldn't kick your own ass, dipshit. You debunked nothing and proved nothing. Claiming something has been debunked sans proof like providing a link for proper vetting is nothing but the ol "Uh-uh" defense. Both LA RAM and myself have made you look like an idiot and a shill. Faun is just a cheerleading puppy wanting a pat on his sloped skull and added nothing to the discussion.......what a joke you are.

Do you think it is to difficult for the dumbed down to realize why we have history, why we have books, why we have reference points from these books, are the cults unable to realize when you do research one must look at books, encyclopedias to find information.

Has the public school bread a generation of idiots.

When a Doctor looks at a few dozen books on how best to treat a symptom are these asses gonna say oh I have no idea what that books says and don't understand it all so it's fake. ...............

Uuuugh stupidity is severe in these jackasses.

Cognitive dissonance along with no critical thinking skills.........

Precisely that IS YOUR issue.

You have no critical thinking skills and do not try to develop them. If you did you would examine both sides of the issue objectively but you have never done so. For you have never read the Warren Commission report or the 911 report and have no idea what they claim yet you blindly and naively fall for whatever someone tells you about them.

Your cognitive dissonance is clearly proven with the video you showed of transportation secretary Mineta which clearly and plainly debunked your own assertion and yet you offered it as proof.

Dude, seek help because you have totally "lost it".
For the same reason you still argue indirectly with those who are better than you.

you hate that you have been defeated and merely act like a spoiled brat to deny fact because you believe it will save face.
You do know however that I used your face to mop the floor

You couldn't kick your own ass, dipshit. You debunked nothing and proved nothing. Claiming something has been debunked sans proof like providing a link for proper vetting is nothing but the ol "Uh-uh" defense. Both LA RAM and myself have made you look like an idiot and a shill. Faun is just a cheerleading puppy wanting a pat on his sloped skull and added nothing to the discussion.......what a joke you are.

Do you think it is to difficult for the dumbed down to realize why we have history, why we have books, why we have reference points from these books, are the cults unable to realize when you do research one must look at books, encyclopedias to find information.

Has the public school bread a generation of idiots.

When a Doctor looks at a few dozen books on how best to treat a symptom are these asses gonna say oh I have no idea what that books says and don't understand it all so it's fake. ...............

Uuuugh stupidity is severe in these jackasses.

Cognitive dissonance along with no critical thinking skills.........

Precisely that IS YOUR issue.

You have no critical thinking skills and do not try to develop them. If you did you would examine both sides of the issue objectively but you have never done so. For you have never read the Warren Commission report or the 911 report and have no idea what they claim yet you blindly and naively fall for whatever someone tells you about them.

Your cognitive dissonance is clearly proven with the video you showed of transportation secretary Mineta which clearly and plainly debunked your own assertion and yet you offered it as proof.

Dude, seek help because you have totally "lost it".

Nope I'm fine.

Just ruining your day which facts that you know are true
You couldn't kick your own ass, dipshit. You debunked nothing and proved nothing. Claiming something has been debunked sans proof like providing a link for proper vetting is nothing but the ol "Uh-uh" defense. Both LA RAM and myself have made you look like an idiot and a shill. Faun is just a cheerleading puppy wanting a pat on his sloped skull and added nothing to the discussion.......what a joke you are.

Do you think it is to difficult for the dumbed down to realize why we have history, why we have books, why we have reference points from these books, are the cults unable to realize when you do research one must look at books, encyclopedias to find information.

Has the public school bread a generation of idiots.

When a Doctor looks at a few dozen books on how best to treat a symptom are these asses gonna say oh I have no idea what that books says and don't understand it all so it's fake. ...............

Uuuugh stupidity is severe in these jackasses.

Cognitive dissonance along with no critical thinking skills.........

Precisely that IS YOUR issue.

You have no critical thinking skills and do not try to develop them. If you did you would examine both sides of the issue objectively but you have never done so. For you have never read the Warren Commission report or the 911 report and have no idea what they claim yet you blindly and naively fall for whatever someone tells you about them.

Your cognitive dissonance is clearly proven with the video you showed of transportation secretary Mineta which clearly and plainly debunked your own assertion and yet you offered it as proof.

Dude, seek help because you have totally "lost it".

Nope I'm fine.

Just ruining your day which facts that you know are true

You are suffering from delusions as well. You do nothing but spin like a proverbial top. You have only reinforced what I know to be true....... as if that could be possible. You are the generic "naysayer" and come a dime a dozen here in Cyberville.
Fact LMFAO!! facts created on false information which is fed to indoctrinated sheep that choose to believe lies over truth. Your truth's are lies, and Lies are truth in you brain damaged Democratic sheep.


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