Expert reveals tampering in JFK assassination photos

No I like to look at the evidence which is alien to you.

There was no coup d'etat and no evidence of one and it is that simple.

I am guessing you were educated in public schools since you consistently make false claims about evidence despite having none at all reflecting a piss poor education.
To state what you just did, proves how duped or trained you are.

Truly amazing anyone can think as you do, unless you really are just a statist poser.

Wrong because I am correct and you have admitted as much you conceeded the argument several posts back and admitted there is no evidence all you are doing at this point is childishly trying to deny that you did.

You cannot cite or post or demonstrate any evidence which you claim exists because you are lying and there is no such evidence and you know it.

I can't imagine Langley pays you so well that you would continue with your stupidity.

Do they?

That is because the notion that langley pays people to post on obscure forums is an idiotic claim which people like you only use when you have no evidence and you do not.

You always claim there is evidence but cannot cite or demonstrate any proving there is no evidence to support your assertion
Hey I bet those folks at Langley must laugh their asses off how easy that got away with the JFK assassination. Can you shed any light on this?


I can't imagine Langley pays you so well that you would continue with your stupidity.

Do they?

Ypu should know by now the obvious answer is yes,that he is paid VERY WELL to come here and troll.He would NEVER do it for free or if he was not very well paid.:biggrin: you think for second he would come here for FREE to suffer all these ass beatings from us? get serious.:haha::lmao:

He makes up one lie after another when he gets his ass taken to the cleaners here everyday by us so he is not about to tell us the truth on that lol I can only state this so many times-:trolls:
"That is not even opinion it is an outright lie"

Nope, it is a or two anomalies or coincidences do not conspiracy make but when there are literally dozens of things that do not add up nor can be refuted? Yeah, the preponderance of the evidence shows that there was without a doubt a conspiracy by this corporate entity that you lovingly refer to as "gubermint".

"The evidence in fact proves the opposite as i have laid out and shown that Oswald acted alone and your entire claims is based on innuendo, grasping at straws, and speculation sorry but none of those things are evidence"

A spare to fair marksman like Oswald did not get off 3 shots with a bolt action rifle in the amount of time claimed....PERIOD. The radio station KLIF that was covering his trip down Elm proves that there were two shots fired within a second of each other and the shots didn't hit anything. It was a pathetic attempt at a cover-up given what we know now and for you to lamely claim otherwise is the last refuge of someone that is incredibly blinded or simply a disinfo agent......either way? It has been amusing watching you flail away.

"The bullet was never in pristine condition or near pristine condition it was caved in damaged and missing mass just as one would expect from a bullet performing as it did you are proven wrong on that by the exhibit itself"

This is the funniest part of your argument ........the magic bullet that zig zagged around causing multiple injuries and then working it's way onto the gurney of Connally. Don't you realize how fucking stupid that comes across????

The Magic Bullet: Even More Magical than We Knew

This bullet busted ribs and the wrist of Connally.......looks pretty intact to me.

You can't explain how the right side of Kennedy's head pushes to the left when the bullshit story that he was shot in the back of the head would push his head to the front with perhaps a "snap back reflex" and as doctored as the Zapruder film was (which it was) even they couldn't spin that one. His brain didn't leak out from the back of the head, it was the right hand side of the skull was blown to shit.

"You are also dead wrong about the expert and experienced Pathologists who performed the autopsies they had in fact done many autopsies on bodies of victims of violent events and crimes including gunshot victims. Commander James Thornton Boswell was the man in charge of the autopsy whom you could not even name and he was not selected he was in fact the chief pathologist on duty at Bethesda which was the site for the autopsy chosen by Jackie Kennedy. Boswell and his colleagues did indeed have great experience at examining gun shot victims which is WHY they were chief pathologists"

Nope, you are "dead wrong" and it is revisionist history after the fact. Boswell burned his notes? Gee, I wonder why. I will give you credit for one thing, you definitely toe the "corporate line" but you lose and lose badly.

\There are not literally dozens of things which do not add up.

There simply is no evidence to support your assertion.

Once again there is no preponderance of evidence because to have a preponderance you need some evidence to begin with and all the evidence shows Oswald acted alone.

Spare to fair is a weird comment without meaning. Oswald was a well trained marksman as all Marines are. The Marines have the BEST basic rifle marksmanship training program in the military and he was rated a Sharpshooter which by definition makes him better skilled than most people with a rifle.

You are long since proven wrong about the time He had 6 to 8 seconds which is ample time for ANYONE to fire 5 aimed shots with a bolt action rifle as anyone who has fired and operated such a rifle knows.

Your PERIOD is simply false and long since proven so by anyone who knows anything about rifles.

No radio station ever proved any such thing as there is no audio recording of the event which would be required for such proof.

I have not flailed away I have systematically proven each of your assertions wrong and debunked them which id why you have no evidence preponderance or otherwise.

Nothing I said comes across as stupid the bullet was damaged and no where near pristine which is fact.

Yes it was damaged the way one would expect as every test done on similar bullets has shown.

The Zapruder film was never doctored and yes it is very easy to explain why his head moved the way it did. It was a combination of jet effect andneurological reflex.

Your assumption is based on watching TV and movies where people always move or jerk away from the gun when fired but in reality they do not always do so.

Here are tests demonstrating how you are wrong on both the time for the three shots and the jet effect.

Plain and simple your claims debunked.

Yes He did burn his notes which does not constitutes making him inexperienced as you claimed and were wrong about he did have great experience performing autopsies on gun shot victims that is precisely what pathologists DO in the military which sees a high percentage of people shot to death and he had served in that capacity since WWII.

You simply have no evidence


Hey, dumb ass, you can't hit rock bottom until you are done digging a hole. You keep claiming "This was debunked" and THAT was debunk " with no links....I believe it's called the "UH-uh" defense used by little kids with snot running down their noses when they are told that Santa Claus is a myth by the older kids.

Seriously, congrats for exposing yourself for an's been slightly entertaining. The best part was you defending the single bullet theory and how the bullet was "damaged" (which it wasn't) and how it's plausible that it could be found on the gurney after having been lodged in Connally's hip. How you are silent on how the right side of the head of Kennedy was actually a shot to the back of the head and those that see the shot that causes Kennedy's head to go up and to the left are just (snicker) "Wacky".

You really can't be THAT fucking stupid to buy that load of bullshit so it's obvious to me that you are simply here to yank some chains and waste time. Mission accomplished, dipshit....are ya proud? (snicker)

Dale,Gipper i can only state this so many times-don not reply to this shill.that is the worst thing you can do because you are not only giving him the attention he so desperately seeks but you guys are both helping him do what his boss has sent him here to do, to do,which is to troll the thread to get you guys to go back and forth and argue with him to try and derail this thread.

I have this many times regarding these shills that have penetrated this site-:trolls:

But I so like making him look foolish. It is a lot fun.

You never did, I owned your uneducated ass and you know it

Hey...I was looking for a copy of the Warren Commission Report at the public library the other day, and found it in the fiction section. Can you believe that?
To state what you just did, proves how duped or trained you are.

Truly amazing anyone can think as you do, unless you really are just a statist poser.

Wrong because I am correct and you have admitted as much you conceeded the argument several posts back and admitted there is no evidence all you are doing at this point is childishly trying to deny that you did.

You cannot cite or post or demonstrate any evidence which you claim exists because you are lying and there is no such evidence and you know it.

I can't imagine Langley pays you so well that you would continue with your stupidity.

Do they?

That is because the notion that langley pays people to post on obscure forums is an idiotic claim which people like you only use when you have no evidence and you do not.

You always claim there is evidence but cannot cite or demonstrate any proving there is no evidence to support your assertion
Hey I bet those folks at Langley must laugh their asses off how easy that got away with the JFK assassination. Can you shed any light on this?


I can't imagine Langley pays you so well that you would continue with your stupidity.

Do they?

Ypu should know by now the obvious answer is yes,that he is paid VERY WELL to come here and troll.He would NEVER do it for free or if he was not very well paid.:biggrin: you think for second he would come here for FREE to suffer all these ass beatings from us? get serious.:haha::lmao:

He makes up one lie after another when he gets his ass taken to the cleaners here everyday by us so he is not about to tell us the truth on that lol I can only state this so many times-:trolls:

You can state it forever but it is still just a delusion which you hide behind when you lose a simple argument and that is what you always do.
\There are not literally dozens of things which do not add up.

There simply is no evidence to support your assertion.

Once again there is no preponderance of evidence because to have a preponderance you need some evidence to begin with and all the evidence shows Oswald acted alone.

Spare to fair is a weird comment without meaning. Oswald was a well trained marksman as all Marines are. The Marines have the BEST basic rifle marksmanship training program in the military and he was rated a Sharpshooter which by definition makes him better skilled than most people with a rifle.

You are long since proven wrong about the time He had 6 to 8 seconds which is ample time for ANYONE to fire 5 aimed shots with a bolt action rifle as anyone who has fired and operated such a rifle knows.

Your PERIOD is simply false and long since proven so by anyone who knows anything about rifles.

No radio station ever proved any such thing as there is no audio recording of the event which would be required for such proof.

I have not flailed away I have systematically proven each of your assertions wrong and debunked them which id why you have no evidence preponderance or otherwise.

Nothing I said comes across as stupid the bullet was damaged and no where near pristine which is fact.

Yes it was damaged the way one would expect as every test done on similar bullets has shown.

The Zapruder film was never doctored and yes it is very easy to explain why his head moved the way it did. It was a combination of jet effect andneurological reflex.

Your assumption is based on watching TV and movies where people always move or jerk away from the gun when fired but in reality they do not always do so.

Here are tests demonstrating how you are wrong on both the time for the three shots and the jet effect.

Plain and simple your claims debunked.

Yes He did burn his notes which does not constitutes making him inexperienced as you claimed and were wrong about he did have great experience performing autopsies on gun shot victims that is precisely what pathologists DO in the military which sees a high percentage of people shot to death and he had served in that capacity since WWII.

You simply have no evidence


Hey, dumb ass, you can't hit rock bottom until you are done digging a hole. You keep claiming "This was debunked" and THAT was debunk " with no links....I believe it's called the "UH-uh" defense used by little kids with snot running down their noses when they are told that Santa Claus is a myth by the older kids.

Seriously, congrats for exposing yourself for an's been slightly entertaining. The best part was you defending the single bullet theory and how the bullet was "damaged" (which it wasn't) and how it's plausible that it could be found on the gurney after having been lodged in Connally's hip. How you are silent on how the right side of the head of Kennedy was actually a shot to the back of the head and those that see the shot that causes Kennedy's head to go up and to the left are just (snicker) "Wacky".

You really can't be THAT fucking stupid to buy that load of bullshit so it's obvious to me that you are simply here to yank some chains and waste time. Mission accomplished, dipshit....are ya proud? (snicker)

Dale,Gipper i can only state this so many times-don not reply to this shill.that is the worst thing you can do because you are not only giving him the attention he so desperately seeks but you guys are both helping him do what his boss has sent him here to do, to do,which is to troll the thread to get you guys to go back and forth and argue with him to try and derail this thread.

I have this many times regarding these shills that have penetrated this site-:trolls:

But I so like making him look foolish. It is a lot fun.

You never did, I owned your uneducated ass and you know it

Hey...I was looking for a copy of the Warren Commission Report at the public library the other day, and found it in the fiction section. Can you believe that?

You never looked for it or read it as we have conclusively proven

he was a communist who admired Castro which is fact you cannot refute it is not belied.

If you assert otherwise it requires evidence..

Now I always openly and accurately answer your questions.

you however are a proven liar and uneducated coward who does not answer questions.

So change that now and a stop being a coward,

Answer the questions.

Cite one specific passage from the Warren Commission which is a lie and provide evidence that it is a lie.

Afre their any guilty men locked up in prison since you claim the government lies 24/7

As predicted you prove that I an right by your impotent inability to refute me with evidence

Hey CIA Dupe....let's keep the comedy, was Ruby a great admirer of JFK and this was his motive to killing Oswald?

Please answer....I love your comedy act.

Are there any guilty men in prison?

Cite one passage from the Warren Commission which is a lie and provide evidence it is a lie.

Stop being the same coward you are known to be in real life and answer are amazingly FUNNY....CIA Dupe.

I love it. You need to consider doing stand up.

Dr. Jerome Corsi and researcher Ralph C. Cinque examine evidence of photographic manipulation related to the CIA and FBI’s investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Expert Reveals Tampering in JFK Assassination Photos

Most people who have a grain of logic left should be asking why has his record been kept secret for so long, Long after everyone is dead anyway.
Do they not want the people to see how far back a deep state, crooked Government really goes. Or do they not even care knowing most leftist sheep wouldn't believe it anyway.

Which record are you talking about.

The records concerning Oswald have been public for decades even before his death.

there is very little we do not know about him.

The self proclaimed expert is nothing of the sort and simply repeating the same old tired cliches which have long since been debunked.

The evidence shows Oswald acted alone and no conspiracy theory to the contrary has any valid evidence

actually there were a bunch of records that were just released in October. and a new bunch are coming out soon. what we did learn is that the FBI knew a lot more about Lee Oswald than previously indicated.... and some documents which might have laid blame for that failure at the feet of the FBI were not turned over to the Warren commission.

true story.

an interesting podcast on the subject is number 7 down the page.

Fresh Air

Hey, dumb ass, you can't hit rock bottom until you are done digging a hole. You keep claiming "This was debunked" and THAT was debunk " with no links....I believe it's called the "UH-uh" defense used by little kids with snot running down their noses when they are told that Santa Claus is a myth by the older kids.

Seriously, congrats for exposing yourself for an's been slightly entertaining. The best part was you defending the single bullet theory and how the bullet was "damaged" (which it wasn't) and how it's plausible that it could be found on the gurney after having been lodged in Connally's hip. How you are silent on how the right side of the head of Kennedy was actually a shot to the back of the head and those that see the shot that causes Kennedy's head to go up and to the left are just (snicker) "Wacky".

You really can't be THAT fucking stupid to buy that load of bullshit so it's obvious to me that you are simply here to yank some chains and waste time. Mission accomplished, dipshit....are ya proud? (snicker)

Dale,Gipper i can only state this so many times-don not reply to this shill.that is the worst thing you can do because you are not only giving him the attention he so desperately seeks but you guys are both helping him do what his boss has sent him here to do, to do,which is to troll the thread to get you guys to go back and forth and argue with him to try and derail this thread.

I have this many times regarding these shills that have penetrated this site-:trolls:
But I so like making him look foolish. It is a lot fun.

You never did, I owned your uneducated ass and you know it
Hey...I was looking for a copy of the Warren Commission Report at the public library the other day, and found it in the fiction section. Can you believe that?

You never looked for it or read it as we have conclusively proven
Well I never did care much for fiction, unlike you.
there has been a lot of great new stuff on it lately exposing the multiple shooters and coverup that took place lately. great video,as you can see, you got them worried the fact the handlers sent two of their paid shills here to troll on your thread

no one believes there were multiple shooters or a "coverup" as you mean it.

wackadoodle conspiracy nutters.
Dr. Jerome Corsi and researcher Ralph C. Cinque examine evidence of photographic manipulation related to the CIA and FBI’s investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Expert Reveals Tampering in JFK Assassination Photos

Most people who have a grain of logic left should be asking why has his record been kept secret for so long, Long after everyone is dead anyway.
Do they not want the people to see how far back a deep state, crooked Government really goes. Or do they not even care knowing most leftist sheep wouldn't believe it anyway.

Which record are you talking about.

The records concerning Oswald have been public for decades even before his death.

there is very little we do not know about him.

The self proclaimed expert is nothing of the sort and simply repeating the same old tired cliches which have long since been debunked.

The evidence shows Oswald acted alone and no conspiracy theory to the contrary has any valid evidence

actually there were a bunch of records that were just released in October. and a new bunch are coming out soon. what we did learn is that the FBI knew a lot more about Lee Oswald than previously indicated.... and some documents which might have laid blame for that failure at the feet of the FBI were not turned over to the Warren commission.

true story.

an interesting podcast on the subject is number 7 down the page.

Fresh Air

That is nothing new at alll but it does not indicate and inside job or conspiracy to kill Kennedy
Dr. Jerome Corsi and researcher Ralph C. Cinque examine evidence of photographic manipulation related to the CIA and FBI’s investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Expert Reveals Tampering in JFK Assassination Photos

Most people who have a grain of logic left should be asking why has his record been kept secret for so long, Long after everyone is dead anyway.
Do they not want the people to see how far back a deep state, crooked Government really goes. Or do they not even care knowing most leftist sheep wouldn't believe it anyway.

Which record are you talking about.

The records concerning Oswald have been public for decades even before his death.

there is very little we do not know about him.

The self proclaimed expert is nothing of the sort and simply repeating the same old tired cliches which have long since been debunked.

The evidence shows Oswald acted alone and no conspiracy theory to the contrary has any valid evidence

actually there were a bunch of records that were just released in October. and a new bunch are coming out soon. what we did learn is that the FBI knew a lot more about Lee Oswald than previously indicated.... and some documents which might have laid blame for that failure at the feet of the FBI were not turned over to the Warren commission.

true story.

an interesting podcast on the subject is number 7 down the page.

Fresh Air

That is nothing new at alll but it does not indicate and inside job or conspiracy to kill Kennedy

in that regard there is nothing new. but as a point of fact, the failure of the FBI to stop something which they really could have stopped is a fascinating listen.
Dale,Gipper i can only state this so many times-don not reply to this shill.that is the worst thing you can do because you are not only giving him the attention he so desperately seeks but you guys are both helping him do what his boss has sent him here to do, to do,which is to troll the thread to get you guys to go back and forth and argue with him to try and derail this thread.

I have this many times regarding these shills that have penetrated this site-:trolls:
But I so like making him look foolish. It is a lot fun.

You never did, I owned your uneducated ass and you know it
Hey...I was looking for a copy of the Warren Commission Report at the public library the other day, and found it in the fiction section. Can you believe that?

You never looked for it or read it as we have conclusively proven
Well I never did care much for fiction, unlike you.
Yes you do in fact which is why you fall hook line and sinker for conspiracy theories which have no supporting evidence.

You cannot cite any part of the Warren Commission report which is fictional and now you openly admit to lying about reading it.
But I so like making him look foolish. It is a lot fun.

You never did, I owned your uneducated ass and you know it
Hey...I was looking for a copy of the Warren Commission Report at the public library the other day, and found it in the fiction section. Can you believe that?

You never looked for it or read it as we have conclusively proven
Well I never did care much for fiction, unlike you.
Yes you do in fact which is why you fall hook line and sinker for conspiracy theories which have no supporting evidence.

You cannot cite any part of the Warren Commission report which is fictional and now you openly admit to lying about reading it.

it appears, even with the release of new documents, that the warren commission report was based on the information given the committee at the time.

conspiracy loons are a sad bunch.
Dr. Jerome Corsi and researcher Ralph C. Cinque examine evidence of photographic manipulation related to the CIA and FBI’s investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Expert Reveals Tampering in JFK Assassination Photos

Most people who have a grain of logic left should be asking why has his record been kept secret for so long, Long after everyone is dead anyway.
Do they not want the people to see how far back a deep state, crooked Government really goes. Or do they not even care knowing most leftist sheep wouldn't believe it anyway.

Which record are you talking about.

The records concerning Oswald have been public for decades even before his death.

there is very little we do not know about him.

The self proclaimed expert is nothing of the sort and simply repeating the same old tired cliches which have long since been debunked.

The evidence shows Oswald acted alone and no conspiracy theory to the contrary has any valid evidence

actually there were a bunch of records that were just released in October. and a new bunch are coming out soon. what we did learn is that the FBI knew a lot more about Lee Oswald than previously indicated.... and some documents which might have laid blame for that failure at the feet of the FBI were not turned over to the Warren commission.

true story.

an interesting podcast on the subject is number 7 down the page.

Fresh Air

That is nothing new at alll but it does not indicate and inside job or conspiracy to kill Kennedy

in that regard there is nothing new. but as a point of fact, the failure of the FBI to stop something which they really could have stopped is a fascinating listen.

It would be if not for the fact that others point to it as part of a conspiracy to kill Kennedy. This ignores the enormous ego of Hoover who could not allow a simple error by some agents to reflect badly on his beloved FBI
there has been a lot of great new stuff on it lately exposing the multiple shooters and coverup that took place lately. great video,as you can see, you got them worried the fact the handlers sent two of their paid shills here to troll on your thread

no one believes there were multiple shooters or a "coverup" as you mean it.

wackadoodle conspiracy nutters.

Nice try conspiracy nutter shill.But even the corrupt media that you worship once did an alleged documentary defending the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin and even THEY came out and said 70% of the population no longer believes in the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin,miserable fail stupid fuck.:haha:

here is a crying towel to go cry in defeat.:itsok:
Last edited:
You never did, I owned your uneducated ass and you know it
Hey...I was looking for a copy of the Warren Commission Report at the public library the other day, and found it in the fiction section. Can you believe that?

You never looked for it or read it as we have conclusively proven
Well I never did care much for fiction, unlike you.
Yes you do in fact which is why you fall hook line and sinker for conspiracy theories which have no supporting evidence.

You cannot cite any part of the Warren Commission report which is fictional and now you openly admit to lying about reading it.

it appears, even with the release of new documents, that the warren commission report was based on the information given the committee at the time.

conspiracy loons are a sad bunch.

oh yeah the FBI is such an honest organization that always looks out for our best interests of the people that because they say its true it must be,the FBI would NEVER alter and doctor documents.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl:

here is a crying towel to go cry in defeat.:itsok:
Last edited:
there has been a lot of great new stuff on it lately exposing the multiple shooters and coverup that took place lately. great video,as you can see, you got them worried the fact the handlers sent two of their paid shills here to troll on your thread

no one believes there were multiple shooters or a "coverup" as you mean it.

wackadoodle conspiracy nutters.

Nice try conspiracy nutter shill.But even the corrupt media that you worship once did an alleged documentary defending the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin and even THEY came out and said 70% of the population no longer believes in the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin,miserable fail stupid fuck.:haha:

Which is irrelevant because consensus is not a valid measurement of fact or truth
Hey...I was looking for a copy of the Warren Commission Report at the public library the other day, and found it in the fiction section. Can you believe that?

You never looked for it or read it as we have conclusively proven
Well I never did care much for fiction, unlike you.
Yes you do in fact which is why you fall hook line and sinker for conspiracy theories which have no supporting evidence.

You cannot cite any part of the Warren Commission report which is fictional and now you openly admit to lying about reading it.

it appears, even with the release of new documents, that the warren commission report was based on the information given the committee at the time.

conspiracy loons are a sad bunch.

oh yeah the FBI is such an honest organization that always looks out for our best interests of the people that because they say its true it must be,the FBI would NEVER alter and doctor documents.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Which is a non argument since no one ever made such a claim as you are arguing against.

But that is your consistent MO
Dale,Gipper i can only state this so many times-don not reply to this shill.that is the worst thing you can do because you are not only giving him the attention he so desperately seeks but you guys are both helping him do what his boss has sent him here to do, to do,which is to troll the thread to get you guys to go back and forth and argue with him to try and derail this thread.

I have this many times regarding these shills that have penetrated this site-:trolls:
But I so like making him look foolish. It is a lot fun.

You never did, I owned your uneducated ass and you know it
Hey...I was looking for a copy of the Warren Commission Report at the public library the other day, and found it in the fiction section. Can you believe that?

You never looked for it or read it as we have conclusively proven
Well I never did care much for fiction, unlike you.

Fiction is something that this nazi shill and Jillian really get into.:haha: Jillian must be the nazi shills wife.he was getting so frustrated with all the ass beatings he has suffered from us here that he shouted across the cubicle at Langley for her help since he hated being all along getting ganged suffering ass beating after ass beating all on his own from us.:lmao:
there has been a lot of great new stuff on it lately exposing the multiple shooters and coverup that took place lately. great video,as you can see, you got them worried the fact the handlers sent two of their paid shills here to troll on your thread

no one believes there were multiple shooters or a "coverup" as you mean it.

wackadoodle conspiracy nutters.

Nice try conspiracy nutter shill.But even the corrupt media that you worship once did an alleged documentary defending the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin and even THEY came out and said 70% of the population no longer believes in the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin,miserable fail stupid fuck.:haha:

it's so cute how the crazy conspiracy loons always go into meltdown.

I'm sorry you're in such a dark place, little boy.
But I so like making him look foolish. It is a lot fun.

You never did, I owned your uneducated ass and you know it
Hey...I was looking for a copy of the Warren Commission Report at the public library the other day, and found it in the fiction section. Can you believe that?

You never looked for it or read it as we have conclusively proven
Well I never did care much for fiction, unlike you.

Fiction is something that this nazi shill and Jillian really get into.:haha: Jillian must be the nazi shills wife.he was getting so frustrated with all the ass beatings he has suffered from us here that he shouted across the cubicle at Langley for her help since he hated being all along getting ganged suffering ass beating after ass beating all on his own from us.:lmao:
I have suffered no ass beating I Have in fact debunked and proven you wrong with every exchange.

You know this to be true also.

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