Jens Mohr Thygesen "The J. F. Kennedy Assassination"

Says our resident 911 conspiracy theorist.

Sorry, Angelo....but you've already demonstrated you're commited to ignoring any evidence that contradicts you. And anyone who dares mention that evidence, or question your conspiracies.

None of which a person who was seeking 'truth' would actually do.
Mr "reasonable person" Skyturd, my own personal troll is back !
Yahoo. This will be fun.:spinner:

Ad Hominems? Say it ain't so, Angelo!

And you've shut down entire threads if we dared to mention the theory crippling holes in your claims. You've ignored those who dare to question what you believe. LIke, Faun for example.

Willful ignorance of overwhelming isn't a tool of the 'truth seeker'.
Liar. I closed the threads because you were trolling on them and continually accusing me
of antisemitism . Now run along and watch Anderson or Rachel and get your propaganda fix for the day.
Liar. I closed the threads because you were trolling on them and continually accusing me
of antisemitism . Now run along and watch Anderson or Rachel and get your propaganda fix for the day.
Why would you shut down a thread for any reason? Don't you want to get your message out?
Liar. I closed the threads because you were trolling on them and continually accusing me
of antisemitism . Now run along and watch Anderson or Rachel and get your propaganda fix for the day.
Why would you shut down a thread for any reason? Don't you want to get your message out?

Because the thread was a record of his contradiction:

It was a record of the evidence that refuted his claim.

And worst of all, it was a record of his flagrantly ignoring evidence that questioned what he wanted to believe.

Something no 'truth seeker' would ever actually do.
Liar. I closed the threads because you were trolling on them and continually accusing me
of antisemitism . Now run along and watch Anderson or Rachel and get your propaganda fix for the day.
Why would you shut down a thread for any reason? Don't you want to get your message out?
Has Google erased it yet ?

Nope. Despite your fantasy, google doesn't erasee messageboard threads.

Nor does the DoD take down truther conspiracy videos.

Faun's question remains unanswered: Why would you shut down a thread for any reason? Don't you want to get your message out?
Liar. I closed the threads because you were trolling on them and continually accusing me
of antisemitism . Now run along and watch Anderson or Rachel and get your propaganda fix for the day.
Why would you shut down a thread for any reason? Don't you want to get your message out?
Has Google erased it yet ?

Nope. Despite your fantasy, google doesn't erasee messageboard threads.

Nor does the DoD take down truther conspiracy videos.

Faun's question remains unanswered: Why would you shut down a thread for any reason? Don't you want to get your message out?
The message is out there.
And if I want to hyperlink to it from anywhere I can.
Nope. Despite your fantasy, google doesn't erasee messageboard threads.
Youtube is a subsidiary of Google, genius. And they censor videos all the time.
Try to find a public beheading in Saudi Arabia ...used to be able to -- can't anymore.
Nope. Despite your fantasy, google doesn't erasee messageboard threads.
Youtube is a subsidiary of Google, genius. And they censor videos all the time.
Try to find a public beheading in Saudi Arabia ...used to be able to -- can't anymore.

Your claim was that the DoD has those truther conspiracy videos pulled.

Backed by nothing but your own imagination and hapless paranoia, of course.

Alas, your imagination doesn't have anything to do with the real world.
The person who leaked this video is in prison or dead, but
you used to be able to view this entire beheading and others.

Your claim was that the DoD has those truther conspiracy videos pulled.

Backed by nothing but your own imagination and hapless paranoia, of course.

Alas, your imagination doesn't have anything to do with the real world.
Listen to Mr Comey here, always setting up perjury traps.
I have never made any such claim specifically. Nice try Huckleberry.
Liar. I closed the threads because you were trolling on them and continually accusing me
of antisemitism . Now run along and watch Anderson or Rachel and get your propaganda fix for the day.
Why would you shut down a thread for any reason? Don't you want to get your message out?
Has Google erased it yet ?
Google hasn't erased Dick Cheney was a robot either; what's your point?
The person who leaked this video is in prison or dead, but
you used to be able to view this entire beheading and others.

Which has what to do with your willful ignorance of all the evidence that contradicts you?

Or your delusional fantasy that the Department of Defense is having your silly conspiracy videos removed?
Liar. I closed the threads because you were trolling on them and continually accusing me
of antisemitism . Now run along and watch Anderson or Rachel and get your propaganda fix for the day.
Why would you shut down a thread for any reason? Don't you want to get your message out?
Has Google erased it yet ?

Nope. Despite your fantasy, google doesn't erasee messageboard threads.

Nor does the DoD take down truther conspiracy videos.

Faun's question remains unanswered: Why would you shut down a thread for any reason? Don't you want to get your message out?
The message is out there.
And if I want to hyperlink to it from anywhere I can.
Well yours is going to slide into oblivion now. You used to brag about how many views that thread got. How many more views do you think a dead thread will get?
Your claim was that the DoD has those truther conspiracy videos pulled.

Backed by nothing but your own imagination and hapless paranoia, of course.

Alas, your imagination doesn't have anything to do with the real world.
Listen to Mr Comey here, always setting up perjury traps.
I have never made any such claim specifically. Nice try Huckleberry.

Oh, I believe you. But his 'Angelo' guy? He says you're a fucking liar:

"Good thing a friend of mine has copies of all these spin cycle truther videos before the DOD has Youtube remove them."


Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

So you shut down threads to keep people from seeing your ludicrous claims and contradictions by overwhelming evidence...

.......and then you lie about your ludicrous claims and contradictions by overwhelming evidence.

Again, something no 'truth seeker' would ever do.

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