Expert reveals tampering in JFK assassination photos

Zero credibility decided by whom? You? Who is credible according to you? Why, it's your beloved corporate "gubermint"!!! Never question it EVER....just obey it. That is what pussies like Faun believes.

Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim

Great job of "stepping in it" yet again, dumb ass......

Zero credibility decided by whom? You? Who is credible according to you? Why, it's your beloved corporate "gubermint"!!! Never question it EVER....just obey it. That is what pussies like Faun believes.

Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim

Great job of "stepping in it" yet again, dumb ass......

Time mark 0:12 " planted stories intended to serve a national interest abroad came home and were circulated here and believed here".

No evidence or claim they were planted here but only abroad and someone here picked up on them.

Time mark 0:50 " we do have people who submit pieces to American Journals "

Of course they do all government agencies do this and do so openly so it is not an admission or claim of manipulating the media.

No where in your video does it say or offer any evidence of the CIA infiltrating all aspects of the media which is what you claimed.

Clearly you stepped in it not me as once again you have posted a video which actually refutes what you assert. This is your cognitive dissonance at work again not listening to the source and falsely reporting what they said.

Once again the church committee arrived at no conclusions that you claimed and proved no such thing and like the sucker you are you blew it and backfired an effort to prove your own claim

How sad as you realize you have been pwned and debunked again.

I have not been and you lie like a coward to claim I have
Do you think it is to difficult for the dumbed down to realize why we have history, why we have books, why we have reference points from these books, are the cults unable to realize when you do research one must look at books, encyclopedias to find information.

Has the public school bread a generation of idiots.

When a Doctor looks at a few dozen books on how best to treat a symptom are these asses gonna say oh I have no idea what that books says and don't understand it all so it's fake. ...............

Uuuugh stupidity is severe in these jackasses.

Cognitive dissonance along with no critical thinking skills.........

Precisely that IS YOUR issue.

You have no critical thinking skills and do not try to develop them. If you did you would examine both sides of the issue objectively but you have never done so. For you have never read the Warren Commission report or the 911 report and have no idea what they claim yet you blindly and naively fall for whatever someone tells you about them.

Your cognitive dissonance is clearly proven with the video you showed of transportation secretary Mineta which clearly and plainly debunked your own assertion and yet you offered it as proof.

Dude, seek help because you have totally "lost it".

Nope I'm fine.

Just ruining your day which facts that you know are true

You are suffering from delusions as well. You do nothing but spin like a proverbial top. You have only reinforced what I know to be true....... as if that could be possible. You are the generic "naysayer" and come a dime a dozen here in Cyberville.

You do not know it to be true at all you just believe it as a muslim believes in allah or a christian in jesus despite.

That is not knowledge it is faith.

You have been proven wrong by facts and evidence and you know it but live in denial. I do not
Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim

Great job of "stepping in it" yet again, dumb ass......

Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim

Great job of "stepping in it" yet again, dumb ass......

Time mark 0:12 " planted stories intended to serve a national interest abroad came home and were circulated here and believed here".

No evidence or claim they were planted here but only abroad and someone here picked up on them.

Time mark 0:50 " we do have people who submit pieces to American Journals "

Of course they do all government agencies do this and do so openly so it is not an admission or claim of manipulating the media.

No where in your video does it say or offer any evidence of the CIA infiltrating all aspects of the media which is what you claimed.

Clearly you stepped in it not me as once again you have posted a video which actually refutes what you assert. This is your cognitive dissonance at work again not listening to the source and falsely reporting what they said.

Once again the church committee arrived at no conclusions that you claimed and proved no such thing and like the sucker you are you blew it and backfired an effort to prove your own claim

How sad as you realize you have been pwned and debunked again.

I have not been and you lie like a coward to claim I have

Just a little bit selective in your vetting of this....obviously you are ignoring the ending......spin again?
Fact LMFAO!! facts created on false information which is fed to indoctrinated sheep that choose to believe lies over truth. Your truth's are lies, and Lies are truth in you brain damaged Democratic sheep.

View attachment 144520
Argument by meme is the last resort of the desperate

MEMES have fact, that MEME is from DINESH HIMSELF CLICK THE FKN LINKS maybe you'd actually learn something.

You leftist make yourselves look pathetically stupid and you all are lazy fks , couch potatoes losers who are to lazy to click a link and read what it says and where it came from .
What facts?

You're actually citing a video with Jerome Corsi (zero credibility) -- appearing on InfoWars (zero credibility) -- posted on this forum by MindWars (zero credibility) -- and now echoed by a lunatic like you (zero credibility).

Based on that alone, there is virtually no chance of anything factual appearing in that video. Not even by coincidence.

Even funnier is if you actually watch the video. Those morons actually contend that Oswald is captured in a photo at ground level, who they identify by blowing up the photo to the point that faces are distorted. But wait, that's not even the funny part. Then they hysterically claim the government blacked out the face of the person standing next to the guy they laughably identified as Oswald because he was associated with Oswald and the government didn't want his face to be seen because that would have given away their plan to implicate Oswald.

Morons... if that was actually Oswald and if the government had actually blacked the face of the man next to him, they would have blacked out Oswald's face too!


The reason you nutjob lunatics never get any of your looney conspiracies right is because you're too mentally handicapped to generate even the minimal critical thinking required to figure this shit out.

Zero credibility decided by whom? You? Who is credible according to you? Why, it's your beloved corporate "gubermint"!!! Never question it EVER....just obey it. That is what pussies like Faun believes.

Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.
Zero credibility decided by whom? You? Who is credible according to you? Why, it's your beloved corporate "gubermint"!!! Never question it EVER....just obey it. That is what pussies like Faun believes.

Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

How about when these dumbasses believe the fact of " oh it was suicide" he shot himself in " BACK" of the head. Multiple murder cases where the FEDS said suicide yet the fkr some how shot himself in back of the head Mmmmk. lol
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim

Great job of "stepping in it" yet again, dumb ass......

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim

Great job of "stepping in it" yet again, dumb ass......

Time mark 0:12 " planted stories intended to serve a national interest abroad came home and were circulated here and believed here".

No evidence or claim they were planted here but only abroad and someone here picked up on them.

Time mark 0:50 " we do have people who submit pieces to American Journals "

Of course they do all government agencies do this and do so openly so it is not an admission or claim of manipulating the media.

No where in your video does it say or offer any evidence of the CIA infiltrating all aspects of the media which is what you claimed.

Clearly you stepped in it not me as once again you have posted a video which actually refutes what you assert. This is your cognitive dissonance at work again not listening to the source and falsely reporting what they said.

Once again the church committee arrived at no conclusions that you claimed and proved no such thing and like the sucker you are you blew it and backfired an effort to prove your own claim

How sad as you realize you have been pwned and debunked again.

I have not been and you lie like a coward to claim I have

Just a little bit selective in your vetting of this....obviously you are ignoring the ending......spin again?

The ending stated opinion and spin not you they stated no evidence for your claim of the CIA infiltrating all media.

It is you who blew it again I never have
Fact LMFAO!! facts created on false information which is fed to indoctrinated sheep that choose to believe lies over truth. Your truth's are lies, and Lies are truth in you brain damaged Democratic sheep.

View attachment 144520
Argument by meme is the last resort of the desperate

MEMES have fact, that MEME is from DINESH HIMSELF CLICK THE FKN LINKS maybe you'd actually learn something.

You leftist make yourselves look pathetically stupid and you all are lazy fks , couch potatoes losers who are to lazy to click a link and read what it says and where it came from .

No they do not have fact at all. They have strawman and ad hominen

You are more of a left winger than I am.
Zero credibility decided by whom? You? Who is credible according to you? Why, it's your beloved corporate "gubermint"!!! Never question it EVER....just obey it. That is what pussies like Faun believes.

Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

What a liar you are as the CIA never made any such claim. Nor did the Warren Commission Of course you will continue to lie and state they did but the proof you are a dishonest fool is that you can provide no source for them saying any such thing.

Pwned by me again now answer up boy and stop being my bitch
Cognitive dissonance along with no critical thinking skills.........

Precisely that IS YOUR issue.

You have no critical thinking skills and do not try to develop them. If you did you would examine both sides of the issue objectively but you have never done so. For you have never read the Warren Commission report or the 911 report and have no idea what they claim yet you blindly and naively fall for whatever someone tells you about them.

Your cognitive dissonance is clearly proven with the video you showed of transportation secretary Mineta which clearly and plainly debunked your own assertion and yet you offered it as proof.

Dude, seek help because you have totally "lost it".

Nope I'm fine.

Just ruining your day which facts that you know are true

You are suffering from delusions as well. You do nothing but spin like a proverbial top. You have only reinforced what I know to be true....... as if that could be possible. You are the generic "naysayer" and come a dime a dozen here in Cyberville.

You do not know it to be true at all you just believe it as a muslim believes in allah or a christian in jesus despite.

That is not knowledge it is faith.

You have been proven wrong by facts and evidence and you know it but live in denial. I do not

I know it to be 100 percent true. You haven't debunked a single thing. You have simply toed "da gubermint" line spewing CIA talking points that under scrutiny doesn't pass any sane thinking person's ability to reason. You have provided no links debunking anything...PERIOD. You can't "debunk" Kennedy's head going up and to the left, the Secret Service being called off, the numerous shots that were fired including the one that went through the windshield and how 72 hours after the murder, the limo was taken to be re-furbed and any incriminating evidence was destroyed. Yeah, you just keep on believing that you are making a counter argument because anyone else with the ability to think knows that you are full of shit.
Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

What a liar you are as the CIA never made any such claim. Nor did the Warren Commission Of course you will continue to lie and state they did but the proof you are a dishonest fool is that you can provide no source for them saying any such thing.

Pwned by me again now answer up boy and stop being my bitch now admit you work for the CIA. We all thought so, but now we know you are full of shit.
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

What a liar you are as the CIA never made any such claim. Nor did the Warren Commission Of course you will continue to lie and state they did but the proof you are a dishonest fool is that you can provide no source for them saying any such thing.

Pwned by me again now answer up boy and stop being my bitch now admit you work for the CIA. We all thought so, but now we know you are full of shit.

What is so funny about the nazi poster is that his spelling and punctuating are atrocious while he attempts to wear this badge of alleged "higher intelligence". He keeps ducking and dodging so much to the point that he has got to be suffering from cyber whiplash.
Fact LMFAO!! facts created on false information which is fed to indoctrinated sheep that choose to believe lies over truth. Your truth's are lies, and Lies are truth in you brain damaged Democratic sheep.

View attachment 144520
Argument by meme is the last resort of the desperate

MEMES have fact, that MEME is from DINESH HIMSELF CLICK THE FKN LINKS maybe you'd actually learn something.

You leftist make yourselves look pathetically stupid and you all are lazy fks , couch potatoes losers who are to lazy to click a link and read what it says and where it came from .

No they do not have fact at all. They have strawman and ad hominen

You are more of a left winger than I am.

Left winger is you cyka, i'm neither rep. nor a dem. Try again a.h.
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

What a liar you are as the CIA never made any such claim. Nor did the Warren Commission Of course you will continue to lie and state they did but the proof you are a dishonest fool is that you can provide no source for them saying any such thing.

Pwned by me again now answer up boy and stop being my bitch now admit you work for the CIA. We all thought so, but now we know you are full of shit.

If that asshole was in the CIA they certainly wouldn't be stupid enough to say it let alone write it online. That's how you know an ANTIFA FKN ASSHOLE whose really a paid off troll .
Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

What a liar you are as the CIA never made any such claim. Nor did the Warren Commission Of course you will continue to lie and state they did but the proof you are a dishonest fool is that you can provide no source for them saying any such thing.

Pwned by me again now answer up boy and stop being my bitch now admit you work for the CIA. We all thought so, but now we know you are full of shit.

What is so funny about the nazi poster is that his spelling and punctuating are atrocious while he attempts to wear this badge of alleged "higher intelligence". He keeps ducking and dodging so much to the point that he has got to be suffering from cyber whiplash.
Yes. Essentially his argument is "there is no documented proof." Of course, he has never read the numerous books and articles exposing the fraud that is the Warren Report. He only knows what the government told him and he thinks the government would never lie.
Precisely that IS YOUR issue.

You have no critical thinking skills and do not try to develop them. If you did you would examine both sides of the issue objectively but you have never done so. For you have never read the Warren Commission report or the 911 report and have no idea what they claim yet you blindly and naively fall for whatever someone tells you about them.

Your cognitive dissonance is clearly proven with the video you showed of transportation secretary Mineta which clearly and plainly debunked your own assertion and yet you offered it as proof.

Dude, seek help because you have totally "lost it".

Nope I'm fine.

Just ruining your day which facts that you know are true

You are suffering from delusions as well. You do nothing but spin like a proverbial top. You have only reinforced what I know to be true....... as if that could be possible. You are the generic "naysayer" and come a dime a dozen here in Cyberville.

You do not know it to be true at all you just believe it as a muslim believes in allah or a christian in jesus despite.

That is not knowledge it is faith.

You have been proven wrong by facts and evidence and you know it but live in denial. I do not

I know it to be 100 percent true. You haven't debunked a single thing. You have simply toed "da gubermint" line spewing CIA talking points that under scrutiny doesn't pass any sane thinking person's ability to reason. You have provided no links debunking anything...PERIOD. You can't "debunk" Kennedy's head going up and to the left, the Secret Service being called off, the numerous shots that were fired including the one that went through the windshield and how 72 hours after the murder, the limo was taken to be re-furbed and any incriminating evidence was destroyed. Yeah, you just keep on believing that you are making a counter argument because anyone else with the ability to think knows that you are full of shit.

This asshole actually think we'd believe he's in CIA, when CIA doesnt' admit to being in the CIA this is one stupid ass mother fkr.
there has been a lot of great new stuff on it lately exposing the multiple shooters and coverup that took place lately. great video,as you can see, you got them worried the fact the handlers sent two of their paid shills here to troll on your thread

no one believes there were multiple shooters or a "coverup" as you mean it.

wackadoodle conspiracy nutters.

Nice try conspiracy nutter shill.But even the corrupt media that you worship once did an alleged documentary defending the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin and even THEY came out and said 70% of the population no longer believes in the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin,miserable fail stupid fuck.:haha:

it's so cute how the crazy conspiracy loons always go into meltdown.

I'm sorry you're in such a dark place, little boy.
Silly Jilly didn't you get the memo? LWNJs are supposed to hate Nazis.

Whatever makes you feel like you aren't a loser and a troll.

Perhaps to an insane delusional freak. Not to anyone who isn't an insane conspiracy loon
there has been a lot of great new stuff on it lately exposing the multiple shooters and coverup that took place lately. great video,as you can see, you got them worried the fact the handlers sent two of their paid shills here to troll on your thread

no one believes there were multiple shooters or a "coverup" as you mean it.

wackadoodle conspiracy nutters.

Nice try conspiracy nutter shill.But even the corrupt media that you worship once did an alleged documentary defending the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin and even THEY came out and said 70% of the population no longer believes in the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin,miserable fail stupid fuck.:haha:

it's so cute how the crazy conspiracy loons always go into meltdown.

I'm sorry you're in such a dark place, little boy.
Silly Jilly didn't you get the memo? LWNJs are supposed to hate Nazis.

Whatever makes you feel like you aren't a loser and a troll.

Perhaps to an insane delusional freak. Not to anyone who isn't an insane conspiracy loon

Shillian, the barrister sack of shit that couldn't make a decent argument here on the best day she ever had. I hope she does better in her admiralty courtrooms than she does here. (snicker)
No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

What a liar you are as the CIA never made any such claim. Nor did the Warren Commission Of course you will continue to lie and state they did but the proof you are a dishonest fool is that you can provide no source for them saying any such thing.

Pwned by me again now answer up boy and stop being my bitch now admit you work for the CIA. We all thought so, but now we know you are full of shit.

What is so funny about the nazi poster is that his spelling and punctuating are atrocious while he attempts to wear this badge of alleged "higher intelligence". He keeps ducking and dodging so much to the point that he has got to be suffering from cyber whiplash.
Yes. Essentially his argument is "there is no documented proof." Of course, he has never read the numerous books and articles exposing the fraud that is the Warren Report. He only knows what the government told him and he thinks the government would never lie.

Yep, to shills like those here? Only "da gubermint" knows the real score and unless they hear it from one of the Operation Mockingbird lamestream media lackeys? It can't possibly be true. You see, to these idiots, reality is what "da gubermint" says it is because their programming goes just that deep.

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