Expert reveals tampering in JFK assassination photos

Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

What a liar you are as the CIA never made any such claim. Nor did the Warren Commission Of course you will continue to lie and state they did but the proof you are a dishonest fool is that you can provide no source for them saying any such thing.

Pwned by me again now answer up boy and stop being my bitch now admit you work for the CIA. We all thought so, but now we know you are full of shit.
No I never did and you are lying about that as well because you have been proven uninformed and foolish and lied about being informed on this subject.

Now answer my questions boy
If only you could stop lying, but I guess that isn't possible....CIA training probably teaches never to tell the truth.

Is it true CIA agents must be waterboarded? If so, I am guessing you failed and cried like a little bitch.

I have not lied, you have and openly admitted it. You claimed to have read the warren commission report and then admitted you never have.

So just out of curiosity what is it with the childish crap you have going on that there are actually CIA agents on such a trivial and obscure forum as this?

Does it really hurt that bad to be cornered and proven wrong?


Oswald was guilty as hell, but did not shoot Kennedy. He was the lookout man for the hit and he did kill Tippit

Oswald could not hit the broadside of a barn that's the evidence. Sam Kinney was riding behind the limo and heard three shots and three was a professional hit
Not according to our very own CIA dupe. He thinks Oswald was a Castro loving commie who was an expert marksman capable of firing a bolt action rifle with perfect precision, even though it wasn't sighted in.

You are lying again as i never said any such thing.

You also know nothing about the rifle or how to shoot it.

You are also a coward who will not answer and runs away.
Oswald was guilty as hell, but did not shoot Kennedy. He was the lookout man for the hit and he did kill Tippit

Oswald could not hit the broadside of a barn that's the evidence. Sam Kinney was riding behind the limo and heard three shots and three was a professional hit
Not according to our very own CIA dupe. He thinks Oswald was a Castro loving commie who was an expert marksman capable of firing a bolt action rifle with perfect precision, even though it wasn't sighted in.

You are lying again as i never said any such thing.

You also know nothing about the rifle or how to shoot it.

You are also a coward who will not answer and runs away.
Oswald never shot it either, yet you think he could do the deed the lying incompetent corrupt Warren Commission Report claims he did.

Now come on either admit you are an idiot or a CIA plant. Which is it?
What a liar you are as the CIA never made any such claim. Nor did the Warren Commission Of course you will continue to lie and state they did but the proof you are a dishonest fool is that you can provide no source for them saying any such thing.

Pwned by me again now answer up boy and stop being my bitch now admit you work for the CIA. We all thought so, but now we know you are full of shit.
No I never did and you are lying about that as well because you have been proven uninformed and foolish and lied about being informed on this subject.

Now answer my questions boy
If only you could stop lying, but I guess that isn't possible....CIA training probably teaches never to tell the truth.

Is it true CIA agents must be waterboarded? If so, I am guessing you failed and cried like a little bitch.

I have not lied, you have and openly admitted it. You claimed to have read the warren commission report and then admitted you never have.

So just out of curiosity what is it with the childish crap you have going on that there are actually CIA agents on such a trivial and obscure forum as this?

Does it really hurt that bad to be cornered and proven wrong?



Yes you are the liar here not me and the posts exist for all to see and which proves that fact.
Oswald was guilty as hell, but did not shoot Kennedy. He was the lookout man for the hit and he did kill Tippit

Oswald could not hit the broadside of a barn that's the evidence. Sam Kinney was riding behind the limo and heard three shots and three was a professional hit
Not according to our very own CIA dupe. He thinks Oswald was a Castro loving commie who was an expert marksman capable of firing a bolt action rifle with perfect precision, even though it wasn't sighted in.

You are lying again as i never said any such thing.

You also know nothing about the rifle or how to shoot it.

You are also a coward who will not answer and runs away.
Oswald never shot it either, yet you think he could do the deed the lying incompetent corrupt Warren Commission Report claims he did.

Now come on either admit you are an idiot or a CIA plant. Which is it?

Answer the questions before asking others.

You have no evidence that the Warren Commission report was lying or incompetent or you would have cited it.

You claimed to have read it but then admitted you lied about that claim and never did read it so you have no clue what it says now admit you work for the CIA. We all thought so, but now we know you are full of shit.
No I never did and you are lying about that as well because you have been proven uninformed and foolish and lied about being informed on this subject.

Now answer my questions boy
If only you could stop lying, but I guess that isn't possible....CIA training probably teaches never to tell the truth.

Is it true CIA agents must be waterboarded? If so, I am guessing you failed and cried like a little bitch.

I have not lied, you have and openly admitted it. You claimed to have read the warren commission report and then admitted you never have.

So just out of curiosity what is it with the childish crap you have going on that there are actually CIA agents on such a trivial and obscure forum as this?

Does it really hurt that bad to be cornered and proven wrong?



Yes you are the liar here not me and the posts exist for all to see and which proves that fact.
If you could only stop lying for once. Just once.
No I never did and you are lying about that as well because you have been proven uninformed and foolish and lied about being informed on this subject.

Now answer my questions boy
If only you could stop lying, but I guess that isn't possible....CIA training probably teaches never to tell the truth.

Is it true CIA agents must be waterboarded? If so, I am guessing you failed and cried like a little bitch.

I have not lied, you have and openly admitted it. You claimed to have read the warren commission report and then admitted you never have.

So just out of curiosity what is it with the childish crap you have going on that there are actually CIA agents on such a trivial and obscure forum as this?

Does it really hurt that bad to be cornered and proven wrong?



Yes you are the liar here not me and the posts exist for all to see and which proves that fact.
If you could only stop lying for once. Just once.

Come off it boy the posts are still there proving it is you lying and I am stating facts. It is truly pathetic to see you sit there and accuse me of lying about what you said when it is recorded here.

You lied about reading it and you know it
He saw the three shots hit sorry about that
No he did not.

Yes he did it's a fascinating sam kinney Vince palamara
He won't. If it isn't in the Warren Commission Report, it didn't happen.

I have read much besides the Warren Commission including most of the leading conspiracy books such as " Cross Fire " by Jim Marrs, " Best Evidence " by David Lifton, " On the Trail of the Assassins " By Jim Garrison.
I've read " Assassination Science", "JFK and the Unspeakable", " Fatal Triangle ", " Farewell to Justice "

And many others.

I also read the other side of the story which is what an intelligent person does. You on the other hand only watch a few videos. You read little or nothing.

You lied about reading the Warren Commission report which is the other side of the story and admitted later than you lied and never actually read it.

This all proves you are ill informed and dishonest about it
Zero credibility decided by whom? You? Who is credible according to you? Why, it's your beloved corporate "gubermint"!!! Never question it EVER....just obey it. That is what pussies like Faun believes.

Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

According to the laws of physics as well. The bullet didn't make a turn, it didn't have to as Connelly was turned to his right when it went through Kennedy and into his side. Seriously, didn't you even watch the Zapruder film?

As for Kennedy's head, the bullet entered through a small hole in the back of his skull and exited through a very large one in the front. This is normal behavior when a bullet passes through a body. The resulting explosion of brain tissue and blood through the very large hole caused his head to snap back. This is also normal. What ARE they teaching in government schools today? Must not be physics and biology. Had the bullet not passed through, his head would have snapped forward only.

It's all about energy. The bullet punches a small hole upon entry because it's applying all its energy into an area equal to its diameter. Upon entering the body, it is slowed down by the soft tissue, which absorbs the energy across a much larger area. If the bullet has enough energy, such as supplied by a high powered rifle, a lot of energy is applied to the opposite side of the body, and you get a large exit wound and corresponding recoil. If there is not enough energy to pass through, all of it is kept within the body. I'm one scenario you get force in the direction of the bullet's path. In the other you get force in the opposite direction.

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Oswald was guilty as hell, but did not shoot Kennedy. He was the lookout man for the hit and he did kill Tippit

Oswald could not hit the broadside of a barn that's the evidence. Sam Kinney was riding behind the limo and heard three shots and three was a professional hit
Not according to our very own CIA dupe. He thinks Oswald was a Castro loving commie who was an expert marksman capable of firing a bolt action rifle with perfect precision, even though it wasn't sighted in.

Oswald was deemed a rather poor shot when he left the marines in 1959 but in 1956 he qualified to be a "sharpshooter" but his skills had deteriorated to where he was mediocre at best. What we do know is that there hasn't been a Navy Seal or marksman that has been able to replicate what Oswald has been falsely accused of and not only that, there are too many shots to be accounted for that debunks the "three shots and done" bullshit. Besides, it is impossible to fire shots from the back and hit a moving target that would lift the head up and to the left. Firing from the back would have only grazed the right side of the head. Many researchers fascinated with this coup d'etat have dedicated thousands of hours of their lives investigating this. That is why douches like the nazi troll amuse me because he has nothing but official "gubermint" talking points.
Decided by any intelligent thinking person who looks at the film objectively it defeats and discredits itself with self contradictory statements and outright lies. It presents no evidence of any kind and argues only from a position of expertise which is self proclaimed and unsupported as well.

you present similar arguments which are self defeating and contradictory and false.

your only fall back is you do not trust the government yet others blindly do trust the government which is also a lie.

You and other conspiracy fools do not have a monopoly on questioning government or a superior enlightened outlook on not trusting the government.

Others question the government and do so more intelligently than you do because they can look for answers as well and study the evidence which you willfully and blindly ignore. You ignore it because you have a delusion that believing in conspiracies theories makes you smarter. It does not.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

According to the laws of physics as well. The bullet didn't make a turn, it didn't have to as Connelly was turned to his right when it went through Kennedy and into his side. Seriously, didn't you even watch the Zapruder film?

As for Kennedy's head, the bullet entered through a small hole in the back of his skull and exited through a very large one in the front. This is normal behavior when a bullet passes through a body. The resulting explosion of brain tissue and blood through the very large hole caused his head to snap back. This is also normal. What ARE they teaching in government schools today? Must not be physics and biology. Had the bullet not passed through, his head would have snapped forward only.

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And it slammed his head up and to the it. (snicker)
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

According to the laws of physics as well. The bullet didn't make a turn, it didn't have to as Connelly was turned to his right when it went through Kennedy and into his side. Seriously, didn't you even watch the Zapruder film?

As for Kennedy's head, the bullet entered through a small hole in the back of his skull and exited through a very large one in the front. This is normal behavior when a bullet passes through a body. The resulting explosion of brain tissue and blood through the very large hole caused his head to snap back. This is also normal. What ARE they teaching in government schools today? Must not be physics and biology. Had the bullet not passed through, his head would have snapped forward only.

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And it slammed his head up and to the it. (snicker)

No it did not,,'

It moved back and to the left as a result of the facts presented to you
Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

According to the laws of physics as well. The bullet didn't make a turn, it didn't have to as Connelly was turned to his right when it went through Kennedy and into his side. Seriously, didn't you even watch the Zapruder film?

As for Kennedy's head, the bullet entered through a small hole in the back of his skull and exited through a very large one in the front. This is normal behavior when a bullet passes through a body. The resulting explosion of brain tissue and blood through the very large hole caused his head to snap back. This is also normal. What ARE they teaching in government schools today? Must not be physics and biology. Had the bullet not passed through, his head would have snapped forward only.

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And it slammed his head up and to the it. (snicker)

No it did not,,'

It moved back and to the left as a result of the facts presented to you

Up..back......not forward which would not happen if shot from the back. The head would have gone forward and perhaps snapped back but it would not have gone back while leaning to the left. It's not the smoking gun but let's just say that it's in the top twenty list of "Things That Don't Add Up". Do you not find it odd as to how many witnesses that couldn't back the official story met untimely demises????
Oswald was guilty as hell, but did not shoot Kennedy. He was the lookout man for the hit and he did kill Tippit

Oswald could not hit the broadside of a barn that's the evidence. Sam Kinney was riding behind the limo and heard three shots and three was a professional hit
Not according to our very own CIA dupe. He thinks Oswald was a Castro loving commie who was an expert marksman capable of firing a bolt action rifle with perfect precision, even though it wasn't sighted in.

Oswald was deemed a rather poor shot when he left the marines in 1959 but in 1956 he qualified to be a "sharpshooter" but his skills had deteriorated to where he was mediocre at best. What we do know is that there hasn't been a Navy Seal or marksman that has been able to replicate what Oswald has been falsely accused of and not only that, there are too many shots to be accounted for that debunks the "three shots and done" bullshit. Besides, it is impossible to fire shots from the back and hit a moving target that would lift the head up and to the left. Firing from the back would have only grazed the right side of the head. Many researchers fascinated with this coup d'etat have dedicated thousands of hours of their lives investigating this. That is why douches like the nazi troll amuse me because he has nothing but official "gubermint" talking points.
Yes there was in fact been many who have able to closely match what he did.

No one can ever exactly replicate a strong of shots with perfection but many experts and non experts alike have done what he did proving it was not difficult and well within his skill and ability.

He was only considered a poor shot in 1959 compared to other Marines which still makes him superior to most people. It is normal to expect ones marksmanship to decline when one is getting discharged soon and has no reason to try.

he was not falsely accused and the evidence proves it which you have yet to challenge,

It is not impossible to do that at all it is not even abnormal. Contrary to what you have seen in movies and tv shows bodies do not always jerk or move away from the gun when hit with a bullet. The movements of gun shots victims are unpredictable and nothing in JFK's reaction is impossible.

CFiring from the back does not dictate that it would graze anything.

Those people investigating it have failed to find evidence of a coup d'etat no matter how many hours they spent which is why you cannot cite any such evidence and every claim you have made has been debunked by facts and evidence
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge

Yep, and we know from the Church Committee Hearings of the mid 70's that under Operation Mockingbird that the CIA had infiltrated all aspects of the media.

No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

According to the laws of physics as well. The bullet didn't make a turn, it didn't have to as Connelly was turned to his right when it went through Kennedy and into his side. Seriously, didn't you even watch the Zapruder film?

As for Kennedy's head, the bullet entered through a small hole in the back of his skull and exited through a very large one in the front. This is normal behavior when a bullet passes through a body. The resulting explosion of brain tissue and blood through the very large hole caused his head to snap back. This is also normal. What ARE they teaching in government schools today? Must not be physics and biology. Had the bullet not passed through, his head would have snapped forward only.

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And it slammed his head up and to the it. (snicker)

Upon exit, it absolutely did. You can see it in the Zapruder film. His head snaps back when the right front part of his head explodes, something that can only happen when a bullet exits that area. Like I said, it's physics.

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