Experts in 2000: Snowfalls Are a Thing of the Past!

Every winter, like clockwork.

Every winter, like clockwork leftists ignoramus fail to remember the 2001 IPCC projection of less snow and more rain/freezing rain in the winter.


Many times the worst case scenarios, or even comments about those scenarios, are taken out of context by both sides of the argument.


I notice you ignored several examples already.

When will YOU admit the 2001 IPCC report projecting LESS snow and MORE rain/freezing rain was a failure?

No I remember the origins of the story. An alarmist author quoted a few words, as if the Dr. came up to the mic and said "Snow is a thing of the past and In few year kids will not know what snow is" and then dropped the mic, They usually omit the "If current trends continue......"

But of course you don't post a link to it. But even if he did say that he is still wrong....... :auiqs.jpg:

Once again, you seem oblivious that the newspaper, The Independent I quoted from is a leftist AGW supporting publication.

No one on your side posted a link to the Dr.'s full quote in context either.

I think alarmist are nearly as bad as the deniers. There is no evidence that the small amount of warming attributed to mans activity has altered any weather patterns, or create stronger or more hurricanes. It may have, we just haven't been able to measure it. Most all of the extreme weather events aren't predicted to occur until next century.

So you know why you can't find his full quotes anymore, hint, the The Independent deleted their article........, another hint: Skeptical science deleted it too: Skeptical Science Search Results

Meanwhile in posting this in year 2015, Anthony Watts found a second The Independent article, that was posted for the purpose of trying to whitewash the already deleted article failure. He didn't add any additional Dr. Viner quotes or post the source for all of his statements concerning the now disappeared article at all. :laugh:

One of the longest running climate prediction blunders has disappeared from the Internet

Here is their self flagellating article

Steve Connor: Don't believe the hype over climate headlines


An obvious coverup and damage control article dated January 2011

You have yet to show his quotes as found in the left rag The Independent year 2000, are false or taken out of context.
So you know why you can't find his full quotes anymore, hint, the The Independent deleted their article

The Independent article used the same tiny quotes from the Dr. to alarm folks.

The report they produced is still out there so If you want to search that go for it.
So you know why you can't find his full quotes anymore, hint, the The Independent deleted their article

The Independent article used the same tiny quotes from the Dr. to alarm folks.

The report they produced is still out there so If you want to search that go for it.


You are a poor reader today, just told you they are deleted all over the place, The Independent article deleted, Skeptical Science deleted it, Google doesn't have it.....

I have searched quite a bit too, go ahead and search for it yourself.......

Here is what GOOGLE shows

Notice you ignored the Whitewashing article completely.

Why are you here if you can't carry on honestly?

It is clear you have NOTHING!
So you know why you can't find his full quotes anymore, hint, the The Independent deleted their article

The Independent article used the same tiny quotes from the Dr. to alarm folks.

The report they produced is still out there so If you want to search that go for it.


You are a poor reader today, just told you they are deleted all over the place, The Independent article deleted, Skeptical Science deleted it, Google doesn't have it.....

I have searched quite a bit too, go ahead and search for it yourself.......

Here is what GOOGLE shows

Notice you ignored the Whitewashing article completely.

Why are you here if you can't carry on honestly?

It is clear you have NOTHING!

So you know why you can't find his full quotes anymore, hint, the The Independent deleted their article

The Independent article used the same tiny quotes from the Dr. to alarm folks.

The report they produced is still out there so If you want to search that go for it.


You are a poor reader today, just told you they are deleted all over the place, The Independent article deleted, Skeptical Science deleted it, Google doesn't have it.....

I have searched quite a bit too, go ahead and search for it yourself.......

Here is what GOOGLE shows

Notice you ignored the Whitewashing article completely.

Why are you here if you can't carry on honestly?

It is clear you have NOTHING!

Your post is silly and evident that you can't find Dr. Viner's full statement.

The first link is 893 pages long, you didn't explain why you posted this link.

The Second link, I have posted in the thread already, HERE, HERE and HERE CruiserFrank also posted it HERE are you in a drug induced daze right now?

You are having a blindbooboo moment.
So you know why you can't find his full quotes anymore, hint, the The Independent deleted their article

The Independent article used the same tiny quotes from the Dr. to alarm folks.

The report they produced is still out there so If you want to search that go for it.


You are a poor reader today, just told you they are deleted all over the place, The Independent article deleted, Skeptical Science deleted it, Google doesn't have it.....

I have searched quite a bit too, go ahead and search for it yourself.......

Here is what GOOGLE shows

Notice you ignored the Whitewashing article completely.

Why are you here if you can't carry on honestly?

It is clear you have NOTHING!

Your post is silly and evident that you can't find Dr. Viner's full statement.

The first link is 893 pages long, you didn't explain why you posted this link.

The Second link, I have posted in the thread already, HERE, HERE and HERE CruiserFrank also posted it HERE are you in a drug induced daze right now?

You are having a blindbooboo moment.

Did I say the quote was from that report? That is the report they produced 20 years ago. The Independent never included his full quote or the context of his quote.

Still the denier are slightly worse than the alarmist, by that much!
So you know why you can't find his full quotes anymore, hint, the The Independent deleted their article

The Independent article used the same tiny quotes from the Dr. to alarm folks.

The report they produced is still out there so If you want to search that go for it.


You are a poor reader today, just told you they are deleted all over the place, The Independent article deleted, Skeptical Science deleted it, Google doesn't have it.....

I have searched quite a bit too, go ahead and search for it yourself.......

Here is what GOOGLE shows

Notice you ignored the Whitewashing article completely.

Why are you here if you can't carry on honestly?

It is clear you have NOTHING!

Your post is silly and evident that you can't find Dr. Viner's full statement.

The first link is 893 pages long, you didn't explain why you posted this link.

The Second link, I have posted in the thread already, HERE, HERE and HERE CruiserFrank also posted it HERE are you in a drug induced daze right now?

You are having a blindbooboo moment.

Did I say the quote was from that report? That is the report they produced 20 years ago. The Independent never included his full quote or the context of his quote.

Still the denier are slightly worse than the alarmist, by that much!


Your deflection is pathetic!

You write:

Did I say the quote was from that report? That is the report they produced 20 years ago.

and you produced NOTHING from it! A dead end is what you posted, not going to read 893 pages you moron!


You are that stupid?

The Independent never included his full quote or the context of his quote.

Never disputed it, but I asked YOU several times to produce Dr. Viner's additional comments, you never do, while I told you several times, that his statements on this are not being found on the internet, even showed that with GOOGLE, which you seems to have ignored. The Independent made the QUOTES, I posted them as they are, you have never shown otherwise.

You still can't back up your claims at all, just a series of run around statements that goes nowhere......

Maybe you are that stupid?

Yes I think you need some fresh air now........
Of course. A headline saying SNOWFALLS ARE NOW A THING OF THE PAST did not even imply that SNOWFALLS ARE NOW A THING OF THE PAST.

So, are you actually stupid enough to declare that an editors headline was written by a scientist -- making your dishonesty due to stupidity -- or is your dishonesty deliberate?

Meanwhile you doomsdayscience haters are 0-50.

A fine Gish Gallop of lying-by-deflection, lying-by-cherrypicking and lying-by-lying. You list is mostly stuff from random nobodies that have nothing to do with climate. In the cases that do relate to climate, most are example of pissheads from your side predicting an new ice age. The rest are examples of scientists making correct predictions, and then being lied about.

So why are you so desperate to lie like that? To deflect from your own humiliation. Your pack of gibbering cult losers has been predicting a new ice age non-stop for over 40 years. And you're still all predicting the same. Your HolyIceAge never arrives, but that doesn't dim your religous zeal. Your faith in your cult's holy scripture is absolute. In your cult minds, an icy doomsday _will_ arrive, and each time it doesn't, you just push the date back again.

And that's why the whole planet is laughing at you.
Hey Moron, it's the IPCC Predictions! We're they predicting less snowfall in summer in NY?

Then I'm sure you can quote them exactly and link to them specifically. If you didn't just make it all up, that shouldn't be a problem. Please proceed. To cry and run, that is, like you always do.
Do you know what a Quote is.....?

So, you tell us _one_ scientist was referring to only Britain, and for the future, not the present.

Your whole side then declares no, it was really every climate scientist in the world talking about the entire world at the present time.

I thank you for confirming that your whole side is lying outright, and doing so very inepty.
One of the longest running climate prediction blunders has disappeared from the Internet
Yes, the internet always preserves every single article from every newspaper back to 2000 and earlier. If one article from 2000 goes away, it clearly indicates a nefarious conspiracy.

Kudos to you and your crack team of sleuths for exposing the conspiracy.
One of the longest running climate prediction blunders has disappeared from the Internet
Yes, the internet always preserves every single article from every newspaper back to 2000 and earlier. If one article from 2000 goes away, it clearly indicates a nefarious conspiracy.

Kudos to you and your crack team of sleuths for exposing the conspiracy.

Trumpy_Berra_ism 101

I found This Article on the internet it's disappeared from the internet.
Every winter, the liars trot out the "experts said snowfalls are thing of the past!" big lie.

That's the sign of a dying cult. They can't even be bothered to fake new propaganda. They're just phoning it in.
No expert has ever said "snowfalls are a thing of the past". Lie much?
Every winter, the liars trot out the "experts said snowfalls are thing of the past!" big lie.

That's the sign of a dying cult. They can't even be bothered to fake new propaganda. They're just phoning it in.
No expert has ever said "snowfalls are a thing of the past". Lie much?

Not without qualifying it first with "if current trends continue..." or " According to the latest models....."
Of course. A headline saying SNOWFALLS ARE NOW A THING OF THE PAST did not even imply that SNOWFALLS ARE NOW A THING OF THE PAST.

So, are you actually stupid enough to declare that an editors headline was written by a scientist -- making your dishonesty due to stupidity -- or is your dishonesty deliberate?

Meanwhile you doomsdayscience haters are 0-50.

A fine Gish Gallop of lying-by-deflection, lying-by-cherrypicking and lying-by-lying. You list is mostly stuff from random nobodies that have nothing to do with climate. In the cases that do relate to climate, most are example of pissheads from your side predicting an new ice age. The rest are examples of scientists making correct predictions, and then being lied about.

So why are you so desperate to lie like that? To deflect from your own humiliation. Your pack of gibbering cult losers has been predicting a new ice age non-stop for over 40 years. And you're still all predicting the same. Your HolyIceAge never arrives, but that doesn't dim your religous zeal. Your faith in your cult's holy scripture is absolute. In your cult minds, an icy doomsday _will_ arrive, and each time it doesn't, you just push the date back again.

And that's why the whole planet is laughing at you.
Retard sheeple.
Dr. David Viner of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia: “Within a few years snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event. Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”

Leftards are hilarious, especially as they tried in their lies.
One of the longest running climate prediction blunders has disappeared from the Internet
Yes, the internet always preserves every single article from every newspaper back to 2000 and earlier. If one article from 2000 goes away, it clearly indicates a nefarious conspiracy.

Kudos to you and your crack team of sleuths for exposing the conspiracy.

Trumpy_Berra_ism 101

I found This Article on the internet it's disappeared from the internet.

The article was saved by wayback machine, Junk science and Watts Up With that? They are the ONLY places you can find the article.

The Independent, the website that originated the story DELETED it, that is why it is no longer found in regular search.

You guys make clear you are brainless idiots!
Every winter, the liars trot out the "experts said snowfalls are thing of the past!" big lie.

That's the sign of a dying cult. They can't even be bothered to fake new propaganda. They're just phoning it in.
No expert has ever said "snowfalls are a thing of the past". Lie much?

Not without qualifying it first with "if current trends continue..." or " According to the latest models....."

And yet YOU can't find me the website that has those quotes.....


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