Explain Something To Me

Trump got more delegates than all the others combined, and broke the record for most popular vote as well...

Trump didn't even come close to the popular votes received by the Democrats this year and in 2008.

...so your claim that the 75% anti Trump vote was split is not supported by any numbers I can find.

In early polling, Trump only had 20 to 25% support:

CNN / ORC Poll: Trump tops in Iowa as Scott Walker drops - CNNPolitics.com

Trump tops the field with 22% and is the candidate seen as best able to handle top issues including the economy, illegal immigration and terrorism.

If there had been only one or two big name GOP opponents, Trump would have been slaughtered. The primary vote count, and the resultant delegate count, would have been radically different.

So now you want to switch your tact. You previous statement was about the Republicans splitting the votes, not about comparing Dems votes to Reps votes. You're all over the board. Emotions tend to make that happen.

Which canidate? Not Bush, not Rubio, not Cruz. He beat them all handily. He won 44% of the popular vote, so I guess if you believe that had it been only one other canidate, and you make the silly assumption that all those voting for one of the other 14 would not vote for Trump, then ok, maybe he wouldn't have one. But that is just wishful speculation which is unprovable.
Remember, Trump got more popular votes than Romney got, and how many canidates did he beat. You are ignoring facts.
Has Trump said, "Oops! I was wrong!"?


Instead, he lies about his support for the invasion and attacks Clinton for supporting the invasion.

Explain that.

In 2007, Democrat Donald Trump called for Bush's impeachment. He was the picture of a raging "Bush lied, people died" liberal.

Explain that.

In 2007, limousine liberal Donald Trump (D-NY) opposed the surge. He demanded we cut-and-run.

Explain that.
It still has not been explained to me how Donald Trump's demands for impeachment and his demand we cut-and-run from Iraq any different from what Cindy Sheehan wanted?

Nor has it been explained to me how Trump can whine today about "the way we left Iraq" when he was one of the people who wanted to cut-and-run.

Nor has it been explained to me how Scott Walker and Ben Carson and Ted Cruz are the RINOs and how Donald Trump is a real conservative.

I think all Trump's Chumps can come up with is "B-b-b-but Clinton!' and "because Mexicans".
Still haven't figured it out yet eh? I'll give you a one word clue....... "Politics........." :eusa_whistle:
Has Trump said, "Oops! I was wrong!"?


Instead, he lies about his support for the invasion and attacks Clinton for supporting the invasion.

Explain that.

In 2007, Democrat Donald Trump called for Bush's impeachment. He was the picture of a raging "Bush lied, people died" liberal.

Explain that.

In 2007, limousine liberal Donald Trump (D-NY) opposed the surge. He demanded we cut-and-run.

Explain that.

Hilary voted YES to the Iraq war. Donald Trump did not have a vote in that decision.
Has Trump said, "Oops! I was wrong!"?


Instead, he lies about his support for the invasion and attacks Clinton for supporting the invasion.

Explain that.

In 2007, Democrat Donald Trump called for Bush's impeachment. He was the picture of a raging "Bush lied, people died" liberal.

Explain that.

In 2007, limousine liberal Donald Trump (D-NY) opposed the surge. He demanded we cut-and-run.

Explain that.

Hilary voted YES to the Iraq war. Donald Trump did not have a vote in that decision.

But but but Trump!
Has Trump said, "Oops! I was wrong!"?


Instead, he lies about his support for the invasion and attacks Clinton for supporting the invasion.

Explain that.

In 2007, Democrat Donald Trump called for Bush's impeachment. He was the picture of a raging "Bush lied, people died" liberal.

Explain that.

In 2007, limousine liberal Donald Trump (D-NY) opposed the surge. He demanded we cut-and-run.

Explain that.

Hilary voted YES to the Iraq war. Donald Trump did not have a vote in that decision.
He will have a YUGE vote in decisions to go to war if he is elected. So you are right. We better make sure he remains unable to make those decisions.

Especially since he is incapable of telling the truth about his support for the war or admitting he is wrong.

And I can't help but notice you did not explain the rest of what I pointed out.
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It still has not been explained to me how Donald Trump's demands for impeachment and his demand we cut-and-run from Iraq any different from what Cindy Sheehan wanted?

Nor has it been explained to me how Trump can whine today about "the way we left Iraq" when he was one of the people who wanted to cut-and-run.

Nor has it been explained to me how Scott Walker and Ben Carson and Ted Cruz are the RINOs and how Donald Trump is a real conservative.

I think all Trump's Chumps can come up with is "B-b-b-but Clinton!' and "because Mexicans".
Still haven't figured it out yet eh? I'll give you a one word clue....... "Politics........." :eusa_whistle:
People's lives are on the line.
Trump outlined Obama's Iraq incorrect strategy: Declare victory and leave.

I think the consequences of that are pretty obvious

That exit was agreed upon in Nov. 2008 by the invader.....um, er... The Bush Administration.

I remember the pseudo-cons whining about no residual force left behind for training and special ops, are the same ones whining about the same trainers and special ops forces deployed against ISIS?
Trump was a Democratic cut-and-run limousine liberal who wanted to impeach Bush. A male version of Cindy Sheehan.

Explain, Chumps.
Cut-and-run Trump: "Declare victory, and leave!"

Bush lied, people died Trump: "He got us into the war with lies."

It still has not been explained to me how Donald Trump's demands for impeachment and his demand we cut-and-run from Iraq any different from what Cindy Sheehan wanted?

Nor has it been explained to me how Trump can whine today about "the way we left Iraq" when he was one of the people who wanted to cut-and-run.

Nor has it been explained to me how Scott Walker and Ben Carson and Ted Cruz are the RINOs and how Donald Trump is a real conservative.

I think all Trump's Chumps can come up with is "B-b-b-but Clinton!' and "because Mexicans".
Still haven't figured it out yet eh? I'll give you a one word clue....... "Politics........." :eusa_whistle:
People's lives are on the line.
People's lives are always on the line, how does that mean this isn't "politics"? :dunno:
Impeach Bush Trump: "It just seemed like [Nancy Pelosi] was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Trump is the epitome of a RINO, Chumps.

Wakey wakey!
Donald Trump now says that the "way we left Iraq" led to the rise of ISIS.

Yet, in 2007, when Trump was a registered Democrat, when President Bush was calling for a surge in Iraq, Donald Trump wanted to cut-and-run!

Trump: "Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

Blitzer: How does the United States get out of this situation?

Trump: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

"Declare victory, and leave." Cut-and-run.

A lot of the same type of people today who support Trump are the type of people who supported the surge. They also strongly supported President Bush. And they especially hated cut-and-run Democrats like Donald Trump.

In 2008, Trump was demanding Bush be impeached! Trump liked and admired Nancy Pelosi back then, when the Right vehemently hated her.

Trump: "I was surprised that she (Nancy Pelosi) didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost -- it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Blitzer: "Impeaching him?"

Trump: "Absolutely, for the war, for the war."

Blitzer: "Because of the conduct of the war."

Trump: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

So here is what I need Trump's Chumps to explain to me: How were Donald Trump's demands for impeachment and his demand we cut-and-run from Iraq any different from what Cindy Sheehan wanted?

Explain to me how Trump can whine today about "the way we left Iraq" when he was one of the people who wanted to cut-and-run.

Now...I know your programmed response is, "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!", but spare us that crock of shit. It's a red herring handed to retards to chuck about when they can't explain Trump, and it doesn't answer the question.

Besides, not even Clinton called for Bush to be impeached. Only far left loons like Sheehan and Trump did.

So explain the difference between Trump and Sheehan. And explain Trump's whining about "the way we left Iraq" in the context of his demand we cut-and-run.
It doesn't matter. Republicans just don't care.

Clinton's emails are worse in their minds than stiffing employees, screwing over veterans and the elderly and an astonishing admiration for murderer and enemy of humanity Putin.
Has Trump said, "Oops! I was wrong!"?


Instead, he lies about his support for the invasion and attacks Clinton for supporting the invasion.

Explain that.

In 2007, Democrat Donald Trump called for Bush's impeachment. He was the picture of a raging "Bush lied, people died" liberal.

Explain that.

In 2007, limousine liberal Donald Trump (D-NY) opposed the surge. He demanded we cut-and-run.

Explain that.

Hilary voted YES to the Iraq war. Donald Trump did not have a vote in that decision.
He will have a YUGE vote in decisions to go to war if he is elected. So you are right. We better make sure he remains unable to make those decisions.

Especially since he is incapable of telling the truth about his support for the war or admitting he is wrong.

And I can't help but notice you did not explain the rest of what I pointed out.

I would totally vote for him over Hillary.
Why do people bother making these threads anymore? Isn't it obvious at this point that Trump supporters really don't give a fuck? They've given up pretending that they ever believed in anything other than supporting their guy no matter who he is or what he says.

Thats true.

I don’t watch much NBA any more but they used to have a penalty called “an illegal defense” to where you couldn’t just put 5 bodies in the paint and force people to shoot jump shots. The problem was that the refs would call the penalties probably a maximum of 3 times a game on one team. If they called it every time, the game would last 3 hours and you’d have nothing but free throws being shot. I forget his name but the coach of the Nuggets used to dare refs to call it on his team as they tripled Karl Malone almost every time down the court.

The media no longer bothers to fact check Trump because they would have entire days devoted to exposing all of his lies. Each one would have to come up with a new channel to simply contradict the “hyperbole”.

When you think about it, it’s not much different than the old “denial of service” attacks hackers used to put on websites to where they had so many bogus orders being input at once it would stop legitimate business.
Donald Trump now says that the "way we left Iraq" led to the rise of ISIS.

Yet, in 2007, when Trump was a registered Democrat, when President Bush was calling for a surge in Iraq, Donald Trump wanted to cut-and-run!

Trump: "Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

Blitzer: How does the United States get out of this situation?

Trump: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

"Declare victory, and leave." Cut-and-run.

A lot of the same type of people today who support Trump are the type of people who supported the surge. They also strongly supported President Bush. And they especially hated cut-and-run Democrats like Donald Trump.

In 2008, Trump was demanding Bush be impeached! Trump liked and admired Nancy Pelosi back then, when the Right vehemently hated her.

Trump: "I was surprised that she (Nancy Pelosi) didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost -- it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Blitzer: "Impeaching him?"

Trump: "Absolutely, for the war, for the war."

Blitzer: "Because of the conduct of the war."

Trump: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

So here is what I need Trump's Chumps to explain to me: How were Donald Trump's demands for impeachment and his demand we cut-and-run from Iraq any different from what Cindy Sheehan wanted?

Explain to me how Trump can whine today about "the way we left Iraq" when he was one of the people who wanted to cut-and-run.

Now...I know your programmed response is, "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!", but spare us that crock of shit. It's a red herring handed to retards to chuck about when they can't explain Trump, and it doesn't answer the question.

Besides, not even Clinton called for Bush to be impeached. Only far left loons like Sheehan and Trump did.

So explain the difference between Trump and Sheehan. And explain Trump's whining about "the way we left Iraq" in the context of his demand we cut-and-run.
Without question, if the US had remained in Iraq as the Pentagon urged, ISIS would never have been created. So it is fair to say that when Obama withdrew US troops from Iraq against the advice of the Pentagon so that he would not to into the 2012 election being accused of breaking the main promise from 2008, he created ISIS. Nothing in your post suggests otherwise.

So what's your point?

That Trump misjudged the effectiveness of Petraeus' plan in 2007? Most of the senior staff at the Pentagon did; that's why Bush promoted him ahead of more senior generals so he could take command in Iraq. And let's not forget Hillary's outburst in the Senate:

'In a September 2007 congressional inquiry about the ongoing surge in Iraq, then Senator Hillary Clinton all but called Gen. David Petraeus a liar. After Petraeus gave a cautiously optimistic—and prescient—appraisal of the growing quiet in Iraq, Clinton curtly dismissed him with the literary term “suspension of disbelief,” which describes the creation of a fantasy world. Clinton sarcastically rebutted Petraeus’s quite accurate data with the curt dismissal, “I think that the reports that you provide to us really require the willing suspension of disbelief.”'

Hillary Clinton and the Suspension of Disbelief | RealClearPolitics

So Trump was wrong about the surge but he was right about Obama creating ISIS with Clinton at his side, but the most interesting thing about your post is that even back in 2007, major media outlets wanted Trump's input on the important issues of the day.
Trump wanted to cut-and-run in 2007. The very kind of thing you and Trump now say "created ISIS".

How Trump can whine today about "the way we left Iraq" and how can he whine about the cutting and running which "created ISIS" when he was one of the people who wanted to cut-and-run?
There was a big difference between Iraq in 2007 and Iraq in 2011. 2006 had been the worst year of the war and the senior staff of the Pentagon offered little hope things would improve, so showing boldness and great strength of character, Bush began interviewing his generals asking the how they would overcome the difficulties in Iraq. Only Petraeus had a plan, and so Bush promoted him over the heads of more senior generals so he could take command in Iraq. By the time Petraeus reported to Congress on the progress he had made, some people were still thinking about how bad things had been in 2006 and the Democrats had already decided opposition to the war would be a major talking point in 2008, so success in Iraq would work against their political interests and failure in Iraq would work in their favor, as Hillary's bizarre outburst in the Senate clearly exemplifies.

By the time Obama took office, Iraq had been stabilized politically, had become a democracy in an astonishingly short time, the extremists had become nuisances rather than threats and Iraqi forces did nearly all the fighting that was necessary with US only providing support, but that support was critically importatnt; it prevented the largely Shi'ite government from persecuting the Sunni, it gave the Sunni confidence that if they continued to resist al Qaeda, the US would be right there to support them and it gave Iraq's PM assurance that if he resisted Iran's influence, the US would be right there to support him. The Pentagon advised Obama that to maintain these conditions 30,000 US troops would have to remain, but the Democrats had run on the promise that all US troops would be withdrawn from Iraq and as the 2012 elections drew closer, Obama decided that it was more important for him to be elected to a second term than for the peace in Iraq to be maintained of for al Qaeda to be held in check, so he announced that Iraq was now so stable and able to take care of all its issues, US troops were no longer needed there, knowing full well this wasn't true, and in that way Obama created ISIS.

So the fact that Trump was wrong in 2007 about the value of the surge has nothing to do with him being right about Obama creating ISIS by withdrawing US troops in 2011.
The media no longer bothers to fact check Trump because they would have entire days devoted to exposing all of his lies. Each one would have to come up with a new channel to simply contradict the “hyperbole”.

In a recent interview Julian Assange was asked why Wikileaks isn't digging up info on Donald Trump. He responded that they couldn't find anything to dig up that was any worse than what was coming out of his mouth everyday. :lol:
Donald Trump now says that the "way we left Iraq" led to the rise of ISIS.

Yet, in 2007, when Trump was a registered Democrat, when President Bush was calling for a surge in Iraq, Donald Trump wanted to cut-and-run!

Trump: "Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

Blitzer: How does the United States get out of this situation?

Trump: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

"Declare victory, and leave." Cut-and-run.

A lot of the same type of people today who support Trump are the type of people who supported the surge. They also strongly supported President Bush. And they especially hated cut-and-run Democrats like Donald Trump.

In 2008, Trump was demanding Bush be impeached! Trump liked and admired Nancy Pelosi back then, when the Right vehemently hated her.

Trump: "I was surprised that she (Nancy Pelosi) didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost -- it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Blitzer: "Impeaching him?"

Trump: "Absolutely, for the war, for the war."

Blitzer: "Because of the conduct of the war."

Trump: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

So here is what I need Trump's Chumps to explain to me: How were Donald Trump's demands for impeachment and his demand we cut-and-run from Iraq any different from what Cindy Sheehan wanted?

Explain to me how Trump can whine today about "the way we left Iraq" when he was one of the people who wanted to cut-and-run.

Now...I know your programmed response is, "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!", but spare us that crock of shit. It's a red herring handed to retards to chuck about when they can't explain Trump, and it doesn't answer the question.

Besides, not even Clinton called for Bush to be impeached. Only far left loons like Sheehan and Trump did.

So explain the difference between Trump and Sheehan. And explain Trump's whining about "the way we left Iraq" in the context of his demand we cut-and-run.
Without question, if the US had remained in Iraq as the Pentagon urged, ISIS would never have been created. So it is fair to say that when Obama withdrew US troops from Iraq against the advice of the Pentagon so that he would not to into the 2012 election being accused of breaking the main promise from 2008, he created ISIS. Nothing in your post suggests otherwise.

So what's your point?

That Trump misjudged the effectiveness of Petraeus' plan in 2007? Most of the senior staff at the Pentagon did; that's why Bush promoted him ahead of more senior generals so he could take command in Iraq. And let's not forget Hillary's outburst in the Senate:

'In a September 2007 congressional inquiry about the ongoing surge in Iraq, then Senator Hillary Clinton all but called Gen. David Petraeus a liar. After Petraeus gave a cautiously optimistic—and prescient—appraisal of the growing quiet in Iraq, Clinton curtly dismissed him with the literary term “suspension of disbelief,” which describes the creation of a fantasy world. Clinton sarcastically rebutted Petraeus’s quite accurate data with the curt dismissal, “I think that the reports that you provide to us really require the willing suspension of disbelief.”'

Hillary Clinton and the Suspension of Disbelief | RealClearPolitics

So Trump was wrong about the surge but he was right about Obama creating ISIS with Clinton at his side, but the most interesting thing about your post is that even back in 2007, major media outlets wanted Trump's input on the important issues of the day.
Trump wanted to cut-and-run in 2007. The very kind of thing you and Trump now say "created ISIS".

How Trump can whine today about "the way we left Iraq" and how can he whine about the cutting and running which "created ISIS" when he was one of the people who wanted to cut-and-run?
There was a big difference between Iraq in 2007 and Iraq in 2011. 2006 had been the worst year of the war and the senior staff of the Pentagon offered little hope things would improve, so showing boldness and great strength of character, Bush began interviewing his generals asking the how they would overcome the difficulties in Iraq. Only Petraeus had a plan, and so Bush promoted him over the heads of more senior generals so he could take command in Iraq. By the time Petraeus reported to Congress on the progress he had made, some people were still thinking about how bad things had been in 2006 and the Democrats had already decided opposition to the war would be a major talking point in 2008, so success in Iraq would work against their political interests and failure in Iraq would work in their favor, as Hillary's bizarre outburst in the Senate clearly exemplifies.

By the time Obama took office, Iraq had been stabilized politically, had become a democracy in an astonishingly short time, the extremists had become nuisances rather than threats and Iraqi forces did nearly all the fighting that was necessary with US only providing support, but that support was critically importatnt; it prevented the largely Shi'ite government from persecuting the Sunni, it gave the Sunni confidence that if they continued to resist al Qaeda, the US would be right there to support them and it gave Iraq's PM assurance that if he resisted Iran's influence, the US would be right there to support him. The Pentagon advised Obama that to maintain these conditions 30,000 US troops would have to remain, but the Democrats had run on the promise that all US troops would be withdrawn from Iraq and as the 2012 elections drew closer, Obama decided that it was more important for him to be elected to a second term than for the peace in Iraq to be maintained of for al Qaeda to be held in check, so he announced that Iraq was now so stable and able to take care of all its issues, US troops were no longer needed there, knowing full well this wasn't true, and in that way Obama created ISIS.

So the fact that Trump was wrong in 2007 about the value of the surge has nothing to do with him being right about Obama creating ISIS by withdrawing US troops in 2011.
Cutting and running in 2007 would have resulted in an even WORSE outcome.

Explain how Trump can whine today about "the way we left Iraq" when he wanted to cut-and-run and leave Iraq in even WORSE conditions. Just imagine what the insurgents (Al Qaeda in Iraq) would have done.

Much worse. Much, much worse.

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