Explain this DEMS. Food stamp use in the military skyrockets under Obama

Op- because pubs block pay raises for them, along with the rest of the non-rich...dumbazz.
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Obama making sure the the lowest paid enlisted man is able to feed his family is YOUR proof that Obama don't care about the military?

You are fucking stupid. Quit posting.

why not pay them a living wage. You guys cry about this all the time but our own military cant have a living wage. You guys are stupid!!!

Isn't that what raising the minimum wage is all about?

NO, people in Mcdonalds do not wake up everyday and might step on a land mine ..
Other than how it appears at first glance, what's the problem here? The military families eligible for food stamps need to buy food,

they are getting a food allowance from the government in the form of food stamps, which gives them an extra resource to buy food with.

They get a housing allowance and other benefits in addition to their pay; this is just one more.

If a military spouse gets a job, they have more money coming in, but probably lose the food stamp eligibility. Is that preferable?
Why does the "free market" not come into play only with Military? Meaning, Repubs say "get better and you'll be paid better" but that doesnt apply here. Why is that?

That's right...an E-5 doesn't need assistance. Just lazy E-3s and 4s. Make rank ya leech!!!
Obama making sure the the lowest paid enlisted man is able to feed his family is YOUR proof that Obama don't care about the military?

You are fucking stupid. Quit posting.

why not pay them a living wage. You guys cry about this all the time but our own military cant have a living wage. You guys are stupid!!!

IF you were really in any way connected to the military as a member or spouse...YOU WOULD KNOW...that the Congress sets the pay scale via the budget. YOU would know that. :eusa_whistle:
Obama's budget in 2014 called for a pay raise:

For calendar year 2014, consistent with the
views of the uniformed military leadership, the
Budget provides a 1.0 percent increase to basic
pay, a 4.2 percent increase in the Basic Allowance
for Housing, and a 3.4 percent increase in Basic
Allowance for Subsistence. This compensation
level recognizes the sacrifices made by the men
and women in our Armed Forces, while adhering
to the current
budget constraints faced by DOD.


We can't pay these people enough in my view.
so you think a 1 percent raise is a good raise.... Reagan gave us a 13 percent race one year..

Us? You served? :eusa_eh:
Come to think of it..If the free market really worked then why were contractors getting 2-3 times more than soldiers?

True story...many guys I served with, when they got out got hired by the military-industrial complex for 2-3 times the amount we got on active duty.
Well, I guess that I did not realize that Obama set minimum wages for the military. I assumed that this was based on congressional appropriations. It makes one wonder why Obama is going to so much trouble to get past the GOP roadblock in congress on raising the nation's minimum wage laws...
Well, this is a national disgrace that soldiers in our military have to go on public assistance while on active duty.

That is a great sounding political sound byte. But that's about it. Those service members going on public assistance have done it to themselves. Nothing more.
In some cases, I'm positive you're right. In any group large enough, you're going to have those who cannot manage money properly. I would be careful about painting with too broad a brush however.

We cannot pay soldiers enough

That's a ridiculous and dangerous thing to say. Based on that, we may as well pay them $1,000,000 a year. It still wouldn't be "enough" right?


I don't think anyone would endorse a million dollars a year. I believe I mentioned the word "comfortable" in my summation.

It is a national disgrace when your soldiers, sailors, and air personnel cannot make ends meet. It reflects the worst things of our politics...weapons programs are jobs programs so we way overspend on hardware and under spend on the operators since economically they are seen as a liability.
Are you people serious with this discussion? The US military budget is so unbelievably outrageously bloated that it dwarfs the next three largest world superpowers combined. Is the President supposed to sign an executive order raising pay for military personnel? Would Republicans actually support that?

The problem here, like with everything else in the world at this moment in history, is that there is plenty of money but it is being controlled by a very small portion of the human population.
Come to think of it..If the free market really worked then why were contractors getting 2-3 times more than soldiers?

True story...many guys I served with, when they got out got hired by the military-industrial complex for 2-3 times the amount we got on active duty.

My old high school friend is (or was) an MP over in Kuwait. She talked about TCNs making big bucks for doing exactly what soldiers did in some cases.
Military use of food stamps rises again - Feb. 17, 2014

In 2008 the use was only 31 million dollars.. TODAY 103 million.. Another example that Obama hates the military and they are way under paid!!

Actually, this reflects on the people receiving the food stamps more than anything. Truth is, there's no reason for this to happen save for the irresponsibility of those who end up in this situation. It's true that the lowest enlisted ranks don't exactly make big dollars. But they do make salaries on par with anything they'd find in the civilian world if they hadn't joined the military, if not better. If you're a low ranked enlisted person, you should come out of training with several thousand dollars in the bank. You've been living bill free, with three meals a day provided for you. Then there's your signing bonus, half of which you'll get when you finish training, the other half you'll get a year later. And when you get to your first duty station you're going to be living in the barracks rent free, again with three meals a day provided for you. You won't be able to get a place of your own until you've achieved a certain rank (with higher pay). And then you'll get BAH.

What drives this explosion of food stamp usage is the fact that those collecting them have been very irresponsible. Many of them before they even joined, some of them since they joined. Some people don't want to live in the barracks, so they get married for no other reason than to be allowed to live off post. They figure they'll get more money since they'll get BAH, but they don't think about the fact that they'll also have higher expenses. They take on more than they can afford and end up struggling. Then someone ends up pregnant, and now they need food stamps to get by. Some people join the military because they became parents and/or got married at far too early of an age and they are looking for a steady paycheck to take care of their families.

Military personnel are somewhat infamous for being financially reckless. Most people join right out of high school or shortly thereafter. They have no real world life experience. Those who don't have families to support get out of training with anywhere from $4000 to $15000 in the bank and the first thing they do is spend their money extravagantly. Everything from escorts, high end electronics, and cars they don't realize they can't afford in the long run. They think they're rich so they spend until they're broke, and then end up in debt they can't pay off. Then they get Article 15s for being delinquent on their bills. Many become frequent flyers at Payday loan shops. Instead of learning to become more responsible, many end up learning all of this as a way of life. Because they've never known anything else. And they're surrounded with people who are doing the same thing.

If you keep talking about all the free rent and free food the military people get, some politician is going to figure a way to charge the enlistees room and board.
Are you people serious with this discussion? The US military budget is so unbelievably outrageously bloated that it dwarfs the next three largest world superpowers combined. Is the President supposed to sign an executive order raising pay for military personnel? Would Republicans actually support that?

The problem here, like with everything else in the world at this moment in history, is that there is plenty of money but it is being controlled by a very small portion of the human population.

According to republican theory, that small portion of the human population that has most of the world's wealth got that way by working harder and smarter than the rest of us freeloaders.

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