Explain why white nationalism is bad?

Well damn, white people put a man on the moon and created the internet and stuff. White people created the economy....other than that, what have whites done?
You put the evidence right in front of liberals and they still can't see it. White people is what made America great.

Apparently we need to emulate Europe. Prison reform. Justice system reform. Banning guns. More social programs. That is what the Most White nations are doing. And if we want to be successful. If we want to be great. And apparently Whites are great. We need to embrace leftist policies. Excellent.
Apparently we need to emulate Europe. Prison reform. Justice system reform. Banning guns. More social programs. That is what the Most White nations are doing. And if we want to be successful. If we want to be great. And apparently Whites are great. We need to embrace leftist policies. Excellent.
Yeah we have that 13% issue and 30 million illegals here (some Euro countries are getting there) so no thanks.
Yeah we have that 13% issue and 30 million illegals here (some Euro countries are getting there) so no thanks.

You just proved that the Whites in Europe were superior. This we must emulate their actions to become great.

Those actions are leftist policies. Otherwise you are not following the example of successful White Nations are you?

What do you want to start with? Nationalized Healthcare? Oh. How about Justice Reform? Norway, one of the Whitest nations on earth has a very progressive criminal Justice system.

I think we should go with healthcare don’t you? That would probably be easiest.
Excuse me? My father was white and a ardent nationalist, starved during so called 1929 bank holiday and was years starving in the time known as the depression. He grew up and he fought the NAZIS. He was wounded and less a left arm. He gave me life. WHAT DO LIBERALS DO?

because the zoomer overloards say so.
You just proved that the Whites in Europe were superior. This we must emulate their actions to become great.

Those actions are leftist policies. Otherwise you are not following the example of successful White Nations are you?

What do you want to start with? Nationalized Healthcare? Oh. How about Justice Reform? Norway, one of the Whitest nations on earth has a very progressive criminal Justice system.

I think we should go with healthcare don’t you? That would probably be easiest.
I didn't prove anything. Norway has a massive oil fund that pay for lots of stuff for their small ethnostate citizenry of 5 million.
I didn't prove anything. Norway has a massive oil fund that pay for lots of stuff for their small ethnostate citizenry of 5 million.

You won. You got the win. In order to emulate the extremely successful White Europeans. Who are successful. We must emulate their social and economic policies.

That means nationalized healthcare. Value added taxes. Restricted gun ownership. All of those things that makes the White Nations of Europe great. And they’re great. You proved it with your video.
wait a minute.
I thought democrats were KKK?

What do you think motivated the jan 6th rioters?
What motivates people to say jan 6th was just a protest.
Oh they are and black dems are still on the plantation. What has voting democrats done to help the black community besides welfare and Biden's free crack pipe plan?

What motivated BLM and AntiFA to Burn Loot and Murder for near 2 years?
What motives you dems to say it was mostly peaceful while cities burned and businesses destroyed?
If you don't like him using Wikipedia, don't be lazy, just go to the primary sources then. Wow. You are just being lazy.

And in debate, they have always taught us, the person that supplies evidence ALWAYS wins an argument in lieu of those who present NO counter evidence at all. WHERE ARE YOUR SOURCES?

Here, this is the references that the wiki used. Now, let us all see what you are using to define your epistemology, O.K.?

White nationalism​

‘White Nationalism,’ Explained​

". . . Eric Kaufmann, a professor of politics at Birkbeck University in London, has spent years studying the ways that ethnicity intersects with politics. While most researchers in that field focus on ethnic minorities, Professor Kaufmann does the opposite: He studies the behavior of ethnic majorities, particularly whites in the United States and Britain.

White nationalism, he said, is the belief that national identity should be built around white ethnicity, and that white people should therefore maintain both a demographic majority and dominance of the nation’s culture and public life.

So, like white supremacy, white nationalism places the interests of white people over those of other racial groups. White supremacists and white nationalists both believe that racial discrimination should be incorporated into law and policy.

Some will see the distinction between white nationalism and white supremacy as a semantic sleight of hand. But although many white supremacists are also white nationalists, and vice versa, Professor Kaufmann says the terms are not synonyms: White supremacy is based on a racist belief that white people are innately superior to people of other races; white nationalism is about maintaining political and economic dominance, not just a numerical majority or cultural hegemony. . . . "

White supremacy​

“Exterminate All the Brutes,” Reviewed: A Vast, Agonizing History of White Supremacy​

Raoul Peck’s four-hour documentary on HBO Max reveals the racist underpinnings of American national mythology and European society.

". . . The story that he tells is a vast one, a millennial one—that of white supremacy, or, more specifically, whites’ presumption to supremacy, a presumption that, as he makes clear, continues, to this day, to be asserted with violence and justified with lies. Peck ranges back to the Crusades, documenting the claims of white, Christian, European superiority as the argument for conquests in Asia. These events were soon followed by the Spanish Inquisition and its persecution of Jews and Muslims, and—at the same time—the voyage of Columbus to the New World and the genocidal destruction of indigenous peoples that his expedition, and the many explorers that followed, committed. . . "
LOL Kaufman yeah I bet there's no bias here and look he even says "muh jews"
Lol, the Irish made sure the Blacks won. That's the Gaelic spirit for you.
JFK was pres before Obama. So we Irish won. And the fact that you dems don't like to talk about our history and lump us in as "oppressors" really just shows how hard we won huh
Doesn't matter. Blacks are 13% of the population the fact there is representation for them at all proves we aren't a white supremacy society or there would be none
Took you all this time to respond and you came up with a strawman argument?

Let's revisit the original statement, shall we?

You first said this:

Democrats today look more like racist KKKers ideologically than they do JFK. Fact

Someone else responded with this:

there are currently 58 blacks in congress; but only two of them are republican.

So, now, you turn to a lame-brain strawman to claim that America is not racist? Who said it was? The statement - that you put out, asshole - was that the Dems were racist. So, we proved that the majority of representation of blacks is from the Dems and not the Repubs. Ipso facto, your side is racist by comparison. Nothing about America.

Get it now? Go take another long break and come back in a month with another lame-brain statement. :itsok:
LOL Kaufman yeah I bet there's no bias here and look he even says "muh jews"

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