Explaining Socialism to a Republican

Socialism must start with a social Contract to the extent we are not Angels or Gods.

Quite a meaningless random collection of words you cobble together there, for no valid purpose.

Let's get you to do the tiniest first part of some heavy lifting shall we?

When you use the term "social contract," you must have some vague idea of what it is supposed to mean.

Share that with us. Hop to it.
Socialism must start with a social Contract to the extent we are not Angels or Gods.

Quite a meaningless random collection of words you cobble together there, for no valid purpose.

Let's get you to do the tiniest first part of some heavy lifting shall we?

When you use the term "social contract," you must have some vague idea of what it is supposed to mean.

Share that with us. Hop to it.
Not random at all; dear. You are just too incompetent, for now, grasshopper.
Socialism must start with a social Contract to the extent we are not Angels or Gods.

Quite a meaningless random collection of words you cobble together there, for no valid purpose.

Let's get you to do the tiniest first part of some heavy lifting shall we?

When you use the term "social contract," you must have some vague idea of what it is supposed to mean.

Share that with us. Hop to it.
Not random at all; dear. You are just too incompetent, for now, grasshopper.

We all pretty much already KNEW that you would show your ass.

Muddle on, you poor hapless worthless piece of crap.
It is only meaningless to You, grasshopper, because You are still incompetent.

Socialism must start with a social Contract to the extent we are not Angels or Gods.

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. --The Federalist Number 51

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers. --The Federalist Number 2.

Thus, socialism must start with a social contract that defines Government.

* Ted Cruz's 'tax plan', which hikes trade duties, tariffs,etc and distorts the 'free market system'.

* Corporate welfare of any kind, including: bailouts, agricultural subsidies, ACA, energy subsidies, tax credits and subsidizing private prisons or charter schools.

In other words, despite GOP claims to the contrary the US is just as economically 'socialist' as Europe, but in the area of corporate welfare as opposed to social policy and education.

They have their work cut out for them if they want to rid America of 'socialism', as a lot of it was their own making.
It is only meaningless to You, grasshopper, because You are still incompetent.

Socialism must start with a social Contract to the extent we are not Angels or Gods.

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. --The Federalist Number 51

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers. --The Federalist Number 2.

Thus, socialism must start with a social contract that defines Government.

Nobody asked you for an explanation of the very familiar "if men were angels" line, you dope.

You refuse then to define the term "social contract" which you bandy about as though you knew something on the topic?

Don't fret, you intellectual and moral coward. I am here to help you out. Let's start by making it simple and straightforward:

* * * * an agreement, entered into by individuals, that results in the formation of the state or of organized society, the prime motive being the desire for protection, which entails the surrender of some or all personal liberties
social contract - definition of social contract by The Free Dictionary citing the Collins English Dictionary definition.

I know this will SAIL miles over your pin head, but let me try to educate you all the same. There is a PART of that definition that has seemingly eluded you so far. Let me repeat that term for you: "an agreement."

Now, put both of your active living brain cells together and see if you can spark an intelligent thought: why is the term "an agreement" significant here?
The notion that many of the nations in the world suffering under communism or socialism have somehow had the people "agree" to it is beyond laughable.

By contrast, I have on several occasions most affirmatively "agreed" with the form of government this nation is designed to have.
It is only meaningless to You, grasshopper, because You are still incompetent.

Socialism must start with a social Contract to the extent we are not Angels or Gods.

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. --The Federalist Number 51

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers. --The Federalist Number 2.

Thus, socialism must start with a social contract that defines Government.

Nobody asked you for an explanation of the very familiar "if men were angels" line, you dope.

You refuse then to define the term "social contract" which you bandy about as though you knew something on the topic?

Don't fret, you intellectual and moral coward. I am here to help you out. Let's start by making it simple and straightforward:

* * * * an agreement, entered into by individuals, that results in the formation of the state or of organized society, the prime motive being the desire for protection, which entails the surrender of some or all personal liberties
social contract - definition of social contract by The Free Dictionary citing the Collins English Dictionary definition.

I know this will SAIL miles over your pin head, but let me try to educate you all the same. There is a PART of that definition that has seemingly eluded you so far. Let me repeat that term for you: "an agreement."

Now, put both of your active living brain cells together and see if you can spark an intelligent thought: why is the term "an agreement" significant here?

Our federal and State Constitutions are social Contracts that define our form of Government simply because we are not socially moral enough for free, to be Angels on Earth who have not the need for the Expense of Government.

Social Contracts are social agreements on fundamental laws.
It is only meaningless to You, grasshopper, because You are still incompetent.

Socialism must start with a social Contract to the extent we are not Angels or Gods.

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. --The Federalist Number 51

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers. --The Federalist Number 2.

Thus, socialism must start with a social contract that defines Government.

Nobody asked you for an explanation of the very familiar "if men were angels" line, you dope.

You refuse then to define the term "social contract" which you bandy about as though you knew something on the topic?

Don't fret, you intellectual and moral coward. I am here to help you out. Let's start by making it simple and straightforward:

* * * * an agreement, entered into by individuals, that results in the formation of the state or of organized society, the prime motive being the desire for protection, which entails the surrender of some or all personal liberties
social contract - definition of social contract by The Free Dictionary citing the Collins English Dictionary definition.

I know this will SAIL miles over your pin head, but let me try to educate you all the same. There is a PART of that definition that has seemingly eluded you so far. Let me repeat that term for you: "an agreement."

Now, put both of your active living brain cells together and see if you can spark an intelligent thought: why is the term "an agreement" significant here?

Our federal and State Constitutions are social Contracts that define our form of Government simply because we are not socially moral enough for free, to be Angels on Earth who have not the need for the Expense of Government.

Wrong, ya dishonest hack asshole. The NEED for government is predicated on the fact that "men" are not "angels."

But the SOCIAL CONTRACT exists because we have AGREED to it.
Still nothing but fallacy for your Cause?

Angels would not need to burden themselves with a Tax. Simply needing a tax means we are mortal and not even trying to become Angels on Earth--just slackers on this plane of existence.
you can't explain socialism to a Republican. It's better to let them rail about it and look ignorant in the eyes of the country. Does wonders for their image and helps build their brand.

Laughingstock ..
80% of all income , assets, and property, should be handed over to bureaucratic imbeciles to dole out according to their determined needs and wants......

For da peoples Comrades !!!!!!!!!
Of the many types of socialism, Marx introduced a new type of socialism, scientific socialism. Scientific socialism it was the means by which people were educated to become communists. That quickly became the battle cry of Republicans, everything bad became socialism and we all knew that led to communism.
The USSR tried scientific socialism and dropped in after a couple of years, it didn't work. Of the other fifteen or so types of socialism, some were even used to prevent communism.
Do Republicans still use the word socialism to frighten us, you bet. It is still the Republican's number two scare word, communism the first, and it is still the Republican's bread and butter word, but it didn't work against Social Security, and many other American programs.
Freedom is what we need, not a bunch of self-appointed assholes telling us what we need.
You're a self appointed asshole telling us we need freedom.

BTW, freedom means different things to different people. Freedom to you seems to mean letting the rich ride roughshod over the poor giving them the freedom to starve.

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