

Jan 5, 2015
I'm new to the forum, and haven't gotten the general consensus of what kind of forum this is and which way it "sways". I lean more towards incorporating marxist ideas into my thoughts - so I'm hoping I don't get flamed.

This is more of a rant thread. Because there's one thing I seriously don't understand and it's mindless loyalty. I work for a large retail store which does about 100k+ in sales a day.
Forget about minimum wage workers, there is exploitation at every single solitary level - just the more money you have the less you care about being exploited.
I don't care if you're the store manager or the cashier. The store manager should think to themselves, wow there are 365 days a year, they paid my entire salary in about a day. The cashier should say - wow it took one order for them to pay me this hour. Same thing goes for a surgeon, a doctor - even though they're "rolling in the dough" someone is laughing all the way to the bank for their hard work.

Of course there is incentive to protect assets, because when the company does good, it doesn't go underground and therefore you have a job. Blah blah get more educated and you'll get a better job, the point here is that at every single level there is horrible exploitation, yet there is no serious rebellion. And the response is to get better educated. :eusa_wall:
I'm new to the forum, and haven't gotten the general consensus of what kind of forum this is and which way it "sways". I lean more towards incorporating marxist ideas into my thoughts - so I'm hoping I don't get flamed.

This is more of a rant thread. Because there's one thing I seriously don't understand and it's mindless loyalty. I work for a large retail store which does about 100k+ in sales a day.
Forget about minimum wage workers, there is exploitation at every single solitary level - just the more money you have the less you care about being exploited.
I don't care if you're the store manager or the cashier. The store manager should think to themselves, wow there are 365 days a year, they paid my entire salary in about a day. The cashier should say - wow it took one order for them to pay me this hour. Same thing goes for a surgeon, a doctor - even though they're "rolling in the dough" someone is laughing all the way to the bank for their hard work.

Of course there is incentive to protect assets, because when the company does good, it doesn't go underground and therefore you have a job. Blah blah get more educated and you'll get a better job, the point here is that at every single level there is horrible exploitation, yet there is no serious rebellion. And the response is to get better educated. :eusa_wall:
Ok, I'm sure that that's all perfectly clear in your head, but you never explain exactly what you consider exploitation or why it's exploitative.

Always define your terms an explain your concepts. Never assume that people will understand your unstated assumptions.
I'm new to the forum, and haven't gotten the general consensus of what kind of forum this is and which way it "sways". I lean more towards incorporating marxist ideas into my thoughts - so I'm hoping I don't get flamed.

This is more of a rant thread. Because there's one thing I seriously don't understand and it's mindless loyalty. I work for a large retail store which does about 100k+ in sales a day.
Forget about minimum wage workers, there is exploitation at every single solitary level - just the more money you have the less you care about being exploited.
I don't care if you're the store manager or the cashier. The store manager should think to themselves, wow there are 365 days a year, they paid my entire salary in about a day. The cashier should say - wow it took one order for them to pay me this hour. Same thing goes for a surgeon, a doctor - even though they're "rolling in the dough" someone is laughing all the way to the bank for their hard work.

Of course there is incentive to protect assets, because when the company does good, it doesn't go underground and therefore you have a job. Blah blah get more educated and you'll get a better job, the point here is that at every single level there is horrible exploitation, yet there is no serious rebellion. And the response is to get better educated. :eusa_wall:
Ok, I'm sure that that's all perfectly clear in your head, but you never explain exactly what you consider exploitation or why it's exploitative.

Always define your terms an explain your concepts. Never assume that people will understand your unstated assumptions.

Sorry, you're right I assumed.

In capitalism, a worker is exploited because their time and the work they perform is more valuable than what they are paid. Thus forth, it is exploitation. An employer in a for-profit place obviously does not hire a worker if they aren't worth it/or are equally worth it. because capitalism is all about profit.

My issue is why people are ok with this. I'm simply arguing that the contentment among individuals goes up as wages go higher, but the exploitation is still there because the person would literally not be there if they weren't being taken advantage of.

This is why the concept of a fair wage is ironic lol
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In capitalism, a worker is exploited

dear in capitalism a worker is free to take any job offered to him anywhere in the world. Thus the employer has to compete by offering the highest wages in the world in order to keep his workers. The employer has to have the best products and best jobs just to survive. This extreme competition is what has made us so rich.

The instant China adopted capitalism it immediately eliminated 40% of world poverty. Do you understand now?
In capitalism, a worker is exploited

dear in capitalism a worker is free to take any job offered to him anywhere in the world. Thus the employer has to compete by offering the highest wages in the world in order to keep his workers. The employer has to have the best products and best jobs just to survive. This extreme competition is what has made us so rich.

The instant China adopted capitalism it immediately eliminated 40% of world poverty. Do you understand now?

Oh noes. It's our resident special needs kid. Eileen lemme introduce you to Special Ed. To say he's not the brightest bulb in the light tower would be like saying water might be moist. He'll insist on calling you "dear" as if you're a puppy and insist that Thomas Jefferson founded the Republican Party 28 years after his own death. Just so you know what you're dealing with, i.e. don't waste your time.
"Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite." -- J.K. Galbraith

Capitalism defined at Uncyclopedia
. Worth a read.

why quote a worthless communist??

For example, who can forget his infamous 1984 quote that the communist system in the former Soviet Union was superior to capitalism because, according to Galbraith, the communists somehow made better and more efficient use of its "manpower" than did the West? Indeed, to the very end, Galbraith was a socialist impersonating an economist.

John Kenneth Galbraith, an intellectual icon of the Old Left and New Left, said of the Soviets’ overtaking of Poland after World War II: “Russia should be permitted to absorb Poland, the Balkans, and the whole of Eastern Europe in order to spread the benefits of Communism” (Emphasis added).
In capitalism, a worker is exploited

dear in capitalism a worker is free to take any job offered to him anywhere in the world. Thus the employer has to compete by offering the highest wages in the world in order to keep his workers. The employer has to have the best products and best jobs just to survive. This extreme competition is what has made us so rich.

A capitalist worker is free to take any job offered to him in the world, yes that is correct. But in today's economy, combined with increased education levels of the masses and technology - the worker has less choices and the employer has less incentive to keep the worker happy with bonuses, higher wages because they are easier to replace. This is evident all over the place, most evident example is the prehistoric pension plan. The relationship will not get better, it will get worse as both technology/education levels increase. The employer gets a stronger grip by the day and this started decades ago.
Thomas Jefferson founded the Republican Party 28 years after his own death.

Jefferson and Adams died in 1826. Jefferson and Madison founded the Republican Party in 1793 to stand against the big govt liberal Federalist Party. By 1800 the Republicans had destroyed the Federalist Party in what was called the second American Revolution to established that the first revolution had been against big liberal govt in general, not just the big liberal govt of England.


Majority Party: Federalist (22 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (10 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Total Seats: 32


6th Congress (1799-1801)

Majority Party: Federalist (22 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (10 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Total Seats: 32


7th Congress (1801-1803)

Majority Party: Republican (17 seats)

Minority Party: Federalist (15 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Vacant: 2

Total Seats: 34

On every question of construction carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.
Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Johnson, June 12, 1823

3)Natural rights [are] the objects for the protection of which society is formed and municipal laws established.
4)Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Monroe, 1791

5)"The revolution of 1800... was as real a revolution in the principles of our government as that of 1776 was in its form; not effected indeed by the sword, as that, but by the rational and peaceable instrument of reform, the suffrage of the people." --Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane, 1819. ME 15:212

6)Jefferson believed that presidents should not try to impose their will on Congress, and consequently he refused to openly initiate legislation or to veto congressional bills on policy grounds. Convinced that presidents Washington and Adams had acted like British monarchs by personally appearing before Congress and requesting legislation, Jefferson simply sent Congress written messages. It would not be until the presidency of Woodrow Wilson that another president would publicly address Congress and call for legislation.
7)" the natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to grain ground; that the greater the government the stronger the exploiter and the weaker the producer; that , therefore, the hope of liberty depends upon local self-governance and the vigilance of the producer class."

8)"Historians do not agree on the details surrounding the origin of Parties. Some believe that Jefferson forged the Republican party from coalition of existing state and local parties"....[in the 1790's]. Page 31, Political Parties in America by Robert Huckshorn( most popular Political Science text on parties in USA.

9)"Although people were still deeply ambivalent about political parties, although one party did not necessarily recognize the legitimacy of the other, and although men on both sides were nostalgic- at one time or another- for the imaginary golden age of political harmony, few people could be found in the early 1790's who believed the parties did not exist. The parties had names: Federalist and Republican."-Susan Dunn,Jefferson's Second Revolution.

-10)During a conciliatory moment at his Inauguration Jefferson said: "today we are all Republicans, we are all Federalists." (referring to the two majors parties at the time)
11)We have called by different names brethren of the same principle. We are all Republicans,—we are all Federalists. If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union, or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.
- 12)When Jefferson won the election of 1800 the National Gazette headline was, "Complete triumph of Republican firmness over the "obstinacy" of the Aristocrats"! ( what Republicans called big government Federalists)

-13)That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

13)"The path we have to pursue[when Jefferson was President ] is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our Legislature."

In capitalism, a worker is exploited

dear in capitalism a worker is free to take any job offered to him anywhere in the world. Thus the employer has to compete by offering the highest wages in the world in order to keep his workers. The employer has to have the best products and best jobs just to survive. This extreme competition is what has made us so rich.

A capitalist worker is free to take any job offered to him in the world, yes that is correct. But in today's economy, combined with increased education levels of the masses and technology - the worker has less choices and the employer has less incentive to keep the worker happy with bonuses, higher wages because they are easier to replace. This is evident all over the place, most evident example is the prehistoric pension plan. The relationship will not get better, it will get worse as both technology/education levels increase. The employer gets a stronger grip by the day and this started decades ago.
The employer gets a stronger grip by the day and this started decades ago.

thats what Marx said 150 years ago and today the average workers has a smart phone and flat screen TV. Did you know that China just switched to capitalism from Marxism and instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty after 10,000 years.

What does that teach you?
also you must keep in mind that the liberal drove 30 million jobs off shore with the highest corporate taxes in the world, labor unions, and 20 million illegals here. And this is not to mention how they destroyed the schools and families in America.
"Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite." -- J.K. Galbraith

Capitalism defined at Uncyclopedia
. Worth a read.

why quote a worthless communist??

It's called a "joke", stupid.

funny how the liberal finds a communist's jokes funny?

"Special Ed".
Jest ain't nothin' quite that degree of 'special'.

argumentun ad hominen from typical liberal without IQ for substance
The employer gets a stronger grip by the day and this started decades ago.

thats what Marx said 150 years ago and today the average workers has a smart phone and flat screen TV. Did you know that China just switched to capitalism from Marxism and instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty after 10,000 years.

What does that teach you?

Actually, that says a lot right there. Yup.

The employer gets a stronger grip by the day and this started decades ago.

thats what Marx said 150 years ago and today the average workers has a smart phone and flat screen TV. Did you know that China just switched to capitalism from Marxism and instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty after 10,000 years.

What does that teach you?

Oh a smart phone and a flat screen TV - things you don't need that you slave away for.
The Chinese people will uprise when they realize what is going on with them - the exploitation of them is way, way worse than the minimum wage worker in the Western World.

Who wants to go to Asia with me and start a labor union for factory workers?

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