explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Europe is done They'll hold hands, light candles & march for peace But they won't get angry & deal with their Muslim problem They're done
So are we. Michigan is THE place to go if you are muslim. You KNOW something is going to happen soon here again. Like, another 9/11. The assholes are already here. Plotting and planning while idiots hold hands, light candles and yell LET THEM IN.

Fatalities reported!

I see we have our usual same collection of low IQ Leftist Trolls who always inhabit these types of threads with drive by gibberish one word comments.

Also some of our usual Leftist Islamist Apologists who seem to be on Stand By just waiting for these type of threads.

Fuck them.

To address the harrowing nature of the OP, all I'll comment is that we pray for those who are suffering at this time of grief, and also pray that those who left this fucked-up planet today are now safe in Our Lords Beautiful Kingdom having been welcomed into His arms.

What else was I going to comment? Oh yes thats right:

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Prophet Mohammed. Rot in Hell.

Rot in hell indeed!

The lowest of the low targeting Soft Targets, again children and teenagers at a music venue. Similar happening to what occurred in Paris at the Bataclan Theatre in November 2015.
To extremists...they are all heathens and need to die. So..they bravely (cough cough) strap on a bomb and go wherever they can and then wait for their virgins.

Fatalities reported!

I see we have our usual same collection of low IQ Leftist Trolls who always inhabit these types of threads with drive by gibberish one word comments.

Also some of our usual Leftist Islamist Apologists who seem to be on Stand By just waiting for these type of threads.

Fuck them.

To address the harrowing nature of the OP, all I'll comment is that we pray for those who are suffering at this time of grief, and also pray that those who left this fucked-up planet today are now safe in Our Lords Beautiful Kingdom having been welcomed into His arms.

What else was I going to comment? Oh yes thats right:

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Prophet Mohammed. Rot in Hell.

Rot in hell indeed!

The lowest of the low targeting Soft Targets, again children and teenagers at a music venue. Similar happening to what occurred in Paris at the Bataclan Theatre in November 2015.

They are cowards, Lucy Hamilton

They are spineless cowards!
The US department of homeland security has issued a statement saying it is “closely monitoring the situation at Manchester Arena” and that there could be “increased security” in public places and music events in the US:

We are working with our foreign counterparts to obtain additional information about the cause of the reported explosion as well as the extent of injuries and fatalities.

US citizens in the area should heed direction from local authorities and maintain security awareness. We encourage any affected US citizens who need assistance to contact the US embassy in London and follow department of state guidance.

At this time, we have no information to indicate a specific credible threat involving music venues in the United States. However, the public may experience increased security in and around public places and events as officials take additional precautions.

We stand ready to assist our friends and allies in the UK in all ways necessary as they investigate and recover from this incident.

Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this incident.

From the guardian
I hear they are confirming a suicide bomber

And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

"Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion?"

Let's think shall we.

Do Christians blow themselves up? No.

Do Jews blow themselves up? No.

Do Hindu's blow themselves up? No.

Do Muslims blow themselves up? YES.

Yeah actually they all do. See my note in the last post about the IRA.

And btw it's "Hindus". Never use an apostrophe to form a plural in English. Literally never.

Just tell me this ---
Where is there any evidence a religion did this bombing? Any religion at all?

See what I mean?

Y'all need to pull your heads out of your emotions and engage the other side of the brain.
That's why it's so stupid to ban bombs. Everyone should have bombs.

Not funny. At all.
Neither was the post I replied to. I see you missed my point, and didn't care to tell him that his post wasn't funny. Hack.

It was a bare, satirical post, and you didn't quote anyone. And I don't have anyone on my ignore list. Why are you lying to me? Liar? Who's the hack here?

Fatalities reported!

I see we have our usual same collection of low IQ Leftist Trolls who always inhabit these types of threads with drive by gibberish one word comments.

Also some of our usual Leftist Islamist Apologists who seem to be on Stand By just waiting for these type of threads.

Fuck them.

To address the harrowing nature of the OP, all I'll comment is that we pray for those who are suffering at this time of grief, and also pray that those who left this fucked-up planet today are now safe in Our Lords Beautiful Kingdom having been welcomed into His arms.

What else was I going to comment? Oh yes thats right:

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Prophet Mohammed. Rot in Hell.

Rot in hell indeed!

The lowest of the low targeting Soft Targets, again children and teenagers at a music venue. Similar happening to what occurred in Paris at the Bataclan Theatre in November 2015.
To extremists...they are all heathens and need to die. So..they bravely (cough cough) strap on a bomb and go wherever they can and then wait for their virgins.

Yes and the Islamist Apologists who are purely on the Left then take to the Internets to deflect by saying:

But but but what about Timothy McVeigh?

But but but what about The Uni-Bomber?

But but but what about The Slave Trade, The Crusades and Colonialism?

But but but what about the IRA?

Fucking bottom feeding scum. They can Rot in Hell along with their Islamist pets.
I hear they are confirming a suicide bomber

And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

"Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion?"

Let's think shall we.

Do Christians blow themselves up? No.

Do Jews blow themselves up? No.

Do Hindu's blow themselves up? No.

Do Muslims blow themselves up? YES.

Yeah actually they all do. See my note in the last post about the IRA.

And btw it's "Hindus". Never use an apostrophe to form a plural in English. Literally never.

Just tell me this ---
Where is there any evidence a religion did this bombing? Any religion at all?

See what I mean?

Y'all need to pull your heads out of your emotions and engage the other side of the brain.

STFU Pogo. Your stupid-ass deflection bullshit could get even more people killed. Fuck You. :fu:

Remember this: Karma's a bitch.
I have the solution:

Nuke Mecca and demolish the dome of the rock.

Dafuk does "Mecca" have to do with this?

Nobody can answer that.

Was anyone calling for "nuke the Vatican" after the Atlanta Olympics bombing?
Whelp ---- same thing.

No not the same thing, asshat. Islam is a world-domination plan masquerading as a religion.

The more that gets denied, the more Islam spreads.

So nuking Mecca would have no negative consequences, correct? Well let's get it done, then!

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