explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

I have the solution:

Nuke Mecca and demolish the dome of the rock.

Dafuk does "Mecca" have to do with this?

Nobody can answer that.

I can, it's the birth of Islam.

Uh HUH. Islam was birthed in Manchester, was it?

Again -- I posed the question what religion -- any religion --- has to do with this event.
That question has zero answer.

When you have zero answer --- you don't have the right question. Premise fails.

When you try intellectual gymnastics while getting mugged, you get mugged AND your ass beat.

So this IS the Non Sequitur forum.

I knew it. :mad:
I hear they are confirming a suicide bomber

And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

"Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion?"

Let's think shall we.

Do Christians blow themselves up? No.

Do Jews blow themselves up? No.

Do Hindu's blow themselves up? No.

Do Muslims blow themselves up? YES.

Yeah actually they all do. See my note in the last post about the IRA.

And btw it's "Hindus". Never use an apostrophe to form a plural in English. Literally never.

Just tell me this ---
Where is there any evidence a religion did this bombing? Any religion at all?

See what I mean?

Y'all need to pull your heads out of your emotions and engage the other side of the brain.

If I go somewhere and some Christians sit next to me, do I think now are they going to blow themselves up? No.

If I go somewhere and some Jews sit next to me, do I think now are they going to blow themselves up? No.

If I go somewhere and some Hindus sit next to me, do I think now are they going to blow themselves up? No.

If I go somewhere and some Muslims sit next to me, do I think now are they going to blow themselves up? They are the only group where I cannot be sure if they are or are not going to blow themselves up.

The Muslims religion is Islam, to answer your question that is what religion has to do with this.

Leftists can only ever point to a handful of situations involving a handful of people who have planted some type of bomb who are not Muslims and you beat that horse time and time again every single time we have another Terrorist Attack that has all the hallmarks of being a Islamist Terrorist Attack.

Who else is going to blow themselves up in an obvious suicide attack other than a Muslim and/or Muslims?

Nobody thats who.
I have the solution:

Nuke Mecca and demolish the dome of the rock.

Dafuk does "Mecca" have to do with this?

Nobody can answer that.

I can, it's the birth of Islam.

Uh HUH. Islam was birthed in Manchester, was it?

Again -- I posed the question what religion -- any religion --- has to do with this event.
That question has zero answer.

When you have zero answer --- you don't have the right question. Premise fails.
How did you get Manchester out of Mecca?

Your just trolling on a tread about little girls getting killed and maned, your sick I'm done with you.
We are at war with the ideology of Islam. Until we realize this, we will continue to lose and our people will suffer and die.

No Sniffles, actually we are at war with Ignorance. And as long as you keep spreading it, nothing changes.

WHO did this bombing? And why can't you answer that?

See what I mean? :eusa_hand:
Nuke Mecca! Let's see if Muslims want to make their pilgrimage to a radioactive sheet of glass.

What for?

I seem to remember we did nuke a couple of cities, killing tens of thousands in a country that was actually at war with us, when we didn't need to.

You actually want to nuke a city in a place we're not at war with, over a bombing in England?

Are you retarded too?
i wonder how CNN will cover this horrific event? tie it to Trump?
---------------------------------------------- just tied to TRUMP by 'geraldo' on FOX. He said that the attack was / MAY be retaliation for TRUMP Speech yesterday !!
I hear they are confirming a suicide bomber

And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

It has nothing to do with a religion, a cult might be involved however we will find out more later.

Islam is a cult, a 7th Century Satanic Death Cult. Islam also isn't just a religion, it has a strong political component to it, it's essentially designed for Infidels to either submit to it or face the sword.

Islam means to submit, it means submission to the Will of Allah.
i wonder how CNN will cover this horrific event? tie it to Trump?
---------------------------------------------- just tied to TRUMP by 'geraldo' on FOX. He said that the attack was / MAY be retaliation for TRUMP Speech yesterday !!
Don't you love the speculation?
Also the 4th anniversary of British police officer being beaten to death according to Sekulow.
Again -- I posed the question what religion -- any religion --- has to do with this event.
That question has zero answer.

When you have zero answer --- you don't have the right question. Premise fails.

Okay, Pogo, let's take a look at the available evidence:

1) It was a suicide bombing. They found the remains of the bomb vest and bomber where the explosion occurred.
2) It targeted children, mainly tweens and teen girls. Which consisted a majority of the audience in attendance.
3) It was most likely a response to Trump's speech urging the Islamic faith to drive out the radical element in Saudi Arabia yesterday.

Considering those three things, it smells of radical Islam, seeing as radical Islam treats women as pure garbage, and the preferred tactics the extremists use is suicide bombing, and Trump himself has made it clear he wishes to eradicate terrorism.
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