explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Nuke Mecca! Let's see if Muslims want to make their pilgrimage to a radioactive sheet of glass.

Let's not stop there. Destroy every mosque on the planet.

Every Mosque should be raided, nobody knows what is happening in these Mosques, what we do know is that many Imans have preached hatred of the West and preached the honour of what they refer to as Martyrdom or what we call suicide attacks.

Many of the Islamist Terrorists were radicalised within the Mosque by the Hate Preaching of the Imans.

Raid the Mosques, fuck Political Correctness, kick the doors in and raid them.
Islam is a cult, a 7th Century Satanic Death Cult. Islam also isn't just a religion, it has a strong political component to it, it's essentially designed for Infidels to either submit to it or face the sword.

Islam means to submit, it means submission to the Will of Allah.

Today's question is, how many of our children will have to blown up before we accept the truth of what's happening.
Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

Everything to do with Islam. Go read their stinking doctrine, you stupid fuck.

Yeah yeah I already have "I can't answer". You're too late.

Like I said, you're a sick fuck who supports terrorism.

I have never "supported terroism". What I support is logic.

I also support English, in which the phrase is "as I said", not "like I said".
Islam is a cult, a 7th Century Satanic Death Cult. Islam also isn't just a religion, it has a strong political component to it, it's essentially designed for Infidels to either submit to it or face the sword.

Islam means to submit, it means submission to the Will of Allah.

Today's question is, how many of our children will have to blown up before we accept the truth of what's happening.

send the savages back
When Europe submitted to the bureaucrats in Brussels, they submitted to Islam.

It's over.

In 30 years there will be no Europe it will be Shitstainastan.
Nuke Mecca! Let's see if Muslims want to make their pilgrimage to a radioactive sheet of glass.

Let's not stop there. Destroy every mosque on the planet.

Why not better send back home all the Islamic hordes? all the millions of them?

Out of Europe

That is the only way to be the Europe we all knew again.

Too many brainwashed idiots are afraid of being called racists, they'd rather be dead than be called a racist, thats the insanity of Political Correctness for you :cuckoo:
Nuke Mecca! Let's see if Muslims want to make their pilgrimage to a radioactive sheet of glass.

Let's not stop there. Destroy every mosque on the planet.

Why not better send back home all the Islamic hordes? all the millions of them?

Out of Europe

That is the only way to be the Europe we all knew again.

Too many brainwashed idiots are afraid of being called racists, they'd rather be dead than be called a racist, thats the insanity of Political Correctness for you :cuckoo:

People have a phobia of offending Moslems. I don't have this phobia. You don't either.
That "tool" got busted for licking donuts in a bakery and when called on it, stated she hates america. You know, the land that feeds her money? Yet, she wants to lick donuts other people may eat? Thats ok with you, eh?

Fuck her.

Speaking of...over at twitter, her followers are praising that she is ok and nobody should worry cuz she is fine...and nothing about the people who died.


So it wasn't personal when this happened?


It wasn't personal when the US managed to royally fuck up Iraq getting potentially 1 million people killed?

So you are saying Saddam Hussein did it? You are pathetic.
Nuke Mecca! Let's see if Muslims want to make their pilgrimage to a radioactive sheet of glass.

Let's not stop there. Destroy every mosque on the planet.

Why not better send back home all the Islamic hordes? all the millions of them?

Out of Europe

That is the only way to be the Europe we all knew again.

Too many brainwashed idiots are afraid of being called racists, they'd rather be dead than be called a racist, thats the insanity of Political Correctness for you :cuckoo:

People have a phobia of offending Moslems. I don't have this phobia. You don't either.

Not just Muslims, I have no phobia and I don't give a crap who I offend, if they don't like it they can fuck off and get a Safe Space and I'll buy them some Play Doh and crayons.
That "tool" got busted for licking donuts in a bakery and when called on it, stated she hates america. You know, the land that feeds her money? Yet, she wants to lick donuts other people may eat? Thats ok with you, eh?

Fuck her.

Speaking of...over at twitter, her followers are praising that she is ok and nobody should worry cuz she is fine...and nothing about the people who died.

You wish she had died? Wow. You sick fuck.
I hear they are confirming a suicide bomber

And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

It has nothing to do with a religion, a cult might be involved however we will find out more later.

Islam is a cult, a 7th Century Satanic Death Cult. Islam also isn't just a religion, it has a strong political component to it, it's essentially designed for Infidels to either submit to it or face the sword.

Islam means to submit, it means submission to the Will of Allah.

Ta hat is why I said it had nothing to do with religion.
Ariana? who is the bitch? lol,... she is nothing..... she ain't there

somebody better will come replace her.... a conservative too!:p:D
Again -- I posed the question what religion -- any religion --- has to do with this event.
That question has zero answer.

When you have zero answer --- you don't have the right question. Premise fails.

Okay, Pogo, let's take a look at the available evidence:

1) It was a suicide bombing. They found the remains of the bomb vest and bomber where the explosion occurred.
2) It targeted children, mainly tweens and teen girls. Which consisted a majority of the audience in attendance.
3) It was most likely a response to Trump's speech urging the Islamic faith to drive out the radical element in Saudi Arabia yesterday.

Considering those three things, it smells of radical Islam, seeing as radical Islam treats women as pure garbage, and the the preferred tactics the extremists use is suicide bombing, and Trump himself has made it clear he wishes to eradicate terrorism.

Three plausible points. As is the suggestion that the timing is to coincide with Rump's travels.

But none of those factors points to a religion. Some point to a radical political group that operates in the name of religion, but then so did the aforementioned Eric Rudolph, Bobby Joe Rogers et al --- and nobody called for "nuking the Vatican". Anybody in the world can claim to operate in the name of religion. Just as I could claim to call myself a tree.

Okay, not a fair comparison --- we actually found out the identities of those Christian perps, whereas in this case we have nothing.

And yet --- on the basis of that nothing --- we've got armchair wags here who would "nuke Mecca" and wipe all mosques off the earth, on the basis of absolutely nothing but their own paranoia.

"I'm paranoid, and therefore you billion people must die".

Now THAT's terrorism. And it's fucked up thinking.
That "tool" got busted for licking donuts in a bakery and when called on it, stated she hates america. You know, the land that feeds her money? Yet, she wants to lick donuts other people may eat? Thats ok with you, eh?

Fuck her.

Speaking of...over at twitter, her followers are praising that she is ok and nobody should worry cuz she is fine...and nothing about the people who died.

You wish she had died? Wow. You sick fuck.
Idiot. Where did I exactly state in those words that I wished she would die?
To be honest..I really wouldn't give a damn if she did. So....bite me.
Dear liberals cocksuckers: They targetted a children's concert. NO fucking hashtag or anyh limp wristed liberal gesture is going to do anything other than motivate your fucking pets to do more of the same.

So, what will Trump do?

Hopefully ban any Muslim with any radical associations.

Which would be just about all of them.

There are two types of Muslims:

1. Terrorists.
2. Terrorists who haven't gotten their marching orders yet.

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