explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

I hear they are confirming a suicide bomber

And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

Oh go to hell Pogo, I mean really, please just go away.

Hey it's my gig here --- expose the fallacies. Pose questions that cannot be answered without admitting the poster only got there through fallacy.

Don't like it? Then stop posting fucking fallacies and start posting rational thought.

Tall order.

Oh and by the way ---- Google "Manchester bombing" and notice what comes up big on the sidebar --- a big bombing there in 1996. Responsibility attributed to the Provisional Irish Republican Army.

Member all that buzz demanding to know what religion the IRA followed, and pinning the act on the religion instead of the politics?

Yeah I don't either.

Again --- don't like having your simplistic fallacies exposed? Don't commit them in the first place.

You mean communists? The Official IRA were marxists...
That "tool" got busted for licking donuts in a bakery and when called on it, stated she hates america. You know, the land that feeds her money? Yet, she wants to lick donuts other people may eat? Thats ok with you, eh?

Fuck her.

Speaking of...over at twitter, her followers are praising that she is ok and nobody should worry cuz she is fine...and nothing about the people who died.

You wish she had died? Wow. You sick fuck.
Idiot. Where did I exactly state in those words that I wished she would die?
To be honest..I really wouldn't give a damn if she did. So....bite me.
You are pissed at her fans for being glad that she's alive. And you have expressed an almost jihadist-like hatred for her and her family.

You are serving as an excellent example of the typical Trump supporter.
And your reading comprehension pretty much sucks.
I commented on her fans praising her as safe yet no word about the many who DIED while there. Hello?? Anyone home, McFly?
Oh her fans are supposed to have a prepared statement about the attack? Maybe they should be posting about how she and her family are stupid instead, like you have been. :rolleyes:

oh her fans????????? ohhh really??

LOL too funny for words!:laugh:

fan fan fan fuck her fans

LOL what?:laugh:

Every Mosque should be raided, nobody knows what is happening in these Mosques, what we do know is that many Imans have preached hatred of the West and preached the honour of what they refer to as Martyrdom or what we call suicide attacks.

I don't approve of this. No. Most certainly not. This would go against the very fabric of what our nation was founded upon.
I hear they are confirming a suicide bomber

And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

It has nothing to do with a religion, a cult might be involved however we will find out more later.
It is a religious act based on a twisted view of Islam.

To ignore that is just dumb. Just like the nuts who attack planned parenthood based on their view of how they perceive God's word about life.

ALL RELIGIONS are a poison to the earth imo but Islam is by far the most evil.

It's not a "twisted view" of Islam, it is Islam pure and simple. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were appalled by the Muslim terrorist pirates they had to deal with because they claimed they had a right to raid ships, and that right was given to them by the Quran.
You wish she had died? Wow. You sick fuck.
Idiot. Where did I exactly state in those words that I wished she would die?
To be honest..I really wouldn't give a damn if she did. So....bite me.
You are pissed at her fans for being glad that she's alive. And you have expressed an almost jihadist-like hatred for her and her family.

You are serving as an excellent example of the typical Trump supporter.
And your reading comprehension pretty much sucks.
I commented on her fans praising her as safe yet no word about the many who DIED while there. Hello?? Anyone home, McFly?
Oh her fans are supposed to have a prepared statement about the attack? Maybe they should be posting about how she and her family are stupid instead, like you have been. :rolleyes:

oh her fans????????? ohhh really??

LOL too funny for words!:laugh:

fan fan fan fuck her fans

LOL what?:laugh:

Wow look at you saying fuck you to a lot of dead people tonight. Congratulations.
But none of those factors points to a religion. Some point to a radical political group that operates in the name of religion, but then so did the aforementioned Eric Rudolph, Bobby Joe Rogers et al --- and nobody called for "nuking the Vatican". Anybody in the world can claim to operate in the name of religion. Just as I could claim to call myself a tree.

Pogo, I'm not saying that. I don't advocate for the eradication of a religion based on their radical elements. The reality is these terrorists worship a warped and twisted version of Islam. No other faith. There's no denying that.

"Nuke them all" is an emotional argument at best. Pretty childish IMHO.

Zackly, thank you. And related to this I've pointed out nobody said "nuke the Vatican" based on Eric Rudolph's warped and twisted version of Christianism -- exactly the same thing.

That is, it would be the same thing, if we knew for a fact that the perpetrator was what's described above, as we know about Rudolph. Actually we don't know that, it's entirely speculation. But the bloodthirsty are ready to drink the blood of innocents based on exactly that--- speculation. And worse -- it's their own speculation.
Again -- I posed the question what religion -- any religion --- has to do with this event.
That question has zero answer.

When you have zero answer --- you don't have the right question. Premise fails.

Okay, Pogo, let's take a look at the available evidence:

1) It was a suicide bombing. They found the remains of the bomb vest and bomber where the explosion occurred.
2) It targeted children, mainly tweens and teen girls. Which consisted a majority of the audience in attendance.
3) It was most likely a response to Trump's speech urging the Islamic faith to drive out the radical element in Saudi Arabia yesterday.

Considering those three things, it smells of radical Islam, seeing as radical Islam treats women as pure garbage, and the the preferred tactics the extremists use is suicide bombing, and Trump himself has made it clear he wishes to eradicate terrorism.

Three plausible points. As is the suggestion that the timing is to coincide with Rump's travels.

But none of those factors points to a religion. Some point to a radical political group that operates in the name of religion, but then so did the aforementioned Eric Rudolph, Bobby Joe Rogers et al --- and nobody called for "nuking the Vatican". Anybody in the world can claim to operate in the name of religion. Just as I could claim to call myself a tree.

Okay, not a fair comparison --- we actually found out the identities of those Christian perps, whereas in this case we have nothing.

And yet --- on the basis of that nothing --- we've got armchair wags here who would "nuke Mecca" and wipe all mosques off the earth, on the basis of absolutely nothing but their own paranoia.

"I'm paranoid, and therefore you billion people must die".

Now THAT's terrorism. And it's fucked up thinking.

We have an addendum to the above aside from the paranoia angle:

Every Mosque should be raided, nobody knows what is happening in these Mosques

Got that? "Every mosque should be raided" on the bases that "nobody knows what's going on in there".
There's a rationality train wreck for ya.

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay. The above was followed IMMEDIATELY by this:

what we do know is that many Imans have preached hatred of the West

Following all this? "Nobody knows what's going on in there but meanwhile here's what we know that's going on in there".

Your silly debate of semantics is amusing to me. You thought you had a big gotcha-moment when she said "no one knows what's going on in there". You're taking her a little too literally, retard. :laugh:
I hear they are confirming a suicide bomber

And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

It has nothing to do with a religion, a cult might be involved however we will find out more later.
It is a religious act based on a twisted view of Islam.

To ignore that is just dumb. Just like the nuts who attack planned parenthood based on their view of how they perceive God's word about life.

ALL RELIGIONS are a poison to the earth imo but Islam is by far the most evil.

It's not a "twisted view" of Islam, it is Islam pure and simple. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were appalled by the Muslim terrorist pirates they had to deal with because they claimed they had a right to raid ships, and that right was given to them by the Quran.
I don't care what you call it. It is religious dogma gone wrong.
Let's not stop there. Destroy every mosque on the planet.

Why not better send back home all the Islamic hordes? all the millions of them?

Out of Europe

That is the only way to be the Europe we all knew again.

Too many brainwashed idiots are afraid of being called racists, they'd rather be dead than be called a racist, thats the insanity of Political Correctness for you :cuckoo:

People have a phobia of offending Moslems. I don't have this phobia. You don't either.

Not just Muslims, I have no phobia and I don't give a crap who I offend, if they don't like it they can fuck off and get a Safe Space and I'll buy them some Play Doh and crayons.

No, you don't have a phobia. A "phobia" is an irrational fear. There is nothing irrational about fearing Islam.

I don't even have a phobia, I don't FEAR Islam, I HATE Islam, I'm not afraid of it, I hate it.

It's not compatible with Western values, it's the only religion that hasn't adapted for the contemporary times, Christianity has modernised, Judaism has modernised, Islam is still as it was when it was vomited up in the 7th Century by the Paedophile Mohammed.

Many Muslims in the West might dress in Western type clothing, except for the women who are basically just treated lower down the social scale than a dog, but many of the Muslim men in the West might dress in Western type clothing but their minds are in the 7th Century thanks to the brainwashing they get from The Qur'an, where they are taught to emulate the Paedophile Mohammed who is considered in Islam The Ideal Man who they should emulate.

Why should any of us LIKE Islam when Islam preaches that we Infidels either have to submit to the Will of Allah or face the sword?
Idiot. Where did I exactly state in those words that I wished she would die?
To be honest..I really wouldn't give a damn if she did. So....bite me.
You are pissed at her fans for being glad that she's alive. And you have expressed an almost jihadist-like hatred for her and her family.

You are serving as an excellent example of the typical Trump supporter.
And your reading comprehension pretty much sucks.
I commented on her fans praising her as safe yet no word about the many who DIED while there. Hello?? Anyone home, McFly?
Oh her fans are supposed to have a prepared statement about the attack? Maybe they should be posting about how she and her family are stupid instead, like you have been. :rolleyes:

oh her fans????????? ohhh really??

LOL too funny for words!:laugh:

fan fan fan fuck her fans

LOL what?:laugh:

Wow look at you saying fuck you to a lot of dead people tonight. Congratulations.

what did Ariana died in the terrorist attack???
Again -- I posed the question what religion -- any religion --- has to do with this event.
That question has zero answer.

When you have zero answer --- you don't have the right question. Premise fails.

Okay, Pogo, let's take a look at the available evidence:

1) It was a suicide bombing. They found the remains of the bomb vest and bomber where the explosion occurred.
2) It targeted children, mainly tweens and teen girls. Which consisted a majority of the audience in attendance.
3) It was most likely a response to Trump's speech urging the Islamic faith to drive out the radical element in Saudi Arabia yesterday.

Considering those three things, it smells of radical Islam, seeing as radical Islam treats women as pure garbage, and the the preferred tactics the extremists use is suicide bombing, and Trump himself has made it clear he wishes to eradicate terrorism.

Three plausible points. As is the suggestion that the timing is to coincide with Rump's travels.

But none of those factors points to a religion. Some point to a radical political group that operates in the name of religion, but then so did the aforementioned Eric Rudolph, Bobby Joe Rogers et al --- and nobody called for "nuking the Vatican". Anybody in the world can claim to operate in the name of religion. Just as I could claim to call myself a tree.

Okay, not a fair comparison --- we actually found out the identities of those Christian perps, whereas in this case we have nothing.

And yet --- on the basis of that nothing --- we've got armchair wags here who would "nuke Mecca" and wipe all mosques off the earth, on the basis of absolutely nothing but their own paranoia.

"I'm paranoid, and therefore you billion people must die".

Now THAT's terrorism. And it's fucked up thinking.

We have an addendum to the above aside from the paranoia angle:

Every Mosque should be raided, nobody knows what is happening in these Mosques

Got that? "Every mosque should be raided" on the bases that "nobody knows what's going on in there".
There's a rationality train wreck for ya.

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay. The above was followed IMMEDIATELY by this:

what we do know is that many Imans have preached hatred of the West

Following all this? "Nobody knows what's going on in there but meanwhile here's what we know that's going on in there".

Your silly debate of semantics is amusing to me. You thought you had a big gotcha-moment when she said "no one knows what's going on in there". You're taking her a little too literally, retard. :laugh:
Pogo is one of the bigger asshats on this forum. Best just to put him on ignore
Why not better send back home all the Islamic hordes? all the millions of them?

Out of Europe

That is the only way to be the Europe we all knew again.

Too many brainwashed idiots are afraid of being called racists, they'd rather be dead than be called a racist, thats the insanity of Political Correctness for you :cuckoo:

People have a phobia of offending Moslems. I don't have this phobia. You don't either.

Not just Muslims, I have no phobia and I don't give a crap who I offend, if they don't like it they can fuck off and get a Safe Space and I'll buy them some Play Doh and crayons.

No, you don't have a phobia. A "phobia" is an irrational fear. There is nothing irrational about fearing Islam.

I don't even have a phobia, I don't FEAR Islam, I HATE Islam, I'm not afraid of it, I hate it.

It's not compatible with Western values, it's the only religion that hasn't adapted for the contemporary times, Christianity has modernised, Judaism has modernised, Islam is still as it was when it was vomited up in the 7th Century by the Paedophile Mohammed.

Many Muslims in the West might dress in Western type clothing, except for the women who are basically just treated lower down the social scale than a dog, but many of the Muslim men in the West might dress in Western type clothing but their minds are in the 7th Century thanks to the brainwashing they get from The Qur'an, where they are taught to emulate the Paedophile Mohammed who is considered in Islam The Ideal Man who they should emulate.

Why should any of us LIKE Islam when Islam preaches that we Infidels either have to submit to the Will of Allah or face the sword?

And how many westerners are compatible with "western values"?

I don't like Islam, and I don't like Christianity, but if someone wants to believe some fairy story or other I'm not going to stop them.

However there are plenty of people all over who wouldn't live up to "western values", take gay marriage in the US, how many oppose this because of their religion?
And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

It has nothing to do with a religion, a cult might be involved however we will find out more later.
It is a religious act based on a twisted view of Islam.

To ignore that is just dumb. Just like the nuts who attack planned parenthood based on their view of how they perceive God's word about life.

ALL RELIGIONS are a poison to the earth imo but Islam is by far the most evil.

It's not a "twisted view" of Islam, it is Islam pure and simple. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were appalled by the Muslim terrorist pirates they had to deal with because they claimed they had a right to raid ships, and that right was given to them by the Quran.
I don't care what you call it. It is religious dogma gone wrong.

Exactly the whole thing is fucked up, Islam is all fucked up and the reason why Islam is the only religion that hasn't modernised is because the Word of the Paedophile Mohammed cannot be modified, his word is it, if anyone even suggested from within that Islam should modernise they'd probably get their head hacked off by the fanatics.
WOW! Is it true that they were not checking people going into the show?! That's a huge story one and two Kansas had to cancel their tour in Europe because it was not deemed safe! If this is so about security being non-existant then Ariana and whoever runs the show have a bunch to answer for! The level of incompetence and arrogance!
Again -- I posed the question what religion -- any religion --- has to do with this event.
That question has zero answer.

When you have zero answer --- you don't have the right question. Premise fails.

Okay, Pogo, let's take a look at the available evidence:

1) It was a suicide bombing. They found the remains of the bomb vest and bomber where the explosion occurred.
2) It targeted children, mainly tweens and teen girls. Which consisted a majority of the audience in attendance.
3) It was most likely a response to Trump's speech urging the Islamic faith to drive out the radical element in Saudi Arabia yesterday.

Considering those three things, it smells of radical Islam, seeing as radical Islam treats women as pure garbage, and the the preferred tactics the extremists use is suicide bombing, and Trump himself has made it clear he wishes to eradicate terrorism.

Three plausible points. As is the suggestion that the timing is to coincide with Rump's travels.

But none of those factors points to a religion. Some point to a radical political group that operates in the name of religion, but then so did the aforementioned Eric Rudolph, Bobby Joe Rogers et al --- and nobody called for "nuking the Vatican". Anybody in the world can claim to operate in the name of religion. Just as I could claim to call myself a tree.

Okay, not a fair comparison --- we actually found out the identities of those Christian perps, whereas in this case we have nothing.

And yet --- on the basis of that nothing --- we've got armchair wags here who would "nuke Mecca" and wipe all mosques off the earth, on the basis of absolutely nothing but their own paranoia.

"I'm paranoid, and therefore you billion people must die".

Now THAT's terrorism. And it's fucked up thinking.

We have an addendum to the above aside from the paranoia angle:

Every Mosque should be raided, nobody knows what is happening in these Mosques

Got that? "Every mosque should be raided" on the bases that "nobody knows what's going on in there".
There's a rationality train wreck for ya.

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay. The above was followed IMMEDIATELY by this:

what we do know is that many Imans have preached hatred of the West

Following all this? "Nobody knows what's going on in there but meanwhile here's what we know that's going on in there".

Your silly debate of semantics is amusing to me. You thought you had a big gotcha-moment when she said "no one knows what's going on in there". You're taking her a little too literally, retard. :laugh:

You mean, I caught her in a contradiction.

It's OK. She knows.

That's because she posted out of emotion, before thinking it through.
Lot o' that going around.
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