explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

It has nothing to do with a religion, a cult might be involved however we will find out more later.
It is a religious act based on a twisted view of Islam.

To ignore that is just dumb. Just like the nuts who attack planned parenthood based on their view of how they perceive God's word about life.

ALL RELIGIONS are a poison to the earth imo but Islam is by far the most evil.

It's not a "twisted view" of Islam, it is Islam pure and simple. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were appalled by the Muslim terrorist pirates they had to deal with because they claimed they had a right to raid ships, and that right was given to them by the Quran.

And don't Americans think they have the right to invade any country they like? "Oh, this leader's sitting on top of lots of oil, and he killed a few people, so let's invade and pretend we're the world's police, but over there, that African country has no oil and is massacring its people, fuck it, we don't want to get involved, we're not the world's police you know"
Fuck you and your equivalency bullshit.
When was the last time America invaded anyone then made a b line for the nearest gathering of children in an attempt to kill them?

Fucking scumbag

Three months ago?

Just a guess, I don't really track this shit.
It was a suicide bomber, no matter how great you are at borders, you can't contain this type of terroristic behavior. God's speed to those who were injured.
Too many brainwashed idiots are afraid of being called racists, they'd rather be dead than be called a racist, thats the insanity of Political Correctness for you :cuckoo:

People have a phobia of offending Moslems. I don't have this phobia. You don't either.

Not just Muslims, I have no phobia and I don't give a crap who I offend, if they don't like it they can fuck off and get a Safe Space and I'll buy them some Play Doh and crayons.

No, you don't have a phobia. A "phobia" is an irrational fear. There is nothing irrational about fearing Islam.

I don't even have a phobia, I don't FEAR Islam, I HATE Islam, I'm not afraid of it, I hate it.

It's not compatible with Western values, it's the only religion that hasn't adapted for the contemporary times, Christianity has modernised, Judaism has modernised, Islam is still as it was when it was vomited up in the 7th Century by the Paedophile Mohammed.

Many Muslims in the West might dress in Western type clothing, except for the women who are basically just treated lower down the social scale than a dog, but many of the Muslim men in the West might dress in Western type clothing but their minds are in the 7th Century thanks to the brainwashing they get from The Qur'an, where they are taught to emulate the Paedophile Mohammed who is considered in Islam The Ideal Man who they should emulate.

Why should any of us LIKE Islam when Islam preaches that we Infidels either have to submit to the Will of Allah or face the sword?

And how many westerners are compatible with "western values"?

I don't like Islam, and I don't like Christianity, but if someone wants to believe some fairy story or other I'm not going to stop them.

However there are plenty of people all over who wouldn't live up to "western values", take gay marriage in the US, how many oppose this because of their religion?

Another diversion trying to shift blame.
Why should any of us LIKE Islam when Islam preaches that we Infidels either have to submit to the Will of Allah or face the sword?

Nice. A Double Strawman in a single sentence. :eusa_dance:

It's not a strawman you idiot.

That's what Islam means "submission to the Will of Allah"

Everyone Google Islam Meaning and see what you get, it means Submission.

Not that part --- :lmao: the rest of it.

EVERY religion means "submission". Religion itself means "we tie you up".
Why should any of us LIKE Islam when Islam preaches that we Infidels either have to submit to the Will of Allah or face the sword?

Nice. A Double Strawman in a single sentence. :eusa_dance:

It's not a strawman you idiot.

That's what Islam means "submission to the Will of Allah"

Everyone Google Islam Meaning and see what you get, it means Submission.

Not that part --- :lmao: the rest of it.

EVERY religion means "submission". Religion itself means "we tie you up".

Every religion doesn't mean Submission, the word Islam itself means Submission.
My sympathies to the families,some are about to have the worst day of their lives. I'm listening to a tearful mother still looking for her daughter. Her daughters friend was found in the hospital but they still haven't found her daughter. :cry:
We have an addendum to the above aside from the paranoia angle:

Got that? "Every mosque should be raided" on the bases that "nobody knows what's going on in there".
There's a rationality train wreck for ya.

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay. The above was followed IMMEDIATELY by this:

Following all this? "Nobody knows what's going on in there but meanwhile here's what we know that's going on in there".

Your silly debate of semantics is amusing to me. You thought you had a big gotcha-moment when she said "no one knows what's going on in there". You're taking her a little too literally, retard. :laugh:

You mean, I caught here in a contradiction.

It's OK. She knows.

That's because she posted out of emotion, before thinking it through.
Lot o' that going around.
Doubling down on stupid just means you are twice as dumb as we originally thought.

Doubling down on ad hom just demonstrates you can't handle the rationality.

The thing is --- I already knew that. That's why I wasn't addressing you in the first place.


Forget about tissues I think you need some Play Doh :smoke:


Vielen dank, liebchen. I still have some left from last year..

My sympathies to the families,some are about to have the worst day of their lives. I'm listening to a tearful mother still looking for her daughter. Her daughters friend was found in the hospital but they still haven't found her daughter. :cry:

Also there will be parents who might have been already in the bed and asleep, so they won't know that this horrific event has happened and when they wake up this is what shock and nightmare they wake to.
Anyway...the Grande's are not the nicest people. Her brother Frankie (you can youtube him if you can hold back the vomit) said on national tv that two houseguests in the game should rape another houseguest that admitted she was a virgin...and "take ALL her virginity in one shot". In short..anal and vaginally.

Nice guy, eh?
My sympathies to the families,some are about to have the worst day of their lives. I'm listening to a tearful mother still looking for her daughter. Her daughters friend was found in the hospital but they still haven't found her daughter. :cry:
Is the friend named Adam? And her name is Olivia? I saw it on twitter. People are retweeting it and hoping to find her.
Your silly debate of semantics is amusing to me. You thought you had a big gotcha-moment when she said "no one knows what's going on in there". You're taking her a little too literally, retard. :laugh:

You mean, I caught here in a contradiction.

It's OK. She knows.

That's because she posted out of emotion, before thinking it through.
Lot o' that going around.
Doubling down on stupid just means you are twice as dumb as we originally thought.

Doubling down on ad hom just demonstrates you can't handle the rationality.

The thing is --- I already knew that. That's why I wasn't addressing you in the first place.


Forget about tissues I think you need some Play Doh :smoke:


Vielen dank, liebchen. I still have some left from last year..

Oh. You mean like cops that just shot some kids father for beating the mother and the cops pull a teddy bear out of their trunk? Sorta like that?
Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

It has nothing to do with a religion, a cult might be involved however we will find out more later.
It is a religious act based on a twisted view of Islam.

To ignore that is just dumb. Just like the nuts who attack planned parenthood based on their view of how they perceive God's word about life.

ALL RELIGIONS are a poison to the earth imo but Islam is by far the most evil.

It's not a "twisted view" of Islam, it is Islam pure and simple. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were appalled by the Muslim terrorist pirates they had to deal with because they claimed they had a right to raid ships, and that right was given to them by the Quran.

And don't Americans think they have the right to invade any country they like? "Oh, this leader's sitting on top of lots of oil, and he killed a few people, so let's invade and pretend we're the world's police, but over there, that African country has no oil and is massacring its people, fuck it, we don't want to get involved, we're not the world's police you know"

Then why haven't we invaded every oil rich nation?

Because Canada's bigger than us?

Just a guess.
Whomever set up Grande's show should be sued. No checking of those entering. No anything. Just saunter in and pull a string and BAM!!! Hell, she is worth 35 mil. Why not? Maybe she will lick donuts or scones in England and state she hates the British.
You mean, I caught here in a contradiction.

It's OK. She knows.

That's because she posted out of emotion, before thinking it through.
Lot o' that going around.
Doubling down on stupid just means you are twice as dumb as we originally thought.

Doubling down on ad hom just demonstrates you can't handle the rationality.

The thing is --- I already knew that. That's why I wasn't addressing you in the first place.


Forget about tissues I think you need some Play Doh :smoke:


Vielen dank, liebchen. I still have some left from last year..

Oh. You mean like cops that just shot some kids father for beating the mother and the cops pull a teddy bear out of their trunk? Sorta like that?

This new USMB Non Sequitur forum is da bomb. No pun intended.
the "idiots" in Fox say this appear to have the hallmarks of terrorism?

c'mon give us a break will you?

appear my ass
My sympathies to the families,some are about to have the worst day of their lives. I'm listening to a tearful mother still looking for her daughter. Her daughters friend was found in the hospital but they still haven't found her daughter. :cry:
Is the friend named Adam? And her name is Olivia? I saw it on twitter. People are retweeting it and hoping to find her.
The girls name is Olivia, her mother was on BBC. Still haven't found her. As a mother I can't imagine her agony right now but it must be absolute hell.

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