explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

It is a religious act based on a twisted view of Islam.

To ignore that is just dumb. Just like the nuts who attack planned parenthood based on their view of how they perceive God's word about life.

ALL RELIGIONS are a poison to the earth imo but Islam is by far the most evil.

It's not a "twisted view" of Islam, it is Islam pure and simple. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were appalled by the Muslim terrorist pirates they had to deal with because they claimed they had a right to raid ships, and that right was given to them by the Quran.

And don't Americans think they have the right to invade any country they like? "Oh, this leader's sitting on top of lots of oil, and he killed a few people, so let's invade and pretend we're the world's police, but over there, that African country has no oil and is massacring its people, fuck it, we don't want to get involved, we're not the world's police you know"

Then why haven't we invaded every oil rich nation?

Because some of them do what the US want them to do. Others, like Venezuela, the US has tried to get rid of the leaders through coup d'etats, simply because they know they wouldn't win in the jungle.

There are 12 OPEC countries. (Sorry, there are 13, Gabon came from somewhere and is back in OPEC as of last year)

The US likes its OPEC members to pump out oil.

Number one in oil pumping is Saudi Arabia. Friend of the US (in front of the US's face).

The country that produces the least is Gabon, but then they're a small country with the smallest proven oil reserves (eight times less than the next country).

Anyway, in 1999 Hugo Chavez had a plan, he got OPEC countries leaders together to control oil prices, that's what they do, they're a cartel. The US didn't like this. OPEC coming together means that oil prices rise and the US imports even now at least half of all the oil needed. That means the US suffers.

So a coup d'etat against Chavez so they could get some US friendly leader pumping oil out again. The US spent quite a bit of money getting this going, and it failed.

So what next? Well, Iraq. The initial invasion saw a drop in oil production, but now Iraq is a fully functioning puppet of the US, it's the second largest oil producer in OPEC. It's also the 4th largest in the world.


As you can see Iraq was willing to drop oil prices from around 2001 onwards, meaning the US wanted to change this situation.


Libya also saw a drop from around 2000 in oil production for a short time. The Iraq War changed that.


Iran also dropped oil prices around this time. The US hasn't invaded Iran because the US doesn't think it could win in the manner it would need to, and because Iraq was still a mess at the end of Bush's era, and Obama wasn't going to invade. Sanctions then.

So, four OPEC countries didn't like the US in 2000, one had a Coup d'etat against its leader ultimately fail, one was invaded, one was bombed and the leader deposed and the other has seen hefty sanctions against it.


So Chavez had a plot to wage economic war against the US, and you're outraged we may have taken a response to that. He was a far left loon that took his Presidency and made it into a dictatorship. And here you are taking his side. You lefties have always been admirers and cheerleaders for socialist and communist dictatorships and leaders: Chavez, Castro, Che Guevara, Mao, and more.

Does anyone know what Venezuela and Iraqi oil production have to do with Islamist Terrorist attacks in Western nations?

Thought not.
It is a religious act based on a twisted view of Islam.

To ignore that is just dumb. Just like the nuts who attack planned parenthood based on their view of how they perceive God's word about life.

ALL RELIGIONS are a poison to the earth imo but Islam is by far the most evil.

It's not a "twisted view" of Islam, it is Islam pure and simple. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were appalled by the Muslim terrorist pirates they had to deal with because they claimed they had a right to raid ships, and that right was given to them by the Quran.

And don't Americans think they have the right to invade any country they like? "Oh, this leader's sitting on top of lots of oil, and he killed a few people, so let's invade and pretend we're the world's police, but over there, that African country has no oil and is massacring its people, fuck it, we don't want to get involved, we're not the world's police you know"

Then why haven't we invaded every oil rich nation?

Because Canada's bigger than us?

Just a guess.
What a terrible guess. Why are you always wrong? Even a broken watch is right twice every day.

When I was in Texas for six months I heard some people say that even a blind chicken sometimes gets a piece of corn. Americans are weird, nice but....weird :smoke:

I like Texas and Texans though :thup:
Where does the original report of balloons popping rank among the all-time silliest "nothing to see here, folks" Islamic extremism coverups? Could it be #1?

The bomb was not detonated in the arena. There was no smoke or flames seen in the hall. An announcement came over the sound system to be calm, that the sound may have been balloons bursting.
It greatly resembles our current crop of so-called journalists.

Today's journalists, rather than being the first with a VERIFIED STORY, they simply want to be the first with "anything" and hope for the best.
Islamic scum already celebrating......Europe has submitted scum celebrates.....

Islamic State supporters celebrate Manchester attack online, no official claim

Didn't Americans celebrate the invasion of Iraq, and chaos that ensued?

No, Americans did not "celebrate" going to war in Iraq.


No one was look "hooorahh we're going to war"? I doubt that very much. Problem is sites like this don't go back that far.
The Muslim apologists are out in force, tweeting crap like "Muslim taxi drivers are offering free rides", and "Muslim doctors working hard to save lives tonight".

As i have stated many times before, the left will only dig its heels in more every time there is a terror attack. The far left is with Islam 100%, and always will be. The destruction of white, Christian, capitalist West is priority number one, and Islam is the best vehicle for that route.
Islamic scum already celebrating......Europe has submitted scum celebrates.....

Islamic State supporters celebrate Manchester attack online, no official claim

Didn't Americans celebrate the invasion of Iraq, and chaos that ensued?

No, Americans did not "celebrate" going to war in Iraq.

Who in their right mind would celebrate going to war?
Ammunition makers, for one.
Islamic scum already celebrating......Europe has submitted scum celebrates.....

Islamic State supporters celebrate Manchester attack online, no official claim

Didn't Americans celebrate the invasion of Iraq, and chaos that ensued?

No, Americans did not "celebrate" going to war in Iraq.

Who in their right mind would celebrate going to war?

The key phrase of course being, "in their right mind".

I still recall a newspaper front-page splash in big bold letters saying,


-- this was immediately after the (first) Iraq war.

"Miller Time" was an advertising slogan of the time (for a beer*) -- it meant something along the lines of, you put in a hard day's work, you got the job done, now it's time to sit back and relax with a beer*. It was disgusting.

(*"beer" in this sense meaning that warm-piss footwash that those wimps in Wisconsin laughingly call 'beer')
Islamic scum already celebrating......Europe has submitted scum celebrates.....

Islamic State supporters celebrate Manchester attack online, no official claim

Didn't Americans celebrate the invasion of Iraq, and chaos that ensued?

No, Americans did not "celebrate" going to war in Iraq.

Who in their right mind would celebrate going to war?
Ammunition makers, for one.

Yep, and all the various toymakers Eisenhower warned about. General Electric..... Raytheon.... Bell Helicopter...

Fatalities reported!

I see we have our usual same collection of low IQ Leftist Trolls who always inhabit these types of threads with drive by gibberish one word comments.

Also some of our usual Leftist Islamist Apologists who seem to be on Stand By just waiting for these type of threads.

Fuck them.

To address the harrowing nature of the OP, all I'll comment is that we pray for those who are suffering at this time of grief, and also pray that those who left this fucked-up planet today are now safe in Our Lords Beautiful Kingdom having been welcomed into His arms.

What else was I going to comment? Oh yes thats right:

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Prophet Mohammed. Rot in Hell.

Rot in hell indeed!

The lowest of the low targeting Soft Targets, again children and teenagers at a music venue. Similar happening to what occurred in Paris at the Bataclan Theatre in November 2015.
Russia had similar incident in a theater about 3 years ago. Yep was a Muzzy group
Yes I checked my data file and about 4 years ago a group of Muzzys attacked a Russian Theater in Moscow. They stabed and shot 73 people before the Russian Police fogged the place with knockout gas, that was en error the police killed about 44 people.

Fatalities reported!

I see we have our usual same collection of low IQ Leftist Trolls who always inhabit these types of threads with drive by gibberish one word comments.

Also some of our usual Leftist Islamist Apologists who seem to be on Stand By just waiting for these type of threads.

Fuck them.

To address the harrowing nature of the OP, all I'll comment is that we pray for those who are suffering at this time of grief, and also pray that those who left this fucked-up planet today are now safe in Our Lords Beautiful Kingdom having been welcomed into His arms.

What else was I going to comment? Oh yes thats right:

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Prophet Mohammed. Rot in Hell.

Rot in hell indeed!

The lowest of the low targeting Soft Targets, again children and teenagers at a music venue. Similar happening to what occurred in Paris at the Bataclan Theatre in November 2015.
Russia had similar incident in a theater about 3 years ago. Yep was a Muzzy group
Yes I checked my data file and about 4 years ago a group of Muzzys attacked a Russian Theater in Moscow. They stabed and shot 73 people before the Russian Police fogged the place with knockout gas, that was en error the police killed about 44 people.

I remember that ...it was horrible!:(
I see we have our usual same collection of low IQ Leftist Trolls who always inhabit these types of threads with drive by gibberish one word comments.

Also some of our usual Leftist Islamist Apologists who seem to be on Stand By just waiting for these type of threads.

Fuck them.

To address the harrowing nature of the OP, all I'll comment is that we pray for those who are suffering at this time of grief, and also pray that those who left this fucked-up planet today are now safe in Our Lords Beautiful Kingdom having been welcomed into His arms.

What else was I going to comment? Oh yes thats right:

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Prophet Mohammed. Rot in Hell.

Rot in hell indeed!

The lowest of the low targeting Soft Targets, again children and teenagers at a music venue. Similar happening to what occurred in Paris at the Bataclan Theatre in November 2015.
Russia had similar incident in a theater about 3 years ago. Yep was a Muzzy group
Yes I checked my data file and about 4 years ago a group of Muzzys attacked a Russian Theater in Moscow. They stabed and shot 73 people before the Russian Police fogged the place with knockout gas, that was en error the police killed about 44 people.

I remember that ...it was horrible!:(
The thing that worry s me the most is a attack like the movie "Black Sunday" where a football game is the target blimp is useh
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Not a find an excuse for the terrorists, but invading Iraq, Afghanistan, distabilizing others created this chaos.
Not a find an excuse for the terrorists, but invading Iraq, Afghanistan, distabilizing others created this chaos.
No. Drones believing there are 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven..prolly 10 year old virgins at that..and male...are the ones that create this chaos.
Let's be serious...bombings and invasions will make matters worse.
Isis do recruit and brainwash easily when there is an invasion or agression on a Muslim country. They can't brainwash 1.5 billion Muslims but the few crazies do make too much noise.

Not a find an excuse for the terrorists, but invading Iraq, Afghanistan, distabilizing others created this chaos.
No. Drones believing there are 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven..prolly 10 year old virgins at that..and male...are the ones that create this chaos.
Last edited:
The Muslim apologists are out in force, tweeting crap like "Muslim taxi drivers are offering free rides", and "Muslim doctors working hard to save lives tonight".

As i have stated many times before, the left will only dig its heels in more every time there is a terror attack. The far left is with Islam 100%, and always will be. The destruction of white, Christian, capitalist West is priority number one, and Islam is the best vehicle for that route.

And those who demand that everyone follow their policies otherwise they'll sling insults at them are out in an even larger force today.

No, the left isn't 100% with Islam, it's 100% with sensible and not being the schoolyard bully. You can justify your bullying as much as you want, but it's still bullying.
I see we have our usual same collection of low IQ Leftist Trolls who always inhabit these types of threads with drive by gibberish one word comments.

Also some of our usual Leftist Islamist Apologists who seem to be on Stand By just waiting for these type of threads.

Fuck them.

To address the harrowing nature of the OP, all I'll comment is that we pray for those who are suffering at this time of grief, and also pray that those who left this fucked-up planet today are now safe in Our Lords Beautiful Kingdom having been welcomed into His arms.

What else was I going to comment? Oh yes thats right:

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Prophet Mohammed. Rot in Hell.

Rot in hell indeed!

The lowest of the low targeting Soft Targets, again children and teenagers at a music venue. Similar happening to what occurred in Paris at the Bataclan Theatre in November 2015.
Russia had similar incident in a theater about 3 years ago. Yep was a Muzzy group
Yes I checked my data file and about 4 years ago a group of Muzzys attacked a Russian Theater in Moscow. They stabed and shot 73 people before the Russian Police fogged the place with knockout gas, that was en error the police killed about 44 people.

I remember that ...it was horrible!:(

Do you know what happened before this? Well, the Russians turn Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, into something that looked like Stalingrad 1942. These things don't just happen. They often happen because govts treat people like shit, and the people fight back.

In the US they have the "Second Amendment people", the people who say the govt can't walk all over them otherwise they'll use their guns. But they'll demand THEIR govt does this to OTHER PEOPLE.
Let's be serious...bombings and invasions will make matters worse.
Isis do recruit and brainwash easily when there is an invasion or agression on a Muslim country. They can't brainwash 1.5 billion Muslims but the few crazies do make too much noise.

Not a find an excuse for the terrorists, but invading Iraq, Afghanistan, distabilizing others created this chaos.
No. Drones believing there are 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven..prolly 10 year old virgins at that..and male...are the ones that create this chaos.

I am being serious. And it looks to me like 1.5 billion are being brainwashed daily. Whether there is aggression or not...muslims will still want their sharia law, treat women like chattel, etc etc etc.

Its a warped religion and it teaches infidels and heathens that don't go along with their warped views, deserve to die.

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