explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

I agree we should all stand up to terrorism....
Bullying other countries and changing regimes and create safe heavens for terrorist groups. None existed when Gaddafi was in lybia, right? Saddam, right?
And let's not forget who aided alQaeda against the USSR and he who financed ISIS at first in Syria.

The Muslim apologists are out in force, tweeting crap like "Muslim taxi drivers are offering free rides", and "Muslim doctors working hard to save lives tonight".

As i have stated many times before, the left will only dig its heels in more every time there is a terror attack. The far left is with Islam 100%, and always will be. The destruction of white, Christian, capitalist West is priority number one, and Islam is the best vehicle for that route.

And those who demand that everyone follow their policies otherwise they'll sling insults at them are out in an even larger force today.

No, the left isn't 100% with Islam, it's 100% with sensible and not being the schoolyard bully. You can justify your bullying as much as you want, but it's still bullying.

There are no bigger bullies than Islamists, although perhaps progressives are a close second.

Everyone should stand up against bullies and hatred, which is why we should all stand against Pisslam.
Wrong wrong and wrong.
Most of us Muslims assimilate just fine, love live and let live. This craziness has too many factors one big one is the interference of world powers in muslim countries.

Iraq was very stable under Saddam, no Isis no chaos, they toppled him and hell break loose.
The west want cheap oil they back puppets and invade countries and they help isis when it's necessary and create a good atmosphere to recruit and brainwash the crazies.
Most of us Muslims we just want to work, take care of our families and enjoy life ad much as we can. No one is craving to me a Virgin in after life but a mental p weer son and those are probably 0.0001%. Just like any other group or religion.

Let's be serious...bombings and invasions will make matters worse.
Isis do recruit and brainwash easily when there is an invasion or agression on a Muslim country. They can't brainwash 1.5 billion Muslims but the few crazies do make too much noise.

Not a find an excuse for the terrorists, but invading Iraq, Afghanistan, distabilizing others created this chaos.
No. Drones believing there are 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven..prolly 10 year old virgins at that..and male...are the ones that create this chaos.

I am being serious. And it looks to me like 1.5 billion are being brainwashed daily. Whether there is aggression or not...muslims will still want their sharia law, treat women like chattel, etc etc etc.

Its a warped religion and it teaches infidels and heathens that don't go along with their warped views, deserve to die.

There are no other religions with suicide bombers killing at the rates and numbers of Islam- not Hindu, not Buddhists, not Jews, not Christians, not atheists,......no one.

You're not fooling anyone with the "lone gunman", or "religious extremists" crap. It's Islam, pure and simple. The only "good Muslims" are non-practicing ones.

Shouldn't you be in the mosque CELEBRATING ALLAH's VICTORY-----issa?
I agree we should all stand up to terrorism....
Bullying other countries and changing regimes and creating safe heavens for terrorist groups. None existed when Gaddafi was in lybia, right? Saddam, right?
And let's not forget who aided al Qaeda against the USSR and he who financed ISIS at first in Syria.

The Muslim apologists are out in force, tweeting crap like "Muslim taxi drivers are offering free rides", and "Muslim doctors working hard to save lives tonight".

As i have stated many times before, the left will only dig its heels in more every time there is a terror attack. The far left is with Islam 100%, and always will be. The destruction of white, Christian, capitalist West is priority number one, and Islam is the best vehicle for that route.

And those who demand that everyone follow their policies otherwise they'll sling insults at them are out in an even larger force today.

No, the left isn't 100% with Islam, it's 100% with sensible and not being the schoolyard bully. You can justify your bullying as much as you want, but it's still bullying.

There are no bigger bullies than Islamists, although perhaps progressives are a close second.

Everyone should stand up against bullies and hatred, which is why we should all stand against Pisslam.
Ah. so you are a fan of Saddam, eh? No surprise there.

Muslims crave subjugation. That's exactly why every Muslim country in the world is an oppressive regime with no religious freedom and usually a human rights horror show.
Not really but no one can deny that things got worse and the US shouldn't have invaded that country.
I agree we should all stand up to terrorism....
Bullying other countries and changing regimes and creating safe heavens for terrorist groups. None existed when Gaddafi was in lybia, right? Saddam, right?
And let's not forget who aided al Qaeda against the USSR and he who financed ISIS at first in Syria.

The Muslim apologists are out in force, tweeting crap like "Muslim taxi drivers are offering free rides", and "Muslim doctors working hard to save lives tonight".

As i have stated many times before, the left will only dig its heels in more every time there is a terror attack. The far left is with Islam 100%, and always will be. The destruction of white, Christian, capitalist West is priority number one, and Islam is the best vehicle for that route.

And those who demand that everyone follow their policies otherwise they'll sling insults at them are out in an even larger force today.

No, the left isn't 100% with Islam, it's 100% with sensible and not being the schoolyard bully. You can justify your bullying as much as you want, but it's still bullying.

There are no bigger bullies than Islamists, although perhaps progressives are a close second.

Everyone should stand up against bullies and hatred, which is why we should all stand against Pisslam.
Ah. so you are a fan of Saddam, eh? No surprise there.
Again not true. Come again.
I agree we should all stand up to terrorism....
Bullying other countries and changing regimes and creating safe heavens for terrorist groups. None existed when Gaddafi was in lybia, right? Saddam, right?
And let's not forget who aided al Qaeda against the USSR and he who financed ISIS at first in Syria.

The Muslim apologists are out in force, tweeting crap like "Muslim taxi drivers are offering free rides", and "Muslim doctors working hard to save lives tonight".

As i have stated many times before, the left will only dig its heels in more every time there is a terror attack. The far left is with Islam 100%, and always will be. The destruction of white, Christian, capitalist West is priority number one, and Islam is the best vehicle for that route.

And those who demand that everyone follow their policies otherwise they'll sling insults at them are out in an even larger force today.

No, the left isn't 100% with Islam, it's 100% with sensible and not being the schoolyard bully. You can justify your bullying as much as you want, but it's still bullying.

There are no bigger bullies than Islamists, although perhaps progressives are a close second.

Everyone should stand up against bullies and hatred, which is why we should all stand against Pisslam.
Ah. so you are a fan of Saddam, eh? No surprise there.

Muslims crave subjugation. That's exactly why every Muslim country in the world is an oppressive regime with no religious freedom and usually a human rights horror show.
I'm not into obese women. But educate yourself. And don't generalise.
Before I moved to the US, every I went (Asia, Europe, Africa) they all stereotype and they say Americans are stupid, ignorant, arrogant, obese....it would've been stupid to believe that would it.
Moved here and yes there are stupid, ignorant and arrogant people...but not all Americans are.
Don't generalise Mr white ass.
Lol I married a Christian and we have 3 beautiful kids. My parents in law are catholic and Mormons we all get along fine. Active my cummunity pay my taxes, create jobs, volunteer and have friends from all walks of life, religions and races. So does 10 millions of Americans of Islamic faith. Put us all in the same basket as a nutjob. You just hurting yourself and no one else.
Of course you don't. To you, I am an infidel and need to be stoned to death because I don't know my place, right? And on my end...you can kiss my lily white american ass.
Well goody for you.
That's Mrs BODACIOUS white ass to you, sparky.
Now kiss it again.
Who said I was obese? Oh. wait. I am talking back to "da man" and you don't like that, so therefore..I must be fat? lol. Yer a dweeb. Now go ride your camel like a good boy.
No I actually admire strong women but not the racist ones, nor the ignorant ones.

I'm not into obese women. But educate yourself. And don't generalise.
Before I moved to the US, every I went (Asia, Europe, Africa) they all stereotype and they say Americans are stupid, ignorant, arrogant, obese....it would've been stupid to believe that would it.
Moved here and yes there are stupid, ignorant and arrogant people...but not all Americans are.
Don't generalise Mr white ass.
Lol I married a Christian and we have 3 beautiful kids. My parents in law are catholic and Mormons we all get along fine. Active my cummunity pay my taxes, create jobs, volunteer and have friends from all walks of life, religions and races. So does 10 millions of Americans of Islamic faith. Put us all in the same basket as a nutjob. You just hurting yourself and no one else.
Well goody for you.
That's Mrs BODACIOUS white ass to you, sparky.
Now kiss it again.
Who said I was obese? Oh. wait. I am talking back to "da man" and you don't like that, so therefore..I must be fat? lol. Yer a dweeb. Now go ride your camel like a good boy.
No I actually admire strong women but not the racist ones, nor the ignorant ones.

I'm not into obese women. But educate yourself. And don't generalise.
Before I moved to the US, every I went (Asia, Europe, Africa) they all stereotype and they say Americans are stupid, ignorant, arrogant, obese....it would've been stupid to believe that would it.
Moved here and yes there are stupid, ignorant and arrogant people...but not all Americans are.
Don't generalise Mr white ass.
Well goody for you.
That's Mrs BODACIOUS white ass to you, sparky.
Now kiss it again.
Who said I was obese? Oh. wait. I am talking back to "da man" and you don't like that, so therefore..I must be fat? lol. Yer a dweeb. Now go ride your camel like a good boy.
You mean the women who bow and grovel at your feet, right? And since when is islam a race? Methinks you are the ignorant one.
The Muslim apologists are out in force, tweeting crap like "Muslim taxi drivers are offering free rides", and "Muslim doctors working hard to save lives tonight".

As i have stated many times before, the left will only dig its heels in more every time there is a terror attack. The far left is with Islam 100%, and always will be. The destruction of white, Christian, capitalist West is priority number one, and Islam is the best vehicle for that route.

And those who demand that everyone follow their policies otherwise they'll sling insults at them are out in an even larger force today.

No, the left isn't 100% with Islam, it's 100% with sensible and not being the schoolyard bully. You can justify your bullying as much as you want, but it's still bullying.

There are no bigger bullies than Islamists, although perhaps progressives are a close second.

Everyone should stand up against bullies and hatred, which is why we should all stand against Pisslam.

Yes, religions tend to be bullies, Blasphemy seems to have come through Judaism to Christianity, and then in modern times Islam has used it too, as the Koran doesn't punish blasphemy.

Blasphemy is "do what we tell you and think how we tell you to think or we'll beat you up, or kill you". Ireland threatened to charge Stephen Fry with Blasphemy recently.

So, Islamic right wing extremists are the same as any other right wing extreme of any other religion, or non-religion.

For you to put Islam ahead and the "progressives" next seems to be nothing more than what is convenient for you. I disagree with your classification of the worst, however such people exist in all parts of life, left wing, right wing, religious, non-religious etc. It's a thing PEOPLE do, not just particular groups.
I'm sure you are racist if you tend to put a whole group in one basket, comes blacks, Asians or pepole that are different from your WHITE perfect ASS.
and no not all Muslim countries have camels :)

No I actually admire strong women but not the racist ones, nor the ignorant ones.

I'm not into obese women. But educate yourself. And don't generalise.
Before I moved to the US, every I went (Asia, Europe, Africa) they all stereotype and they say Americans are stupid, ignorant, arrogant, obese....it would've been stupid to believe that would it.
Moved here and yes there are stupid, ignorant and arrogant people...but not all Americans are.
Don't generalise Mr white ass.
That's Mrs BODACIOUS white ass to you, sparky.
Now kiss it again.
Who said I was obese? Oh. wait. I am talking back to "da man" and you don't like that, so therefore..I must be fat? lol. Yer a dweeb. Now go ride your camel like a good boy.
You mean the women who bow and grovel at your feet, right? And since when is islam a race? Methinks you are the ignorant one.
No I actually admire strong women but not the racist ones, nor the ignorant ones.

there are lots of "STRONG MUSLIMA WOMEN"-------the ones who put bombs on their stinking asses----
want some names? you can fantasize about them as so many muslim children do
I agree we should all stand up to terrorism....
Bullying other countries and changing regimes and creating safe heavens for terrorist groups. None existed when Gaddafi was in lybia, right? Saddam, right?
And let's not forget who aided al Qaeda against the USSR and he who financed ISIS at first in Syria.

The Muslim apologists are out in force, tweeting crap like "Muslim taxi drivers are offering free rides", and "Muslim doctors working hard to save lives tonight".

As i have stated many times before, the left will only dig its heels in more every time there is a terror attack. The far left is with Islam 100%, and always will be. The destruction of white, Christian, capitalist West is priority number one, and Islam is the best vehicle for that route.

And those who demand that everyone follow their policies otherwise they'll sling insults at them are out in an even larger force today.

No, the left isn't 100% with Islam, it's 100% with sensible and not being the schoolyard bully. You can justify your bullying as much as you want, but it's still bullying.

There are no bigger bullies than Islamists, although perhaps progressives are a close second.

Everyone should stand up against bullies and hatred, which is why we should all stand against Pisslam.

Terrorism is a convenient term, it excludes NATIONS. So if a nation does what a terrorist does, it's not terrorism. Convenient for the govts.

Countries should have self determination, and the US should accept this.
Yes, religions tend to be bullies, Blasphemy seems to have come through Judaism to Christianity, and then in modern times Islam has used it too, as the Koran doesn't punish blasphemy.

Blasphemy is "do what we tell you and think how we tell you to think or we'll beat you up, or kill you". Ireland threatened to charge Stephen Fry with Blasphemy recently.

So, Islamic right wing extremists are the same as any other right wing extreme of any other religion, or non-religion.

For you to put Islam ahead and the "progressives" next seems to be nothing more than what is convenient for you. I disagree with your classification of the worst, however such people exist in all parts of life, left wing, right wing, religious, non-religious etc. It's a thing PEOPLE do, not just particular groups.[/QUOTE]

It is clear that you never read the Koran-------Islam is that which muslim scholars SAY IT IS. For an
an understanding of islam, pay attention to the details of ISLAMIC LAW (shariah)
I'm sure you are racist if you tend to put a whole group in one basket, comes blacks, Asians or pepole that are different from your WHITE perfect ASS.
and no not all Muslim countries have camels :)

No I actually admire strong women but not the racist ones, nor the ignorant ones.

I'm not into obese women. But educate yourself. And don't generalise.
That's Mrs BODACIOUS white ass to you, sparky.
Now kiss it again.
Who said I was obese? Oh. wait. I am talking back to "da man" and you don't like that, so therefore..I must be fat? lol. Yer a dweeb. Now go ride your camel like a good boy.
You mean the women who bow and grovel at your feet, right? And since when is islam a race? Methinks you are the ignorant one.
I bet you googled Bodacious Ass, didn't ya? Now go fwap to it, then blame me for making you get a woody under the tarp you wear cuz I made ya look.:rofl:

Unravel the towel from yer head. It's cutting off circulation.
The Muslim apologists are out in force, tweeting crap like "Muslim taxi drivers are offering free rides", and "Muslim doctors working hard to save lives tonight".

As i have stated many times before, the left will only dig its heels in more every time there is a terror attack. The far left is with Islam 100%, and always will be. The destruction of white, Christian, capitalist West is priority number one, and Islam is the best vehicle for that route.

And those who demand that everyone follow their policies otherwise they'll sling insults at them are out in an even larger force today.

No, the left isn't 100% with Islam, it's 100% with sensible and not being the schoolyard bully. You can justify your bullying as much as you want, but it's still bullying.

There are no bigger bullies than Islamists, although perhaps progressives are a close second.

Everyone should stand up against bullies and hatred, which is why we should all stand against Pisslam.

Yes, religions tend to be bullies, Blasphemy seems to have come through Judaism to Christianity, and then in modern times Islam has used it too, as the Koran doesn't punish blasphemy.

Blasphemy is "do what we tell you and think how we tell you to think or we'll beat you up, or kill you". Ireland threatened to charge Stephen Fry with Blasphemy recently.

So, Islamic right wing extremists are the same as any other right wing extreme of any other religion, or non-religion.

For you to put Islam ahead and the "progressives" next seems to be nothing more than what is convenient for you. I disagree with your classification of the worst, however such people exist in all parts of life, left wing, right wing, religious, non-religious etc. It's a thing PEOPLE do, not just particular groups.

WTF are you blabbering about? Blasphemy? Muslims are literally blowing kids up and you're here whining about Judaism and Christianity and claiming everyone else is just as bad.

You're obviously one of the ones that wants to just keep your head firmly planted in the ground.

I'm sure you are racist if you tend to put a whole group in one basket, comes blacks, Asians or pepole that are different from your WHITE perfect ASS.
and no not all Muslim countries have camels :)

No I actually admire strong women but not the racist ones, nor the ignorant ones.

I'm not into obese women. But educate yourself. And don't generalise.
That's Mrs BODACIOUS white ass to you, sparky.
Now kiss it again.
Who said I was obese? Oh. wait. I am talking back to "da man" and you don't like that, so therefore..I must be fat? lol. Yer a dweeb. Now go ride your camel like a good boy.
You mean the women who bow and grovel at your feet, right? And since when is islam a race? Methinks you are the ignorant one.
Also..I don't care if someone has a lily white ass, dark chocolate ass, green ass, blue ass. If they are muslim...they are warped. That is not racism, sparky.:funnyface:
Didn't it tell you are a racist?
You keep confirming it in every post.Scum!!!
I'm sure you are racist if you tend to put a whole group in one basket, comes blacks, Asians or pepole that are different from your WHITE perfect ASS.
and no not all Muslim countries have camels :)

No I actually admire strong women but not the racist ones, nor the ignorant ones.

I'm not into obese women. But educate yourself. And don't generalise.
Who said I was obese? Oh. wait. I am talking back to "da man" and you don't like that, so therefore..I must be fat? lol. Yer a dweeb. Now go ride your camel like a good boy.
You mean the women who bow and grovel at your feet, right? And since when is islam a race? Methinks you are the ignorant one.
I bet you googled Bodacious Ass, didn't ya? Now go fwap to it, then blame me for making you get a woody under the tarp you wear cuz I made ya look.:rofl:

Unravel the towel from yer head. It's cutting off circulation.
for the record-------Weird' comments on "blasphemy" are idiotic------technically SOCRATES was charged with
and executed for BLASPHEMY He was not Christian, jewish, or muslim
Wrong wrong and wrong.
Most of us Muslims assimilate just fine, love live and let live. This craziness has too many factors one big one is the interference of world powers in muslim countries.

Iraq was very stable under Saddam, no Isis no chaos, they toppled him and hell break loose.
The west want cheap oil they back puppets and invade countries and they help isis when it's necessary and create a good atmosphere to recruit and brainwash the crazies.
Most of us Muslims we just want to work, take care of our families and enjoy life ad much as we can. No one is craving to me a Virgin in after life but a mental p weer son and those are probably 0.0001%. Just like any other group or religion.

Let's be serious...bombings and invasions will make matters worse.
Isis do recruit and brainwash easily when there is an invasion or agression on a Muslim country. They can't brainwash 1.5 billion Muslims but the few crazies do make too much noise.

Not a find an excuse for the terrorists, but invading Iraq, Afghanistan, distabilizing others created this chaos.
No. Drones believing there are 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven..prolly 10 year old virgins at that..and male...are the ones that create this chaos.

I am being serious. And it looks to me like 1.5 billion are being brainwashed daily. Whether there is aggression or not...muslims will still want their sharia law, treat women like chattel, etc etc etc.

Its a warped religion and it teaches infidels and heathens that don't go along with their warped views, deserve to die.

There are no other religions with suicide bombers killing at the rates and numbers of Islam- not Hindu, not Buddhists, not Jews, not Christians, not atheists,......no one.

You're not fooling anyone with the "lone gunman", or "religious extremists" crap. It's Islam, pure and simple. The only "good Muslims" are non-practicing ones.

No, there aren't. There also aren't other religions which are putting up with so much pressure from the West.

Iraq was invaded, Libya bombed, Afghanistan invaded by the Soviets and the Americans, Syria has turned into a playground for Russia and the Americans, other countries are basically forced to accept what they don't like in order to not end up like these other countries. This anger builds up, and there's enough money there for Islamic Extremism to be coming from the countries, like Saudi Arabia, who don't want to be invaded.

As for your last statement, I'm guessing you don't know much about Islam around the world.
Anyway..I will leave you to your celebration of tonights event in England. I am sure you are thrilled one of your people took out a bunch of infidels.

Keep on trolling :).

I'm sure you are racist if you tend to put a whole group in one basket, comes blacks, Asians or pepole that are different from your WHITE perfect ASS.
and no not all Muslim countries have camels :)

No I actually admire strong women but not the racist ones, nor the ignorant ones.

I'm not into obese women. But educate yourself. And don't generalise.
Who said I was obese? Oh. wait. I am talking back to "da man" and you don't like that, so therefore..I must be fat? lol. Yer a dweeb. Now go ride your camel like a good boy.
You mean the women who bow and grovel at your feet, right? And since when is islam a race? Methinks you are the ignorant one.
Also..I don't care if someone has a lily white ass, dark chocolate ass, green ass, blue ass. If they are muslim...they are warped. That is not racism, sparky.:funnyface:

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