explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Shall I hazard a guess that some Islamoterrorist organization will claim responsibility?
Again -- I posed the question what religion -- any religion --- has to do with this event.
That question has zero answer.

When you have zero answer --- you don't have the right question. Premise fails.

Okay, Pogo, let's take a look at the available evidence:

1) It was a suicide bombing. They found the remains of the bomb vest and bomber where the explosion occurred.
2) It targeted children, mainly tweens and teen girls. Which consisted a majority of the audience in attendance.
3) It was most likely a response to Trump's speech urging the Islamic faith to drive out the radical element in Saudi Arabia yesterday.

Considering those three things, it smells of radical Islam, seeing as radical Islam treats women as pure garbage, and the the preferred tactics the extremists use is suicide bombing, and Trump himself has made it clear he wishes to eradicate terrorism.

Three plausible points. As is the suggestion that the timing is to coincide with Rump's travels.

But none of those factors points to a religion. Some point to a radical political group that operates in the name of religion, but then so did the aforementioned Eric Rudolph, Bobby Joe Rogers et al --- and nobody called for "nuking the Vatican". Anybody in the world can claim to operate in the name of religion. Just as I could claim to call myself a tree.

Okay, not a fair comparison --- we actually found out the identities of those Christian perps, whereas in this case we have nothing.

And yet --- on the basis of that nothing --- we've got armchair wags here who would "nuke Mecca" and wipe all mosques off the earth, on the basis of absolutely nothing but their own paranoia.

"I'm paranoid, and therefore you billion people must die".

Now THAT's terrorism. And it's fucked up thinking.

We have an addendum to the above aside from the paranoia angle:

Every Mosque should be raided, nobody knows what is happening in these Mosques

Got that? "Every mosque should be raided" on the bases that "nobody knows what's going on in there".
There's a rationality train wreck for ya.

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay. The above was followed IMMEDIATELY by this:

what we do know is that many Imans have preached hatred of the West

Following all this? "Nobody knows what's going on in there but meanwhile here's what we know that's going on in there".

Your silly debate of semantics is amusing to me. You thought you had a big gotcha-moment when she said "no one knows what's going on in there". You're taking her a little too literally, retard. :laugh:

You mean, I caught here in a contradiction.

It's OK. She knows.

That's because she posted out of emotion, before thinking it through.
Lot o' that going around.
Doubling down on stupid just means you are twice as dumb as we originally thought.
Again -- I posed the question what religion -- any religion --- has to do with this event.
That question has zero answer.

When you have zero answer --- you don't have the right question. Premise fails.

Okay, Pogo, let's take a look at the available evidence:

1) It was a suicide bombing. They found the remains of the bomb vest and bomber where the explosion occurred.
2) It targeted children, mainly tweens and teen girls. Which consisted a majority of the audience in attendance.
3) It was most likely a response to Trump's speech urging the Islamic faith to drive out the radical element in Saudi Arabia yesterday.

Considering those three things, it smells of radical Islam, seeing as radical Islam treats women as pure garbage, and the the preferred tactics the extremists use is suicide bombing, and Trump himself has made it clear he wishes to eradicate terrorism.

Three plausible points. As is the suggestion that the timing is to coincide with Rump's travels.

But none of those factors points to a religion. Some point to a radical political group that operates in the name of religion, but then so did the aforementioned Eric Rudolph, Bobby Joe Rogers et al --- and nobody called for "nuking the Vatican". Anybody in the world can claim to operate in the name of religion. Just as I could claim to call myself a tree.

Okay, not a fair comparison --- we actually found out the identities of those Christian perps, whereas in this case we have nothing.

And yet --- on the basis of that nothing --- we've got armchair wags here who would "nuke Mecca" and wipe all mosques off the earth, on the basis of absolutely nothing but their own paranoia.

"I'm paranoid, and therefore you billion people must die".

Now THAT's terrorism. And it's fucked up thinking.

We have an addendum to the above aside from the paranoia angle:

Every Mosque should be raided, nobody knows what is happening in these Mosques

Got that? "Every mosque should be raided" on the bases that "nobody knows what's going on in there".
There's a rationality train wreck for ya.

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay. The above was followed IMMEDIATELY by this:

what we do know is that many Imans have preached hatred of the West

Following all this? "Nobody knows what's going on in there but meanwhile here's what we know that's going on in there".

Your silly debate of semantics is amusing to me. You thought you had a big gotcha-moment when she said "no one knows what's going on in there". You're taking her a little too literally, retard. :laugh:

You mean, I caught here in a contradiction.

It's OK. She knows.

That's because she posted out of emotion, before thinking it through.
Lot o' that going around.

No you are getting wound because everyone is agreeing with me because I'm correct and nobody is agreeing with you because you're wrong on every point you've made in this thread from saying what does strapping explosives to yourself have to do with religion to you polarising in on what to others are trivialities.
It sucks. Course libs won't talk about our POUS, who calls things as they are as opposed tuck tail and run.
I hear they are confirming a suicide bomber

And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

It has nothing to do with a religion, a cult might be involved however we will find out more later.
It is a religious act based on a twisted view of Islam.

To ignore that is just dumb. Just like the nuts who attack planned parenthood based on their view of how they perceive God's word about life.

ALL RELIGIONS are a poison to the earth imo but Islam is by far the most evil.

It's not a "twisted view" of Islam, it is Islam pure and simple. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were appalled by the Muslim terrorist pirates they had to deal with because they claimed they had a right to raid ships, and that right was given to them by the Quran.

And don't Americans think they have the right to invade any country they like? "Oh, this leader's sitting on top of lots of oil, and he killed a few people, so let's invade and pretend we're the world's police, but over there, that African country has no oil and is massacring its people, fuck it, we don't want to get involved, we're not the world's police you know"
Okay, Pogo, let's take a look at the available evidence:

1) It was a suicide bombing. They found the remains of the bomb vest and bomber where the explosion occurred.
2) It targeted children, mainly tweens and teen girls. Which consisted a majority of the audience in attendance.
3) It was most likely a response to Trump's speech urging the Islamic faith to drive out the radical element in Saudi Arabia yesterday.

Considering those three things, it smells of radical Islam, seeing as radical Islam treats women as pure garbage, and the the preferred tactics the extremists use is suicide bombing, and Trump himself has made it clear he wishes to eradicate terrorism.

Three plausible points. As is the suggestion that the timing is to coincide with Rump's travels.

But none of those factors points to a religion. Some point to a radical political group that operates in the name of religion, but then so did the aforementioned Eric Rudolph, Bobby Joe Rogers et al --- and nobody called for "nuking the Vatican". Anybody in the world can claim to operate in the name of religion. Just as I could claim to call myself a tree.

Okay, not a fair comparison --- we actually found out the identities of those Christian perps, whereas in this case we have nothing.

And yet --- on the basis of that nothing --- we've got armchair wags here who would "nuke Mecca" and wipe all mosques off the earth, on the basis of absolutely nothing but their own paranoia.

"I'm paranoid, and therefore you billion people must die".

Now THAT's terrorism. And it's fucked up thinking.

We have an addendum to the above aside from the paranoia angle:

Every Mosque should be raided, nobody knows what is happening in these Mosques

Got that? "Every mosque should be raided" on the bases that "nobody knows what's going on in there".
There's a rationality train wreck for ya.

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay. The above was followed IMMEDIATELY by this:

what we do know is that many Imans have preached hatred of the West

Following all this? "Nobody knows what's going on in there but meanwhile here's what we know that's going on in there".

Your silly debate of semantics is amusing to me. You thought you had a big gotcha-moment when she said "no one knows what's going on in there". You're taking her a little too literally, retard. :laugh:

You mean, I caught here in a contradiction.

It's OK. She knows.

That's because she posted out of emotion, before thinking it through.
Lot o' that going around.
Doubling down on stupid just means you are twice as dumb as we originally thought.

Doubling down on ad hom just demonstrates you can't handle the rationality.

The thing is --- I already knew that. That's why I wasn't addressing you in the first place.

It sucks. Course libs won't talk about our POUS, who calls things as they are as opposed tuck tail and run.

If you mean POTUS, he calls everything in multiple ways, so chances are, he'll get something right, a thousand monkeys + typewriters = Shakespeare.
I first heard of her on a tv show where her sucky brother played a game (Big Brother). He was loathed then..and now. He was loathed more when Arianna got her millions of fans to vote for him as Best Player....and he still lost out. Nothing like a good rig, eh?

Then I forgot about her until the Donut Licking Hate America thing.
Three plausible points. As is the suggestion that the timing is to coincide with Rump's travels.

But none of those factors points to a religion. Some point to a radical political group that operates in the name of religion, but then so did the aforementioned Eric Rudolph, Bobby Joe Rogers et al --- and nobody called for "nuking the Vatican". Anybody in the world can claim to operate in the name of religion. Just as I could claim to call myself a tree.

Okay, not a fair comparison --- we actually found out the identities of those Christian perps, whereas in this case we have nothing.

And yet --- on the basis of that nothing --- we've got armchair wags here who would "nuke Mecca" and wipe all mosques off the earth, on the basis of absolutely nothing but their own paranoia.

"I'm paranoid, and therefore you billion people must die".

Now THAT's terrorism. And it's fucked up thinking.

We have an addendum to the above aside from the paranoia angle:

Every Mosque should be raided, nobody knows what is happening in these Mosques

Got that? "Every mosque should be raided" on the bases that "nobody knows what's going on in there".
There's a rationality train wreck for ya.

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay. The above was followed IMMEDIATELY by this:

what we do know is that many Imans have preached hatred of the West

Following all this? "Nobody knows what's going on in there but meanwhile here's what we know that's going on in there".

Your silly debate of semantics is amusing to me. You thought you had a big gotcha-moment when she said "no one knows what's going on in there". You're taking her a little too literally, retard. :laugh:

You mean, I caught here in a contradiction.

It's OK. She knows.

That's because she posted out of emotion, before thinking it through.
Lot o' that going around.
Doubling down on stupid just means you are twice as dumb as we originally thought.

Doubling down on ad hom just demonstrates you can't handle the rationality.

The thing is --- I already knew that. That's why I wasn't addressing you in the first place.

Tissue? I'm not crying; I'm laughing at you. We ALL are. :laugh:
And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

It has nothing to do with a religion, a cult might be involved however we will find out more later.
It is a religious act based on a twisted view of Islam.

To ignore that is just dumb. Just like the nuts who attack planned parenthood based on their view of how they perceive God's word about life.

ALL RELIGIONS are a poison to the earth imo but Islam is by far the most evil.

It's not a "twisted view" of Islam, it is Islam pure and simple. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were appalled by the Muslim terrorist pirates they had to deal with because they claimed they had a right to raid ships, and that right was given to them by the Quran.

And don't Americans think they have the right to invade any country they like? "Oh, this leader's sitting on top of lots of oil, and he killed a few people, so let's invade and pretend we're the world's police, but over there, that African country has no oil and is massacring its people, fuck it, we don't want to get involved, we're not the world's police you know"
Fuck you and your equivalency bullshit.
When was the last time America invaded anyone then made a b line for the nearest gathering of children in an attempt to kill them?

Fucking scumbag
And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

It has nothing to do with a religion, a cult might be involved however we will find out more later.
It is a religious act based on a twisted view of Islam.

To ignore that is just dumb. Just like the nuts who attack planned parenthood based on their view of how they perceive God's word about life.

ALL RELIGIONS are a poison to the earth imo but Islam is by far the most evil.

It's not a "twisted view" of Islam, it is Islam pure and simple. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were appalled by the Muslim terrorist pirates they had to deal with because they claimed they had a right to raid ships, and that right was given to them by the Quran.

And don't Americans think they have the right to invade any country they like? "Oh, this leader's sitting on top of lots of oil, and he killed a few people, so let's invade and pretend we're the world's police, but over there, that African country has no oil and is massacring its people, fuck it, we don't want to get involved, we're not the world's police you know"

Then why haven't we invaded every oil rich nation?
You are pissed at her fans for being glad that she's alive. And you have expressed an almost jihadist-like hatred for her and her family.

You are serving as an excellent example of the typical Trump supporter.
And your reading comprehension pretty much sucks.
I commented on her fans praising her as safe yet no word about the many who DIED while there. Hello?? Anyone home, McFly?
Oh her fans are supposed to have a prepared statement about the attack? Maybe they should be posting about how she and her family are stupid instead, like you have been. :rolleyes:

oh her fans????????? ohhh really??

LOL too funny for words!:laugh:

fan fan fan fuck her fans

LOL what?:laugh:

Wow look at you saying fuck you to a lot of dead people tonight. Congratulations.

what did Ariana died in the terrorist attack???
No. Are you sad about that, like Gracie?
Three plausible points. As is the suggestion that the timing is to coincide with Rump's travels.

But none of those factors points to a religion. Some point to a radical political group that operates in the name of religion, but then so did the aforementioned Eric Rudolph, Bobby Joe Rogers et al --- and nobody called for "nuking the Vatican". Anybody in the world can claim to operate in the name of religion. Just as I could claim to call myself a tree.

Okay, not a fair comparison --- we actually found out the identities of those Christian perps, whereas in this case we have nothing.

And yet --- on the basis of that nothing --- we've got armchair wags here who would "nuke Mecca" and wipe all mosques off the earth, on the basis of absolutely nothing but their own paranoia.

"I'm paranoid, and therefore you billion people must die".

Now THAT's terrorism. And it's fucked up thinking.

We have an addendum to the above aside from the paranoia angle:

Every Mosque should be raided, nobody knows what is happening in these Mosques

Got that? "Every mosque should be raided" on the bases that "nobody knows what's going on in there".
There's a rationality train wreck for ya.

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay. The above was followed IMMEDIATELY by this:

what we do know is that many Imans have preached hatred of the West

Following all this? "Nobody knows what's going on in there but meanwhile here's what we know that's going on in there".

Your silly debate of semantics is amusing to me. You thought you had a big gotcha-moment when she said "no one knows what's going on in there". You're taking her a little too literally, retard. :laugh:

You mean, I caught here in a contradiction.

It's OK. She knows.

That's because she posted out of emotion, before thinking it through.
Lot o' that going around.
Doubling down on stupid just means you are twice as dumb as we originally thought.

Doubling down on ad hom just demonstrates you can't handle the rationality.

The thing is --- I already knew that. That's why I wasn't addressing you in the first place.


Forget about tissues I think you need some Play Doh :smoke:


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