Explosion outside Kabul, Afghanistan airport: LIVE UPDATES

Joe Biden has proven to be an enemy of the state, and he's acting in a way which threatens the national security of the United States.

He should be dealt with accordingly...
You STFU you piece of shit retard.
The entire world thinks you brainwashed functional morons are nuts. And the hatred just amazing. Change the channel. God will not be amused. No election steal, no vaccine problems You name it you are out of your minds just like your pundits. Try real news.
Start by reading the agreement with the Taliban that included swift and harsh retaliation if they failed to abide by the agreement. Former VP Pence detailed this earlier this week. It's not my job to inform you blithering idiot left wingers.
I’m sorry an agreement made with the Taliban? Lol. The Taliban made an agreement with Biden about the 8/31 deadline. Obviously they don’t keep their word. Why do you trust terrorist organization like the Taliban? That doesn’t make any sense.
Joe Biden has proven to be an enemy of the state, and he's acting in a way which threatens the national security of the United States.

He should be dealt with accordingly...
You are a brainwashed functional traitor to the United States of America. Poor America. Change the channel you mindless dingbat.
Biden ordered Bagram air base closed in the middle of the night. When people came to work, they found the base locked and empty. The Taliban swept in and seized the material and weapons that the Afghan army could not get to. Predictably the Afghan forces collapsed in disarray.
Biden has to own the fact that so many Americans were still there when he announced the drop dead date on 8-31, and why his admin stuck to the predictions that the Afghan could hold out. Why they didn't is because of Trump's decisions to free 5K taliban including Bandar and freeze out the Afghans from negotiations.

But the media seems to be ignoring this is already a huge air evacuation. The problem now is getting 1500 Americans to the airport.

He announced the final withdrawal back in April. They had time to get out.

I don't think the elitist who own the media are ready to give up on 'Nation Building' just yet. Think of all the fortunes that were made.
The entire world thinks you brainwashed functional morons are nuts. And the hatred just amazing. Change the channel. God will not be amused. No election steal, no vaccine problems You name it you are out of your minds just like your pundits. Try real news.
Bullshit. Scumbag retard.
Biden needs to resign.


By lunch.

What a piece of fucking shit. I've never actually prayed for someone to suffer an aneurysm, but, damn...
Kumquat Harris is way less competent than Chaos Biden. She does give good advice on shopping. The entire administration has to go.
Start by reading the agreement with the Taliban that included swift and harsh retaliation if they failed to abide by the agreement. Former VP Pence detailed this earlier this week. It's not my job to inform you blithering idiot left wingers.
Trump removed 75% of our troops leaving only 2500 regulars. Trump also released 5000 Taliban fighters before he left office. He admitted it was a set up to force the new administrations to withdraw.
Trump removed 75% of our troops leaving only 2500 regulars. Trump also released 5000 Taliban fighters before he left office. He admitted it was a set up to force the new administrations to withdraw.
America must suffer big time. People like you will not learn any other way.

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