Explosion outside Kabul, Afghanistan airport: LIVE UPDATES

Earth to Billy he's had ample advice on how to manage the withdrawal, he ignored it and pushed forward with this moronic plan while reassuring the world the Afghan government would remain in control, the Taliban would not sweep across the country taking over. Biden is living in a fantasy world.
That's false. He was advised the afghans could hold out. The question is why his advisors were so wrong. But sure, he owns it.
Thanks for the stupidest wars ever in Iraq and Afghanistan, the corrupt world depression of 2008, by far the worst reaction to the pandanic anywhere, and the worst propaganda machine and brainwashed zombies in our history. Get your damn shots and s t f u lol
You STFU you piece of shit retard.
I don't believe Trump's plan included leaving Americans behind. I don't think Trump's plan included leaving millions of dollars of munitions and armaments in Afghanistan>

This is all on Biden. He's the one executing it, and he's proving to be, at best, monumentally inept.

Joe Biden could fuck up a vacant lot...
These Americans have been told to leave for months and mainly dual citizens. Trump negotiated without the Afghan government, allowed 5,000 terrorists to be let out of prison. This has gone very well until today.
He wasn't blaming the service members.
The service members will suffer for it though. This man in power destroyed the previous man in power with his many remarks, telling us progressive socialists know better. You remember all of the laughing? Promises were made, gifts were exchanged! And here we are. Truthfully, Biden does not have to anything. He is controlled by something else.....May I say this...If it is by the village, America is dead.
Lol then you should be able to tell me what the advice was. Be specific.
Start by reading the agreement with the Taliban that included swift and harsh retaliation if they failed to abide by the agreement. Former VP Pence detailed this earlier this week. It's not my job to inform you blithering idiot left wingers.
The Neo-GOP are very happy to see the attack so they can intensify their abysmal denigration of America.
Start by reading the agreement with the Taliban that included swift and harsh retaliation if they failed to abide by the agreement. Former VP Pence detailed this earlier this week. It's not my job to inform you blithering idiot left wingers.
nnnnnoooo, you said Biden was advised of the Afghan army collapse. put up or shut up, LIar
These Americans have been told to leave for months and mainly dual citizens. Trump negotiated without the Afghan government, allowed 5,000 terrorists to be let out of prison. This has gone very well until today.
Thats bullshit, STOP blaming others for this STUPID IDIOTS , IDIOTIC MISTAKES
These Americans have been told to leave for months and mainly dual citizens. Trump negotiated without the Afghan government, allowed 5,000 terrorists to be let out of prison. This has gone very well until today.

Oh, okay. It's going very well.

That must be why the international community is condemning Biden. Even Adam Schiff is blasting Biden over this.

If this has been "going well", I'd hate to see what it's like when it goes bad...
Now it is murder by Biden and Libturds

No link yet, just happened. Will follow

I've been around for several decades and I just can't think of a bigger foreign policy debacle than this. Only thing that comes to mind is when we left Vietnam or if you want to count the Iran Hostage Crisis and subsequent failed mission to rescue them.
Chaos Biden is insisting that Americans WANT TO STAY. He will give another speech on how bad those are who refuse covid vaccinations. That will fix it.

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