Explosive Development: Rep. Adam Schiff Linked to Prominent Ukrainian Arms Dealer!

Do you have anything like a prominent news source. I don't bother with alternate news sources.

Don't get me wrong I would not be shocked if all the big wigs of the dem party were in bed with criminal activities.
if its a felony for you to lie before Congress, it should be a felony for Congress to lie before you!
Do you have anything like a prominent news source. I don't bother with alternate news sources.

Don't get me wrong I would not be shocked if all the big wigs of the dem party were in bed with criminal activities.
Gateway Pundit is a prestigious institution. I'm White MAGA Man. I have White Power!
Adam Schiff Linked to Prominent Ukrainian Arms Dealer!

And obviously to Soros.
It ain't over, the dem skanks are above the law. What part of that don't you understand? Laws mean nothing to those SOB's.
Do you have anything like a prominent news source. I don't bother with alternate news sources.

Don't get me wrong I would not be shocked if all the big wigs of the dem party were in bed with criminal activities.
Gateway Pundit is a prestigious institution. I'm White MAGA Man. I have White Power!

The original source is The Duran.

The Duran has no about page. As well they are trying to hide their agenda. Always be skeptical.
I clicked on their source. . .
Adam Schiff's collusion with oligarch, Ukrainian arms dealer, exposed

I'm not saying it isn't true, just that, perhaps a more unbiased source, or a second confirmation source should be found.
Do you have anything like a prominent news source. I don't bother with alternate news sources.

Don't get me wrong I would not be shocked if all the big wigs of the dem party were in bed with criminal activities.
Gateway Pundit is a prestigious institution. I'm White MAGA Man. I have White Power!
I think that you are putting too much emphasis on a story that is based off a story by another source. It is nothing but hearsay.
If you can find another more respected source I will be happy to read it and put some backing into it.
Do you have anything like a prominent news source. I don't bother with alternate news sources.

Don't get me wrong I would not be shocked if all the big wigs of the dem party were in bed with criminal activities.

Why is nobody surprised at your comment?
You refuse to even bother to read the source and certainly don't bother to follow all the valid links to other sources backing up the story.
You are a real sicko.
![/QUOTE said:
I think that you are putting too much emphasis on a story that is based off a story by another source. It is nothing but hearsay.
If you can find another more respected source I will be happy to read it and put some backing into it.
Isn't that exactly what is happening with the whistleblower?
Do you have anything like a prominent news source. I don't bother with alternate news sources.

Don't get me wrong I would not be shocked if all the big wigs of the dem party were in bed with criminal activities.

Why is nobody surprised at your comment?
You refuse to even bother to read the source and certainly don't bother to follow all the valid links to other sources backing up the story.
You are a real sicko.
Son you are almost comical. Do you want to be upset because I refuse to read and quote the Onion? Are you upset set that I don't quote the Daily Kos? How about I only read and quote CNN? Show me a link to NBC, CBS, Fox and I will bother reading it. Until then I consider it just so much a hit peice with no backing by journalistic morals.

You might actually read my first reply before you go off on some tangent.
Was Pencil Neck Adam the Schiff-ty Eyed Bastard always a lying scum bastard or did this behavior not start until after Trump was elected? I have to admit I had never heard of the weasel until after the 2016 election.

Adam Schiff is a highly respected prosecutor, with a history of working on intelligence matters. You never heard of Schiff before the 2016 election because the Republicans have held the House since 2010, and Democrats refused to participate in the 5 years of Benghazi witch hunts that went on during and after the 2012 election.

It amazing that the same people who kept calling for Clinton and Obama to be investigated over and over until "something was found" on one or both of them, are now screaming about the injustice of a 2 year Russian investigation. The Russia Investigation produced enough fines and crimes to pay for itself. 5 years of Benghazi Hearings and not a single charge, not a single allegation of wrong doing by either Obama or Clinton.

The fact that Trump is having the State Department continue to investigate Hillary Clinton's emails, shows how desperate and unhinged this Administration has become.
Do you have anything like a prominent news source. I don't bother with alternate news sources.

Don't get me wrong I would not be shocked if all the big wigs of the dem party were in bed with criminal activities.
The Gateway Pundit is about 100X more honest than the NYT.
Do you have anything like a prominent news source. I don't bother with alternate news sources.

Don't get me wrong I would not be shocked if all the big wigs of the dem party were in bed with criminal activities.
The Gateway Pundit is about 100X more honest than the NYT.
Whether I believe any news organization is not in question. There are many on here each day posting from Daily Kos, Breitbart and other left or right leaning sources that do almost to none factual leg work. They only go off rumor and innuendo.

I would not take anything CNN would post. I take every major news organization with a grain of salt. I compare what every major news source says and then decide which to trust. Sometimes you pick up a crumb of truth in one news story and another crumb from another source.

I do not denegrate anyone for reading any news source. I do believe that if only one source is reporting it the information maybe suspect.
Do you have anything like a prominent news source. I don't bother with alternate news sources.

Don't get me wrong I would not be shocked if all the big wigs of the dem party were in bed with criminal activities.
The Gateway Pundit is about 100X more honest than the NYT.
Whether I believe any news organization is not in question. There are many on here each day posting from Daily Kos, Breitbart and other left or right leaning sources that do almost to none factual leg work. They only go off rumor and innuendo.

I would not take anything CNN would post. I take every major news organization with a grain of salt. I compare what every major news source says and then decide which to trust. Sometimes you pick up a crumb of truth in one news story and another crumb from another source.

I do not denegrate anyone for reading any news source. I do believe that if only one source is reporting it the information maybe suspect.

If you would bother to check this out, you would find links to PBS and a number of Tweets by a variety of people who know the truth of what's going on.
Was Pencil Neck Adam the Schiff-ty Eyed Bastard always a lying scum bastard or did this behavior not start until after Trump was elected? I have to admit I had never heard of the weasel until after the 2016 election.

Adam Schiff is a highly respected prosecutor, with a history of working on intelligence matters. You never heard of Schiff before the 2016 election because the Republicans have held the House since 2010, and Democrats refused to participate in the 5 years of Benghazi witch hunts that went on during and after the 2012 election.

It amazing that the same people who kept calling for Clinton and Obama to be investigated over and over until "something was found" on one or both of them, are now screaming about the injustice of a 2 year Russian investigation. The Russia Investigation produced enough fines and crimes to pay for itself. 5 years of Benghazi Hearings and not a single charge, not a single allegation of wrong doing by either Obama or Clinton.

The fact that Trump is having the State Department continue to investigate Hillary Clinton's emails, shows how desperate and unhinged this Administration has become.
You are one HIGHLY BRAINWASHED individual, a loser loony lib no doubt. Little Adam Schiff-for brains is a despicable pencil-neck weasel that has a fondness for young men and should have his ass kicked out of Congress. There, fixed it for you, dumba**.

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