Explosive revelations: Audit: Wisconsin Could Have Counted Enough Illegal Votes To Tip The 2020 Election To Biden

So people who want audits are deranged?
Oh, that's all it is? Just one more audit?

How about desperately clinging to weird ass conspiracy theories because you can't go on without your ginger crush winning? And to do that you must hibernate away from society and seek out only news sources who feed into your derangement. It's like a bunch of incels who frantically seek out the guidance of douchebag pick up artists just so they can believe they actually have a shot.

You guys are pathetic.
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No it doesn't SHRED ... if 15% of the mail in ballots were phony... that's all it would take!
And yes I agree... Dems got votes... but not from real people!
Look at these signatures and tell me they are from the same voters.
View attachment 573782
That's from this article about how signatures change over time and unfortunately ballots have been rejected over it. So, at least get the context of your image right as it demonstrates something else.

The silver lining is because of the 2020 election republican legislatures all over the country are tightening voter and ballot rules shortening time to count ballots and redistricting their states....
Sucks to be a dem.....
I've heard all the b.s. before. The very fact that Joe Biden didn't feel the need to actually leave his basement
and mount an actual presidential campaign tells everyone that Joe and his democrat trainers were
aware the fix was in.
And the more Joe was hidden away and the media carried the load for Mentally Impaired
Joe, it was apparent Biden didn't feel to need to campaign, or wasn't allowed to spend his time
in public where he was naked, so to speak, before the people.

You can only conduct an entire campaign riding on the backs of absentee ballots once!
That trick is gone. The left gets credit for what they stole...but they can never keep what they
took and the mid terms and 2024 elections will snap back on them and leave horrible bruising
and pain.
And...with control of the government back we will be able to dig deep and find out exactly how
the Biden presidency ever came to be.
Whomever the Democratic candidate was going to be, we Democrats would have voted for them....even a Bernie, if it came down to it, for the moderates.....that's how tired we were of Trump and his abuse, corruption, and lies.

Then add to that his reckless campaigning events, put that cherry on the top!

I know that's hard for Trump supporters to understand....
There is none...you are right...but a speech from him after the fact requesting audits and investigations would have been the stand up manly thing to do...Wisconsin is not the lone Ranger here...wake up...this happened in many states...we are being ruled by an illegitimate president that can't do the job and has gotten people killed and is ruining lives....

This is so pitiful and all for Trumpie's lies.
81,000,000 >74,000,000
The beauty of this is that as producers we will get as low as you. ..."Oh yes...massa...gots to slow down"..."Gots to be inferior in what we duz"...Revenge and vengeance works in all ways. Following your love of the Soviet Union ways must also include how the Soviet Union fell.
The beauty of this is that as producers we will get as low as you. ..."Oh yes...massa...gots to slow down"..."Gots to be inferior in what we duz"...Revenge and vengeance works in all ways. Following your love of the Soviet Union ways must also include how the Soviet Union fell.

What bullshit are ewe Baaaaaaaabling.
What bullshit are ewe Baaaaaaaabling.
When nations become stifling to their citizens, they become more uncaring in their habits of work. I have given you an excuse for the inner cities there. But for them it is Progs who have done the damage. Compare businesses in the inner cities to those outside it. The same companies with many stores. The babbling is so funny there. But it is expensive. I went in just one direction here.
When nations become stifling to their citizens, they become more uncaring in their habits of work. I have given you an excuse for the inner cities there. But for them it is Progs who have done the damage. Compare businesses in the inner cities to those outside it. The same companies with many stores. The babbling is so funny there. But it is expensive. I went in just one direction here.

Except it made no sense.
None of this matters.

Whoever gets sworn in on Jan. 20 is the President. PERIOD.

Better luck next time, losers!
Actually after January 6th 2021 it was all over and yet so many people focus on the past and not the present and future that they will lose in 2022 if they keep on living in the past..
Oh, that's all it is? Just one more audit?

How about desperately clinging to weird ass conspiracy theories because you can't go on without your ginger crush winning? And to do that you must hibernate away from society and seek out only news sources who feed into your derangement. It's like a bunch of incels who frantically seek out the guidance of douchebag pick up artists just so they can believe they actually have a shot.

You guys are pathetic.
We will never, ever be on the same side in bad times again.
We will never, ever be on the same side in bad times again.
Is that a threat or a promise?

Same side as what, weirdo? Following the laws of the land, the Constitution and fair elections vs. Wingnut temper tantrums when life isn't going their way?
81,000,000 >74,000,000
20 million illegal ballots after doors were closed and the trucks were emptied. We know, we know. Xiden didn't stand a chance so trucks were used to bring in all necessary ballots. Hey, it worked, ignorant americans won't audit those ballots. Now GA, WI and AZ know what really did happen. The evidence is slowly seeping out.
20 million illegal ballots after doors were closed and the trucks were emptied. We know, we know. Xiden didn't stand a chance so trucks were used to bring in all necessary ballots. Hey, it worked, ignorant americans won't audit those ballots. Now GA, WI and AZ know what really did happen. The evidence is slowly seeping out.

Roll with that, ewe and your ilk have been laughed out of court every time ewe try!!!!

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