Explosive revelations: Audit: Wisconsin Could Have Counted Enough Illegal Votes To Tip The 2020 Election To Biden

With all of these "shocking revelations" and "bombshells" I wonder when they are actually going to do something?

I'd love nothing more than to see Biden and his administration out before they do some damage we can't walk away from, but man it's tiring always seeing new information to be announced and nothing ever happens.

It's time to shit or get off the pot.
Trump lost by 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, & WI. I'm waiting to see what the audits find, if anything.
So far I haven't seen any formal results.
In PA their supreme court illegally extended the deadline for receiving votes. Just saying, there were issues in a lot of states that may or may not have affected the election results.
Arizona audit is already done, chump. You can read about it below... (Spoiler Alert: Biden Won. Again) :auiqs.jpg:

Arizona ‘audit’ finds Biden won (by more votes) and no evidence of fraud​

Right. PA, MI, GA, AZ.
It would be unlikely if Wisconsin was the only state to fall under the umbrella of the Zuckerberg
plan to hijack the election.

All the likely swing states were targeted and the ground floor was made ready by Facebook Boy
and his Center for Tech and Civic Life millions.

NPR looks at the hijacking and sees the glass as half full.

It looks like acknowledgement that Zuckerberg "saved" (stole) the election with his millions of dollars in grants
to change state laws and open the flood gates for every sort of illegal voting scheme imaginable.
it was all rigged, my friends

For those people that have a short attention span, here is a very limited summation of the above article:

1) The review of ballot certificates revealed that 1,022 of the ballots reviewed (representing 6.9 percent or 14,811 reviewed ballots) “had partial witness addresses because they did not have one or more components of a witness address, such as a street name, municipality, state, and zip code.”
  • Fifteen of them (0.1 percent) “did not have a witness address in its entirety,”
  • while eight (less than 0.1 percent) “did not have a witness signature,”
  • and three (less than 0.1 percent) “did not have a voter’s signature.”
While this does not necessarily sound like a major problem with incorrectly filled-out ballot certificates, when those numbers are applied to the 1,963,954 total mail-in votes cast in Wisconsin, it reveals a significant problem.

NOTE: of the 1,963,954 mail in ballots..., IF 6.9% or 135,513 were questionable,
what % of the
questionable ballots would have to be NOT COUNTED of the 20,682 vote margin of Biden over Trump?

Just 15% of the 135,513 QUESTIONABLE votes would
NOT BE counted for Biden to have Trump win!

2)According to Wisconsin Statute 6.84(2), ballots that do not have complete voter and witness names, addresses, and signatures on their certificates “may not be counted
and “may not be included in the certified result of any election.”

3) VoteCast survey estimates that 58 percent of Biden voters and 40 percent of Trump voters cast absentee ballots, either by mail or early in-person.

Assuming that this trend held in Wisconsin, and that none of these absentee ballots were disqualified by election officials, a rough estimate indicates
many more Biden votes than Trump votes should legally not have been counted.

4) Of the 957,977 people who registered to vote for the first time in 2020,
45,665 did not match Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT) driver’s license records.
5) This means that 45,665 people voted after providing information on their new voter registration that did not match DOT records, and WEC.

BUT of course there was zero, nada, zilch election fraud in these Democrat swing states:
Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin
None of this matters.

Whoever gets sworn in on Jan. 20 is the President. PERIOD.

Better luck next time, losers!
It would be unlikely if Wisconsin was the only state to fall under the umbrella of the Zuckerberg
plan to hijack the election.

All the likely swing states were targeted and the ground floor was made ready by Facebook Boy
and his Center for Tech and Civic Life millions.

NPR looks at the hijacking and sees the glass as half full.

It looks like acknowledgement that Zuckerberg "saved" (stole) the election with his millions of dollars in grants
to change state laws and open the flood gates for every sort of illegal voting scheme imaginable.

We won because we voted....we voted like our very lives depended on it. We were organized, we recognized where we were weak and where republicans used our voting system to disenfranchise citizens of their vote, and went out and taught people how to fill out absentee ballots properly, making certain to sign the envelops and other things when required, even Obama had a video on it, training voters.

We had teams of people to follow up with voters whose absentee ballots were rejected, and got them in to the election offices to cure their ballots of any mistakes or signature matches.

There is nothing illegal about any of that....no matter who is donating to the cause....

You all just counted on Trump rallies....and claiming the election was stolen 6 months before the election occurred , and causing ruckus at the voting places and vote counting places, and phony lawsuits . Your organizational skills in the real world, sucks. :D
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We won because we voted....we voted like our very lives depended on it. We were organized, we recognized where we were weak and where republicans used our voting system to disenfranchise citizens of their vote, and went out and taught people how to fill out absentee ballots properly, making certain to sign the envelops and other things when required, even Obama had a video on it, training voters.

We had teams of people to follow up with voters whose absentee ballots were rejected, and got them in to the election offices to cure their ballots of any mistakes or signature matches.

There is nothing illegal about any of that....no matter who is donating to the cause....

You all just counted on Trump rallies....and claiming the election was stolen 6 months before the election occurred , and causing ruckus at the voting places and vote counting places, and phony lawsuits . Your organizational skills in the real world, sucks.
I've heard all the b.s. before. The very fact that Joe Biden didn't feel the need to actually leave his basement
and mount an actual presidential campaign tells everyone that Joe and his democrat trainers were
aware the fix was in.
And the more Joe was hidden away and the media carried the load for Mentally Impaired
Joe, it was apparent Biden didn't feel to need to campaign, or wasn't allowed to spend his time
in public where he was naked, so to speak, before the people.

You can only conduct an entire campaign riding on the backs of absentee ballots once!
That trick is gone. The left gets credit for what they stole...but they can never keep what they
took and the mid terms and 2024 elections will snap back on them and leave horrible bruising
and pain.
And...with control of the government back we will be able to dig deep and find out exactly how
the Biden presidency ever came to be.
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Lefties don't believe that states that voted for Biden had fraudulent votes but they are willing to believe that a Trump state was rigged. Freaking hypocrites.
I called them "JUNK MAIL Voting"...
"JUNK MAIL Voting" allows BALLOTS to be mailed to all addresses that are on the voting registration rolls...ALL!
Then the returned ballot signature form compared at that time with driver's license or some other
form...totally allowing THIS to happen!
That's why in person voting is
1) MOST secured, Mail in ballots,
2) and the least secured "JUNK MAIL voting"!
Now some people don't believe mass ballot mailings occur. FACTS.
Eight states – California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, and Washington – conduct what are commonly referred to as all-mail elections.
These states did ---Automatic mail-in ballot systems mandate that all eligible voters receive either a ballot or ballot application by default.
I.E. "JUNK MAIL Voting"! Everyone on the voting rolls gets a ballot... alive or dead!
We won because we voted....we voted like our very lives depended on it. We were organized, we recognized where we were weak and where republicans used our voting system to disenfranchise citizens of their vote, and went out and taught people how to fill out absentee ballots properly, making certain to sign the envelops and other things when required, even Obama had a video on it, training voters.
The absolute ^^^^^^^ truth.
The deniers HATE the fact that (D) got their act together and got people to vote.
That is exactly what happened.
All this 'basement talk' and 'stolen election" are the real BS.

See Below for expected reactions from local RWI.
I've heard all the b.s. before. The very fact that Joe Biden didn't feel the need to actually leave his basement

That's why we need thorough audits in all swing states that went to Biden.

I called them "JUNK MAIL Voting"...
"JUNK MAIL Voting" allows BALLOTS to be mailed to all addresses that are on the voting registration rolls...ALL!

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