Explosives found in World Trade Center dust

and claim they did or made..
I don`t go for conspiracy theory crap either but the counter arguments here are absolutely ridiculous...i`ll just box a few of them in here, and the names of those who wrote that are`nt important

did you know that at inspection points around the country they get false readings of explosives all the time? Many things can seem to be the dreaded explosives and then upon further investigation turn out to be nothing at all.

Thermite = aluminum and rust. It can be found nearly everywhere if you want it to be found.

And if it "is" nano-thermite then it was produced in a special process that only the u.s. Military industrial complex is privy to which means it can come from only 1 place.

However, i'm not convinced it existed before 9-11
in any event, if the tech does exist it is highly secretive.

1. Nano thermite is not an explosive. The false readings you refer to are trace nitrates and there are no nitrates in thermite.
2.thermite= aluminum and rust...that guy is an wikipaedia internet "chemist" and tries to pose as an expert
3 . Only the u.s. Is privy how it`s made..
He thinks, because it`s not posted in wikipedia it`s a "secret" only the u.s. M.i.c. Knows
4.it did not exist before "911"....again because the instant googler "chemists" come up empty, so it does or did not exist.

Well i have news for you! there are a lot of people who know how to make "nano thermite", not just "thermite" which is all you`ll ever find in wikipedia
and it`s not mad out of "rust" and aluminium. that`s how "thermite" was made in stone age chemistry times, as a welding, not a cutting material...because this "thermite" leaves molten iron behind the same way an arc-welder electrode leaves a puddle of iron and fuses 2 parts together i.e. "welding"!

cutting thermite is something entirely different and the core principle is not fe(+3) and fe(2)o(3) as in simple rust!
It`s :

+, but not necessarily aluminium ! Because with magnesium it gets even hotter, and the "ballistic speed"= meters/second is almost 2 x as with al !

Since when is the technique how to make "nano" sized particle "a secret, that only the u.s" knows...????
everybody in the pharmaceutical industry knows how to make these, and that`s where these m.i.c. "super scientists" got it from...they did not invent it

it`s done in a spray drier, the same way how "instant coffee" is spray dried. All you have to do is up the spray nozzle pressure and the particle size in the hot air counter flow tube get smaller and smaller, the higher the pressure.... And larger with less spray pressure.
you can "dial in" any particle size you want...!!!!, even if you are not part of a "super secret military lab..."

shit they just buy that stuff from chem-plants that have spray drier...one of these is just outside memphis!
They make "nano thermite" and stock pile it

ask @ the gate, maybe they`ll give you a tour through the plant...then you`ll know a heck of a lot more instead of sitting in front of a pc all day long every day and google or "wiki" dicky your brains down to moron levels and calling other people "stupid"

and no, the stuff you want to dry to "nano" sized particles does not have to be in solution, you can use a suspension.
Fuck i hate using this stupid word "nano" here, because it should really be micro and certainly not nano
of course no matter how much you up the nozzle pressure, the lower size limit is your particle size in suspension.
So for nano sized particles to make "nano" thermite you use "electrolytic sponges" of the iron, and the al or mg component, whichever the work sheet say you are supposed to make, mix them in a vat as an aqueous suspension in proper proportion and run it into the spray drier at ~ 350 psi nozzle pressure.

i know because i did make "nano" thermite ...and lots of it, unlike you here who says "i made thermite i know what it does"
if i want to have a good laugh, i either read news papers or read what "experts" post in forums, like this one.

I only looked in here because i do find it a bit puzzling how some of these buildings collapsed at such speed into their own footprint...but no way would i hope to find an actual expert on this subject in a public discussion forum, where everybody seems to know everything without ever having had to study 1 single semester or pass one single exam. "google" makes instant experts out of every idiot with an internet connection these days
even the word "nano" in front of the new 911 buzz word "nano thermite" is a bunch of crap..
it`s far from being a nano sized particle its in fact a micro particle...
Else you would not be able to package it, because it would run through the packaging material like water thru a noodle sieve if it were "nano" ....this is just a name it got from people who heard of it and really have no exact idea what it is, how it`s made and who all, does make it
the process can`t be patented, because spray driers have already been patented, and unless somebody more clever than i can outsmart the patent legislation and patent it, then he will have to make it public how he made it and then the rest of you "experts" can look it up @ wikipedia with the other knowledge crumbs for bird brains

and all these ever all knowing "experts" who ridicule everyone who questions the official story how these buildings collapsed are the ones that are really stupid...
They use the "nano" in front of the thermite and insist the same way as the people they want to ridicule that "the u.s. Military..are the only people who know"....how to make "nano thermite"....which is how the theorists want to show who took these buildings down in the first place!

fuck, before you ridicule people who don`t believe everything that`s being said on tv or in news papers, make sure you don`t say dumber things than the people you want to call dumb!

troll....total fake
Explosive Residues

Independent researchers have discovered a highly engineered explosive-incendiary material in several dust samples collected near the WTC site. In their paper, entitled Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, nine researchers, led by chemist Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen, conclude:

“[T]he red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.”

Harrit, Farrer, Jones, Ryan, Legge, Farnsworth, Roberts, Gourley, Larsen, “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe,” Bentham Open Access, 2009.
And 1000 degree heat didn't set this thermite off..... So interesting that it is unbelievable.

what are you talking about ???...grasp for straws or what

How hot were the fires in the WTC? And how hot does thermite burn? There would not have been all this active thermite floating around. It all would have been ignited. Even you should understand that.
and 1000 degree heat didn't set this thermite off..... So interesting that it is unbelievable.

what are you talking about ???...grasp for straws or what

how hot were the fires in the wtc? And how hot does thermite burn? There would not have been all this active thermite floating around. It all would have been ignited. Even you should understand that.

the fires were confined to several floors
what are you talking about ???...grasp for straws or what

how hot were the fires in the wtc? And how hot does thermite burn? There would not have been all this active thermite floating around. It all would have been ignited. Even you should understand that.

the fires were confined to several floors

So you are making the claim that there was active thermite planted in the buildings but that enough of it didn't ignite that these people could find it in the dust?

So whoever rigged the building not only was sharp enough to do it without being seen or arising suspicions, but the were also incompetent enough to not get it right.....

God you make it so easy.
And 1000 degree heat didn't set this thermite off..... So interesting that it is unbelievable.

what are you talking about ???...grasp for straws or what

How hot were the fires in the WTC? And how hot does thermite burn? There would not have been all this active thermite floating around. It all would have been ignited. Even you should understand that.
Wrong, the type of charges allegedly used have very specific conditions of ignition and detonation, if applied in a liquid form like paint, it dries to form a durable coating that requires a high-temperature igniter to start the reaction by heating a spot to the 2,200ºC ignition temperature.
A nanothermite kicker charge is stable up to a very high temperature and is encased in a protective insulating capsule shaped like a fire-extinguisher bottle. They apparently have very specific conditions of ignition and detonation.
how hot were the fires in the wtc? And how hot does thermite burn? There would not have been all this active thermite floating around. It all would have been ignited. Even you should understand that.

the fires were confined to several floors

So you are making the claim that there was active thermite planted in the buildings but that enough of it didn't ignite that these people could find it in the dust?

So whoever rigged the building not only was sharp enough to do it without being seen or arising suspicions, but the were also incompetent enough to not get it right.....

God you make it so easy.

It is possible the equipment installation was disguised so that the very workers doing the installation work are oblivious to the fact that they are installing demolition equipment. None of the equipment looks anything like conventional demolition gear, no wires or det cord if 2-channel wireless micro-detonators were used. Even the planes could have been directed to their targets with the remote control technology available for apparently decades now.
Heck from what I read this stuff could be made in ceiling tiles.
the fires were confined to several floors

So you are making the claim that there was active thermite planted in the buildings but that enough of it didn't ignite that these people could find it in the dust?

So whoever rigged the building not only was sharp enough to do it without being seen or arising suspicions, but the were also incompetent enough to not get it right.....

God you make it so easy.

It is possible the equipment installation was disguised so that the very workers doing the installation work are oblivious to the fact that they are installing demolition equipment. None of the equipment looks anything like conventional demolition gear, no wires or det cord if 2-channel wireless micro-detonators were used. Even the planes could have been directed to their targets with the remote control technology available for apparently decades now.
Heck from what I read this stuff could be made in ceiling tiles.

Spoken like someone who has never gone anywhere and has never done a damn thing in her life.

So workers were installing bombs and not knowing....You're just fucking stupid enough to believe something like that could really happen.

Can you post a picture of a "2 channel wireless micro-detonator" for us? Please. Or is that something else you just made up--like that story where we were supposedly planting WMDS in Iraq...remember that?

And let me get this straight...the planes that were now guided into the targets didn't dislodge any of these "2 channel wireless micro-detonators" or are they also indestructible in your mind?

It literally never ends with you losers.

By the way, Bush won Ohio twice. Say hi to CD for me. :razz:

Fuck off bitch.
how hot were the fires in the wtc? And how hot does thermite burn? There would not have been all this active thermite floating around. It all would have been ignited. Even you should understand that.

the fires were confined to several floors

So you are making the claim that there was active thermite planted in the buildings but that enough of it didn't ignite that these people could find it in the dust?

So whoever rigged the building not only was sharp enough to do it without being seen or arising suspicions, but the were also incompetent enough to not get it right.....

God you make it so easy.

it could of been planted on the lower third of the building...according to the controlled demolition expert and former employee of controlled demolition inc .. popular mechanics favorite source to quote and cite as the worlds leading experts on controlled demolition
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what are you talking about ???...grasp for straws or what

How hot were the fires in the WTC? And how hot does thermite burn? There would not have been all this active thermite floating around. It all would have been ignited. Even you should understand that.
Wrong, the type of charges allegedly used have very specific conditions of ignition and detonation, if applied in a liquid form like paint, it dries to form a durable coating that requires a high-temperature igniter to start the reaction by heating a spot to the 2,200ºC ignition temperature.
A nanothermite kicker charge is stable up to a very high temperature and is encased in a protective insulating capsule shaped like a fire-extinguisher bottle. They apparently have very specific conditions of ignition and detonation.

Go paint some "thermite paint" on one of those huge steel beams. It won't do much to that beam when ignited except a flash burn. All it might do is give it a rough texture. It certainly could not melt the beam. Thermite paint would not slowly & evenly heat the beams to over 550 degree so it could be bent without cracking like the steady heat from the office fires did.
the fires were confined to several floors

So you are making the claim that there was active thermite planted in the buildings but that enough of it didn't ignite that these people could find it in the dust?

So whoever rigged the building not only was sharp enough to do it without being seen or arising suspicions, but the were also incompetent enough to not get it right.....

God you make it so easy.

it could of been planted on the lower third of the building...according to the controlled demolition expert and former employee of controlled demolition inc .. popular mechanics favorite source to quote and cite as the worlds leading experts on controlled demolition

And that same former employee described how the beams had to be cut with a torch and the elevators removed and the beams in the shafts cut......

Sorry but he is telling you that it didn't happen while you fools are hearing that it did.
In its July 2008 Draft Report for Public Comment, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) initially claimed that Building 7 collapsed 40% slower than free fall acceleration.

Why would NIST want to say Building 7 did not experience free fall?


Your comprehension on this issue is zero.

He was asked about the TOTAL collapse time, not a portion of it. Hence the total collpase time was not at free fall, but 40% slower....
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Oh geezus :eusa_doh: candycorn posts here? :omg:


is that ANY surprise? shouldnt be since he is the biggest troll of message boards.You DO know that he posts at SEVERAL message boards right? so why the surprise that the biggest attention seeking troll is here at this site as well?
So you are making the claim that there was active thermite planted in the buildings but that enough of it didn't ignite that these people could find it in the dust?

So whoever rigged the building not only was sharp enough to do it without being seen or arising suspicions, but the were also incompetent enough to not get it right.....

God you make it so easy.

it could of been planted on the lower third of the building...according to the controlled demolition expert and former employee of controlled demolition inc .. popular mechanics favorite source to quote and cite as the worlds leading experts on controlled demolition

And that same former employee described how the beams had to be cut with a torch and the elevators removed and the beams in the shafts cut......

Sorry but he is telling you that it didn't happen while you fools are hearing that it did.

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Go paint some "thermite paint" on one of those huge steel beams. It won't do much to that beam when ignited except a flash burn. All it might do is give it a rough texture. It certainly could not melt the beam. Thermite paint would not slowly & evenly heat the beams to over 550 degree so it could be bent without cracking like the steady heat from the office fires did.
The fires at the WTC 7 did not, could not have heated up all the critical beams and supports to cause the symmetrical collapse resembling a CD. The building would have partially collapsed to the weakest side and would have been noticeable by the outer facade showing signs of displacement. Instead it collapsed at free fall speed for 2.25 seconds, and fell in one large unit.
The fire in 1975 at the WTC north tower, it burned six floors for three hours, and did not cause the BS NIST says happened on 9-11.

On February 13, 1975, the WTC North Tower was beset by a fire, which "burned at temperatures inexcess of 700deg.C. (1,292F) for over three hours and spread over some 65 percent of the 11th floor, including the core, caused no serious structural damage to the steel structure. In particular, no trusses needed to be replaced" (NY Times, 2-15-1975).

NIST's own studies "found no evidence that any of the core columns had reached temperatures of even 482deg.F (250degC.)"

A whopping 99 floors of weight above the affected area, as opposed to 12 and 28 on 9/11.

"It was like fighting a blow torch" according to Captain Harold Kull of Engine Co. 6... ³Flames could be seen pouring out of 11th floor windows on the east side of the building.

So now you know that the WTC towers were well designed and quite capable of surviving a serious fire. I repeat that this was a very hot fire that burnt through the open-plan office area of the eleventh floor and spread up and down the central core area for many floors. This was a serious fire. So why didn't it even partially collapse?
What happened to your fires "heated the beams slowly and EVENLY on that day? You have no concept of heating up steel, nor how it dissipates heat. There is no way these fires caused the symmetrical collapse and pulverization of the WTC buildings, to believe they did is a display of ignorance.
Concerning WTC7-
Further problems for NIST's new story result from admissions NIST has made about the state of the fires in the building, and the design of the structure. NIST admits that the fires in WTC 7 were typical office fires, and that the fires could not move from floor to floor.

"Their growth and spread were consistent with ordinary building contents fires." NCSTAR 1A, p xxxii
"There was no evidence of floor-to-floor fire spread until perhaps just before the WTC 7 collapse. Thus, the fire-rated floors were successful as fire penetration barriers." NCSTAR 1A, p 55

Add to these facts that NIST admitted in their December 2007 advisory committee meeting that the fuel load could only support 20 minutes of fire in any given location. Hardly enough time to support your crazy assumption that the fires " moved slowly and evenly" at the required temps...to alll the critical load beams...at the same time...to cause the symmetrical collapse and freefall of the building.

NIST now has a new "obvious" story. The new story is based on a "new phenomenon" of thermal expansion whereby fully insulated steel beams are exposed to temperatures of 600�C in only 32 minutes. Believe it or not, NIST actually says this happened in only a few seconds (NCSTAR 1-9, table 8-2, p 353).

This extreme temperature, which did not weaken the beams at all, as would have happened in WTC 1 or WTC 2, broke all the shear studs, seat bolts and clip bolts on all the beams of the east wall of WTC 7. The beams then expanded linearly, pushing the girder between column 79 and column 44 by a maximum of 2.2 inches, causing that critical girder to buckle and fall away from columns 79 and 44.

We have seen that this "initial local failure" is not realistic. This is because the fire times could not possibly have caused the high steel temperatures cited, the steel would not have remained rigid if those temperatures had been reached, and the very slight thermal expansion would not have been great enough to cause the extensive girder damage imagined by NIST.

we are led to believe that the one fallen girder caused one column to buckle and that meant the total destruction of this 47-story building in a matter of seconds. :cuckoo:

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